The “Ur” or U-Rune According to Friedrich Fischbach (1900)
This Rune, the Ur , has erroneously taken on the designation of Aurochs *, instead of holding onto the Closest thing: which is that Ur means ‘Universal’, ‘Absolute’, ‘Eternal’ and especially the ‘Heavens’.
However, the inverted Character may have referred to the Horns of the Aurochs . In India it means the Crescent-Moon, the Air or the Heavens. East Asia has 5 Elements, namely Earth, Fire, Water, Wood and Metal. The 5 Elements are named and depicted there in the following way (see the figure on the right):
[1] The Square or Kithi which means the Earth,
[2] the Circle or Ap which means the Water,
[3] the Triangle or Tedsch which means the Fire,
[4] the Crescent or Mant which means the Air,
[5] the uppermost Point or Bom which means the Ether, in which the World-Tree turns.In Sanskrit, the Pentagram
(which was also a Distinctive-Mark for Pythagoras) is called:
Kithi—ap—tedsch—mant—bom .
One forms a correct Pentagram, if one takes the right hand from the Heart to the Forehead, from there to the right Breast, then to the left and right Shoulder and back to the Heart (see figure on the left). Probably, the Names of the 5 Elements (whose Protection was sought) were pronounced as well.The Ur Rune thus expresses the Element that embraces the Earth, namely Heaven, the Primordial-Light or Ur-Light [Ur-Licht ] and Primordial-Eternity [Ur-Ewige ].
In ancient Sanskrit, the Fire-Rune is the Rooster (see figure on the right). The general Character for Fire is
= Siva or Shiva, and for Water it is
. The Union means Brahma (the six-pointed star). With the Hebrews, this Union is called the ‘Shield of David’. This Star is also an ancient character for an Inn or Tavern which typically served Wine, since in Wine: Fire is united with Water.
In the Edda, Heimdall (the God of the Primordial-Light or Ur-Light) is enthroned at the Top of the World-Tree, where he (as a guardian or watchman) announces the Dangers that threaten the Gods with a Horn.
In the past, they did not know how to explain the position of Heimdall (he who was the brightest of the Aesir and has nine Mothers who are also Sisters) atop the World-Tree, because the study of Fire-Worship was missing.
Since Heimdall personifies the Primordial-Light or Ur-Light, which is formed from all Flames, then if nine different sacred Woods burn on the Altar at the same time, then his Mothers are nine (different) Trees, who are at the same time Sisters.
-Paraphrase from Origin of Gutenberg’s Letters [Ursprung der Buchstaben Gutenbergs] (1900)
by Friedrich Fischbach
* The aurochs (also known as aurochsen, urus or ure) is an extinct species of large wild cattle that inhabited Asia, Europe and North Africa.
The “Ur” Rune According to Guido von List (1907)
ur = Primordial/Original [Ur ], Ur-Eternity [Urewigkeit ], Ur-Fire, the Primordial-Light or Ur-Light [Urlicht ], Ur-Bull (Ur-Procreation), Aurochs , Ur-State, (Life after Death [Leben nach dem Tode ]).
I learned Another [Rune], which People use
Who want to be Doctors.The Source [Urgrund or Ur-Reason] of all Phenomena is the “Ur ”.
Whosoever is able to recognize the “Ur”-Cause [„Ur“- Sache ] of an Event, for them the Incident itself – be it Hostile or Happy – is not an unsolvable Riddle. This is because they are able to find Means in order to banish Hostility or to increase Happiness.
Likewise, they are also able to recognize Pseudo-Evil and Pseudo-Happiness as such.
Therefore: “Know thyself, then Thou wilt know all!”
-Paraphrase from The Mystery/Secret of the Runes
[Das Geheimnis der Runen] (1907) by Guido Von List
The “Ur” Rune According to Ernst Tristan Kurtzahn (1924)
Exoterically: Life after Death [Leben nach dem Tode ]
Esoterically: Immortality, Ur-Light, Ur -Eternity.
Generally: Ur -Bull (=Ur -Procreation) to Come-Back-to-Life (= Life after Death) as well as Aurochs . [Also: ‘Eternal Life’ or Ewigen Leben ]This Rune teaches the Source [Ur-Grund or Ur-Reason], the Ur-Cause of all earthly and cosmic Phenomena. If one looks at the Rune, then one finds it quite similar to an inverted Latin “U”. However, the Rune points with one tip upwards and thereby indicates that all Occurrences are rooted in the eternal Ur-Reason.
The Source [Ur-Grund or Ur-Reason] is often represented by a Circle with a Middle-Point:
Let us remember that this comprehensive Symbol (which was chosen with good Reason) is the astronomical sign for the Sun.
Now let us consider that, according to the drawing of the Runic-Hexagon: the left vertical Beam of the Ur-Rune goes through this Middle-Point of the Circle representing God as the Source [Ur-Grund or Ur-Reason]. This contact of the God symbolizing Middle-Point is characteristically found in all Runes without exception, as God is also revealed in All.
If one has now recognized the Source [Ur-Grund or Ur-Reason] in everything, then one is also aware of the Deception of Substance, Matter, the Material World, which the Indians very correctly call the Veil of “Maya-Deception”. What is Matter or the Material World, but a Deception?
Every Substance (if it is composed of something) consists of Molecules, these in turn of Atoms, these of Electrons, which in turn are composed of positive and negative Ions. Now, this implies that Matter “in itself” is actually those Ions, and they turn out to be Etheric-Vortices [Ätherwirbel ] or electric Force-Fields swinging unimaginably fast according to certain Laws.
Thus the whirling Ur-Force [Ur-kraft ] pretends to be Bodies for the sense perception, but they are not present in Truth and their “Weight” can be sufficiently explained by their mutual electromagnetic Voltage-Ratios in relation to the Planet Earth.
Therefore, it is clear that the one who has recognized the Law of Vibrations and has mastered it, can use this Knowledge to heal (to be a Doctor). Healing-Magnetism [Heilmagnetismus ], including its development through “Odic Radiation [odische Strahlung ]” rooted in the Ur-Light, is certainly what is referenced in the Rune-Song.
Likewise with Medication, what is it that actually heals? Primarily the respective Vibrations and Radiations peculiar to the Medicine, in a similar Way as the Hand of the Magnetizer, who already has their great Predecessor in Jesus Christ.
-Paraphrase from The Runes as Salvation-Signs and for Unbinding-Fate
[Die Runen als Heilszeichen und Schicksalslose] (1924) by E. Tristan Kurtzahn
The “Ur” Rune According to R.J. Gorsleben (1930)
Letter U and Number 2.
Ur Rune, Ur-Bull, Wild Cattle, Ur-Arch, Urn, the World-Creation-Pool/Basin (the Pool of ‘Creative Water’).
Womb of the Mother as Source of the Life-Stream and Gateway into Existence.
Therefore the Ur-Arch-Valley (Ydallir ), where Ullr [pronounced “ULL-er”] the Archer lives, who was also the God of the Fountains (the Urda -source). Ullr causes the karmic-roots [Ursachen ] to strike back as revenge-carriers [ultor ].
Dr. Friedrich Teltscher’s Ur-word is Erfaßtes , meaning “That which is grasped” as well as Acquired, Captured, Detected, Sensed, etc.
“Another I call that is needy to all,
who act as healing Doctors:
Know thyself, and thou shalt know
the World and learn to separate Evil from Cause.”In the Nordic secret doctrine, the
Ur-Rune means Original-Light (Ur-Light), Eternity, etc. Ur-da is the Ur-Mother (the first Norn ), the Ur-Cause. Thus, this Rune nurtures the Source [Ur-Grund or Ur-Reason], the Ur-Cause of all Things earthly and cosmic.
Whosoever has recognized the Source [Ur-Grund or Ur-Reason] of all Things, has freed themselves from the Deception/Illusion of Substance, through the absolution of Matter/Material. The Mind understands Substance, in other Words it conceives of that which is Divisible, and everything Material/Matter is divisible. If we analyze Material/Matter, then eventually we arrive at the Atom, the Ur-Part, and we recognize that it too is something divisible, that it is a Compound, and thus that everything is subject to the Law of Vibrations.
Therefore, everything is ultimately Ur-Light and the root of all Healing-Force [Heilkraft ] is found in the Ur-Light through odic Radiation [odische Strahlung ]: the energy of Od . What heals in Medications is the Ur-Radiation-Force [Ur-Strahlungskraft ] of their Root-Essences [Grundwesens ] in communion with the power of Ur-Vibrational-Force [Ur-Schwingungskraft ] of the human-divine Structure [menschlich-göttlichen Gefüges ] that is composed of Flesh, Soul and Spirit.
The Ancients represented the unrevealed Divinity as a Circle. A Point in the Middle of the Circle means the Will to Action [Willen zur Tat ], which is the Source [Ur-Grund or Ur-Reason] of God.
It is no coincidence that the left vertical line of the Ur-Rune passes through this Source [Ur-Grund or Ur-Reason] of the Circle, which encloses the Hexagon (the physical World) and in whose center the 6 Beams of the All-Rune are intersecting. There, in that Central-Point, the unrevealed God rests.
As God reveals Himself in everything, so too do the Runes allegorize that which is Divine as a whole, touching the Central-Point of the Hag-All . It is also no Coincidence that the Angle-of-Inclination of the Ur-Rune’s central Beam corresponds to the Obliquity of the Ecliptic [Schiefe der Ekliptik ] and that it is at a right Angle with the radioactive Force-Fields of the Heart [radioaktiven Kraftfeldern des Herzens ].
If the Rune is depicted correctly, then (according to experience) the fingertips of the left and right Middle-Fingers come into strong involvement, which triggers a Feeling-of-Radiating into the Endless/Infinite [Strahlungsgefühl ins Unendliche ] through the Arms. In contrast, a Trickling-Feeling gently sliding down from right to left occurs, at the same time the Chest expands wide, the Spatial-Feeling grows, the physical Feeling-of-Heaviness subsides and the space-less, bodiless endless/infinite Vastness of the cosmic Human is Experienced.
South is right, North is left, the Middle-of-the-Heart is East, the Back is the West, left above the Head is the Zenith and on the right side below the right Thigh is the Nadir. Tune into these Directions and think about the Flow-of-Time.
If the Ur-Rune is posed while in deep Calm/Peace-of-the-Soul [Seelenruhe ], then the descending-magnetic Stream influences the Auditory-Nerve-Centers, there is an opening of the Ear, and we are consecrated to the planet Uranus… we have Ur-Hunches and we are the Ur-Ancestor ourselves.
The Ur-Fire (the Ur-Fyr ) surrounds us with its Ur-World-Warmth-Radiations [Ur-Welt-Wärmestrahlungen ] from the circling Stars. The Ur gives birth to the Ur-Order, as a result of the Turning of the Celestial-Bodies [Umschwung der Gestirne ], the Influence of which the Ancients knew and applied…
The Ur is the T-ur , the Door/Gate of Life [Tor des Lebens ]. Therefore, where there is a Door/Gate or a Bridge in an Emblem or Coat-of-Arms, there probably stood (in former times) the Ur-Rune itself. However, the letter or character “V” can also represent the Ur-Rune.
-Paraphrase from The Peak-Time of Humanity [Die Hoch-Zeit der Menschheit] (1930)
by Rudolf John Gorsleben
The “Ur” Rune According to S.A. Kummer (1932-1933)
(U) The U-Rune, Primordial [Ur ], the Ur-Fire, the Ur-Procreation, Ur-Birth, Ur-Spirit, Ur-Knowledge, Ur-Light, Ur-State, Ur-Matter, Ur-Cause, Ur-Eternity, Ur-Time, Origin [‘Urigin’], Ur-Script, Ur-Part, the Source or Ur-Reason, the Ur-Mother, the Norn Urda , Uranus, Ur-Arising, Ur-Being, Ur-Passing-Away. – Numerical value 2.
The Ur-Divine-Knowledge is a Faith in God, All-Father, the World-Spirit, from which all things have been made, who created all things, and in his Son, who carries the “Light of the Lands” and through whom All-Father reveals Himself to humanity. It is not a Sun-Worship-Religion, but a Sunny Faith-in-God, in All-Father, the World-Spirit, from whom everything comes and to whom everything returns.
Ur is the Rune of the true Healer and Doctor; it contains the Spiritual-Knowledge of all cosmic and earthly Phenomena. The Origin of Phenomena is the Ur , the Ur of the Universe, and the Ur of the Earth.
Ur is the Rune of the astral Radiation of the Ur-Light, of Magnetism. It contains the Knowledge of the beneficial use of the High, Odic, Astral Radiation from the Ur .
In the Ur-Rune-Position, the cosmic Rune-Stream can be picked up particularly well, which greatly strengthens the magnetic Force in the Practitioner. This is because, in this Position, the Nerve-Center of the Head is strongly excited and the calm, conscious Practitioner can also receive information through clairaudience or clairsentience (Ur – the Ear).
The Demonic form of the Ur -Rune is the overturned U-Rune = dwindling Ur -Knowledge, Ur -Delusion, impure Procreation, Blood-Burden.
Motto: “Know the Ur in thee – know thyself – then thou wilt know all.”
Kummer’s Full Body Rune Exercise(s):
The Practitioner again takes up the Ich-Rune-Position (Military “At-Attention”) followed by 7 Deep-Breaths through the Nose as in the 1st exercise. Then they practice the Rune-Position shown here: bend the Torso forward, so that the Fingertips almost touch the Ground. While Making this Rune, the “U” is to be sung in the Chest-Tone.
In this U-Rune-Position, rhythmic Breathing follows, 3 times. Mentally one visualizes that the Earth’s-Current, the Earth’s-Magnetism penetrates through their Feet, Legs, and even through the whole Body, strengthening their Life-Force and strengthening their Magnetism. The consumed Stream then springs out through the Fingertips into the Earth.
The Student then, again, takes up the Ich-Rune Position and repeats the whole Exercise at least 3 times. They pay attention to their Sympathetic-Nervous-System, and to their Solar-Plexus. If your Development is sufficiently advanced dear Brethren, then you will grasp the Law of Rhythm, the Vibration of our Earth. You then become a blessing-bringing, Healer, a Savior.
Ur , the Knowledge of Immortality, do you recognize it?
“Ur-Forces, already enough, have you felt,
How alive, and hot it flows through the Body.
Now bend the Torso so that the Earth cools it,
Divinity and Earth are reconciled in you…”After this Exercise, the Student lays down, stretched out with their Back on the Ground or the Lawn, with the Head to the North. Deep- and Full-Breathing again follows.
The Student’s magnetic Gaze is calm, but immobile, directed into the immense Vastness. Around them and below them flow the Earth-Waves [Erdwellen ], above them the Universal-Waves [Allwellen ]. One thinks sharply about the Idea that they are carried by these Earth-Waves like a Piece of Wood on the Water, but above them, the Universal-Waves [Allwellen ] pull them.
One feels this pull more and more; their Body is getting lighter and lighter, then one does not feel their body anymore. One feels disembodied, light and free. – Then one tries to stay completely without thought for one Minute.
If the Student falls asleep during this Practice, then they should not continue on the same Day. Also, one does this Exercise only when one knows that they are alone and unobserved. This is an important Pre-Exercise for later. If there is no Opportunity to do this Exercise outdoors, then it can be performed in the Room with the Window-Opened or on the Bed or Couch.
Kummer’s Hand Rune Exercise (‘Mudras’ or “Rune-Grips”):
The Rune Practitioner should take up the Ich-Rune-Position (Military “At-Attention”); this is followed by a deep Breathing-Exercise three times, with thoughts directed toward physical and spiritual purification; which must be observed with all the Rune-Grips. Figure 2 shows the Ur-Rune-Grip.
Your left Arm is bent below the Shoulder-Level, so that the Hand-Position comes to rest about 20 cm (or 8 inches) in front of your Eyes.
The Rune Practitioner sings “u-u-u” in different Tones and Volumes for three Minutes, then one takes a Pause for a moment. The “U-u-r-r” Sound-Formula is also recommended.
Each Rune-Grip must be repeated three times (for 3 Minutes each, followed by a short Pause in the Ich-Rune-Position between sets), since otherwise no satisfactory Collection of Subtle-Force [Feinkräfte ] can be reached in the Hand-Centers.
During the Pause, inner Meditation is directed to the Absorption of Ur-Force, to Ur-Knowledge, and to the Amplification of magical, magnetic Forces [Verstärkung der magischen, magnetischen Kräfte ].
Here the Rune Practitioner will detect, above all in the Finger-Tips and in the Hand-Center, a certain Cool, Lukewarm, or even Warm feeling. The Perception is different for every Rune Practitioner; as in every case of Magnetism, one feels a Coolness, another Warmth, because every Human-Being is polarized differently. One is more electric, the other more magnetic, consequently the Perception also occurs differently.
At the end of the Exercise, the Rune Practitioner should direct the collected Subtle-Forces [Feinkräften ] throughout the entire Body by conscious-willpower [willensbewußt ], and the advanced practitioner can observe a pale gold-orange or gold-green Oscillation of their Aura.
A strong Charge of electrical magnetic Forces [elektrisch magnetischen Kräften ] can be achieved through this Rune-Grip especially.
-Paraphrase from Holy Runic-Power [Heilige Runenmacht] (1932)
& Rune Magic [Runen-Magie] (1933) by Siegfried Adolf Kummer.
Additional Note: Kummer’s Singles Transmutation Exercise
In this same chapter on the Ur-Rune, Kummer also says the following:
The Student restricts Sexual-Intercourse to the utmost because the excessive Depletion of personal Magnetism hinders one’s own Development. Also, one considers that thereby their polarity is reversed by the other Person according to their spiritual Quality or even disharmonious Characteristics, and then one needs more Time to free themselves from these Vibrations.
Also, the Student (through their Higher-Development and the Refinement of their Body) can easily enter into Contact with otherworldly Beings who are hard to deal with and who want to mislead them into black Magic. So the Student controls themselves.
Additionally, one says to oneself daily:
“I want to consciously serve humanity.
I want to become a wise Magician and thus find that great, inner Peace and Harmony within myself.
I will unerringly go along the Path to All-Father.”The Student must acknowledge the Pineal-Gland, the Solar-Plexus and the Sympathetic-Nervous-System as the receiving stations of the general cosmic Vibrations. Further, all Rune-Exercises are directed thereon in order to master all these occult Force-Centers.
The Precondition for all Exercises is inner Contemplation, as well as a Life of noble Thoughts and Desires.
The Practitioner tries to transform their Procreative-Force [Zeugungskraft ] into beneficial Energy that then transforms their Brain and their occult Force-Centers. This Transformation can easily be carried out and can be done at any Time-of-Day, preferably when the Sex-Drive is most noticeable.
Exercise: This Exercise is best performed in the Ich-Rune-Position. The Student concentrates with full Willpower on the Transformation of their Procreation-Force [Zeugungskräfte ].
One vividly imagines that the Seminal-Fluid transforms into a gas-like, ethereal Substance and collects in the Abdomen, and then how the transformed Procreative-Force [Zeugungskraft ] rises up in one’s Spinal-Cord, unites in the Brain and the Pineal-Gland, and there increases the spiritual and occult Forces [geistigen und okkulten Kräfte ].
With this vivid Imagination, one performs their Breathing-Exercise and, while Inhaling, one holds the Mental-Picture of the Pulling-Up of the Procreative-Force [Zeugungskraft ].
If the Student has often performed this Practice, then they will really feel the Rising of this transformed Force [das Steigen dieser umgewandelten Kraft ] and they will be able to master their Sexual-Force [Geschlechtskraft ] at all Times.
-Paraphrase from Holy Runic-Power [Heilige Runenmacht] (1932)
by Siegfried Adolf Kummer
Rosicrucian and Gnostic
The “Ur” Rune According to Huiracocha
Beloved Disciple:
We already know about the
FA Rune, the Rune of Fire, of the animating and fecundating Fire whose vital energy and activity we have tried to inundate ourselves with by doing our practices, in order to benefit our daily life.
We need the Fire of enthusiasm, the vital ardor, for everything, that is to say we need Fire and Vivacity for all things, but, behold: the Fire is LIGHT.
It is a mistake to believe that the LIGHT is a product of the Fire as some people think.
No, the Fire, what it does (in this case) is to release the Light because the LIGHT is universal, it is at the gateway of Cosmic Life, in the Soul of the Logos, animating in all the areas of the Infinite and even vibrating in the tiniest Ion.
The LIGHT not only strikes our retina, not only penetrates into our eyes, but our very eyes are of Light, they are the Light itself.
This primordial, pure and eternal Light is referred to and taught to us by the
Ur Rune through its numerical value 2 and its correspondence with the letter U of our Alphabet.
Our language has had its changes and its modifications. In the Middle Ages, for example, SIME was said, whereas today we say SAME.
For us, on many occasions when the U was used, we have come to put the O in its place.
In this way ORIGIN, ORDER, URANUS, start from the same etymological root and are reminiscent of the ancient UR which was the seventh letter of the CELTIC alphabet and corresponds to our ancient UR.
Thus, for the Celts, the original inhabitants of Spain, there are many names with UR like “URA” (Burgos), “Urabain” and “Urarte” (Alava) and “Urallaga” (Viscaya).
We also have “Uraba” in Colombia and in the Gulf of Darien. “Uracoa” in Venezuela and in all of Mexico and Brazil we find a multitude of towns that begin with UR and thus is a Letter of the Original Alphabet whose meaning in German is PRIMITIVE, PRIMORDIAL, ORIGINAL and is constantly used in that sense as a prefix.
UR EWIG-KEIT is the Eternal Eternity. UHR is the Clock (the measure of time) and RUH is repose.
The ancients presented ‘God manifested’ through a circle with a point in the Center and ‘God unmanifested’ with a single circle without a central point. The point in the circle (symbol of the manifested) signifies the volitional part or that energy which is necessary for the attainment of manifestation and which disappears in the symbol of the unmanifested.
In some shields on ancient crests one finds the figure of the UR Rune and in others both circles. Now for some it is the UR looking up and for others it is looking down. This is the duality of Good and Evil, of God and Satan, of Heaven and Earth…
When writing the
UR, one notices that it is a reversed (or upsidedown) “A” and thus we can remember the Mantram AUM that begins with the two U’s (one upside down and the other right side up), which shows us that we must look for the current from above, from the Cosmos, at the same time as that one from below.
When our Initiating Teacher made known to us the pronunciation of AUM, through which he instantaneously presented us to the Astral Master, then we comprehended in which manner to draw those two U’s (A and V), and why there was such a singular pronunciation.
The Theosophists frequently speak of AUM but never in any work do they give these indications of its Occult Key.
This is probably because they do not know it and if they did know it then they can not give it in writing, which is strictly forbidden, but it is enough to think that way in order to go up and down concluding with the Mmmmmm, in order to guess the intonation, thus, the Initator did not tell me any more and with that I got it.
The Japanese present themselves before their Sovereign, who are first upright and then inclined (or bowing down) with a pronounced genuflection.
The same thing happens in many Churches, just as it is also prescribed in some Initiatic Rituals.
This movement is also reminiscent of that primitive runic practice.
The Square and the Compass of the Masons is the same symbol of LIGHT that results from the superposition of the V upon the U.Equal to this Masonic symbol is the Olin sign of the Ancient Mexicans and they are both clear evidence of the Nordic origin of the symbol.
Freemasonry was aware that there was a Great Secret in this sign, but lost the Key in its day, and today it is no more than a meager symbol of moral significance.
In Masonry, hands are touched (or gripped), greetings (or salutations) are executed, steps are verified and everyone is unaware of the reasons for these movements, ignoring that they are also reminiscent of the runic movements.
In the Museums of Mexico and Berlin, there exist many of these Runes that have similarity to a horseshoe filled with hieroglyphs that they try to translate and so far, very recently, some Archaeologists have started to say that these hieroglyphs are about the arches made by the Sun in the solstices and equinoxes.
Primitively the Mexicans, when looking at these stone objects in their temples, tried to imitate its figure with the movement of their body.
In those Temples where the ancient sentence appeared: “Man, know yourself…” the
Ur Rune appeared as well, as if to say to Man: “RECOGNIZE the pair as the origin of LIGHT, as Angel, as God, as the entity of divine UR-IGEN…”
If the previous Rune, FA, always carries that mandate to ENGENDER YOUR HAPPINESS IN THE PRESENT, then the UR Rune now carries the other mandate of KNOW YOURSELF and even RECOGNIZE YOURSELF…
The significance of this
Ur Rune, in the Nordic Kabbalah, is immortality, Eternity, Cause, Principle, as well as primordial LIGHT.
In extending the Cards – for we will also give the Runes as Tarot cards and each of the Disciples will learn to throw cards with the Runes when it falls head-down (or is reversed), it changes from signifying the Eternal, and instead is a symbol of the Temporal, the Ephemeral, the Passing, of that which ends and finishes soon.
For the numerical correspondence, the
Ur Rune has the number 2 and represents the Science.
Its Sign is the Zodiacal Sign of VIRGO. VIRGO signifies an Order that is peaceful and harmonious, and anyone born under its auspices is orderly, peaceful, with harmonious desires and is, therefore, the creator of interior LIGHT. Under the Sign of VIRGO, there are good writers, sincere Priests, and excellent Insurance agents. They are people who do very well with the duties of parents and of children at the same time.
The Hebrew Kabbalah gives them a circle as a symbol and since this Sign corresponds to the Planet Mercury, then it was considered by the ancients as the Demiurge, guide of the other Planets, the representation of the Omniscient, of Trimegistus or the three times wise.
Those born, under this aspect, are self-centered (in the good sense of the term) and generally do not admit philosophical opinions of other people, but instead they take them from their Internal Being through which they benefit by a great Inspiration.
The same thing happens to those people whose Kabbalistic or Runic name forms the number 2.
This confirmation is curious in one and in another aspect, given that people who are kabbalistically centered in 2, were precisely born in VIRGO and under Mercury.
That is why Astrologers should complete their astrological calculus using the Numerical Kabbalah.
PRACTICE: The student should place themselves to the North or facing the Sun and once having raised the hands as in the exercise for the FA Rune, crouch down with the legs open; and in this position, firmly think that thus the cosmic current penetrates into one’s interior and repeat in this way:
“Within me resides the LIGHT, the divine LIGHT.
The Great Omniscient Being will give me divine Wisdom
and I will turn myself into a superman (or superwoman),
drawing everyone’s attention to my upright behavior,
to my equable way of being
and to my awakened and wise answers
when others interrogate me.I recognize the superior entity, that divine LIGHT, in myself,
who is beginning to irradiate
and who will unfailingly help
all those who approach me.So be it.”
-Paraphrase from Runic Course [Curso Rúnico] (1931-1935)
by Arnoldo Krumm-Heller (Huiracocha)
available in Gnostic-Rosicrucian Runology
The “Ur” Rune According to Samael Aun Weor
Certainly, the Moon is the satellite of the Earth in only one sense. By searching within the Akashic records of nature, one can verify that the Moon is the mother of the Earth.
In the previous Cosmic Day (or Mahamvantara), the Moon was inhabited, but now it is just a cold shadow that is dragged by the new body, the Earth, to whom all of its powers and principles of life have been passed by transfusion.
The transference of all the vital powers of the Moon to the Earth left that old Selenite abode without life. Therefore, the Lunar Soul is now reincarnated in this world upon which we live.
The Moon looks like a satellite, but it is a Mother who rotates around her daughter, the Earth.
The one we now call Samael Aun Weor lived, then, among the Lunar Humanity (who were called the ‘Selenites’). He knew its seven Root Races, its epochs of civilization and barbarism, its alternating cycles of Evolution and Involution.
When the Selenites arrived at the same age that this Terrestrial Humanity has now reached, then he accomplished a similar mission by teaching them the Synthesis-Religion, which is contained within the INITIATIC STONE (Sex), the doctrine of JANUS, JANO (I.A.O.) or the doctrine of the JINNS. He lit the flame of GNOSIS among the Selenites, and formed a Gnostic Movement there as well.On the ancient Moon (in those times before it became a corpse), those who accepted the Synthesis-Religion of JANO, were saved and they transformed themselves into Angels.
Nevertheless, the great majority (those who were enemies of the Maithuna, those who rejected the INITIATIC STONE) converted themselves into Lucifers, terribly perverse demons which the Bible refers to.
As usual, a third party is never missing… so, in that Lunar Apocalypse, a certain cold group at last became fiery, and they accepted the work in the Ninth Sphere. A new abode was granted to these people, in order for them to work with the Brute Stone until giving it a Perfect Cubic form.
At the end of that Lunar Mahamvantara (which endured an ‘age of BRAHMA’), the Self-Realized Monads were absorbed within the Absolute.
After the Great Cosmic Day, the Monadic Waves of the Moon submerged themselves within the Runic UR, within the profound Womb of the Eternal MOTHER-SPACE.
During such a Maha-Samadhi (Ecstasy without end), the Monadic waves penetrated very deeply, and arrived at the Father BRAHMA, the Universal Spirit of Life.
BRAHMA submerges Himself into the Absolute during the whole period of the MAHA-PRALAYA (the Great Cosmic Night). While in that tremendous Para-Nirvanic repose, the Unknown Darkness converted itself into Uncreated Light…
Many latent faculties exist within the Devamatri (Aditi or Cosmic Space), inside the Runic UR, and within the Micro-Cosmic Human Machine (or better if we say Intellectual Animal) which could be developed through tremendous intimate super-efforts.
In German, Uhr means clock, time measurement or the Mahamvantara (the Cosmic Day), and Ruh is rest, the eternal repose or the Great PRALAYA (the Cosmic Night). Certainly, the Cosmic Night endures as long as the Great Day.
Samael Aun Weor affirms that each one of the Self-Realized Brethren were radically absorbed within their own primordial Atom, the AIN SOPH.
Therefore, when the dawn of the new Cosmic Day is initiated, then Eternal MOTHER-SPACE expands herself from the inside towards the outside, like a lotus bud. Thus, this is how the Universe is gestated inside the Womb of the PRAKRITI (the Cosmic Mother, the Primordial Substance).
PRACTICE: Loving our DIVINE MOTHER and thinking of that great Womb where the worlds are gestated, let us pray daily as follows:
“Within my real internal Being resides the Divine Light.
RAM… IO… is the Mother of my Being, DEVI KUNDALINI.
RAM-IO, help me…
RAM-IO, rescue me,
RAM-IO, illuminate me,
Isis of mine,
Thou who hast the child Horus, my true Being, in thine arms:
I need to die in myself
so that my Essence may lose itself in HIM… HIM… HIM…”This prayer must be performed before the Sun, with arms and hands raised. The legs must be opened, and the body crouched down, thus awaiting to receive LIGHT and more LIGHT.
-Paraphrase from The Magic of the Runes [Magia de las Runas] (1969)
by Samael Aun Weor
In cosmic grammar, the ‘UR Rune’ is certainly Divine Mother-Space, the sacred womb where beasts, humans and Gods are gestated. It is unquestionable that without the esoteric power of Devi Kundalini, to work in the Flaming Forge of Vulcan (sex) would be impossible.
The Magisterium of Fire must be performed in seven days or periods. Let us remember our astrological formula: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn.The starry heaven of Uranus and the classic Empyrean are for those who have reached the longed for goal.
Samael Aun Weor earned the right to enter into the Lunar heaven after a previous humiliation. This is the law for all worlds.No one can definitely enter into the heavens of Mercury, Venus, etc., without previously having esoterically worked in their corresponding planetary infernos…
-Paraphrase from Ch. 45 of Parsival Unveiled [El Parsifal Develado] (1970)
by Samael Aun Weor
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