
The “Is” or I-Rune According to Friedrich Fischbach (1900)

The Is  Rune is similar to the Zigzag-Lightning only in Ancient-Greek. This Exception justifies the Conclusion that the Lightning was the original Motive.

Later also the Sun-Beam [Sonnenstrahl ], which descends like a Sword [Schwert ], was symbolized, because Is = Iron [Is = Eisen ].

The vertical Line    is almost everywhere without Accessory and without Development. If the Name were not determining, then one would have to take the Number One and the Self-Concept [Ichbegriff ] as a Basis.

-Paraphrase from Origin of Gutenberg’s Letters [Ursprung der Buchstaben Gutenbergs] (1900)
by Friedrich Fischbach


The “Is” Rune According to Guido von List (1907)

is = Ice [Eis ], Iron [Eisen ].

A ninth I understand, when Need arises for me
to protect My Ship on the Ocean:
Then I will still the Storm on the rising Sea
and soothe the Surge of the Waves.

Through the “undoubting Consciousness of their own Spiritual-Might [Geistesmacht ]”, the Waves are tamed/subdued [gebändigt ] – “made frozen” – they freeze like Ice. Not only the Waves (emblematic of the Will), but all of Life is obedient to the compelling Will.

Countless examples of the Ægishjálmur or “Agis shield [Ag-is-schild ]” of Wotan; or the Gorgon’s head of the Athenians, the Aegis or “Agis helm [Ag-is-helm ]”; all the way down to the hunting belief & the hunter’s custom of “Making-Freeze” their prey; and even of modern Hypnosis; which are all based on the hypnotic Power of the Strong-Willed Spirit symbolized by the “Is ” Rune (which is the ninth in the Runic alphabet).

Therefore: “Gain/Win [Gewinne ] Power over Yourself and You will have Power over everything in the Spiritual and Physical worlds that is resisting You.”

-Paraphrase from The Mystery/Secret of the Runes
[Das Geheimnis der Runen]
(1907) by Guido Von List


The “Is” Rune According to Ernst Tristan Kurtzahn (1924)

Exoterically: Control/Mastery [Beherrschung ].
Esoterically: Magical Force [Magische Kräfte ], masculine/male Principles, Universe.
Generally: Ice, Iron, Magic/Charm [Zauber ], Positivity.

The Is-Rune is formed by a single upright Line through the Movement of the divine Central-Point up and down, thus confirming the old Fundamental-Theorem of the Rosicrucians: “As above – so below!”

This    Pole-Rune also symbolizes the Phallus as a general masculine/male Principle in World-Affairs as Opposed to the cloven    Ka-Rune, which (as we have seen) represents the feminine/female Principle.

The Ithyphallos [Erect Phallus] is also the Magic-Wand [Zauberstab ], by which new Growth and Blossoming is created from the lower Matter/Material realm.

The Magic-Wand of the Magicians [Zauberstab der Magier ] was assumed, probably in reference to this symbolic Meaning of an Od-radiating and life-giving Phallus, from which the Od of the Operator flows during magical Operations, just as it does from the Phallus of the procreating Man.

For this Reason this Rune also means Magic and magical Operations [Magie und magische Handlungen ] (to which Procreation truly also belongs!), that are only possible through the Forces emanating from the Central-Point of the World: GOD.

But these enormous Forces will be fruitful only in the Hand of a Person who made the difficult Art of Self-Control/Self-Mastery [Selbstbeherrschung ] completely their Own and having done so from the Ground up! Only in this way will they be able and be called to Rule (Control/Master) others.

There is much talk of white and black Magic. These different designations are often chosen quite thoughtlessly, because there is neither a white (i.e. good) nor a black (i.e. evil) magic. Good or evil is only the Intended-Use or Intended-Purpose [Verwendungszweck ]! After all, you can heal or kill with poison without it having to be good one time and evil the other.

The Is-Rune furthermore forms the Cross-Trunk as the positive masculine component of the Cross; in contrast to the horizontal, negative and feminine Cross-Beam.

If one takes into account what has just been said regarding the Cross (being composed of a Trunk and a Beam) and one analyzes the well-known Rosicrucian interpretation of the four Letters on the Cross of Christ: INRI = “Igne Renovatur Natura Integra” (meaning “through the Fire: untouched Nature is continuously renewing itself”) written as a cross…

Then the result for the Cross-Trunk (the vertical line or Is-Rune), is the Initials “I” and “R” = IGNE and RENOVATUR meaning (“Fire”) and (“renewing”). These two words point to the Wuotan- and Fire-Rune    Fa , and thus to the Fire as ‘Renewer’ [and to the mantrams “IR” and “RI”?].

While the result for the Cross-Beam, is the initials “N” and “I” = NATURA and INTEGRA meaning “Nature” and “untouched/untouchable”, thus according to their deepest Sense they are assigned to the horizontal Cross-Bar as feminine Words [since they remind us of Mother Nature].

Is-Runes, which were supposed to calm the angry Sea (to a certain extent to ‘ice it’) were then also often attached to Ships as Talismans or carved into them, which makes it easy to grasp the Sense of the relevant Verse of the Rune-Song.

-Paraphrase from The Runes as Salvation-Signs and for Unbinding-Fate
[Die Runen als Heilszeichen und Schicksalslose]
(1924) by E. Tristan Kurtzahn


The “Is, Eis, Eisen, Ich” Rune According to R.J. Gorsleben (1930)

Letter I and Number 9.

Is- Rune is ice, icicle, iron, the Self [Ich ]. Everything Rigid and Solidifying; Death; the Calm in the Center (of the constantly moving world of phenomena). Also the Wave; the Will; that which eternally rotates.

Dr. Friedrich Teltscher’s Ur-word is Lauf meaning “Course (of affairs)” as well as Run, Function, Flow, Circulation, Motion, Orbit.

“A ninth one I sing, when danger/distress at sea forces me
To protect my ship against/from the stormy waves;
I calm the storm down, no matter how wild/billowing the sea,
And I cradle the waves to sleep.”

This is the Rune of the Self [Ich or Inner Being], as well as of the Personality; of Self-Control/Self-Mastery [Selbstbeherrschung ]; of Determination [Bestimmtheit ]; of Masculinity, of magical Force [magischen Kraft ].

It is the Rune of the Vertical/Perpendicular, of the World-Axis [Weltachse ], of the extension of the divine Center-Point above & below, it is Movement [Bewegung ], it is Doing/Action [Tat ].

The human being is the living Is-Rune (whether he or she is aware of this or not). We stand vertically, under the influence of the acting energy streams and waves that go throughout the universe.

We are an antenna of nature and the cosmic effects act upon us (the beneficial as well as the unbeneficial ones), and we do what we are capable and willing to do. The cosmic rays slide [gleiten ] along our spine, on their path from the heights to the depths. In this way, the initiate draws down the energies of the cosmos daily, forces which make them spiritually and physically resistant to all the rottenness that surrounds them.

The sound of the Rune is “I” [pronounced like ‘we’ without the first letter]. The spoken sound vibrates throughout the whole body: from the head, along the spine, down through the legs, to the centers of the feet. Lift the “I” sound (in the same way as when asking a question) and the wave-streams will rise from the heels up through the body.

The Is-Rune shows the upright human being, which corresponds to the military “at attention” command. A miracle happens then: soldiers at arms become a field filled with Is- Runes, which originates (man by man, under one command) a stone circle; each an ordered, trained world within himself which all together signify: “Gain power over yourself and you will have power over others!”

The Is-Rune also shows the obelisk, the column, the soul-axis of the world, the Irmin- column [Irminsul ], the stone tablets with the law, the Arman-soul, the mast holding the “Sail” that connects us with the “wind” (the Will) of heaven.

When seen from above, this Rune is a point or hub (something like the navel of the world) around which life circles. In this function, it is the symbol of leadership and of the leader, themselves, in the center of the crowd.

When Schopenhauer characterizes the “World as Will and Imagination”, we add: Man is Wave and Rotation [Welle und Umdrehung ]. The Is-Rune represents this Will in Space as a Wave. But the Wave is only an outward appearance of the Will that gave it Initiative/Impetus [Anstoß ]. It is the Wave of the Will that operates within the Self, the axis between the human and the divine.

Although its value is Nine, this Rune shows us the One: the single vertical line, the ace, and the Divine Self. The Is-Rune is the magic wand that the magician carries, a symbol of the life-giving and Od- radiating Phallus (out of which the symbol of the scepter evolved). The immense energies that are in this Rune can only be fertile and alive in the hand of the man who has overcome himself.

-Paraphrase from The Peak-Time of Humanity [Die Hoch-Zeit der Menschheit] (1930)
by Rudolf John Gorsleben


The “Is, Ich, Ja” Rune According to S.A. Kummer (1932-1933)

(I) The I-Rune, Is , Self [Ich ], Yes/Indeed [ Ja ], is the Rune of the conscious Self [bewussten Ichs or conscious Inner Being], of Self-Control/Self-Mastery [Selbstbeherrschung ], and of wise Magic.

The Is-Ich-Rune is a positive masculine/male Rune. It is the Rune of upright, vigorous, conscious Guides and Magicians. It leads to divine Magic, as well as to conscious, blessed, pure Procreation.

The Is-Ich-Rune is the Wave-Rune, the Willpower- or Volitional-Rune. Whosoever makes this Rune their own inwardly, receives the Force to fully control/master themselves and others.

The Ich-Rune possesses immeasurable magical Forces; it was consciously used in ancient times by Initiates in high Mystery-Exercises [hohen Mysterienübungen ].

Also, it is an ancient Mariner’s Rune [Schifferrune ], said to have the Force to calm the stormy Sea. The ancient Vikings cut this Rune into their Ships. Even today, the Is-Rune is used by many nordic Fishermen as a Talisman.

It corresponds to the “One”, to Unity, to the great Union. It is the whole Cosmos, the great Universe, which is connected in Unity. It is the eternal divine Love that permeates everything, works in all Beings and always strives to bring everything back to the great Unity.

The “One” corresponds to the Central-Point of all Being, the Center of all Things; it is the most complete of all Numbers. The “One” also represents conscious divine Human Beings.

However, the Ja-Ich- Rune or Is- Rune is the ninth Rune in the Runic-Alphabet, and indicates the magical Nine of Completion [Vollendung ].

Its Symbol is the World-Axis, the Irmin-column [Irminsul ], which is also the Phallus in Humans. It furthermore represents the Yearly or Annual-Axis, as well as the South-­North of the Tree-of-Life, and the Winter-Solstice. – Numeric-Value 9.

The Demonic form of the positive Ja-Rune    is the Tel-Rune    the negative female Teil-Rune: the decaying Self [vergehendes Ich ] or the negatively horizontal or laying/lying-down, sleeping Human. [Note: In his explanation of the Hagal Rune, Gorsleben called the horizontal line: the Sie Rune. Sie means “You” (as well as “they” and “she”) in German; which is in contrast to Ich . So, it may be similar to saying the    Is or Ich Rune means ‘Self’ and the    Sie Rune means ‘Other’.]

In the Is- Rune-Posture, the Practitioner is tuned in to certain Universal-Waves [Allwellen ] like an Antenna of Nature, through which one incorporates Waves-of-Subtle-Force [Feinkraftwellen ] into oneself according to the Practitioner’s Fundamental-Vibration (either good, healing and invigorating; or corrupt, weakening, and even demonic).

When you sing the “i-i-i” sound in this Position, it resonates through the whole Body, sounding from the Head, from the Top-of-the-Skull, down the Spine, through the Legs, and down to the Middle of the Feet.

If the “i-i-i” Tone is raised in the same Way as when Posing a Question, then the Wave flows upward through the Body in reverse, beginning under the Heels. If the Practitioner sings the “i-i-i” in different Pitches, it also is perceived as a different sensation in the Body.


Kummer’s Full Body Rune Exercise(s):

1) The Basic Is-Rune Practice – The Student must learn to fully master/control [beherrsche ] their Body, therefore they do the following Exercise every Morning after washing: One stands in the Middle of the Room in a firm Posture, Heels together (basic military Position) which is the Ich- Rune-Position, and face North.

One’s Body is now ready for Commands, so one says loudly and energetically:

“I am your Superior [Vorgesetzter ], you have to obey me fully and completely.

All Muscle-Twitches are eliminated starting today.

You have to submit to me.

Now I want you to stand at attention before your Superior, your Self [Ich or Inner Being].”

Now the Student tries to spiritually Picture themselves as a member of Divine Humanity. They immerse themselves in this Picture, so much so, that they completely forget the Body. One must wish to see the spiritual Picture ever more clearly, more vividly and more tangibly.

This exercise should take between 10 to 20 minutes. Above all, the Student must gain Calm/Peace [Ruhe ], Patience and Perseverance, which is absolutely necessary in order to penetrate into the Rune-Mysteries.

2) Recommendations for the Practitioner – The Student should avoid Meat- and Alcohol-Consumption, as well as stop Smoking one Hour before and after the Exercises; but it would be more beneficial to get out of the habit altogether. Your Body has to completely obey you.

The Student makes sure that their Stomach, Abdomen and Intestines are in order. Particular Importance must be attached to regular Bowel-Movements.

Full- and Deep-Breathing through the Nose is a Principal-Condition for all Rune-Exercises and every Student has to make it to the point that they cannot do anything else but full- and deep-breathing, so this Must become a daily requirement. The Initiate of Occultism will already be familiar with Breathing-Theory [Atemlehre ].

The Beginner should remember that proper Breathing is essential for lasting Health, not only for prolonging one’s life, but also for significantly increasing Resilience and Life-Force.

The Air contains radioactive Energy, which the Student should consciously absorb while Breathing. If you are nervous, you are wasting this Force, but whosoever breathes consciously stores it up in their Body. When we Breathe superficially, we only extract the normal Supply of radioactive Energy from the Air.

All the high Inspirations, magical Abilities and the mediumistic Forces of our Ancestors were Largely-Based on the use of radioactive Energy through conscious Breathing.

3) The Is-Rune Exercises – (1st Breathing Exercise) The Student positions themselves in front of an open Window, taking up the already mentioned Ich- Rune-Position, pushes out the Chest and slightly raises the Head.

Now one breathes in deeply through the Nose, with the Mouth closed (Internally counting to 7); next push the Air down into the lower Lungs, keeping it down by counting to 5, then one breathes out slowly through the Nose counting to 7 again. The student does this Exercise three-times.

(2nd Breathing Exercise) Next one breathes in rhythmically through the Nose for 7 seconds, filling all parts of the Lungs to the utmost; and then breathes out rhythmically for 7 seconds.

Then one repeats the first Exercise three more times. When Inhaling, the Student should imagine that they are taking in a great deal of invigorating Energy [stärkende Energie ], and while Exhaling they should realize that they are expelling all the spent and corrupt Substances from the Body.

Summary of Full Body Rune Breathing Exercise:

1. Take up the Is- Rune Position
2. Inhale deeply through the nose for a 7 count (imagine taking in invigorating energy)
3. Hold the breath for a 5 count, pushing the Air down into the lower Lungs
4. Exhale through the nose for a 7 count (imagine expelling spent & corrupt substances)
5. Repeat steps 2-4 for a total of three times
6. Inhale deeply through the nose for a 7 count, filling the Lungs completely (imagine taking in invigorating energy)
7. Exhale through the nose for a 7 count (imagine expelling spent & corrupt substances)
8. Repeat steps 2-4 for a total of three more times

Through these Breathing-Exercises (which are to be performed daily in the morning and evening) a strong Feeling of Calm/Peace and Harmony is achieved.

If the Student is Agitated or was in a Verbal-Exchange with someone, then they should do one of the above Exercises, which will immediately restore their Calm/Peace and then radiate it to the other Person.

Also, the Student should not forget that in the Ich-Rune-Position they consciously stand as a living antenna in a Sea of Currents (Waves) that give them spiritual Force.

Therefore, besides the Exercises, one also accustoms oneself to a straight Posture, as opposed to a bent and sunken posture; likewise, Nervousness and unnecessary Hand-Movements also hinder the Flow of the Universal-Force [All-Kräfte ].

(3rd Exercise: Seated) Every day, the Student sits down at an open Window, or in cold Season at a closed Window in a well-ventilated Room. One completely relaxes the Body, does the breathing exercise already mentioned, and directs their Eyes into the Distance with a steady Gaze, if possible to the North or East, and in no way allows oneself to be distracted by Things or Objects that are within one’s Sight. One should switch off all Thoughts and remain in perfect Calm/Peace for a quarter of an hour.

(4th Exercise: Evening) Before going to Bed, the Student practices the aforementioned Breathing-Exercise and then, while remaining in the Ich-Rune-Position one says to oneself the following:

“My Self [Ich ] is awake. [Alternatively: ‘I am Awakening’ or ‘My Inner Being is Awakening me’.]

I am a Child of my Humanity, I serve it through higher development and thereby acquire magical Abilities. I consciously [bewusst ] walk the Path towards you, All-Father, therefore I always have your Protection and your Blessing. I love my Brothers and Sisters and I am kind to all People.

I will defeat all Weaknesses in me, thus creating a better, healthier Life for myself. I want to become wise and noble.

With all my Force, I openly fight [bekämpfe ] all the Corruption, Vulgarity/Inferiority and Evil which hinders my spiritual Development.

I live in Harmony and send out only noble, good Thoughts.

Thus, through Thee, All-Father, I will arrive at the luminous Goal!”

Now the Student goes to Bed and sends out good Thoughts and Wishes. They will wake up healthy, happy and well-tuned [wohlgestimmt ]. After washing, they would do their Morning-Exercises and then go about their business.

The above Exercises are to be done for 7 days, but they can be extended to 14 days.


Kummer’s Hand Rune Exercise (‘Mudras’ or “Rune-Grips”):

The Rune Practitioner should take up the Ich- Rune-Position (Military “At-Attention”); this is followed by a deep Breathing-Exercise three times, with thoughts directed toward physical and spiritual purification; this must be observed with all the Rune-Grips. Now raise the left Arm vertically upwards, the left Hand will take the Is or Ich-Rune-Hand-Grip shown in Figure 9.

The Practitioner clenches the left Hand, extends the Index-Finger upwards and sings (from a deep to a high Tone) the “i-i-i” sound repeatedly.

Thoughts are directed to Universal-Love [Alliebe ] and to the Development of the magical Force of the Self [der magischen Kräfte des Ichs or the magical Force of the Inner-Being].

With this Grip one intensely feels the Influx of cosmic Subtle-Forces [kosmischer Feinkräfte ] in the Tip of the Index-Finger, and the whole Hand warms up. When it is Circulated in the Body, one senses a warm Current through the whole Self.

Remember that each Rune-Grip must be repeated three times (for 3 Minutes each, followed by a short Pause in the Ich-Rune-Position between sets), since otherwise no satisfactory Collection of Subtle-Force [Feinkräfte ] can be reached in the Hand-Centers.

After Finishing the Exercise, you can notice a Sulfuric-Smell (like burnt Gunpowder) on the Index-Finger. Kummer observed that this Smell is often different, but always sulfuric.

The astral Color is blue to red-violet.

This Grip can also be performed with the right Hand, it then produces a different Body-Current which is also recommended.

-Paraphrase from Holy Runic-Power [Heilige Runenmacht] (1932)
& Rune Magic [Runen-Magie] (1933) by Siegfried Adolf Kummer.


Rosicrucian and Gnostic

The “Is” Rune According to Huiracocha

Beloved Disciple:

The “I” or “IS” Rune (with which we continue our studies today) is of extreme importance because it is the Rune of the SELF, that is to say, of the BEING.

The human being is a living Rune, perched vertically upon the Earth like a King or Queen and Lord.

In the hands of the Monarch, we often see the Scepter as a symbol of command. The word ‘Scepter’ comes from Skaptar which signifies Creator, Producer, etc., in the primitive Language.

Many monuments that history has considered as phallic, are only monuments of the IS Rune, but the builders of those same monuments also knew the relationship that exists between the Magician & the Phallus, and that the basis of all Magic is Sexual Magic. Kundalini, the Serpent of Fire (which has its exponent in the virile member), is what must be awakened in order to achieve the great works of the Magician.

In this Rune, the human being is the connection between the Earth and the Cosmos, between the terrestrial forces and God. All the Runes that we have studied (so far) are intrinsically the “I” Rune, since they all have that vertical stalk. The “I” Rune is the axis, or even better, the extension of the axis of the world where (from the center of our Globe) the forces constantly flow.

Schopenhauer placed the Will in the center of all and thus this Rune also represents Willpower, but Willpower as a Movement, that is to say, of Moving without being Moved and in this lies the great secret. Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) said the Will “is the innermost essence, the kernel, of every particular thing and also of the whole. It appears in every blindly acting force of nature, and also in the deliberate conduct of man…”

Our mission is to prepare the disciples for White Magic, to make human beings of action, of their will, so that they may triumph in all the circumstances of Life. If the only true Human Being is the one who is a Magician, then this means to say that others are not complete, that they lack something…

What they lack is WILLPOWER, KNOWING HOW TO WILL [SABER QUERER ], in this is the Key and all the symbols thus teach it. Real Human Beings, GOD-MEN & GOD-WOMEN of the “IS” RUNE are required. Men or women who stand out, and when you see them you say: “what does that man or woman have… they are a complete human being”.

The IS Rune is also the lance/spear that opens the way in order to obtain triumph, in order to achieve success, armed with all the principles that it possesses, as we are showing by explaining its different phases or aspects [sus diferentes fases ].

Let’s imagine the Cross. Here we also have the vertical beam traversed by the horizontal beam. If the vertical beam represents the God-Man, then the Horizontal beam, instead, symbolizes the Demon or negative principle. The Cross teaches us that we are a mixture of God and Demon. In this Rune, the horizontal beam is missing and only the God beam remains, since God is such only when we concentrate on the indicated Rune.

This Rune is the Human Magician, the Magical BEING [el SER Mágico ], the Willpower-Being, the Thelema-Being, the Able or Capable Being. Nonetheless, this same God-Rune is not completely exempt from the negative part. One can think of a Personal God or an Angel (since the Deity is represented therein in all the divine concept of its purity) and then, by joining oneself with the Divine Will, we have the formation of the Superman/Superwoman, that is, the True Magician.

Already the disciple has a wealth of ideas inherent in this Rune and we finish by giving the practice. The Sign of Attention, as we know, is also a person standing on a point and in this same way the military stand “at Attention”, this is how one does the IS Rune.

We have learned that the vowels correspond to certain parts of the body and that the “I” (which is the tone of this Rune) has to resound and it has its resonance from the feet to the head.

IS, I, the Personality, the Being, converts itself into Individuality by lifting the arms up vertically in order to form a straight line with the whole body. Once in this position, one meditates on all aspects of the IS Rune (this is done mentally). Then it is a matter of attracting the cosmic forces to the Disciple by pronouncing the vowel “IIIIII………”

With only this, the doors of the astral open more and more. The point is to do this Rune and to consciously personify it. This is how the human being becomes a True Magician.

In his upright position, the human being is an accumulator and an antenna of the cosmic forces (as we have learned in the Zodiacal Course). Do not forget that this antenna can attract good and bad waves in the same position. This means that you have to remain with complete Attention in order to always reject the bad ones and to learn how to only receive the good ones (for ourselves and for our fellow human beings).

This Rune’s numeric value is curious. The Nordic Kabalah says that it represents both ONE as well as NINE. We know that NINE is the number of Humanity and that ONE is the number of the Individual. This means that when the Individual and Humanity are united, and this can happen through Love, then this forms the TEN (10) which is the genuine representation of Divinity. If the number 9 is numerically a stalk placed to the right of a zero, then it is the ten figuratively. Regarding this there is a mystery upon which the Disciple must meditate.


-Paraphrase from Runic Course [Curso Rúnico] (1931-1935)
by Arnoldo Krumm-Heller (Huiracocha)
available in Gnostic-Rosicrucian Runology


The “Is” Rune in the Sunny Land of Khem (Egypt)

When they studied this Rune in the Egyptian Mysteries, they expressed that its main value consisted of its bipolarity (Masculine-Feminine) and thus, it was expressed “IS, IS”, or “ISIS” (Nature).

ISIS is the feminine part in the Mysteries and yet the IS Rune is considered to be essentially masculine. Why? Because the masculine and feminine principles can not be definitively separated, THEY ARE ONE as a single Power, the masculine virility and the eternal feminine.

Let us meditate for a moment on the S of ISIS. In the primordial language their lines were not curved, but angular and then the Rune of Victory [the SIG Rune] arises. In its more primitive form, “ISIS” was expressed as “IST”. This is why so much importance was given to the pronunciation of the syllable IST in the Mysteries of Harpocrates. “HAR-PO-CRAT-IST” is a very powerful Mantram that opens the way to a great Deity or force of the Invisible.

-Paraphrase from Runic Course [Curso Rúnico] (1931-1935)
by Arnoldo Krumm-Heller (Huiracocha)
available in Gnostic-Rosicrucian Runology


The “Is” Rune According to Samael Aun Weor

One could say that, in one aspect, the IS Rune is the Phallus, within which all the power of the sexual forces is enclosed… And yet, this Rune is also related with the Divine Feminine, which has been symbolized as ‘Isis’ in Egypt.

In the profound night of all ages, in the sunny land of Khem, the IS Rune was studied within the secrecy of the Egyptian Temples. Thought was always on the bipolarity of MAN-WOMAN, MASCULINE-FEMENINE. It is clear that “ISIS” is the outcome of this thought, which is the sacred name of the ETERNAL MOTHER SPACE.

In occultism, much has been said about the Prakriti, space as a MATERNAL FEMININE ENTITY, the mathematical point within which the Sun King, the Golden Child of Sexual Alchemy is always gestated. There is no doubt whatsoever that the very root of our own Sacred Monad resides within that mysterious point. Our Particular Divine Mother, adorable and eternal, who has neither beginning nor end, is this POINT in itself.

All of the sacred powers of the MONAD (Atman-Buddhi-Manas) are found contained within our Divine Mother Kundalini. For those who are not well versed in Theosophy, we will say that all of the sacred powers of our own Spirit are found within our own PARTICULAR DIVINE MOTHER, for everyone has their own Mother within.

When we profoundly analyze the IS Rune, with mystical astonishment we discover our own BEING, the INNERMOST, the INTIMATE or INTIMUS. However, the root of our own Being is the Divine Mother, the Isis of the Egyptian Mysteries, who’s child (Horus) symbolizes our Being…

Pseudo-Esotericists and Pseudo-Occultists have spoken at length about the IMMORTAL TRIAD or TRIUNE SPIRIT of each living creature (Atman-Buddhi-Manas). However, they do not comment at all about the unfolding of Prakriti (the DIVINE MOTHER).

-Paraphrase from The Magic of the Runes [Magia de las Runas] (1969)
and from Igneous Rose [Rosa Ignea] (1954)
by Samael Aun Weor


The wonderful and glorious esoteric symbolism of the “Cow with Five Legs” is a living manifested expression of the five unfoldments of our own, very particular, Divine Mother KUNDALINI…

Let us remember the sign of the infinite, the eight lying down horizontally and equated to a five, which means, read literally, “Infinity equals five” [ = 5 ]; that is, the infinity equals the pentalpha, the Ineffable Five-Legged Cow, the star with the five points, or regular pentagonal star, that stopped MEPHISTOPHELES when he came up in response to the evocation of Doctor Faustus…

It is indispensable for the good of everybody and of each of our students to define these five aspects:

1) The un-manifested KUNDALINI.
2) Ineffable ISIS, Adonia, Tonatzin (Wisdom, Love, Power).
3) The Greek HEKATE, the Egyptian PROSERPINE, the Aztec COATLICUE (the Queen of the Infernos and Death. Terror of love and Law).
4) THE PARTICULAR INDIVIDUAL MOTHER NATURE (The one that created our physical body).
5) The Instinctive Elemental Magician (The one that originated our instincts).

The “COWHERDER”, the Sacred Cow’s guide, can and must work in the Teaching of these five powers of the Sacred Cow, the Pentalpha…

-Paraphrase from Ch. 11 of The Three Mountains [Las Tres Montañas] (1972)
by Samael Aun Weor


She… as the UNMANIFESTED (the first aspect), has no symbolism among the Greeks, but in her second manifested aspect within Nature, She is the greatly adored and worshipped chaste Diana. The third aspect of the Prakriti is the blessed Goddess-Mother-Death, terror of Love and Law. She is the terrible HEKATE or PROSERPINE, Queen of the INFERNOS. Two more unfolding aspects of the Prakriti take us into the negative aspect of Nature: That which is undesirable, that in no way would be beneficial for us – the kingdom of terror and Black Magic.

It is written that all of these unfolding aspects of the Prakriti are repeated within the Microcosmic Human Being. What is fundamental are the Three Superior Aspects of the Prakriti and we must learn to work with them.

The Revolution of the Consciousness would be radically impossible without the special help of our own particular ADORABLE DIVINE MOTHER. She is, in herself: our own BEING, the root, cause and origin of our Divine Spirit. She is Isis, whose veil no mortal has lifted. In the flame of the serpent we call upon Her.

Many people read the literature of SWAMI SIVANANDA. There is no doubt that this MAN was truly a GURU-DEVA who worked intensely for this suffering humanity. This GREAT YOGI, while being in a MAHA-SAMADHI (ECSTACY), joyfully disincarnated.

Samael Aun Weor met him in the parallel universe of the Fifth Dimension (the Astral World). His happiness was tremendous when he witnessed that Sivananda had built his Solar Bodies in the Flaming Forge of Vulcan and he verified that this MASTER, the GREAT YOGI, had already died within himself before physically dying. Sivananda worked intensely in the GREAT WORK of the FATHER. Thus, he is a GURU-DEVA in the most complete sense of the word.

Their meeting was very special; it took place inside a precious precinct where Samael Aun Weor was teaching. Suddenly the GREAT YOGI entered and, as if wanting to recriminate him, said: “You are vulgarizing the Doctrine.” It is obvious that he was referring to the spreading of the knowledge of the MAITHUNA (SEX-YOGA) among profane people.

Samael Aun Weor answered sincerely, saying: “I am willing to answer all the questions that will be asked of me by anyone in this precinct.” However, the GURU-DEVA SIVANANDA (being an enemy of any discussion) preferred to sit in the sacred Buddhic posture, and thus submerged himself into Profound Meditation.

Samael Aun Weor felt the mind of this YOGI inside of his own innermost Self. Sivananda was diving, inquiring, exploring within his most intimate profundities. There is no doubt that Sivananda wanted to converse with the Real Being whose secret name is SAMAEL, and this he achieved.

Astonished, Samael Aun Weor could do nothing but exclaim: “Sivananda you are a true Samyasin of thought!” Filled with ecstasy, the GURU-DEVA stood up and hugged him.

Sivananda now comprehended the revolutionary statement of the Gnostic Doctrine, and exclaimed, “Now I agree with you and I will tell the whole world to read your books.”

Afterwards, he added, “I know your Mother (referring to his particular Divine Mother), I saw Her very well dressed, She wears a white mantle which reaches to Her feet.”

Let us now practice with the IS Rune and let us meditate on the Divine Mother Kundalini… The very root of our own Sacred MONAD resides within that mysterious point, the Prakriti, Eternal Mother Space. She (in herself) is our own BEING, the root, cause and origin of our Divine Spirit.

The Revolution of the Consciousness would be impossible without the special help of our own particular adorable Divine Mother (who has 5 aspects).

Practice: Standing in a straight position, let us raise our arms in order to form a straight line with the whole body, and (after praying and asking our Divine Mother for help) we must sing the Mantram ISIS, as follows: I….. sssss I….. sssss.

Prolong the sound of the two letters and divide the word in two syllables: “IS-IS”.

Afterwards, the student must lay down with their body relaxed and (filled with ecstasy) they must concentrate & meditate on the Divine Mother.

-Paraphrase from The Magic of the Runes [Magia de las Runas] (1969)
by Samael Aun Weor



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