
The “Mâdr” or M-Rune According to Friedrich Fischbach (1900)

The M Rune shows a Man raising his Arms, or even crossing them.

-Paraphrase from Origin of Gutenberg’s Letters [Ursprung der Buchstaben Gutenbergs] (1900)
by Friedrich Fischbach


The “Man, Mon, Mond” Rune According to Guido von List (1907)

man, mon, Man/Male/Masculine [Mann ], Moon [Mond ] (ma = to mother [muttern ], to increase [mehren ]; empty or dead [leer oder tod ]).

A Fifteenth I count, which Volksrast the Gnome
Sang before the Gates of Day
To the Gods [Äsen ] for Strength [Stärkung ],
to the Elves [Alben ] for Power [Kraft ],
And to myself for clarifying my Perception [Sinne ].

The Folktale of the “Man in the Moon [Mann im Monde ]” is revealed, in the fifteenth Rune, as the sacred Character of ‘the Propagation of the Human-Race [der Fortpflanzung des Menschengeschlechtes ]’.

The Ur-Word “ma ” Indicates feminine Procreation or “Mothering”, just as the Ur-Word “fa ” is for the corresponding masculine Procreation. Hence, we have here “mater ” (Mother), and likewise there we have “fater ” (Father).

The Moon is considered mythically-mystically as the Magical-Ring Draupnir (Dripper), from which every ninth Night an equally heavy one drips (separates itself), and which would be burned along with Baldr* ; that is, with Nanna , the Mother of his Children, who was burned at the same time as Baldr . According to mythico-mystical symbolism, however, Nights can correspond to Months, and so the “nine Nights” mentioned above denotes the Time of Gestation (or 9 months of human pregnancy).

But since the Concept of Man, Maiden, Mother, Husband, Wife [Gemahl, Gemahlin ], marriage, menstrual, etc., etc., are rooted in the Ur-Word “ma” (as is the Concept “Mond [Moon]”, with which they are all internally connected conceptually), they nevertheless symbolize Standalone-Concepts [Einzelbegriffe ].

These concepts Join-Together in an apparent Unity, and (according to the Principle of the “multi-united multi-faceted Multiplicities [vieleinig-vielspältigen Vielheiten ]”) the Conceptual-Word for this Unity is also rooted in the Ur-Word “ma ” and is expressed as “man-ask ” or “men-isk ”, which is: ‘Mensch ‘ [or ‘Human’ in modern German].

Therefore – as a Unifying-Concept – the word “Mensch ” [or Human] is only unisexual [eingeschlechtig ]. Thus, the fifteenth Rune embraces the exoteric as well as the esoteric Concept of the high Mystery of Humanity [des hohen Mysteriums des Menschentums ] and culminates in the Admonition: “Be Human! [Sei Mensch! ]”

-Paraphrase from The Mystery/Secret of the Runes
[Das Geheimnis der Runen]
(1907) by Guido Von List

* NOTE: In Norse mythology, Baldr is a son of the god Odin and the goddess Frigg . He is associated with light, wisdom, and courage (although he is never specifically defined as the god of any of these). Baldr is best known for his dramatic death, which heralds the coming of Ragnarök , the end of the age of the Norse gods and the rebirth of the world.

Ragnarök means “Fate of the gods” and is a series of events (including a great battle) foretelling the death of a number of great figures (including the gods Odin, Thor, Týr, Freyr, Heimdallr, and Loki ), natural disasters and the submersion of the world in water. After these events, the world will resurface anew and fertile, the surviving and returning gods will meet and the world will be repopulated by two human survivors.


The “Man” Rune According to Ernst Tristan Kurtzahn (1924)

Exoterically: Man/Male/Masculine [Mann ].
Esoterically: Spirit [Geist ].
Generally: Man, Humanity, Truth [Mann, Menschheit, Wahrheit ].

We now come to the first of three Runes which give symbolic Expression to Humans themselves [Menschen selber ] and their most intimate Relationship to one another through the Sexes [durch die Geschlechter ], namely the Runes of    Man,    Woman, and    Marriage [Ehe ].

If one looks at the    Man-Rune, one immediately notices a certain Resemblance to a Human-Being [Menschen ] raising their Arms towards Heaven in a certain sacred Attitude, as is customary in certain magical Operations [magischen Handlungen ]. We recommend Peryt Shou’s book: “The Edda as the Key of the Coming World Age [Die Edda als Schlüssel des kommenden Weltalters ]” which deals with Runic-Magic in a practical way.

The upper Threefold-Division is of utmost Importance, because it symbolizes Spirit, Soul and Body. Each of the Arms representing this Trinity points upwards towards the Light, longingly striving for it. Furthermore, one can very well compare the    Man-Rune with the Posture of a person who has been Crucified – and is not the God-Man [Gott-Mensch ] in fact attached to Matter/Material like unto a Cross?

If one wants to understand the    Man-Rune only as a Synthesis of Man, as Phallus, then the middle Beam [der mittelste Balken ] points downward towards Matter/Material in which new Life is to be awakened by him in order to make the words of St. John true: “The Light shines in the Darkness, and the Darkness has not comprehended it…”

It seems remarkable to me that both the word ‘Man ‘ and the word ‘Matter/Material’ (from mater – Mother) begin with the Ur-Word “Ma “. This points to the intimate and indissoluble Relationship [Beziehungen ] between Man and Woman.

If one brings the    Os- or Ask-Rune in Connection with the    Man-Rune, then one has the Emergence of an important Meaning and, through language transformation, it becomes man + ask = Mensk = Mensch or Human-Being.

The corresponding Verse of the Rune-Song is, again, quite mystical. Obviously the great Giver of every Creative-Force [Schöpferkraft ] suggests to us the Sun (in almost all Mythologies symbolized as male) which also gives the Male the Procreative-Force [Zeugungskraft ] dwelling in him.

Gnostically understood, this Force is that of the Logos , the Spirit, embodied in the Seed of Man [Samen des Mannes ], which can be used not only for carnal Procreation [fleischlichen Zeugung ], as most people mention, but which should instead be used for the highest-possible Perfection of the Human-Being [höchstmöglichen Vervollkommnung des Menschen ], and to which the Words of Christ clearly and distinctly refer:

“Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of Water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God [das Reich Gottes ].” (St. John 3:5)

In order to achieve this Rebirth from the Seed, one needs certain Help. This Help can only come from someone who is thoroughly familiar with the gnostic Doctrine-of-Salvation [gnostischen Heilslehre ]. Since it is not easy to find such a Confidant [Vertrauensperson ], a Hint should be offered here as an exception, by which one can enter onto the right Path.

However, before one intends to make use of the Spirit in order to come to spiritual Perfection, one has to purify the Vessel of the Spirit, the Body, and transform it into the Grail-Chalice [Gralskelch ]. This Regeneration and Transformation is not easy, because – is there a Place where this Goal is consciously worked towards?

Yes, there is such a place which is well known to me, it is the “Sanatorium for Dietary-Reform” in Lehmrade (near Mölln, Lauenburg). Only when the Body is complete does one start to work on the “great Word”, which is helped by the Gnostic School of Pastor Dr. E.C.H. Peithmann.

The Gnostics knew, and still know, how to use the Breath (let us remember the Air-Rune Hagall ) and the Seed in order to spiritualize one’s Body during one’s Lifetime and thus to transfigure it in order not to taste Death. This refers to the Transition into the Subtle-Substantial Being [Feinstoffliche Sein ]. For the one who is well versed in applied Symbolism it is suggested that much is contained in the Hagall-Rune combined with the four final Runes, more than one might dream of… Sat Sapienti!

[Note: ‘Sat Sapienti ‘ is an abbreviation of the Latin dictum ‘sapienti sat est ‘, meaning “that which is said is sufficient for the wise”.]

The Procedure [Verfahren ] can be taught to the worthy Student, even Today, in more or less difficult to access Gnostic Schools.

Here one honestly asks oneself: are there many worthy Students of this kind today, when raw Sensuality [Sinnenlust ] reigns everywhere? For them we say: woe to the Presumptuous, who would unworthily venture into these operations which are magical Practices [magischen Praktiken ] in the highest sense… because immediate Madness [Wahnsinn ] would be the inevitable Consequence!

The Method for the Procedure [der Weg zu dem Verfahren ] can also be found through the Runes by those who are Qualified [Berufenen ], but: the Entrance to the Secret [der Eingang zu dem Verborgenen ] is well guarded; although the Hints from this Script go almost too far…

Finally, it should be mentioned that the    Man-Rune was also erroneous assigned to the Moon (). This might be explained by the apparent Male-Figure in the Moon (the so-called “Man in the Moon!”), but also by the unmistakable Influence of the Moon on the Fecundity [Fruchtbarkeit ] of Human-Beings, Beasts and Plants.

-Paraphrase from The Runes as Salvation-Signs and for Unbinding-Fate
[Die Runen als Heilszeichen und Schicksalslose]
(1924) by E. Tristan Kurtzahn


The “Ma, Man, Mon, Madr” Rune According to R.J. Gorsleben (1930)

Letter M and Number 15.

The man, the human being and, at the same time, the Rune Tree and the Tree of Humanity (with 15 shoots, the arms as well as the branches reaching towards heaven).

This    Rune has the power to condense and collect cosmic rays (which means pulling the spiritual down into matter), so that the mystery of humanity (the immaculate conception) becomes perfect by means of inspiration.

Dr. Friedrich Teltscher’s Ur-word is Trieb meaning “Determination” as well as Drive, desire, urge, inclination, instinct; impel forward, propel, push; shoot, newly grown plant stem, sprout, burst forth, etc.

“A fifteenth I know, which Volkrast , the gnome,
is singing early before the gates of the day
for strength from the Gods [Aesir ] and for power from the Elves [Alben ]
and wisdom, All-father, for me.”

The fifteenth rune is the sacred Rune of humanity and it introduces us to the mystery of being human. It culminates in the admonition: “Be Human!”. The sum of the digits of 15 = 1 + 5 = 6, and the Six is the Sexus (Sexuality/Gender). This leads us back to    Kun or Kaun Rune, the Rune of Sex. All procreation pulls something soul-related and spiritual down into existence, into its material form.

The    Man -Rune depicts a man who reaches up to the heavens with his hands (in the ancient prayer position). He stretches his hands towards the heavenly ones in such a way that he is striving for the connection with the Divine by means of magical-mantramistic actions. Thus, there very easily comes a comparison of this position with the one who has been “crucified” on the wood of the world.

The    Man -Rune shows the basic idea of the human being as embodied and spiritualized. The three-partition of the    Man -Rune upwards means the trinity of spirit, soul and body. Man is also the word of leadership, man-ager, the one who gives orders, com-man-ds or man-dates.

Through hand (manus ) and head (manas – meaning: reason, spirit, mind ), through the soul (mens ), we become human (Man ). Because of the hand and the head, the human being is decisively different from animals and is able to grasp things around him.

Lifting the outstretched hands towards the heavens, the human being can collect cosmic rays. Collecting cosmic rays really means condensing them, that is: drawing that which is spiritual down into the ‘womb of the mother’ (matter), so that the mystery of humanity (referring to the immaculate conception) can be achieved by means of “in-fluence”, influx, inflow, by means of “inspiration”, “correctly illuminated by the spirit”.

This power to condense is magic. The    Man -Rune is, therefore, the Rune of the magician, of magic and of the Power-to-Unite [Vereinigungskraft ]. Magic is Might [Macht ], since both words are the children of the same root word, which means “to be capable” [Können ].

What forces the human being to lift up their hands to the High Ones is an effect of their Man , of their ad-mon-ition, of their manas , of their reason, but not of their intellect (which continuously removes us further and further away from the love of God). While you practice pure love, God remains within you.

-Paraphrase from The Peak-Time of Humanity [Die Hoch-Zeit der Menschheit] (1930)
by Rudolf John Gorsleben


The “Man” Rune According to S.A. Kummer (1932-1933)

(M) The M-Rune, Man , reminds us and whispers within us that we should become conscious [bewußt ] of our inner God-Spark [inneren Gottesfunken ], our higher Self [höheren Ich or Inner Being]. – Numerical value 15.

Man , the Rune of the Breath, of Truth, of Power/Might [Macht ] and the positive Force of Males (even in Procreation). The Man Rune points to the spiritual, soulful Union of Man and Woman in noble, conscious Procreation. “Man ” and “Ma “.

It is the Rune of the Spirit, the Soul, and of the Body, as well as of Awakening, Working, Controlling, Forgiving, and of new spiritual Acquisition, all of which is also indicated by the three emerging Lines.

Man comes from Mannus , the first Germanic Guide/Leader, and from the Spirit of God Himself (Dio = Teut = Deutsch – the Son-of-God). Mannus is the mythical Germanic-Progenitor or -Forefather [Germanen-Stammvater ].

Man and Mannus are related to the mysterious words Amen and Omen. Even the famous ‘Om’ is derived from the old Norse, Germanic root Man , which means the Divine-Human [Gottmensch ], the Spirit-Man [Geistesmann ].

According to Hermann Wirth, the one who is Born-Again, the Resurrected-One, is the Son-of-God, ‘Ma’    or the ‘Ka’ Y , the “Human-Being”. Therefore, his consecrating Hand-of-Light [segnende Lichthand ] was also gladly represented as a Human-Symbol in the atlantian-nordic Traditions.

The “Rod-of-Life”, the Staff in the    Shape was the Emblem of the atlantian-nordic Priestess and Judge, and later of the King and Judge.

The Demonic of the positive Man-Rune is the negative Yr-Rune    , which symbolizes: Error, Delusion, and Lunacy. As well as: Demonic Love-Lust and Greed, Self-Destruction through unnatural Procreation [artlose Zeugung ] that leads to Torment and Suffering.

To consciously feel the positive Man-Rune in oneself means to walk the Path to Spiritualization [Weg beschreiten zur Vergeistigung ], the Pathway into the subtle World, into the higher Sphere.

“Be the Truth and the Life-
Become a great Man-
Be the Spirit-God-Human!”

The Man-Rune-Position has its greatest magical Effect [größte magische Wirkung ] on the New- and the worst [schlechtesten ] at the Full-Moon.


Kummer’s Full Body Rune Exercise(s):

The Man-Rune is the Rune of divine Magic [göttlichen Magie ], and of cosmic Spirit-Procreation [kosmischen Geistzeugung ]. The Man-Rune-Position is a high Prayer-Position in which the Practitioner is able to gather and draw down to themselves high, cosmic, spiritual Waves [hohe, kosmische, geistige Wellen ] which (through Inspirations) illuminate and complete one’s Spirit more and more.

The Practitioner again takes the Ich-Rune-Position (Military “At-Attention”), raises the Arms sideways, diagonally upwards, so that they make the human-formed M-Rune shape.

Now one visualizes the shape of the Rune and thinks sharply that radio-like Waves-of-Universal-Force [Allkraft-Wellen ] penetrate into the back-of-one’s-head and flow through one’s spinal cord. At the same time the Waves penetrate into one’s hands, flood one’s Arms and Body, surrounding the Practitioner with the Waves-of-Universal-Force [Allkraft-Wellen ].

All of these Waves unite in the Sympathetic nervous system and create a very peculiar, blissful, wonderful Feeling. It evokes a Ring or Ringing [Klingen ] in the Practitioner and awakens a deeper Universal-Knowledge and Universal-Love [Allwissen und Allliebe ]. Then these Waves ring softly through the Thighs and Calves, under the bottom of the Feet, and then flow into the Earth.

After the Student has assumed the Man-Rune-Position and has concentrated their Thinking and Observing on the Influx of his Universal-Waves [Allwellen ] for several Minutes, they then magnetizes their Aura. This is done by singing the “M” in a clear, deep Tone while slowly, rhythmically rotating in a Circle in one Place; when Facing North and East turn slower, when Facing South and West turn faster. Avoid too strong an Influx of Waves from the South and West.

In regards to the Aura: we consistently radiate [strahlen ] or Emanate [Ausstrahlung ] a Substance from our Bodies that Dr. Karl von Reichenbach called the “Od ”. The name Od comes from the God “Odin” the Orderer-of-the-World [Weltordner ].

This Od fills the whole Universe, radiating to all organic and inorganic Bodies. Od emanates from the human as well as from every Animal Body, but also from Plants, Minerals, etc. In our Bodies, we continuously generate and radiate Od and, with every Movement, with every Breath, we transfer it to all Objects we touch.

The Od is the material Carrier [Träger ] of Thoughts and also of psychic Qualities [Eigenschaften ]. Thus, it will seem understandable that it is assigned a great Role in “personal Magnetism”. Therefore, it is very important for the Student to see their magnetic, odic Emanation (their Aura).

Take the “M” posture – embrace the Ether,
Like your Ancestors before you.
Feel within yourself a Whispering and a Singing,
Which will bring you a holy Knowledge [heilige Kunde ].

In this Rune-Position, Full- and Deep-Breathing is very important. After 14 Days, the wisdom of the divine Magic in the Man-Rune will be revealed to the Student, along with the Perfection of the Breath and the Vibrations, the Rhythm of the Universal-­Waves of divine Force-Stream [der Allwellen göttlicher Kraftströme ], if one has persistently observed the previous exercises.

The Student recognizes the budding Divine-Human [angehenden Gottmenschen ] in themselves.

One can feel the Cosmos, feel the World, in oneself and perceive it rushing, ringing and singing, when humming the Pitches of the Man-Rune’s Sound-Formula. Additionally, I recommend practicing this Rune-Position with the following Sound-Formula:

All-Father calls:
Be a Spirit-Warrior [Geiststreiter ],
Be a divine Knight [göttlicher Ritter ]!

Then the palpable Current/Stream [Strom ], the cosmic Force [kosmische Kraft ], will enter your outstretched Hands and flow through the Body.

Each Rune, each Sound has a different type of Current, Strength, Vibration and Rhythm.

Whosoever understands and learns to consciously move the divine cosmic Universal-Currents [göttlichen kosmischen Allströme ] becomes the conscious Master of their own Fate/Destiny.

The Student must get into the habit of bringing their Thoughts, Desires, Wishes and Feelings into Harmony with the Universal-Wave-Forces [Allwellen-Kräften ], then they will always be on a first-name basis with All-Father (God), and the Influences-of-the-Stars will no longer be able to do them great Harm since they now possess Universal-Knowledge [Allwissen ] and rule over their Stars.

The Student will always be affirmative, hopeful, confident and full-of-life [lebensfroh ]. Despondency, Doubt, Fear, Worry and Weakness no longer exist for them. All their good Wishes are Fulfilled, since their Will, Thoughts, and Faith are firmly focused on the high Goal of becoming a Divine-Human.

If Failures do occur, then the Practitioner has not always followed my Advice/Council [Rat ] and must seek the faults within themselves. The strictest Self-Criticism after Failures brings Recognition and Learning.

The Student must always strive to maintain their emotional Harmony. One should, as far as possible, free themselves from all Urges and Passions without becoming unnatural. Therefore, one practices strict Criticism of one’s own Conduct and Deeds, as well as of one’s Life-of-Thoughts and -of-Desires.

If one has now recognized much that is Wrong in oneself, then one immediately takes up the Fight by sending out good, strong Thoughts and Petitions, and taking one’s Body under the strict Control of one’s Ich [or Inner Being].

After all, the Student wants to become a wise Magician, a Divine-Human, so above all he or she must stand above wild Passions, Animal drives, Wishes and Desires.


Kummer’s Hand Rune Exercise (‘Mudras’ or “Rune-Grips”):

The Rune Practitioner should take up the Ich-Rune-Position (Military “At-Attention”); this is followed by a deep Breathing-Exercise three times, with thoughts directed toward physical and spiritual purification; which must be observed with all the Rune-Grips.

The Man-Rune-Grip is performed with the right Arm stretched upward, with the hand position as shown in Figure 15. Its Sound-Formulas are: “m-m-m”, “M-m-a-n-n”, and “ma-me-nu-mo-mu”.

The Thoughts are directed to Universal-Love, cosmic Spiritual-Procreation and the Awakening of divine Magic. This Grip is one of the most effective Rune-Grips, the right Hand begins to burn [feuern ] and to glow.

The Practitioner has the Sensation as if fine Rays [Strahlen ] are emanating from three Fingers, and the whole Hand is strongly charged with electricity.

With this Grip the Practitioner is able to banish any Danger. It is the Grip of the reborn conscious Magician [wiedergeborenen bewußten Magiers ] and of the three-fingered blessing and protecting Hand-of-Light [Lichthand ] of our exalted Ancestors. This Grip allows the Practitioner to penetrate into the highest Mysteries/Secrets of Rune-Magic.

Remember that each Rune-Grip must be repeated three times (for 3 Minutes each, followed by a short Pause in the Ich-Rune-Position between sets), since otherwise no satisfactory Collection of Subtle-Force [Feinkräfte ] can be reached in the Hand-Centers.

I mention, again, that in all the Grips, at the End of the Exercise, the Circulation of the accumulated Subtle-Force through the whole Body should not be forgotten.

After Completion of this Grip, the Smell of electrically burnt Wires is often perceived. The astral Color is purple-red by Day, phosphorescent greenish-red by Night.

-Paraphrase from Holy Runic-Power [Heilige Runenmacht] (1932)
& Rune Magic [Runen-Magie] (1933) by Siegfried Adolf Kummer.


Rosicrucian and Gnostic

The “Man” Rune According to Huiracocha

Beloved Disciple: MAN signifies, in the first place, Man or Human Being, but it also signifies the HAND from the Latin ‘Manus ‘.

In the United States we find many streets with the name of “Main-road” or “Main-street” (principal way) and we must remember the word ‘Manas ‘ (soul). Let us also think of the word “Manager” (among English speakers) as well as ‘Mandate’, ‘Command’ and, above all the God ‘MANUS’ that we find always adorned with this symbol.

It is one of the most important Runes and by its very form invites us to a constant Prayer. It is the human being who implores on high, who implores the Great All.

MANEMANU are also anagrams of the Mantrams AMEN and AUM, which are the ones that must constitute our prayers and must always express: “I AM OF DIVINE ORIGIN”.

Remember that greatly misunderstood and interpreted phrase “I AM AS MUCH AS YOU ARE” that does not signify establishing a comparison between two persons. That phrase is symbolic. It means, “I AS A SMALL MICROCOSMOS, AM SO MUCH LIKE YOU, IMMENSE MACROCOSMOS.”

The human being who is conscious of their value, must never go about with a lowered head in an attitude of humiliation, but must instantly possess the idea that he/she is REAL LIFE, flooded with ardor, with fire, with accumulated potency and potentiality. Who dominates and who is not dominated. In whom reason vibrates and this is, in them, like an overwhelming force and that, while listening, is firmly fixed to the ground, with the forehead up, and with all the full weight of their spiritual energy.

In Hebrew “OM”, as a monosyllable, is translated as ‘that which is True’, ‘that which is Vital’, ‘that which is Legitimate’, and, in that sense, we must possess the biblical phrase that is spiritually found on the Banner of the Gnostics: “I AM THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE!!! But I, I MYSELF, without complaining to anyone and without asking for anything external. Without my prayer going outside, but doing it within. Is there anything outside that is not inside me? I must demand a sign, as certain religions do, which I can demand it of myself wherein everything is real and nothing exists without symbolic nuance.”

We must ensure ourselves that: “I AM THE LIGHT, I AM GOD, since that divine spark which is God, dwells and resides within me and the purpose of my life is to liberate it, achieving it, recognizing it within myself, in order to make it objective before my eyes….”

And we must continue: “I am health, I am a hand of the Great All through which it executes its will and I, as a living antenna, must gather the divine forces of the Cosmos without twisting its course nor adulterating its Law.”

The corresponding practice is to be done in the morning facing towards the Sun, at the moment it ascends in the East, in that attitude of raised hands as expressed by the Rune and imploring for help and support. This should always be done on the 27th of every month from 3:30 to 4:00 in GMT .

One should never implore while employing this prayer uselessly in this sense and in such attitude.

Observe also that in the Catholic Church there are faithful who pray and implore in the same form with open and pleading arms. The Christ by the great sculptor Thorwaldsen is conceived adopting the same norm.

In many Shields, that same MAN Rune represents the Tree of Life and we also observe that in ancient documents, there is the Tree of Paradise with only three branches (similar to the Man Rune) and a serpent coiled around it, that is to say THE SERPENT, symbol of Life, coiled around the TREE of the CROSS, but it is a Cross, not as we know it in Christianity, in which the transverse beam is like an obstacle that interrupts the current, but with raised arms leaving that expedient current So that it can ascend.

If we start with the    HAGAL Rune which represents the whole Cosmos, then we get two Runes (    Man and    Yr ). One, arms raised upwards (being the    MAN Rune) and the other, arms down (being the    YR Rune). The first represents the God-Man   , the Spiritual-Man who looks up. The second is the physical-Man   , the human-Man who feels the call of the Earth. Unite both concepts, that is, God with Man and we will have the meaning of those Runes.

These two Runes are also a symbol of    Man and    Woman when they form that All which forms Nature. Or what is the same thing, that hermaphrodite being, Man-Woman, harmoniously united, which is the supreme key of Sexual Magic, MA, MAN, (“Mama”) mother and MAN, MANO [or HAND], father, two archaic words, original symbol of the birth of all things.

We must also UNITE, and balance, as indicated by this Rune, the KNOWING of the brain with the FEELING of the heart.

They are the two poles that, together, will make the spark of that mysterious Light that is in us go out and of which we are, as occultists, truly producers.

The value of the Rune is 15. If we add both numerals together, it gives us 6, that is, Sex. From this, kabalistically, we have the    Kaun or the sixth Rune. It is the Rune of the Sexual Organs or of Sex, which we already know and has a single raised arm representing sex in the material sense.

In the    Man Rune, the two arms rise in order to determine that LOVE, Divine Sex, is our own transmuted substance. The disciple should not expect to be told everything, but one should look for words that begin with MAN, MANO and see how in the beginning of human language that Rune had its importance.

For the operations of Runic Magic (of which we shall speak later), all these forces which we have explained must have been felt in themselves.

No operation of white Magic can be done without raising the arms, even if it is mentally, to the Great All, thinking that everything has a trunk, a base , and in doing so we indicate that everything is a TREE, the tree of Humanity, the tree of Life.

PRACTICE: The practice is to be done in the morning facing towards the Sun (at the moment it ascends in the East) in that attitude of raised hands as expressed by the Rune and imploring for help and support. This practice should never be employed with a passive, useless or in any similar attitude. This should always be done on the 27th of every month from 3:30 to 4:00 GMT.

Here is the corresponding prayer (which can also be done partially):

“I AM THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. But I, MYSELF, without complaining to anyone and without asking for anything external. Without my prayer going outside, but doing it within…

I AM THE LIGHT… since that divine spark which is God, dwells and resides within me and the purpose of my life is to liberate it, achieving it, recognizing it for myself, so as to make it objective before my eyes….

I am health, I am a hand of the Great All through which it executes its will; and I, as a living antenna, must gather the divine forces of the Cosmos without twisting its course nor adulterating its Law.”


-Paraphrase from Runic Course [Curso Rúnico] (1931-1935)
by Arnoldo Krumm-Heller (Huiracocha)
available in Gnostic-Rosicrucian Runology


The “Man” Rune According to a Student of Samael Aun Weor

Samael says that the MAN Rune “represents man” (that is, the human being) and “I saw the stars and practiced the MAN Rune…”, but he does not give a corresponding practice.

However, one of Samael’s students (from Glorian Publishing) had an internal experience where he was able to associate the Prayer to the ‘Solar Logos’  with the Man Rune.

He recommends doing this    Man Rune practice on its own or immediately after doing the    Laf Rune practice (specifically the walking    Laf practice on the 27th of each month). We take up its corresponding posture (arms raised towards the heavens) and say the following:

“Oh Thou, Solar Logos, Igneous Emanation,
Christ in Substance and in Consciousness,
Potent Life whereby everything advances,
come unto me
and permeate me, illuminate me, bathe me, pierce me
and awaken within MY BEING
all those ineffable substances
which are as much a part of thee
as they are a part of me.

Universal and Cosmic Force, mysterious energy,
I conjure thee,
come unto me,
remedy my affliction,
cure me of this evil [or illness]
and remove from me this suffering
so that I may have harmony, peace, and health.

I ask thee in thy Sacred Name,
which the Mysteries and the Gnostic Church have taught me,
so that thou can make all of the mysteries
of this plane and the superior planes
vibrate with me,
and that all of those forces unite
to achieve the miracle of my healing.
So Be It.”

Then one can also add the Mantram “AUM” three times or even “Om Tat Sat Om” (which can be vocalized three times in the following way: “OM Tat Sat OM Tat Sat OM Tat Sat OM”).

-Paraphrase from Runes: The Runes Laf, Yr and Man on the Glorian (formerly Gnostic Teachings) website



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