The “Tyr” or T-Rune According to Friedrich Fischbach (1900)
Uniformly the Rune of the Battle-God Tyr [Schlachtengottes Tyr ] develops from the Spear- to the Sword- Character [Speer- zum Schwert- Zeichen ]. In the younger (or most recent) Epoch, it was also used as the Day-Rune. It is related with the Yr-Rune.
-Paraphrase from Origin of Gutenberg’s Letters [Ursprung der Buchstaben Gutenbergs] (1900)
by Friedrich Fischbach
The “Tyr, Tar, Tur” Rune According to Guido von List (1907)
tyr, tar, tur, Tyr, Animal/Beast [Thier ], and so on. Tyr , the Sun- and Sword-God; Tiu, Zio, Ziu, Zeus; tar – to generate, to turn, to conceal; hence the Tarnhaut (Camouflage-Skin), Tarnhelm (Cap-of-Invisibility), or Tarnkappe (the Cloak-of-Concealment), and so on.
A twelfth I have: [for when] One Hangs
upon the Tree Strangling up there;
then I Carve some Runes
[and] the Man comes down and talks to me.
The reborn Wuotan, that is: the Wuotan who descended from the World-Tree rejuvenated after his Self-Sacrifice [Selbstopferung ] (like the “Fanask ” or Phoenix flying up from the Ashes rejuvenated), is personified in the young Sun- and Sword-God Tyr [Sonnen- und Schwert-gott Tyr ].
According to the Principle of Mysticism [Regel der Mystik ], every Magical-Creed [Zauberglaube ] moves Parallel to Mythology by adapting the mythical Archetype in its Equations into earthly-human Processes in order to achieve similar Results to those the Myth relates. While the Esoteric, by recognizing the “Duality of One-into-mystical-Two [beideinigzwiespältigen Zweiheit ]”, also recognizes the “mystical One” in the “mystical Many” and sees in it the Fate/Destiny of All [Schicksal Aller ] and consequently also of every Individual, in the eternal Change [Wandel ] from Passing-Away to Resurrection [vom Vergehen zum Wiedererstehen ].
Just as Wuotan returns in a new body after his Self-Sacrifice (which is to be considered not only his Death [Tod ], but his whole Life [Leben ]), so too does every single Person return after every Life in the Human-Form with a renewed Body through a rebirth (which is also a Self-Sacrifice). That is why “tar ” means ‘to generate’, ‘to live’ and ‘to pass-away’, and why “Tyr ” is the resurrected young Sun [wiedererstandene junge Sonne ].
This is why the twelfth Rune is also a “Victory-Rune [Siegrune ]”, and has been carved into Sword-Blades and Spearheads as a victory-giving Character [sieggewährendes Zeichen ].
Therefore, it shall be said: “Do not Fear Death, it cannot kill Thee!”
-Paraphrase from The Mystery/Secret of the Runes
[Das Geheimnis der Runen] (1907) by Guido Von List
The “Tyr, Tar, Tur” Rune According to Ernst Tristan Kurtzahn (1924)
Exoterically: Procreation [Zeugung ], Beginning [Anfang ]
Esoterically: Rebirth [Wiedergeburt ]
Generally: beget, turn, conceal, (Cloak-of-Invisibility [Tarnkappe ]).The Text of the Rune-Song, which is very dark in this Verse, seems to be meant only for the Rebirth [Wiedergeburt ] into the Light-Life of the Soul.
Considering that Wuotan is the Speaker of the Rune-Song and that, seen with him as God-the-Father, we all hang strangled on the Tree of material Life.
But we will descend from the Tree of Life in Matter/Material only when the divine Voice within us begins to whisper [raunen ] that a divine aeonic Life in the Light would be far preferable to an Earthly-Life, however beautiful it may be.
Once this Whisper [Raunen ] is carved into our Heart, then there is no more Need [Not ]. Then we talk to God as a self-confident Atom of Him, this is a Wonderful Occurrence (which is considered to be the work of God) equal to God in His Infinity…
On the earthly Level, this Rune means Procreation and the (Re)Birth necessarily connected with it.
Because this Rune contains the Certainty also of the earthly Rebirth, so it was understood likewise as the Victory-Rune [Siegrune ] (the Victory of Life over Death) and was very often engraved on Spear-Points, Sword-Blades, and Shields.
The Arrow-Shape of the standing Rune again indicates the Ithyphallus [Erect Phallus] and its Work of Rebirth, Procreation.
-Paraphrase from The Runes as Salvation-Signs and for Unbinding-Fate
[Die Runen als Heilszeichen und Schicksalslose] (1924) by E. Tristan Kurtzahn
The “Tyr, Tar, Tur, Tor, Tri, Tre, Ter-zer” Rune According to R.J. Gorsleben (1930)
Letter T and Number 12.
Tyr Rune; Tyr, Tir, Animal/Beast [Thier ]; Tie, Ties, Tiu, Ziu, Zio, Zion, Zizzo, Zeus, Teuf ; Cross; Arbor tree, the wind-cold Wood upon which the Hanging-god [Hangatyr ] sacrifices himself to secure Resurrection.
The protective Roof of the Secret-Doctrine of Resurrection by means of Self-Sacrifice.
Dr. Friedrich Teltscher’s Ur-word is Erregung meaning “Excitation” as well as Excitement, Intense Emotion, Thrill, Arousal, Causing, etc.
“A twelfth one I sing, if I see in the branches
dangle the hanged one on the rope.
He descends from the tree and has to respond to me
When I carve the Runes correctly”This is the Rune of the “God of the Sword” [Schwertgottes ]. Also the Rune of the people of the tiu, teuf, tot = of the whole, deut-deutsch (the German or Germanic peoples). Related are: tus = a thousand, dusion (Greek) = sacrifice. In essence the Rune means ‘to procreate’. Tyr = try, like one of Wodan’s other sons Thor who is also the third, the procreated one.
The word Tar or Tara is also related, meaning: to turn (around), to transmute, therefore to conceal, to hide, to cover up; thus in general destruction and reincarnation, eternal change: TIE and die! To die, because the contrary of the living whole, the total or tot, is Death [Tod ]!
The Rune represents the tri-tre , the tree, which is also a tre -turning growth. Becoming or growth is often in the shape of the spiral, be it a nebula (which evolves into a world) or the most inconspicuous plant. Here the Tyr-, the tri-, the turning-, the three-power or triple-power is active. Therefore on all ends, we find notions of growth, of becoming, and of procreation with this Tyr-concept.
Tramontana or trimontana is the astrological and astronomical term for Polaris (the pole star). Tri = ‘rotation’ as well as ‘three’; it reminds us of the world tree, the axis of which goes through the pole star.
The world tree is the symbol of the maintaining and of the three (of root, stem and crown; as well as of arising, being and passing away). All growth is symbolized by a tree, namely the rotation of a spiral, which is striving upwards.
‘Montana’ = mundus or world, and ‘Trimontana ’ = the tree of the world. Everywhere we still find traces of the ancient knowledge of the world-tree and we unveil the buried spiritual treasures with the linguistic key that is only explainable by means of the Ur-language.
In its inversion the whirling power of the becoming of the TYR, tri, tar , and ter becomes a “zer ” in the German language, and as such it is a word of destruction, of annihilation, of tearing up.
Tyr is the son of Wodan, the re-born one, after the self-sacrifice of the father; the Hangatyr , the hanging-Tyr , which rejuvenates in order to be his son Tyr . Thus Wodan, who descended from the tree (from the world-wood), is renewed and re-incorporated into the young Sword-and-Sun God.
The corresponding stanza of the Rune Song assures us of the human who has nailed to the cross of the world, his reincarnation in a new human body. The Christ, who is nailed to the world cross on the “hill” named Golgotha (Golga-ta , the Galga-, Halga-, Hag-all, the “Son of God”), is in the colony of the Tyr (the Ziu, Zio, Zion, Zeus ), the Tyr himself.
Tyr as the twelfth rune, corresponds to the twelfth sign of the zodiac: Pisces; thus, it reminds us of the Christ in the sign of Pisces, and corresponds entirely to the “God son” Tyr , who (in the Rune circle) is on its twelfth position.
The TYR-Rune tells us: “Do not fear anything, even dying cannot kill you! Better to die than to be one who is a ‘living dead’.”
The shape of the arrow of the Rune indicates procreation, birth on the material plane and it is, therefore, necessarily connected with dying and death. Since these are the conditions for reincarnation, this rune is also a rune of victory over death.
The Rune TYR could be hidden easily in a coat of arms, because of its far reaching imagery. After a certain time it was no longer possible or advisable to show runes in the coat of arms, so it appeared on spears, lances and arrows. When it appears in a coat of arms, it gives dynasty, riches and abundance, that is to say: increase in every respect.
Although it is the 12th rune (and therefore related with Pisces), astrologically it belongs to the sign of Sagittarius and to the planet Mars (because of the similarity of their astrological symbols).
-Paraphrase from The Peak-Time of Humanity [Die Hoch-Zeit der Menschheit] (1930)
by Rudolf John Gorsleben
The “Tyr, Tor, Tiu” Rune According to S.A. Kummer (1932-1933)
(T, D) The T- and/or D-Rune, Tyr, Tor, Tiu, Ziu, Teut, Thor, is the Rune of Happiness/Luck [Glücks ], of the spiritual Victory [geistigen Sieges ], of Rebirth [Wiedergeburt ], of Procreation, but also of Destruction and eternal Change [ewigen Wechsels ]. – Numeric-Value 12.
Tyr , the Third, the threefold Force. In it the Three also work: Arising – Being – Passing-Away.
It is: turning, Rotation, striving upward, and the World-Tree. The spiral Trajectory of the Sun. The spiral Current [spiralartige Strömen ], the cosmic Rhythm; the Arrow- and Spear-Head in the form of the Tyr-Rune.
Tyr , the twelfth Rune of the Futhark; the Tyr-Rune is the Rune of Affirmation, Emergence and Fertility, but also of Negation, Destruction and Death.
Tyr , the Zodiac of the Heavens, whose twelfth Sign is Pisces in which Christ, the Son-of-God, was born. In the Nordic-Atlantean language, these characters:
are Symbolic of the Son-of-God at the Winter-Solstice.
Wotan, who descends from the World-Ash-Tree by Overcoming-Himself [Selbstüberwindung ], is Reborn and retrieves the Runes.
The Thorn-of-Death [Todesdorn ]; the Hammer of Thor, the Spear in the Form of the Tyr-Rune; Tyr is also the Door [Tür ] that leads to the higher Realizations of the Spirit.
The Tyr-Rune is born in everyone [in jedem hineingeboren ]. But to whosoever listens to themselves, in the Tyr-Rune-Position, it whispers [raunt ] memories of former Lives and gives them the Certainty of a Survival, to Come-Back, and banishes in them any Fear of Death [jede Furcht vor dem Tode ].
That is why it is also the spiritual Battle- and Victory-Rune, with which we are to overcome Substance, Matter/Material within ourselves, in order to enable us (through pure, conscious Procreation) to attain the higher, earthly Rebirth.
As the Teut-Rune, it is the Rune of the Deut = Deutschen [Germans]. However, this Rune also refers to concealment, to camouflage/disguise and to the Cloak-of-Invisibility [Tarnkappe ].
The Tyr-Rune is also considered a Talisman of Happiness/Luck and should bring about an Increase in Property/Possessions, Abundance and Wealth, spiritually as well as materially. It warns against impure Procreation and Blood-Mixture because then it brings Ruin, Disgrace, Need [Not ] and Suffering.
The Demonic form of the Tyr-Rune is the overturned Tyr-Rune , meaning Destruction, Death [Tod ], Ruin, Downfall, Greed, Brutality, and Selfishness.
[Thus, it seems that in this Rune we have the two polarities: Overcoming-Oneself and Selfishness.]
Tyr’s motto is: “Do not fear Death [Tod ], it cannot kill you”.
Kummer’s Full Body Rune Exercise(s):
The Student takes up the Ich-Rune-Position (Military “At-Attention”), does the Breathing-Exercise and then puts both arms down sideways obliquely so that they form the Tyr-Rune pictured.
Now they pay attention to the Universal- and Earth-Waves [All- und Erdwellen ] in their Body, which particularly address the Sympathetic-Nervous-System, the Solar-Plexus and the Glandular-Centers.
One sings softly, but so that it can still be heard in the Ear, the “t” or “Tyr”.
One meditates for a long time as follows:
“Having gone from Rebirth to Rebirth,
I aspire to Thee, All-Father,
through Life and Death,
across Suffering, Tribulation and Need [Not ],
across Joy and Happiness/Luck [Glück ]
through it all, in Yearning, I aspire back to Thee.Fear not Death!
Through many Alterations and Formations
I have flowed and died, yet nothing can kill me.I exist and live with Yearning for a higher, purer Life… for the Sun… for Thee!”
The following Sound-Formula is given for further sensing of the Tyr-Rune-Position: “ta-te-ti-to-tu”.
Kummer’s Hand Rune Exercise (‘Mudras’ or “Rune-Grips”):
The Rune Practitioner should take up the Ich-Rune-Position (Military “At-Attention”); this is followed by a deep Breathing-Exercise three times, with thoughts directed toward physical and spiritual purification; which must be observed with all the Rune-Grips. Figure 12 shows the Tyr-Rune-Grip.
The Tyr-Rune-Grip is performed right-handed about 20 cm [or 8 inches] in front of the Body, with the Arm bent, so that the Tip-of-the-Index-Finger is at the level of the Navel.
The Sound-Formulas are: “T-y-r”, and “ta-te-ti-to-tu”.
Spiritual Meditation is as follows:
“Having gone from Rebirth to Rebirth. I aspire to Thee, All-Father,
through Life and Death.Across Suffering, Tribulation and Need [Not ],
across Joy and Happiness/Luck [Glück ]
through it all, in Yearning, I aspire back to Thee.”Each Rune-Grip must be repeated three times (for 3 Minutes each, followed by a short Pause in the Ich-Rune-Position between sets), since otherwise no satisfactory Collection of Subtle-Force [Feinkräfte ] can be reached in the Hand-Centers.
After several Repetitions with this Grip, the Rune-Practitioner will observe a pleasant turning, drilling Sensation in the right Hand. A subtle Connection with the Navel develops, though which the Subtle-Force [Feinkräfte ] acts on the Solar-Plexus, so that a whispering [raunen ] begins Inside of the Rune-Practitioner, including Inherited-Memories, and often astral Perceptions also appear. The astral Color is reddish-gray by Day, grayish-blue by Night.
At the end of the Exercise, the Rune Practitioner should direct the collected Subtle-Forces [Feinkräften ] throughout the entire Body by conscious-willpower [willensbewußt ].
-Paraphrase from Holy Runic-Power [Heilige Runenmacht] (1932)
& Rune Magic [Runen-Magie] (1933) by Siegfried Adolf Kummer.
Rosicrucian and Gnostic
The “Tir” or “Tyr” Rune According to Huiracocha
Beloved Disciple:
TYR or TIR, is the Rune with which we continue our studies and of course, its designation determines that in Spain (in our Motherland) there was a nordic civilization and they left this name of the NORDIC GOD distributed in many places, since in ancient Spain, a city and a river we know with the name of TYRIS, according to Avicenna.
TIR-ESIAS, the famous prophet and son of Everes, remembers that there exists an instrument called a TIRIS which the Japanese possess for their ceremonial Magic.
TIREO was also one of Apollo’s names when he was a Guardian of the Threshold in Initiations.
Remember also, the King of Tyre as a masonic symbol and, above all, the Zodiac does not come from the Animals, but from the God TIR, in order to realize the importance of that Rune that gave its name to so many things, people and places……
The TYR Rune represents the TRINITY because it is formed by three arms, but it is, likewise, the TRIAD in movement, in circulation, it is the wheel of the SUN.
Nordic Mythology says that WOTAN, the German and Mayan (Mexican) God, when he came down from the tree of life, found the Runes, finding the TIR Rune first.
OL signifies SOUL and TIROL signifies soul of the God TIR. Let us remember TIROL, that region which formerly belonged to Austria, where there are many archaeological memories.
In ancient Manuscripts, this Rune is indicated as the Rune of Reincarnation and of Triumph over Life, and in our Alphabet it is represented as the T or Greek TAU and hence the Rune is essentially a ROSE CROSS symbol.
Nordic mythology tells us that one day the Evil Genie [Loki ] had converted himself into a WOLF, playing with the same Gods without their realizing who he was. But, once recognized, it was necessary for one of them to sacrifice themselves and then TIR offered himself by putting his arm between the wolf’s jaws. This cut it at the root and he lost his hand.
Here is a beautiful teaching for us Rose Cross Disciples: ONE FOR ALL, that is, ONE who is always willing to sacrifice themselves for others….
When the Runes are used as vehicles in order to know the future, this Rune signifies LIFE, when it falls with the tip pointing up, and if contrarily it appears with the tip down, then it signifies DEATH.
That is to say, that when we present ourselves before the difficulties with strength of will and character while carrying the shield of fortitude, then we will undoubtedly be victorious. But if we debilitate and abandon ourselves, then we will be overcome. So, for elevated things you have to always face the SUN.
The Nordic peoples consider this Rune, engraved on wood or stone, as a talisman, that is, as an attractive potentiality of luck and that it signifies HARMONY.
It is a representation of the trio BODY, SOUL and SPIRIT and of the three states of matter: SOLID, LIQUID and GAS.
The Great All is also latent in it, since it signifies even the PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE (the three enigmas of time, when the circle closes, they are separated and form a single cipher) and with it BIRTH, SUSTAINABILITY IN LIFE, AND DEATH.
PRACTICE: The corresponding practices are to place the arms high and then lower the hands in the likeness of shells, pronouncing the mantram “T i i i i i i r” extended. This is how the personality awakens through the impulse given to it by the “T” or TAU, the Blood awakens through the “I” and the circulation awakens through the “R”.The Treaties say that with these practices rheumatism and Heart diseases and all those diseases related to blood circulation can be cured. However, these practices should not be done alone, but should be linked to those of the following Rune, named “BAR”.
-Paraphrase from Runic Course [Curso Rúnico] (1931-1935)
by Arnoldo Krumm-Heller (Huiracocha)
available in Gnostic-Rosicrucian Runology
The “Tyr” or “Tir” Rune According to Samael Aun Weor
Divine night, behold, here I am, finally alone with myself, and listening through the voice of Isaiah to your insinuating clamour which is calling me. Oh enchanted night, Urania, life of mine, to be sick because of you is to be sane. All the tales which amuse mortals in their remote infancy are nothing close to you, because you smell better than the fragrance of enchanted gardens…
So, with fertile endurance and with simple pity, I passed through the streets of the capital of Mexico. Who is the one who calls me in the night with such a delectable accent? Ah, it is a gust of wind which wails in the summit tower, it is a sweet thought.
So, I climbed the old tower of the Metropolitan Cathedral while singing my poem with the voice of silence. “Behold, that which is awaiting for you!” said a generous voice unto me, a voice endowing music to the wind. This was a song which was played wherever I went, such musical notes in which I seem to sense my own voice. Then, when descending from that tower, someone was following me, he was a Disciple.
Great was my joy, since I was inebriated with an exquisite spiritual voluptuousness. My body did not have weight, I was moving myself with my Astral form, I had abandoned my physical vehicle a long time before.
Already upon the atrium of this old Cathedral, I saw a picturesque conjunction of men, women, children and elders who were selling their merchandise everywhere. There, seated like an oriental Yogi, close to the wall and under the aged tower, on a corner of this old Cathedral, an Aztec Elder of an indescribable age was meditating.
Any sleeping person would have easily assumed him to be just another merchant. In front of him was a mysterious object, a secret Aztec relic. Then, confounded and humbled before this venerable Holy Indigenous Aztec, I had to prostrate myself with reverence. The elder blessed me.
My Disciple looked like a zombie, his Consciousness was profoundly sleeping… Suddenly, something happened, he bent down and, without the least bit of respect, grasped the untouchable relic. He observed it in his hands with infinite curiosity and I became horrified by his behavior.
This appeared so terrible to me that I exclaimed, “What do you think you are doing? You are committing a great sacrilege. For God’s sake, withdraw yourself and leave the relic in its place.” Nevertheless, filled with infinite compassion the Master replied, “It is not his fault in this matter, he is asleep.”
Afterwards, like a pilgrim on the path who wants to heal the afflicted heart with a precious balm, he grasped the head of this sleeping neophyte, and blew the living FOHAT upon his face with the purpose of awakening him, but everything was useless. This Disciple continued sleeping, dreaming.
So, filled with deep bitterness I said, “How much I have fought in the physical world in order for these people to awaken their Consciousness and still they continue to sleep.”
The Disciple had assumed a gigantic figure, an aspect that the Pluralized “I” (engulfed within the Lunar Bodies) was giving him. It was bizarre to see this enormous grayish colored giant slowly walking like a zombie along the old atrium of this ancient Cathedral while heading towards his home (where his physical body was sleeping). In those moments I could only exclaim, “What ugly Lunar Bodies they are!”
Nonetheless, the venerated Elder, while inebriated with compassion replied unto me, “Inside the temple which you are now going to enter (a Jinn Temple, an Aztec Sanctuary), there are many like this one, so look at them with sympathy.” I replied, “It is clear that I will look upon them with sympathy.”
Let us now talk about Reincarnation. Are perchance these Lunar creatures Reincarnating? Could Reincarnation exist where there is no Individuality? The Doctrine of Krishna teaches that only the Gods, Demi-Gods, Heros, Devas, and Titans REINCARNATE. In other words, we will say that only the SELF-REALIZED, those who have the BEING INCARNATED can REINCARNATE. The Ego, the Pluralized “I”, does not Reincarnate. It is submitted to the Law of the Eternal Return of all things. It returns into a new womb, it comes back into this valley of Samsara, it REINCORPORATES.
PRACTICE: The practices corresponding to the TYR or TIR Rune consist of placing the arms high above the head, then descending them to the sides while the hands are cupped like seashells.When lowering the straight arms pronounce the Mantram “TIIIIIIIRRRRRRRR”. The sound of the letters “I….R….” should be prolonged in order to AWAKEN CONSCIOUSNESS.
The ‘T’ or TAU strikes the CONSCIOUSNESS in order to awaken it. The letter ‘I’ works intensely within the blood which is the vehicle of the ESSENCE. The ‘R’, while intensifying the circulation of the blood in the veins and in the sanguineous vessels, is operating marvels with the igneous flames by intensifying and stimulating the awakening.
-Paraphrase from The Magic of the Runes [Magia de las Runas] (1969)
by Samael Aun Weor
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