
The “Ans, Os, Aesc” or A- and O-Rune According to Friedrich Fischbach (1900)

In most Alphabets, the Character “A” stands in front, because it means ‘Origin of Life’ [Ursprung des Lebens ]. But the nordic Rune is also pronounced “O”. Thus we also have for the Word(s) Athem or Odem meaning ‘Breath’.

Similarly, we have Ansen which is an older Word for Asen or Osen , meaning ‘Aesir’ or Gods. The Gods-of-Light [Lichtgotter ] live in the East [Osten ], where they appear in the Morning. Since they are fiery and apparently transform the Earth, they have the Root-Syllable like Agni , namely from ang = to turn/rotate.

In conformity with the Fire-Rune, we see in the Ans-Rune the Fire-Staff and the two Ropes, but directed downwards. Since the Rune is also called Aesc = Ash-Tree = Tree-of-Life, and the Gods (Ansen ) are enthroned in it, then the Connection-of-Concepts is clear.

-Paraphrase from Origin of Gutenberg’s Letters [Ursprung der Buchstaben Gutenbergs] (1900)
by Friedrich Fischbach


The “Os” Rune According to Guido von List (1907)

os, as, ask, ast = Gods* [Ase], Mouth [Mund], Formation or Emergence [Entstehung], Ash tree [Esche], Ashes [Asche].

A Fourth I know, if someone throws my
Arms and Legs into Binds:
As soon as I sing it, I can go along,
From my Feet the Fetters fall,
[and] the Detention comes down from my Hands.

The Mouth, the ‘Power of Speech’ [Macht der Rede ]!

Spiritual Power working through Speech (Power-of-Suggestion) shatters physical Fetters and gives Freedom, it defeats even those conquerors who gain Advantage only through physical Power, and it destroys all Tyranny.

In the Struggle for Existence, it is always the Folk who develop their ‘moral Force’ [moralischen Kraft ] who remain the permanent Victors; with the disappearance of Morality, the higher Spiritual Position is also lost, as history – “the World-Court” – proves.

Therefore: “Your Spiritual-Force [Geisteskraft ] makes You free!”

-Paraphrase from The Mystery/Secret of the Runes
[Das Geheimnis der Runen]
(1907) by Guido Von List


The “Os, As, Ask” Rune According to Ernst Tristan Kurtzahn (1924)

Exoterically: Emergence [Entstehung ].
Esoterically: Origin, Ace [Ursprung, Ase ].
Generally: Mouth, Ash-Tree, Ashes.

The Meaning of this Rune-Name “Os “, is ‘Mouth’. How great is the Power of Speech! However, Speech alone cannot do it… No, bold Action after short Speech!

The Fetters (which are mentioned in the Rune-Song), of course, will only fall as a Result of a boldly uttered Battle-Cry, which is Followed by Actions.

The time for Homeric Dialogues is over, today only the already mentioned Words of Goethe are valid without restrictions: “In the Beginning – was Action!”

-Paraphrase from The Runes as Salvation-Signs and for Unbinding-Fate
[Die Runen als Heilszeichen und Schicksalslose]
(1924) by E. Tristan Kurtzahn


The “Os, As, Ask” & “Othil, Odal, Adel” Runes According to R.J. Gorsleben (1930)

Letter O and Number 4.

Odil, Os, the Noble- and Leader/Guide-Character [das Edel- und Führerzeichen ]. Odin’s Head in the Golden-Helmet, revealing the pure Concept, but also the Mouth (Latin: Os ) of God, in which the Word is at rest, not yet born [noch ungeboren ]. Because “OS is the unborn Suitor [Freier ]”, as is mentioned in the Alphabet of St Gallen (a 9th century manuscript containing a Runic alphabet).

Dr. Friedrich Teltscher’s Ur-word is Gebotenes meaning “That which is offered” as well as Advisable, Desirable, Worthwhile.

“This I know as a fourth, if an enemy
Throws the ties on my hands and feet:
From the leg fall the ties, if I sing the song,
And the cuffs from the hands.”

OS Rune, as, ask ; and OTHIL Rune, Odal or Adel (Nobility). Os : Mouth, Origin, ace, birth, branch, ash tree, but in the demonic or inverse it also means carrion & ashes.

The Latin word Os refers not only to the mouth, but also to the genitals and to the female womb. Based on this, one can recognize the importance of the knowledge of the Ur-language from which we can derive all daughter languages in order to understand and explain every word of every language.

Os = mouth, womb; tar = procreate, “turn”; also “Os-tar ” = procreation of the earth in Spring, at “Ostern ” (Easter) time, during which the goddess of spring (Eostar or Ostara ) had her festivities.

Ust, Ost, Ist mean becoming, emerging, appearing; to be, Sun, son. The Sun rises in the Est or East (Ost- en). The inverted form of Ostara strangely leads to a derivative that gives us the son of the Sun, who resurrects again at Easter time: Ostara = Arasto, Aristo, Haristo, Charisto, Ch(a)rist, Christ!

The Os-Rune is especially the Rune of Speech [Rede ] and already indicates in the Roundness of its sound “O” that of the open Mouth.

The spiritual Power of Speech [Macht der Rede ], or Persuasion, of the Art-of-Convincing [Über-„zeugung“ ], which means to be stronger in Word- and in Spiritual-Procreation, therefore one person “convinces” the other.

The Aphorism of the Rune-Song that refers to this Rune breaks the physical Fetters and overwhelms an Opponent who tries to force with only Physical-Domination , it destroys all earthly Coercion.

Therefore it says: “Thy Spiritual-Force, Thy greater Ethicality [Sittlichkeit ], sets Thee free.” However, Speech alone is not enough: the Word must be followed by Action [Tat ].

The OS Rune is the counterpart to the FA Rune. Its image is its reversal. If the FA-Rune is “Va-Runa ”, the Sender, the Giver, then the OS-Rune, Osrus as a Female-Name, the Receiving-One.

FA = Phallus (penis) and OS = Schoss (womb)!

From the motherly Source [Ur-Ground or Urgrund ] of Love all Being grows and into the motherly Womb the unfolded World retires again after Aeons, in order to rise again to a new sequence of creation, in eternal Change [ewigem Wechsel ] between Being and Non-Being, fertilized by the Male-Spirit, the Breath of God. God’s Breath became this World. If God inhales, then it does not exist any more, it returns to the One, into itself, into God, into “nothing”.

Therefore the OS-Rune is also the OD Rune or the OTHIL Rune, the Rune of the spirit, of the breath, or the power of breath of Wotan, Odin, Odem, Alman . Great powers are ascribed to it, and knowledge of acquiring this power reveals to us the breaking of ties (as referred to in the stanza of the Rune song).

In the form of the OTHIL Rune, the OS Rune has another meaning, that of Ot-hil : spiritual-salvation or the Rune of Odin-Wodan , of the nobleman, of Odal or Adel (Nobility).

-Paraphrase from The Peak-Time of Humanity
[Die Hoch-Zeit der Menschheit]
(1930) by Rudolf John Gorsleben


The “Os” and “Othil” Runes According to S.A. Kummer (1932-1933)

(O) The O-Rune, Os, as, ask, ans, Ase, Branch, Ash-Tree, o = Mouth, Emergence, Ace, Birth. East, Easter, Ostara , the Goddess-of-Spring. Os = Womb, Osrun = that which Receives; what is conceived or generated through Spirit and Love becomes Action. – Numerical value 4.

Os is the Rune of spiritual Speech, of Persuasion and Conviction, of Might, of Language, of spiritual Linguistic-Power. Through Spiritual-Procreation (with which one convinces and overcomes all brute Force), every Force can be conquered.

It is the begotten spiritual Strength, which breaks all physical Fetters: everything Lower is destroyed, because the spiritual Word is also followed by Action. That is why the Rune-Song says: “From Word, Word develops into Word, but Actions lead to Actions.”

In the Demonic, it is Carrion and Ash.

The    Os-Rune is also the    Othil-Rune, the Rune of Breath, Life­-Breath, World-Breath, the Odes, Breathing and has another meaning in this Form.

It is the Odin-Wotan-Rune, the Rune of Spiritual-Salvation, of the Nobility, which speaks to us through the consciously generated Othil-Nobility-Elite. The crossing Force under the Roof of the Universe.

Odin the Od-bringer, Odebar or Adebar (the Stork) who brings the Children. The Ur-Fire is symbolized by the divine Trinity: Life-Breath–Light–Heat. Wotan-Odin was a Wind-God, Thor-Donar was the God of Flame, of the Light, and Frey was the God of Fecundity.

In the Language of the Ancestors, Breath is synonymous with Spirit. Without the Breeze no Fire burns, without Breath there is no Life!

The Demonic of the Othil-Rune occurs through improper creation or generation, then Wisdom and Spiritual-Salvation sinks into the Darkness of the Ur ; protect your Ich from it.


Kummer’s Full Body Rune Exercise(s):

1) By spreading one’s Legs and putting both inner Palms together above the Head so that the Fingertips are pointed upwards, the Student performs the Othil-Rune in this Position. Now follows rhythmic Breathing 7 times.

One notes what was stated in the previous Rune-Positions, and sings “O” while magnetizing the Aura.

Spiritual Forces are now growing within them, giving the Ability to defeat all material and physical Obstacles. One receives the Force to victoriously destroy everything animal, Satanic, and to break all Fetters.

This Rune possesses a great magical Force which the Practitioner must grasp and learn in all its Depth. When one is sufficiently prepared, these Power Forces will seize upon one’s Organs-of-Speech and then one will be astonished by the Advice/Council [Rat ] and Realization. So I call you, dear Brother and dear Sister, to: “Set free your Ich , break all Fetters.”

The Student, in their advanced Stage-of-Development, will now make many strange Observations and Discoveries about themselves. One feels much freer, more powerful and more confident; their Wishes and Thoughts are realized, Advice/Council [Rat ] and Help arrive punctually and unexpectedly.

All Obstacles and Inhibitions will decline according to the Student’s Maturity-Level, their magical Forces will begin to unfold and take Effect; their Appearance, their Nature, their Words will be of strong effect and greater impression on their Environment. But also a great Responsibility grows with these Forces within oneself, so that one is always aware of one’s Actions and Operations as well as their Consequences.

At this Stage for them, it is called: black or white. For this reason demonic and disharmonious Influences often try to seduce the aspiring Initiates into black Magic. So one should be careful and take oneself firmly in Hand; after a few Weeks these Temptations are overcome and one then rises to become a conscious Knower, a wise Magician, an Initiate.

Now the Student should withdraw even more from all lower, egotistical Influences. In order to avoid Repercussions, one intensifies one’s noble Longing for Harmony and Calmness; additionally one must fully Occupy oneself with a high Thought- and Wish-Life. Thus one creates a strong Force-of-Resistance against all demonic Influences, Passions and Weaknesses. It is easier for one to achieve the Goal one has set.

In this Stage-of-Development Clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience as well as medium Experiences occur more often, which are easily taken advantage of by black-magical, demonic Beings who pose as Guardian-Spirits, spiritual Advisers, great, dead Geniuses, etc., who approach the Student in order to misuse them for satanic, sinister Causes.

The Student must never forget that if high divine Forces are to be revealed in them, they must first and foremost be pure and in accordance with these Forces. The Exalted comes to the Exalted, and the pure to the Pure, and one Day this will all be revealed.

I warn the Student once again against lower, subtle Beings, that easily harass inexperienced Occultists, often pretending to be the Christ, absorbing the Student’s Od and then doing Philandery and Nonsense with it. These Od-Vampires are mostly deceased Black-Magicians who are acting out their Hatred in another Sphere. The Student must vigorously repel such Approaches with the greatest Calm and Strength.

2) Regarding this Position, I will briefly mention another Rune in which a different Spatial- and Current-Direction can be felt. It is the “o”, Os-Rune-Position    .

a) Gazing East, the Practitioner stretches their left foot out of the Ich-Rune-Position tightly in front, with the Tip-of-the-Foot stretched out; their left arm is stretched out obliquely downwards so that they make the following shape    when seen from the side. At the same time, they sing: “o-o-o-s”.

b) After that, the Practitioner again takes the Ich-Rune-Position, but now gazes to the North, and stretches out the right Leg and the right Arm diagonally downwards. This again makes the Os-Rune shape    when seen from the side. One now sings: “o-o-o-o-s”.

Meditation and Breathing-Exercises should not be missed in this Practice. There is a great magical Power in this Rune-Position; whosoever feels it in its depth receives great spiritual Might and Speaking-Power. Often it is in this Rune-Position that one is forced to Speak loudly.

The Os-Rune-Position is a special Absorbing- and Receiving-Position for higher astral Waves (while the reverse    Os-Rune is the    Fa-Rune, which is a positive Transmitting-Rune).


Kummer’s Hand Rune Exercise (‘Mudras’ or “Rune-Grips”):

The Rune Practitioner should take up the Ich-Rune-Position (Military “At-Attention”); this is followed by a deep Breathing-Exercise three times, with thoughts directed toward physical and spiritual purification; which is observed with all the Rune-Grips.

One stretches the left Arm upwards, bending the Thumb and Forefinger of the outstretched Hand so that the Fingertips touch, as Figure 4 shows.

One sings the “O-o-o” sound in the way already explained (raising and lowering the Tone). Soon one will feel a circulating Oscillation of Subtle-Forces [Feinkräften ] in one’s Hand.

Each Rune-Grip must be repeated three times (for 3 Minutes each, followed by a short Pause in the Ich-Rune-Position between sets), since otherwise no satisfactory Collection of Subtle-Force [Feinkräfte ] can be reached in the Hand-Centers.

This is the Grip of Odem , Ode and Breath [Atems ]. It has an especially beneficial spiritual effect for the conscious Rune Practitioner. Often after this Exercise the Smell of Ozone can be detected on the Hand.

After finishing the Exercise, the collected Subtle-Forces are to be directed throughout the entire Body by conscious-willpower [willensbewußt ]. The astral Color-Vibration is light-purple.

-Paraphrase from Holy Runic-Power [Heilige Runenmacht] (1932)
& Rune Magic [Runen-Magie] (1933) by Siegfried Adolf Kummer.


Rosicrucian and Gnostic

The “Os” and “Othil” or “Odil” (“Olin” or “Ollin”) Runes According to Huiracocha

Beloved Disciple:

Let’s go to the next Rune, the    OS Rune, which is under the influence of Scorpio.

Similar to the    FA Rune (which had its arms upwards), the    OS Rune has them downwards in the same way; and the other Rune, which is    Odil, is similar to Olin in Mexico, which is related with movement.

So, after having the arm placed at the waist (in the previous    Rune’s position), put both arms downwards and then both at the waist to complete the Mantram saying “THORN” like so: “T…….O……..R……..Nnnnn”.

When we remove the ‘N’, “TORN” becomes ‘TOR’, ‘DOR’ or “DOOR” and, this Rune is the door that opens for the attainment [logro ] of Internal Powers.

Let it be well understood, that the door is opened if we have charged ourselves with WILLPOWER and with what we call Persistence/Insistence [Insistencia ].

OLIN in Aztec is the sign of Quetzacoatl God of the Wind, God of Life and thus OLIN is the Rune of respiration.

So you have to charge yourself, inundate yourself, with air, life, with Prana, inspiring through the nose and then exhaling the breath saying the “T…….O……..R……..Nnnnn.”

Armed, then, with Willpower and with the thought fixed or concentrated on creating magical forces, upon inhaling: the air is retained in the lungs each time while thinking:

I am all Power, all Will, and all Movement. In me the Thorn and Movement Runes are realized.”

From this moment on, the disciple must impose their willpower, feeling capable, making whatever they want prevail, but without hurting others, without ceasing to be kind, and affectionate to all. Nonetheless, from the whole of our being, there must be something imperative, so that others say: “This person is strong, and knows how to command.”

We should never say: “I can not do this or that”, instead one must said: “I CAN [YO PUEDO ]“.

If the magical-runic value of the    Thorn Rune is 3 or the Trinity, then the    OS Rune is represented by 4 and the two Runes together form the septenary.

Together, both Runes, represent (as we have said): Willpower, Action, the All, but also Death and Reincarnation (or Return), the Lap/Bosom (or Womb), the Mouth, the Christ as Logos, Oration (Prayer) and Respiration.

Above all, you have to do a previous concentration when doing the exercises.

The disciple must meditate that these practices are composed of a Septenary or the seven bodies, one encased within the other, and that their breath and their respiration, must permeate them all at the same time, producing in the interior something like an amalgam.

This should be done in such a way that the air goes to each of the bodies that corresponds in form also, that is to say, more material or more subtle, so that it acts and drives in all our vehicles. Thereby bringing the Cosmic Christ to us, so that we are led to the Divine Origin from which we have departed and to which we must return.

But before the latter concept becomes possible, we must try to act on our physical organism, on our body, which is our instrument, using the practices and exercises that have been carefully guarded for centuries & centuries by the Secret and Initiatic Societies among whom the Rose Cross Fraternity has always excelled as a guardian of Runic Magic.


-Paraphrase from Runic Course [Curso Rúnico] (1931-1935)
by Arnoldo Krumm-Heller (Huiracocha)
available in Gnostic-Rosicrucian Runology


The “Os” and “Othil” or “Odil” (“Olin” or “Ollin”) Runes According to Samael Aun Weor

We must profoundly study the problem of Sexual Transmutation for single people. Samael Aun Weor said that the medicine against the subjective states that produce nocturnal pollutions is Sexual Magic. Yet, there is a need for clarification…

While we remain very alive (in other words, while we remain with the EGO existing in the 49 regions of the Subconsciousness), then erotic dreams will inevitably continue. What occurs is that through the practice of the Sahaja Maithuna (Sex-Yoga), the Chela (Disciple) becomes accustomed to refraining the sexual impulse and, thus, when an erotic dream occurs, then the mind refrains the sexual impulse instinctively. Clearly such a formula helps when one has continuity of purpose. Thus, daily practice is needed, year after year, with intensity.

Unfortunately, this formula only works when one has a spouse, but, what about those who are single, who do not have a spouse? Then what? Those who are single can and must utilize the creative energy for the Awakening of the Consciousness. What we need to know is the technique, so let us now enter, in full, into the fields of the    OS Rune.

This Rune vibrates intensely with the Constellation of Scorpio, which is very important because this court of stars is found intimately related with the sexual organs. This is the same OLIN Rune of Aztec Mexico and it is esoterically related with the famous    THORN Rune.

Among the Aztecs, OLIN is the mystical symbol of the God of the Wind, the lord of Movement. The name of the corresponding angel is EHECATL. He was the one who intervened in the resurrection of Jesus by transmitting Prana (life) into the body of the Great Kabir, saying: “Jesus rise with your body from within your tomb.”

The angel EHECATL (the God of the Wind) is certainly an extraordinary Guru-Deva who lives in the World of Conscious Willpower and has power over the Sylphs of the Air. So now we can see the intimate esoteric relationship between the    OS and    THORN Runes (Movement and Willpower).

In the sacred land of the Pharaohs, the Sphinx corresponds to the Elemental Sphinx of Nature, who is the mysterious instructor of the Holy Devic College. All the Gnostic brethren would like to talk face to face with the Elemental Sphinx of Nature, to have a dialogue with the Devas, or to walk with EHECATL. But in order to do so, it is necessary to Awaken the Consciousness, to open the door, to call with Persistence/Insistence [Insistencia ], to set our Willpower in motion (movement).

Observe very carefully the two diagrams of the OS [and OTHIL] Runes [collectively referred to as OLIN]. In the same way that the   FA Rune has its two arms upwards, the [OS or] OLIN Rune has them downwards, and this is profoundly significant.

PRACTICE: During these Esoteric practices, there is the need to successively alternate movements by placing the arms in the first position (downwards), then, in the second position (placing the arms on our waist as in the Dorn or Thorn Rune). You must combine the movement with harmonious and rhythmic breathing. Inhale the Prana through the nose, and exhale it through the mouth along with the mystical sound “TORN” (prolonging the pronunciation of each letter).

When inhaling, imagine the sexual forces rising, ascending from the sexual glands throughout the pair of sympathetic nervous cords (Ida and Pingala) reaching the brain, then afterwards continuing towards the heart. When exhaling, imagine the sexual energies entering the heart, and even penetrating more deeply, reaching the Consciousness in order to awaken it, striking it with force, with Thelema (Willpower), thus combining the Thorn and Movement Runes.

Afterwards, pray and meditate. Beseech the Father who is in secret, asking Him to awaken your Consciousness. Beseech your Divine Mother Kundalini, beg Her with infinite love to raise the sexual energies, to make them reach the heart and even further, to the very depth of your Consciousness.

You must love & pray, meditate & supplicate. Build FAITH like the grain of mustard and you will move mountains. Remember that DOUBT is the beginning of ignorance. “Ask and it shall be given you, Knock and it shall be opened unto you.”

-Paraphrase from The Magic of the Runes [Magia de las Runas] (1969)
by Samael Aun Weor


Supplement: The “Thorn/Dorn” and “Odil” or “Olin” Runes Explained by Samael Aun Weor

1. In the standing position, the disciple will inhale and exhale rhythmically several times.

2. In keeping with the inhalation of air, the imagination and will must be united in vibrant harmony so as to make the Sexual Energy rise through the two ganglionic cords of the Spine until it reaches the Brain, Eyebrow Center, Neck and Heart, in successive order.

3. Then the breath will be exhaled, the disciple firmly imagining that the Sexual Energy is secured in the Heart.

4. Upon exhaling the breath the disciple will vocalize the Mantram “THORN” in this way: THOOOORRRRNNNN.

5. With the practice of the OLIN Rune, various movements of the arms should be carried out.

6. The disciple should place the right hand upon the waist.

7. They will extend both hands towards the left, the left hand being higher than the right, stretching the arms and forming a sharp angle with the trunk.

8. Place both hands upon the waist.

In this manner our single disciples of both sexes can transmute their Sexual Energy. The Sexual Energies are also transmuted via the Aesthetic Sense, with the Love of Music, Sculpture, and with long walks, etc. The single person who does not want to have sexual problems must be absolutely pure in thought, word and deed.

-From Ch.43 of The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of the Tarot and Kabbalah by Samael Aun Weor



The    THORN and     MOVEMENT Runes enclose the secret of our liberation.

It is necessary to have the force of willpower in order to place the Kundalini into motion (movement).

The Hierarchies related with the elemental department of the cedar tree have the power to open the door of OLIN. This door is situated in the inferior orifice of the spinal medulla, and through it we enter the great mysteries of the fire.

The Mantram in order to open this door is THORN which is pronounced by prolonging the sound of each vowel as follows: Tooooorrrrrrrnnnn.

The Mantram THORN has the power to place the Pure Akasa into motion in order to awaken the Kundalini and to make it rise through each one of the thirty-three vertebrae of our spinal column. This Mantram has the power to reinforce the Pure Akasa within our Brahmanic cord.

OLIN, the sacred sign of the aztecs indians, is the door to enter into the great mysteries of the fire.

The exercises of OLIN must be performed by placing the right arm upon the waist; then both arms must be extended towards the left side of the body and, at the end, both arms must be placed upon the waist, while vocalizing the Mantram TORN.

The vocalization must be combined with inhalations and exhalations of pure air with the intention of carrying the vital Christ to each one of the seven bodies.

The OLIN sign [     ] is governed by the zodiacal sign of Scorpio which controls the sexual organs. We know that the whole power of the Kundalini is found in the Phallus and in the Uterus; and the secret for awakening the Kundalini is contained within the union of the two.

Nature has its origin in the fire and the entire power of the fire is found enclosed within our sexual organs.

-Paraphrase from Ch. 31 of Igneous Rose [Rosa Ignea] (1954)
by Samael Aun Weor


The Transmutation of water into wine within the womb of our organic laboratory is only possible when dominating the animal impulse by means of Music-Willpower.

We already know that Willpower is music itself, and this is why we affirm that Music-Willpower allows us to transmute our semen into Christic energy.

Therefore, Sexual Magic is ineffable music, it is an exquisite melody, transmuting the semen into the wine of light of the Alchemist.

If we consider the fact that only through the force of Willpower can we control the sexual act in order to transmute the water into wine, then we arrive at the logical conclusion that, for us, music is the only thing that can open the secret chambers of the Spinal Column.

Thus, we must not establish any distance between music and Willpower, because music and Willpower are one same thing.

Sexual Alchemy is only possible by learning how to play the lyre of our Willpower.

This is ARCANUM TWENTY ONE of the Tarot. This is the Third degree of the Fifth Serpent.

Music transforms human beings into Gods.

Those whose willpower is still weak must chant the    THORN Rune daily.

Disciples will perform this exercise by putting their right hand on their waist or hip, and subsequently they will vocalize the syllables: TI-TE-TO-TU-TA, prolonging the sound of each vowel; then immediately after they will vocalize the mantra Thorn as follows: Toooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnnnn.

With this explanation what we want to affirm is that the sound of each letter must be prolonged.

We know that for those whose willpower is weak, Sexual Magic is very arduous and difficult, and this is why we recommend our disciples first of all to practice the exercises of the    THORN Rune in order to acquire the force of Willpower, which will allow them to use Sexual Magic heroically.

Music-Willpower acts upon our waters (seminal energies), transmuting it into Christic energy, that is to say, into the wine of light of the Alchemist.

The    THORN Rune is SOLAR and is governed by the Zodiacal Sign LIBRA. We already know that the Zodiacal sign LIBRA governs the Kidneys. Upon our Kidneys are two Chakras that register our degree of Chastity or our degree of animal fornication.

This is why the BIBLE states:

“Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit Fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.

And I gave her space to repent of her Fornication; and she repented not.

Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit Adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.

And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he who searcheth the kidneys and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.” – Revelation 2: 20-23

Clairvoyants can observe in the Chakras of the Kidneys a dirty red color in the fornicator, and an immaculate white color in the Chaste.

The Colors of the    THORN Rune are orange, green, and yellow. The precious stone of this RUNE is the CARNEOL (or Carnelian), and its metal is Gold.

Music-Willpower is the Sacred Arcanum of TRANSMUTATION. Music permits us to transmute water into wine.

-Paraphrase from Ch. 7 of Christic Willpower [Voluntad Cristo] (1959)
by Samael Aun Weor



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