The “Jer, Jar, Jahr” or J-Rune According to Friedrich Fischbach (1900)
After the Is-Rune, and in place of the 10th or Ar-Rune, Fischbach gives the ‘J-Rune = Jêr = Year [Jahr ]’ along with this description: symbol in the Jêr-Rune, saying:
We find the greatest Diversity in the Jêr or Jâr Rune. The anglo-saxon Character
probably indicates the elapsed Solar-Year [Sonnenjahr ], namely the crossed-out Sun. Whereas the
can likewise signify the four Seasons, but Usually it is the three Main-Seasons which are crossed out or united.
-Paraphrase from Origin of Gutenberg’s Letters [Ursprung der Buchstaben Gutenbergs] (1900)
by Friedrich Fischbach
The “Ing” and “Thorn” Runes According to Guido von List (1910 & 1907)
In Lists’ book The Pictographic-Script of the Aryo-Germans: Aryo-Germanic Hieroglyphics , first published in 1910, he says:
…the following Rune, Fig. 72
, applies to the Syllable “ing ” … because it is condensed [zusammengesackt] from the Horn and from the Crescent/Sickle [dem Horn und der Sichel ]
In order to understand what the ‘Horn’ and ‘Crescent/Sickle’ are, we need to look at some Glyphs he defines in the following order:

So when List says that the Ing-Rune is “condensed from the Horn and from the Crescent/Sickle”, this refers to the duality of the Waxing and Waning Moon Phases, as well as to opposites of Beginning (Emergence/Genesis) and Conclusion/Ending (Healing, Hiding, Dying) in a Cycle.
List goes on to differentiate the variants of this Rune:

If we add the Is-Rune to the above Ing-Rune, then we get the other shape for this Rune , which would symbolically mean: the Beginning and Conclusion/Ending (Ing-Rune) of the “vigorously-willed Spirit” (Is-Rune), and of the Willpower necessary to overcome the “Surge of the Waves” in the Spiritual- and Physical-Worlds. (See List’s explanation of the Is-Rune.)
-Paraphrase from The Pictographic-Script of the Aryo-Germans: Aryo-Germanic Hieroglyphics
[Die Bilderschrift der Ario-Germanen : Ario-Germanische Hieroglyphik] (1910) by Guido Von List
While discussing the Dorn- or Thorn-Rune, in his Mystery/Secret of the Runes (1907), List mentions that this Rune has a dual aspect based on how its point or ‘thorn’ is directed:
This Rune is the “Thorn-of-Death” [Todesdorn ] which is what Wuotan used to put the disobedient Valkyrie, Brunhilda (a female warrior), into a Death-Sleep (compare Sleeping Beauty).
But in contrast to this, it is also the “Thorn-of-Life” [Lebensdorn ] (the Phallus), with which Death is conquered through “Rebirth [Wiedergeburt]”.
One aspect is related to Life, and the other to Death… If we overlap these runes on top of each other, then we have one of the shapes of the Jer/Ger Rune, which we can say becomes the ‘Thorns-of-Death-and-Life’.
-Paraphrase from The Mystery/Secret of the Runes
[Das Geheimnis der Runen] (1907) by Guido Von List
Gnostically, this reminds us of the dual aspect of our Interior Work: to Die in ourselves and to be Born again. In this sense, it reminds us of the danger of becoming a Hanasmuss (a being who has the Solar Bodies, but has not eliminated the Ego), a ‘Cosmic Failure’, an abortion of the Divine Mother.
The “Thorn-of-Life” Rune According to E.T. Kurtzahn (1924)
In his explanation of the Thorn-Rune, Kurtzahn mentions Death and Life as Opposite-Poles.
The Thorn-of-Life [Lebensdorn ], he says, “resembles an Ithyphallus (a depiction of an erect phallus) … which expresses the Expression of the ‘Will to Life [Willens zum Leben ]’ through Procreation-Readiness.”
However, he goes on to say that “the implied condition of Death (necessary to define Life) together with Rebirth in almost infinite Change or Exchange [Wechsel ]” is something that “nothing and no one is able to resist…”
The “Jer, Jera or Belgthor” Rune According to R.J. Gorsleben
In discussing the Thorn/Dorn Rune, he says:
The male magical thorn, the thorn of awakening, overcomes the thorn-hedge of the Wahl-castle (Selection-Castle), the rampart-castle, the place of selecting the bride, the hedge of thunder, the Thun-Ar -hedge: Tun = fence, Ar = Sun, therefore the fence of the Sun or of the fire.
The double Rune
(Thorn from both sides) approaches the shape of the Rune of Marriage [
Ehe -Rune ].
Marriage only creates the human being in its entirety in man and woman, who create the third one, which is more than both… This is the meaning of Sleeping Beauty, who sleeps the hibernation of infertility, until the prince, the knight, the fearless one, arrives, penetrates the hedge of thorny roses and awakens the virgin with a kiss. She is sleeping the sleep between death and reincarnation and her destiny is to give birth to the son of the hero…
For the Gnostic, the “Sleep” of Sleeping Beauty is the sleeping Consciousness, which must be awakened through the Work on ourselves…
In discussing the < Kaun/Kon/Kun Rune, he says:
A Subsidiary of the Kun Rune [ < ] is the “Kind [or Child]” Rune.
When doubled, it is the Syllable ‘ing’, ‘ling’, ‘ung’, meaning Orphan, the Descendant:
[the Ing or Jera Rune]… It is between two Things, two Bodies, two Values and Numbers, it is the Sign for “Less-Than” < , or “Greater-Than” > .
Since the Rune always appears in the position for “Less-Than”, it presumably means < the Child [das Kind ], and can also be read everywhere as a Child- or Ancestry/Lineage-Rune.
This Character could also be seen as Part of the Inner-Angle of the Womb of the Bar-Rune,
< , from which it emerges as the “Child” after Birth… The “Ing”-Ancestry/Lineage-Character…
-Paraphrase from The Peak-Time of Humanity [Die Hoch-Zeit der Menschheit] (1930)
by Rudolf John Gorsleben
The “Jer/Gera” or “Belgthor” Rune According to S.A. Kummer (1932-33)
Not mentioned.
The Jer/Gera or Belgthor Rune According to Scholars
The Jer/Gera or Belgthor Rune is often used in Runic Calendars to refer to the number 19 (or the 19th year). Runic Calendars were perpetual calendars based on a 19 year-long period correlating the Sun and the Moon, which is called a Metonic cycle (a period after which the lunar phases recur at the same time of the year). Rune Calendars were etched on pieces of wood and often referred to as Rune Staffs.
The word “Belg”, in Prot-Indo-European, means “to bulge, to swell”. So it makes sense that the Jer/Gera or Belgthor Rune can be seen as 2
Thoros, Thorn or Dorn Runes
put together (sometimes two or more overlapping runes is called a ‘bind rune’).
Other variations of this rune (such as Jera or Jeran ) are said to have the meaning of “year” or “harvest”, as well as “season”, “plenty”, and “prosperity”.
The Symbolic Perspective for the Jer/Gera or Belgthor Rune
If we convert the
Jer/Gera or Belgthor Rune into a posture, then we see a person with both hands on the hips. Again, something like a double
Thoros, Thorn or Dorn Rune
According to the Center for Non-Verbal Studies, this posture is called “akimbo” or hands-on-hips:
a. to perform,
b. to take part in, or
c. to take charge of
an event, activity, or work assignment.
As a nonverbal cue, the posture shows that the body is poised to “step forward” (either to carry out a superior’s order, or to discipline or threaten a subordinate, or to defend against those who “overstep their bounds”).
And in US Politics, it says:
However, there is another side to this posture. According to Law Enforcement sources (in this case, an FBI Special Agent):
I don’t recommend that officers responding to domestic situations stand in doorways with arms akimbo. They are blocking the king’s castle, they are being territorial, and it is a hostile statement when defusion is needed instead.
On the other hand, I encourage female officers to use arms akimbo more often to establish greater territory, and thus greater authority.
A general summary of this posture, then, would be that it indicates confidence and is related to the “action of controlling” a situation.
Prior to Action: If the action is to follow, then this can be accomplished by taking the control (or authority) away from someone else or by asserting one’s own authority (if there does not seem to be one already established).
After Action:If the action has just occurred, then it may indicate a perceived triumph.
Either way, it often seems to be the posture indicating some kind controlling or dominating action (either that will follow or has been accomplished). Which is maybe why we see modern fictional “Superheros” take this posture before or after they have acted.
Additionally, this posture seems to indicate: Overseeing, Overlooking or Reflecting on an action, situation, job or phase of a project (which can also be seen as a series of tasks and, therefore, as a cycle or part of a cycle).
For the ancients, who were in touch with Nature, life generally revolved around the appropriate seasonal activities such that they were prepared for the next phase or season. Thus, if this Rune is related to the Year, then we can see its association with Reflecting on the current seasonal activities or even the whole year…
Rosicrucian and Gnostic
The “Ar” Rune and the “Jar-Man” According to Huiracocha
In his Runic-Course, Huiracocha does not give this 19th Rune a name, but does give it the values of “Fortune, friendships” and associates it with the constellation of Leo. He also says it is “like 1 [como 1 ]”, which appears to refer to the 1st Rune, Fa .
In discussing the Ar Rune, Huiracocha says:
…The son of the SUN was called ARMANO.
AAR is the original word for the FIRE or, more specifically, the CENTRAL FIRE.
ARAHARI of the Hindus is the name of the Spiritual Sun.
ARIMAN was the Lucifer or ‘maker of the Light’ among the Persians.
The numeric value of AR is 10 or the
symbol of the Man-God.
It is also curious that the year in German is called JAHR, JARR or JAR. J is the Being and AR is the Sun. Thus, the SOLAR BEING is represented by the year.
The universal Man, in the primitive Language, was the JAR-MAN or Man of the Universal Sun, ADAM-KADMON, the HIRAM of the Masons, the Builder of the Temple of Solomon, who was also called HARAM in the Ancient Texts…
The “Jera” Rune According to a Student of Samael Aun Weor
Samael Aun Weor does not give any information about this Rune. However, one of Samael’s students (from Glorian Publishing) gave a lecture on the Jera Rune, which we have attempted to summarize below:
The Jera Rune is related with the Solar Harvest. What is the Solar Harvest? It is related to the Cosmic Day. The Cosmic Day (the Mahavantara) is opposed to the Cosmic Night (the Mahapralaya). During the Cosmic Day, there is Being or Existence… This is the time when one can ‘grow’ or develop and, at the end of the growing season, there can be a Harvest.
So the Jera Rune speaks to us of the Harvest of the Cosmic Day, that is: the useful outcome of existence. In Gnosis, the Solar Harvest means the work with the Solar Logos and, therefore, the work with the Light.
In Gnostic Kabbalah, when the Cosmic Day comes into activity, it emanates from the Absolute, which has 3 aspects: Ain , Ain Soph and Ain Soph Aur . The word Aur (in the third aspect) means ‘Light’ in Hebrew.
“And God said ‘Let there be Light’ and there was Light…” – Genesis 1:3
The first manifestation of existence are the Sephiroth called Kether, followed by Chokmah and then Binah. After these three (which are also called the Three Primary Forces), we have the secret Sephira Daath.
Daath is related with Knowledge or Wisdom, and specifically with the knowledge of how to Self-Realize ourselves. It is Tantric Knowledge.
Jera is the symbol of the Duality within the Trinity. If we carefully observe the sign of the Jera Rune, we see that in the middle of its two sickles, symbol of the duality, we find the Sig Rune, which is formed by three lines. Sig is the Rune of Fire.
The Sig in the Jera Rune is an invisible fire. Therefore, when we study the Jera Rune, related with harvesting, we have to understand that Sig (the Solar Fire) is hidden in it.
Thus, the Jera Rune very clearly shows three fiery forces; one is hidden, and two are shown. We always have to use our intuition, in order to see these things.
This hidden or invisible fire is that Christic Fire, the INRI of the Cosmic Christ.
Outside of the Absolute (in the aspect which is Existence or Being), we can only see the fire that is active, that is burning in matter… But, at the very depth of our consciousness, we can find that invisible fire, that ‘black light’. We have it, and if we close our eyes, in meditation, and we go within, then we find that black light…
We want to awaken that light, that Sig Rune, which is precisely the work that we do in Alchemy. When that light appears, it comes from the darkness. This is why it is stated that when we practice White Tantra, we have to do it in darkness, because light emerges from that invisible or black fire.
So the Jera Rune, is really a Rune of Alchemy. It is very profound. It implies the movement, the forces, within all of the Runes together.
The Jera Rune itself is explained alchemically. It is a seal in which we apply when we are sealing ourselves with the sign of the cross and by the Tetragrammaton. This is a practice of the Jera Rune — seals. Any type of seal is related with Jera .
-Paraphrase from Runes: Rune Jera on the Glorian (formerly Gnostic Teachings) website
The Solar Harvest of the Cosmic Day means working with the 3 Factors of the Revolution of the Consciousness:
1. Birth (Creation of the Solar Bodies)
2. Death (Elimination of the “I’s” or Egos)
3. Sacrifice (Selflessly helping Humanity)
If we are Born without Dying, then we create for ourselves a very difficult situation, which is referred to as ‘an abortion of the Divine Mother’. We convert ourselves into a Hanasmuss…
Regarding the subject of the Hanasmuss or Hanasmussen, Samael Aun Weor mentions the following in Ch. 6 of his book Dissolution of the “I” (also called The Elimination of Satan’s Tail in English):
“…it is necessary for you to deeply comprehend the necessity of dissolving the ‘I’. The greatest danger that exists in life is the danger of converting ourselves into HANASMUSSEN.
Whosoever does not work in the dissolution of the ‘I’ gradually degenerates themselves more and more in each existence, until finally, they do not receive any more physical bodies because they have converted themselves into a dangerous Hanasmuss.
…Many Initiates achieve the creation of their Superior Existential Bodies of the Being, yet they fail because they do not dissolve the psychological ‘I’.
These Initiates cannot celebrate the Nativity in their hearts; they cannot achieve the incarnation of their Being in spite of possessing the superior existential bodies. Thus, they convert themselves into Hanasmussen with a double center of gravity.
If deep Self-realization is what we truly want, then it is necessary to comprehend the necessity of working with the three factors of the Revolution of the Consciousness.
If any of the three factors of the revolution of the Consciousness are excluded, then the outcome of this procedure is failure.
Behold the three factors of the revolution of the Consciousness: To be born, to die, and to sacrifice ourselves for humanity.
Sexual Magic, dissolution of the ‘I’, and charity: This is the triple path of the upright life [la vida recta ].
Some Gnostic students have written to us, asking for a didactic in order to dissolve the ‘I’. The best didactic for the dissolution of the ‘I’ is found in practical life that is intensely lived.”
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