Sagittarius and the 22 Arcana of Gnostic Kabbalah
Beloved disciple:
In our present course, we have arrived at the Constellation of Sagittarius. Its Metal is Tin and its Stone is Blue Sapphire.
The natives of Sagittarius are extremely passionate and fornicating. On this note, Eliphas Levi says:
“Unfortunate is the Samson of the Kabbalah who lets himself be put to sleep by Delilah. The Hercules of the Science who exchanges his royal sceptre for the bone of Onfalia, will very soon feel the revenge of Deyanira, and nothing else will be left for him but the fire of Mount Aetna to escape the tormenting devourers of the robe of Neso.”
The 7 Planets of the Solar System are the 7 Sephiroth and the Triune Spiritual Sun is the Sephirothic Crown.These 10 Sephiroth live and throb in our own Consciousness and we must learn to manipulate and change them in the marvelous laboratory of our Interior Universe.
These 10 Sephiroths are:[1] Kether. – The Equilibrating Power. “The Magician” of the first arcanum of the Tarot, whose primitive hieroglyph is represented by a Man.
[2] Chokmah. – Wisdom. The Popess of the Tarot. Occult wisdom, the Priestess. The second card of the Tarot. The Moon, primitive hieroglyph is the mouth of man.
[3] Binah. – Intelligence (or Intelligent Understanding). The Planet Venus. 3rd card of the Tarot. The Empress. The primitive symbol is a hand in the attitude of taking.
These three Sephiroths are the Sephirothic Crown.
Then the 7 Inferior Sephiroths are in the following order:
[4] Chesed. – Jupiter. The Divine Being. Atman; primitive hieroglyph: A Lord. The 4th card of the Tarot. Mercy. The plate of the Emperor.
[5] Geburah. – Rigor, the Buddhic Body of Man. The 5th card of the Tarot. The Pope or Hierophant of the Tarot: Mars, the Warrior of Aries.
[6] Tiphereth. – Venus of Taurus, Beauty, the Love of the Holy Spirit, the 6th card of the Tarot. The Lover.
[7] Netzah. – Mercury of Gemini. The Chariot of the Tarot. The 7th card and Victory.
[8] Hod. – The Justice of the arcanum. The 8th card of the Tarot; Saturn: The Eternity of everything.
[9] Jesod. – The Sun of Leo. The 9th card of the Tarot. The Hermit. The Absolute.
[10] Malkuth. – The entire Universe, Mary or Virgo. Nature.
These 10 Sephiroth live within our Being, and are our Solar System.
The Tarot is intimately related with Esoteric Astrology and with Initiation.
Arcanum X (10). It is the 1st Hour of Apollonius, the Transcendental Study of Occultism.
Arcanum XI (11). It is the 2nd hour of Apollonius: Strength/Force. The Abyss of Fire. The Astral Virtues form a circle through the Dragons and the Fire. (Study of Occult Forces.)
Arcanum XII (12). Sacrifice. 3rd hour of Apollonius: Serpents, Dogs and Fire. Sexual Alchemy. Work with the Kundalini, (Sexual Magic).
Arcanum XIII (13). Death. 4th hour of Apollonius: The neophyte will wander at night among the sepulchers, will experience the horror of visions, will give themselves up to magic and Goethia. (This means that the disciple will see themselves attacked by millions of Black Magicians in the Astral Plane; those Tenebrous Magicians will attempt to draw the disciple away from the Luminous Path.)
Arcanum XIV (14). The Two Urns, “Divine Magnetism And Human Magnetism”. 5th Hour of Apollonius. The Superior Waters of Heaven. During this time the disciple will learn to be pure and chaste, because they comprehend the value of their seminal energies.
Arcanum XV (15). (The Electric Hurricane) Typhon Baphomet. 6th Hour of Apollonius. “Here it is necessary to be still, motionless, because of fear”. (This means the terrible test of the guardian of the threshold, before which one needs much courage in order to overcome it).
Arcanum XVI (16). The Fulminated Tower. 7th Hour of Apollonius. “Fire comforts the courageous beings, and if a priest, a sufficiently purified man, steals and then projects it, and if he mixes it with Holy Oil and then consecrates it, he will achieve the healing of illnesses with merely applying it to the infected part.” (The initiate here sees their material fortune threatened and their business fail.)
Arcanum XVII (17). The Star of Hope. 8th Hour of Apollonius: The Astral Virtues of the Elementals of the Seeds of everything generated.
Arcanum XVIII (18). The Star of the Magi. 9th Hour of Apollonius. “Here nothing is over yet. The Initiate increases their perception outside of the limits of the Solar System, far beyond the Zodiac; arriving at the Threshold of the Infinite, reaching the limits of the Intelligible World, the divine Light is revealed, and with it comes new fears and dangers” (Study of the minor mysteries, the 9 arcades/arches through which the student has to climb.)
Arcanum XIX (19). The Resplendent Light. 10th Hour of Apollonius: “The doors of Heaven open and man comes out of his lethargy”. This is the number 10 of the Second Great Initiation of Major Mysteries which permits the initiate to travel in the Etheric Body. This is the wisdom of John the Baptist.
Arcanum XX (20). “The Awakening of the Dead”. Eleventh Hour of Apollonius: “The Angels, the Cherubims and the Seraphims fly with murmurs of wings. There is rejoicing in heaven, the Earth awakens and the Sun surges from Adam”. This process belongs to the Great Initiations of Major Mysteries where only the terror of the Law reigns.
Arcanum XXI (21). The Crown of the Magi. Twelfth Hour of Apollonius: The Courts Of Fire become still. This is the triumphant entry into the limitless bliss of Nirvana, where the Master is clothed with the shining robe of Dharmasaya, or renounces the bliss of Nirvana for the love of humanity, and becomes a Bodhisattva of Compassion, they are a Savior of poor aching humanity, they are one more “wedge” of the Protective Wall raised with the blood of the martyrs.
[Arcanum XXII (22). Triumph. There exists a THIRTEEN HOUR, which is that of LIBERATION.]
Samyak Sambuddho, Master of Perfection, renounced Nirvana for the love of humanity.The Perfect Buddhas, dressed with the glory of Dharmasaya, can no longer help man or humanity, because Nirvana is the forgetting of the world and men forever.
The Bodhisattvas: Kuan-Shiyin, Tashisni, Buddha and Christ radiate their light over suffering humanity.
After great sacrifices, the Bodhisattvas enter a Supernirvanic World of Happiness.
The Protective Wall is formed by the “Bodhisattvas of Compassion”.
We, the Gnostics, follow the steps of our predecessors. Aun Vajrapni Hum.
-Paraphrased from Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
NOTE: For more information about Gnostic Tarot & Kabbalah,
see our Course on the subject
Sagittarius, its Exercise, and the Kabbalah of the Tarot Cards
In this lesson of Jupiter in Sagittarius, we have talked to thee of the nirvanic path, because Thunderous Jupiter is the sacred symbol of our Intimus, it is for this reason that it is said that Jupiter is the Father of the Gods.
This reminds us of the capitoline Jupiter of the Romans.
Jupiter in Sagittarius, influences the large femoral arteries, where the blood is totally magnetized under Jupiter
Squat, like the Peruvian guacas. Place your hands on your legs, with the index fingers pointing upwards, towards heaven, to attract the rays of Jupiter, exactly as Huiracocha teaches us, so that we may intensely magnetize the femorals.
The mantram is “Isis”, which is pronounced vocalizing it like this:
Pronouncing a sibilant sound, with the S, like that of the wind.
With this clue you will totally awaken Clairvoyance, and will obtain the power to read the “Akashic” records of Nature.
We now have to meditate intensely on the Intimus, begging him to bring us the Angel Zachariel in order to help us.
In this path we will have to live all the 12 Hours of which the Great Sage Apollonius spoke about.The Black Magician “Papus” tried to disfigure the 12 Hours of Apollonius with teachings of Black Magic, liquidating all the millions of kabalistic volumes that drift in the world.
We arrived at the conclusion that: all Kabbalah is reduced to the 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot and 4 Aces, which represent the 4 Elements of Nature.
On such a simple thing, scholars have written millions of volumes and theories that would turn anyone “crazy” who had the bad taste of becoming intellectualized with that whole arsenal.
The worst of it is that, in questions of Kabbalah, the Black Magicians seized what they found, in order to disfigure the teaching and lead the world astray. The works of Papus are legitimate black magic.
The Tarot is a book as ancient as the ages, and is intimately related with the Wisdom of the Planetary Gods.This book is the Tarot deck and consists of 78 plates, divided into 22 called Major Arcana, and 56 denominated Minor Arcana [with 4 Suits of 14 cards each].
The 4 Aces [of the Minor Arcana] signify the Elements of Nature.THE ACE OF SWORDS (or Spades [“ESPADAS” ]) SYMBOLIZES THE FIRE.
All the 56 plates of the Minor Arcana are based on these 4 Aces, and on the 10 numbers of our decimal system.
In the 22 Major Arcana, for example, a 4 of Clubs is none other than Arcanum “4” (the Emperor) and the symbol of the Ace of Clubs repeated 4 times. The same thing happens with the 56 plates of the Minor Arcana.
Intuitively interpret these cards combining the Natural Element with the Major Arcana and the problem will be resolved.
For example: a 6 of Pentacles would be interpreted by combining Arcanum 6 with the Element Air, or “Soul”, symbolized by the Pentacles; this would say: “A Love” (or “A Love Affair” [“Un Amor” ]), and so on successively.
There are two kinds of Kabbalists: Intellectual Kabbalists and Intuitive Kabbalists.
The Intellectual Kabbalists are Black Magicians; the Intuitive Kabbalists are White Magicians.
Many times the Sidereal Gods answer us by showing us a card of the Tarot; then we should intuitively comprehend the answer which has been given to us.
By merely looking at a card of the Tarot, the Intuitive Kabbalists comprehend what destiny reserves for them.
On a certain occasion I consulted a Planetary Genie about the convenience of making a trip, for which I was not prepared economically; the Planetary Genie showed me 3 cards. One of them was a King of Pentacles, everything beautifully embroidered with gold; I understood with my heart and made my trip, and everything went very well.When humanity was judged before me, I saw the Tarot extended in lines of 7 cards, and when a certain card of the 6th line was shown, the Gods judged the Great Prostitute (humanity) and considered her unworthy. The sentence of the Gods was: “To the Abyss, to the Abyss, to the Abyss, to the Abyss.” (the number of humanity is 666).
The White Magician prays to the Gods, throws their cards on the table with closed eyes; and beseeching their God, picks up a card, observes it, and makes the forecast with their intuition.
Each card of the Tarot is, by itself, a total forecast.
The exercises of Sagittarius are to awaken Clairvoyance and to see and comprehend all these things.The Kabbalists of Intuition understand everything with the Heart. The Intellectual Kabbalists want to resolve everything with the Animal Mind. The Kabbalist of Intuition is only guided by the Voice of Silence, the Intimus.
These cards of the Tarot are the language of the Superior Worlds of Light.
These cards of the Tarot are the Occult Wisdom of the Sidereal Gods.
The 12 Hours of Apollonius are the Path of Initiation.
It is horrifying to see how people have accumulated so many theories on this book so simple and sublime like God.
The 78 plates of the Tarot are like 78 Ineffable Hieroglyphs shining in this pyramid of five angles which is called man 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10; the entire progress of the student is based on these numbers.
Each year has its Kabalistic Card which allows us to make intuitive forecasts.Examples:
1951, is broken up like this: 1-9-5-1=16 Arcanum 16, The Fulminated Tower.
Significance: Divine Destruction.
Before the 21st of March of 1952, a great nation received a great Karmic punishment (this is already defined).
If we add together all the numbers of our birthdate, we would obtain our own Kabalistic Number.There are those who figure out the numerical value of the letters in their own names and surnames.
[Jesus] Iglesias Janeiro is a specialist in this but we are not interested in this branch, because it has not yet been studied in depth esoterically, in a scientific manner.
The only thing I have really proven is that within the name of people, according to the sense of the letters, Karma is enclosed.
For example: women whose name is Dolores, suffer the unutterable in life. [Note that “Dolor” means ‘pain’ in Spanish and “Dolores” is plural, so it means ‘pains’.]
A certain Colombian politician had the surname “Turbay”, which we could break up like this: ‘turba ais’ or ‘ai, turba’. This politician died without seeing his success and the turbas (crowds) did not follow him.
The Authorized Kabbalist only acts under the Voice of the Intimus.When the Intellect wants to combine the cards of the Tarot on its own, it falls into the most painful aberrations .
The Tarot is the Esoteric Wisdom of the Stars.
The cards of the Tarot are taken from the most ineffable Worlds of Edenic Light.
The meaning of the 22 Major Arcana is the following:
17th HOPE.
19th TRUTH
22nd TRIUMPHFraternally, the Teacher of your class
-Paraphrased from Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
Samael Aun Weor’s Practices to Gather the Energy of Sagittarius
Squat, like the Peruvian guacas.
Place your hands on your legs, with the index fingers pointing upwards, towards heaven, to attract the rays of Jupiter (exactly as Huiracocha teaches us), so that we may intensely magnetize the femorals.
The mantram is “Isis”, which is pronounced vocalizing it like this: iiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssss Pronouncing a sibilant sound, with the S, like that of the wind.
With this clue you will totally awaken Clairvoyance, and will obtain the power to read the “Akashic” records of Nature.
We now have to meditate intensely on the Intimus, begging him to bring us the Angel Zachariel [Angel of Jupiter] in order to help us.
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