Beloved disciple:
You have already studied and practiced the lesson of Gemini. Today we enter into the Constellation of Cancer.
Throughout your studies, you have realized that we, the Gnostics, are essentially practical.
We frankly do not like to spend our lives theorizing; we go to the point, we are tired of so much theory.
We are essentially “Realists”. We want deeds, not theories nor morbid intelligences.
We like effective realities. We head towards great realizations.
All the spiritualist schools talk to you about the Supra-Sensible Worlds, but we go beyond that because we are more practical.
We teach our disciples how to enter those worlds in the Astral Body and even with the very body of flesh and bone, in a totally conscious and positive manner.
This entering of the Physical Body into the Ultra-Sensible Worlds appears to be strange to the theorists, because they know nothing else except how to theorize; but to comprehensive people, this does not seem strange. It is, of course, as old as the world.
In not too remote times, the Physical Body moved and developed within the Astral World, so what?
After this short preamble, let us enter in full into our present lesson of Cancer.
Cancer is the sign of the Sacred Scarab and of reproduction.Fetal conception is verified with the Rays of the sign of Cancer and because of this, it is the sign of the Sacred Scarab.
In Egypt, the Sacred Scarab symbolized the Soul. The Reincarnating Souls pass through the Sphere of Cancer before taking a body.
Cancer produces the sickness that carries its name. It is the Karma of fornicators.
Cancer is the house of the Moon. Its metal is Silver, its stone is the Pearl, and its color is White.The Moon influences the Thymus Gland and regulates the growth of the human being. It also influences all the milky juices of all living things.
The Moon adjusts the procreation of all that is alive. The Moon governs the sap in vegetables and the ebb & flow of the tides of the seas. The Moon has power over Salt and Salt is the basis of all that is living.
Within our organism there exist 12 Salts, which are the 12 Salts of the 12 Zodiacal Signs.
-Paraphrased from Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
Salt in Esotericism
Salt is the substance of all things, and the fixed principle of all that exists.
Salt works upon the sulphur and the mercury, and they make it volatile, just as they are.
Salt coagulates them and makes them fixed in return.
When salt is dissolved in an appropriate liquor, then it dissolves solid things and gives them consistency.
Salt gives a form of perfection to the Golden Child of Sexual Alchemy.
Salt dissolves our metals in order to elaborate the Golden Child of Sexual Alchemy with them.
The volatile salt prepares the larynx in order to speak the Verb of Gold.
Salt dissolves and coagulates all things.
The earth has the nature of salt, and this is why it is dissolved in water and coagulated in water.
The continents emerge from the salty waters of the sea, and then they return to the sea.
Our philosophical earth, that is to say, our human body, must be reduced to its seminal salts in order to elaborate the Golden Child of Sexual Alchemy.
TYPES OF SALTThere are two types of Salt: one is masculine and the other feminine.
The Male Salt damages the human organism when it is excessively used.
The Female Salt is beneficial and healthy.
The Male Salt is sea salt.
The Female Salt is rock salt; it is the salt from the salt mines.
The Alchemist must prefer the Female Salt.
Twelve fundamental salts exist which are governed by the twelve zodiacal signs.
Illnesses appears when these twelve zodiacal salts are not well balanced within our human organism.
To synthesize, these twelve zodiacal salts give [a] form of perfection to the twelve bodies that the inhabitants of the MIST OF FIRE use.
The twelve zodiacal salts convert men into a splendorous zodiac.
Everything that has a dense or subtle form is due to salt. No form can exist without salt.
However, we must appreciate salt in its subliminal quintessence, which is imperceptible through the microscope, but perfectly visible to the clairvoyant.
A profound study of the zodiacal salts will take us very far into the therapeutic field.
These twelve Salts are:
Iron Phosphate
Phosphoric Magnesium
Phosphoric Calcium
Phosphoric Nitron
Phosphoric Potassium
Sodium Chloride
Sodium Carbonate
Potassium Chloride
Sodium Sulphate
Sulphuric Calcium
Calcium Fluoride
-Paraphrased from Ch. 20 & 21 Treatise of Sexual Alchemy by Samael Aun Weor
The Esotericism of the Moon, the Monad and the Abyss (or ‘Avitchi’)
The Moon is the symbol of a Secret Planet that lies behind it.
The Violet Hierarchies of the Heart-Temple of the Moon gave to the human being their Vital Body.
The Moon is inhabited on the side that is not seen. The Selenites are the most vulgar and laggard beings of our Earth: there was a need to confine them there. Almost all the inhabitants of that city are women.
These beings are neither good nor bad, but simply “laggards”. As they evolve, they are given a body here on our Earth once again and, in the end, they will all have a body again.
Another small Moon also exists, it is called Lilith by the astronomers. Lilith is the Black Moon.
The souls that have already totally separated themselves from their Superior Being formed by Atman-Buddhi-Manas, go there.
Those souls are of an indescribable perversity and there, they have to go through the Second Death that Revelations refers to and that the Christ spoke to us about.
In her 6th volume of “The Secret Doctrine”, H.P.B. refers to the Avitchi and the Second Death.
The “Bhagavad Gita” talks to us about the Abyss also, but it was enough for us to talk about this topic, in order for the spiritualists of Columbia to laugh at us.
I have never said that my physical person is occupied in confining the perverse souls in the Abyss.
This would be out of tone, since I am a man like any other: God is the only one who has those powers.
In the book Secret Notes of a Guru by the same author, under the entry for February 27 1952, he says:
“I have been commenting with my priestess-wife on the work of Michael.
Really behind this gigantic mission that has been entrusted to me (which is to put millions of perverse souls into the Avitchi) is Michael, the great Prince of the children of the Light, and the great Planetary Logoi.
Michael directs, and I execute the orders that I receive directly from my Father Samael.”
Marvels of that nature are only done by “Atman”, the Great Universal Spirit of Life; “Alaya”, the Super Soul of Emerson, the Great Soul of the world.
These marvels have only been done by my Internal God, my “Purusa”, my “Superior Being”, my Intimus, my Internal Master, my Monad, my Internal Angel, before whom I have to kneel, because he is “Atman”, the Ineffable.
This can also be done by the Internal God of any of you, because “Atman” is the Omnipotent and Ineffable.
Masters are many, but the “Soul-Master” is one: the Soul of the world, the “Divine Alaya” that seems to be many, Aun Weor is the authentic name of a Flame of the Great Blaze, before whom I must prostrate myself.
Aun Weor means “Will of God” and the Will of God is what has written this work.
Therefore, when we talk of the Avitchi, we do not say anything new, almost all the best spiritualists comment on it, describe it, and mention it. So what?
Spiritualists grieve deeply that “Atman” the Great Universal Spirit of Life is acting through one of its “Flames” in order to accomplish a Cosmic Mission.
Yes, they are amazed, because ignorance in its bold simplicity is a celestine beggar, with whom one cannot have immaculate contact!
Where is the wisdom of all those fools who criticize me? What became of it?
The Avitchi is a very old subject: even the Doctor E. Adoum (Mago Jefa) talks to us about the Second Death in “The Bramble of Horeb”. So what?
In ancient times, the Personalities who were totally separated from the Divine Triad (Atman Buddhi-Manas) remained in the Avitchi of our Earth. (See the 6th volume of “The Secret Doctrine” of H.P.B.)
Today, the times have changed: we are beginning the New Era of Aquarius and we have to isolate those Personalities that are already separated from their Divine Triads from this terrestrial globe in order to cleanse the atmosphere of all evil. That is all.
If this is reason for mockery on the part of lecture-hall spiritualists and occasional readers, whose fault is it?
When the bridge called “Antakarana” (which communicates the Divine Triad with his Essence) is broken, then the Essence is left separated and is sunk into the Abyss of destructive forces, where it disintegrates little by little; this is the Second Death that “Revelations” speaks to us about; that is, the state of Consciousness called “Avitchi”.
In these cases, the Divine Triad (Atman-Buddhi-Manas) is clothed with a new Mental and Astral Body in order to continue its evolution, and the discarded personality is submerged into the state of “Avitchi”, into the most inexpressible suffering.
-Paraphrased from Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
Occultism and the Moon
All the moons of the Solar System are governed by Jehovah, but our terrestrial satellite is directly governed by the “Angel Gabriel”.
The Magician should pay close attention to the Lunar Influences because all the sidereal Energies crystallize in our terrestrial globe through the Lunar Forces.
All that is begun during the Waxing Moon progresses quickly.
All that is done in the Waning Moon fails.
The New Moon is very weak and the Full Moon is very strong and serves to carry out all works of Practical Magic successfully. The last day of the Moon means: abortions and failures…
Always do your business during the Waxing Moon so that you may triumph. Hitler launched himself against Russia during the Waning Moon and failed.
When a star shines within a nimbus of the Moon, it is a sign that a General is surrounded by enemies.
The Moon produces the flux & reflux, the ebb & flow of the sea; it produces high and low tides.
The Moon attracts and repels the terrestrial magnetism.
The Magician should “prepare” their body for the exercise of Practical Magic. The Magician’s body is different from others because it is prepared.
Sit on a comfortable chair; close your eyes; remove all thought from your Mind; focus the Mind on your Intimus, and pray like this:
“Father of mine: thou who art my True Being, I beg thee Lord to enter the Heart-Temple of the Moon in order to bring me the Angel Gabriel. Do the Salutes, my Lord… Amen”
Then, direct yourself to the Four Cardinal Points and perform the following invocation of the Angel Gabriel, blessing the North, South, East and West:
“Thirteen thousand rays has the Sun, thirteen thousand rays has the Moon, thirteen thousand times may the enemies I have, repent!”
The disciple will pray to the Angel Gabriel to prepare their body in order to become invisible, or in order to transform their face, stop a bullet or knife in a moment of danger, or to materialize any superior entity.
Iamblichus, the Great Theurgist, made the sidereal Gods visible in the Physical World because he had his body well prepared.The Angel Gabriel will occultly treat the spleen and certain centers of the spinal column of the disciple.
When the latter can already make visible and tangible the Angel Gabriel in the physical plane, it is because their body is “prepared”.
Then, in a moment of danger they will do the invocation of the Angel Gabriel and if the disciple wants to become invisible, the Angel Gabriel will erase them from the sight of the enemies, or will transform their face if the disciple so desires.
The invocation will always be done blessing the Four Cardinal Points.
These exercises, to prepare the body, are practiced during our entire lifetime.
-Paraphrased from Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
Esotericism of the Thymus Gland and the Attributes of the Zodiacal sign of Cancer
When the Theurgist has their body well prepared, they can make the sidereal Gods visible in the physical plane. This requires patience and perseverance, because nothing is obtained as a gift: everything costs struggle and sacrifice.
The Forces that descend from Heaven, when arriving at our “Thymus” Gland, meet the Forces that ascend through our organism from the Earth, and there, in the “Thymus” Gland, the two triangles of the Superior and Inferior Forces interlace to form the Seal of Solomon.EXERCISE
Seated, imagine this marvelous encounter of the Cosmic Forces forming the Seal of Solomon in the Thymus Gland and submerged in profound Internal Meditation, pray to your Intimus to enter the Sidereal Temple of the Principal Star of Cancer, in order to bring you the Principal Hierarchies of that Constellation, so that they may awaken your Internal Powers and give that gland a treatment.
Vocalize the letter “A” one hour daily.
The natives of Cancer are peaceful, but sometimes too angry. They have an aptitude for the manual arts, are very sensible and their character changes with the lunar phases.Things go well for them on long journeys. They are very romantic, amorous and very tenacious.
Fraternally, the Teacher of your class
-Paraphrased from Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
Samael Aun Weor’s Practice to Gather the Energy of Cancer
Practices to Gather the Energy of Cancer
Remember that Cancer is the house of the Moon, and that the Moon influences the Thymus gland & regulates the growth of the human being. The Forces that descend from Heaven, meet the Forces that ascend through our organism from the Earth, at our Thymus gland and, there, the two triangles of the superior and inferior forces interlace to form the seal of Solomon.
Seated, imagine this marvelous encounter of the Cosmic Forces forming the Seal of Solomon in the Thymus gland and, submerged in profound Internal Meditation, pray to your Intimus begging him to enter the Sidereal Temple of the Principal Star of Cancer, in order to bring you the Principal Hierarchies of that Constellation, so that they may awaken your Internal Powers and give that Gland a treatment.
Summary of the Exercise:
1. Begin Meditating on the Forces that descend from Heaven, meeting with the Forces that ascend through our organism from the Earth, in our Thymus gland and, there, the triangle of the Superior Forces and the triangle of the Inferior Forces interlace to form the Seal of Solomon. Imagine the marvelous encounter of the Cosmic Forces forming the Seal of Solomon in the Thymus gland.
2. Pray to the Intimus or Inner Being as follows:
“My Father, you who are me myself, you who are my true Being, I beg you to transport yourself to the Principal Star of the Constellation of Cancer, to bring the Principal Hierarchies of that Constellation to this humble home, so that they may awaken my Internal Powers and give my Thymus gland a treatment.”
3. Cross the hands over the heart and Salute the Guardians of the Heart Temple
a. Bow to the right, inhale and then say ‘Jakin’
b. Bow to the left, inhale and then say ‘Boaz’
4. Again pray to the Intimus or Inner Being:
“My Father, take the 7 sacred steps within, towards the interior of the temple, and kneel down at the feet of the Principal Genie of Cancer, begging him to send the Principal Hierarchies of Cancer in order to awaken my Internal Powers and give my Thymus gland a treatment”.
5. Then the disciple pronounces the mantram: AOM (4 times).
6. Return to imagining the marvelous encounter of the Cosmic Forces forming the Seal of Solomon in the Thymus gland.
The disciple should vocalize the vowel “A”, for one hour daily.
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Gnostic Astrology - Cancer Notes 2
Gnostic Astrology - Daily Practices 2
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