Pisces 1
Rosicrucian Cosmology and the Fish
Dear Disciple:
When speaking of Astrology, we notice that what influences us are not the Planets themselves meaning not the physical planets, nor is it the spiritual forces that irradiate around them, which are (in their turn) the emanation of the Spiritual Entity that presides over them.
All the Planets are similar to living beings with Body, Soul and Spirit, and have as a consequence their Double or Divine Angel just as we humans have.
The Earth is, therefore, not an exception. She also has (as a living being) her Superior Being or Angel, and the current that emanates from her is Magnetism; if we want to obtain results in the Rosicrucian practices then we must put ourselves into contact with some part of this entity.
We know that in the Hermetic Sciences each Planet has its name, its mantram, its sign, which are those that are recorded upon Amulets.
[more info about these mantras here]
The mantram, the key to connecting with our Earth, is JEHOVA, who (in the astral) is the soul corresponding to Christ.
JEHOVA represents (in its essence) the five vowels IEOUA and in them reside all the hidden strength which harmonically resonates on Earth and this would also be in our organism if we had preserved ourselves in the primitive paradisiacal state.
But just like how we were calm in sin and we lost our purity, we have also lost this faculty which must be recovered in order to achieve the power of the primitive Angel-Men, Human-Angels, whose Key resides in Pisces.
However, it is rare that Pisces has to do with these things.
As a symbol, the Fish was always the Guardian of the Spirit. Let’s remember Cipactli, that of the mexicans, the fish of the Incas, etc.
A Fish was also the symbol that was put on the Buddha Statues and on the Effigies of the Nazarene.
The Planet of the Constellation of Pisces is Jupiter, the Personality, the Being. Thus, the Being Astrologically resides in the Fish, and in the Knees (as we have seen).Pisces has two Planets, and like the Earth with Jehova and with Christ, it also has two representative Angels.
Back in the times of Babylonia, God the Father had the figure of a Fish, and the Greeks (in their Mysteries) said that the Mantram of the Earth was Oannes, Johannes, John, Joan, IAO.
The element of the Fish is water, the amniotic liquid where the human fetus swims during nine months, which is the time of Johannes, of John, of that which goes through the desert before the arrival of the Messiah.
In the maternal womb, the being receives its first impressions, and at the moment of birth, all the Planets are engraved upon it and describe its future, which the astrologer then decodes.
-Paraphrase from Zodical Course (1931) by Arnoldo Krumm-Heller
available in Gnostic Rosicrucian Astrology
Pisces and Redemption
In describing the passage of the cosmic current, both from above and from below, we painted the body as being full of screens or filters and these cosmic currents have to pass through them in each region (in one sense or another) until they concur in the heart for the first time and with all the energy in contact with the Earth.
We are, therefore, upright beings and not quadrupeds like the animals which in their delayed evolution are driven from above by the stars and attracted from below by the Earth having to live on four paws.
The Human Being is, instead, erect and in this vertical position will also receive their current, and their main purpose is to negotiate the steps in order to obtain their own redemption.
The Sign of Pisces, which is described as ‘the Fishes’, are two semicircles united with a tie or dash. These represent the Earth and the Cosmos united.
Between the Earth and the Cosmos one finds Arcanum 12 of the Kabbalah, or the figure of a man with a halo of gold, suspended by one foot, being disposed at the end of a tree in such a way that it forms an inverted figure. It is called “Sacrifice” or “The Hanged Man”.It represents the Divine Manifestation or the Revealed Law, and according to the Kabbalists it is the key to all Initiation.
The Letter is ל Lamed in the Kabbalah, and it corresponds to the sphere of Saturn.
Now let us remember when we said Saturn was the finite, and from Uranus was the infinite, and we will thereby explain why the Kabbalists connect Saturn, ל Lamed and ‘the Fishes’.
The Zodiac is round and because of this the beginning and the end are united, Pisces and Aries, Winter and Spring, death and birth, the 12th House of Astrology with the 1st House.
The Logos, the Word (according to Saint John) is the origin of all things, it is life itself.In the beginning was the Verb and only with its use can we obtain Initiation, but the LIVING VERB, the LOGOS within us, which is what unites us with the LOGOS, the VERB OF THE EARTH.
When this Mantram was pronounced in the Temple of Jerusalem, they sounded the drums so that no one would hear. Today the veil has been lifted and we know that the Mantram is JEHOVA, whose Secret Key is rooted in its Five Vowels.
The BEING, the Cosmic Verb, resides in the Head and is pronounced by utilizing the throat.
In contrast, the Verb, the Logos of the Earth, resides in the Feet and you have to learn to derive the voice from the Feet in order to sense the vibration in them, that is to say, we must speak with the Feet.
Whosoever does not know our studies will be smiling when they read this idea of “speaking with the Feet”, but we know that all Initiates do so.
-Paraphrase from Zodical Course (1931) by Arnoldo Krumm-Heller
available in Gnostic Rosicrucian Astrology
Initiation, Vocalization and the Feet
It is not always necessary for the word to make a sound in order for it to be heard; a gesture is sometimes enough.
How many times have we understood with only gestures, movements of the arms, face, shoulders, in a continuous gesticulation, which is also a language.
This indicates to us that speaking is something which is related to the whole body.
The Washing of the Feet was an Initiatic Ceremony, and one never goes to a Mohammedan Mosque without having gone through it.
Jesus washed the Feet of his Apostles, saying to them: “If you wash the Feet you shall be clean and prepared in the whole body and you will be able to communicate with me.” (see John 13:1-17)
The Alphabet is made of vowels and consonants, whose signs all have a direct relationship with our organism and for each one there is a corresponding Initiatory movement.
The primitive letters were the Runes, and in Nordic Initiatic Schools the students learned those gymnastics or Runic movements that we are going to teach in the next Course, but the current already has a way for us to act upon ourselves through the movement in which one has accessed while passing through that screen which astrally resides in the Feet.
We know that we are composed of Cells; that they in their turn are composed of molecules, these are composed of atoms, and these atoms are a conjunction of Matter, Energy and Consciousness. The result, therefore, is that these three conditions are in a constant struggle, thus, Matter wants to be Energy and Energy would like to become Consciousness.The objective of our life is to make all Matter Conscious and the Mystery of Redemption consists entirely of this objective.
But the atoms that are active in the Heart with its constant rhythmic movement are more energetically conscious than the others, and the atoms that make up our Brain are even more conscious, and in this there exists a disharmony.
We are an organic whole from the Feet to the Head, and it is necessary to carry the conscious impulse to the extremities, to the feet, so that their atoms have the necessary consciousness, and then we will be Gods like in primordial times.In this resides the whole secret, by acting on the atoms in order to awaken the Body-Temple where God resides.
The modus operandi is as follows:
The Disciple will sit comfortably, and after making a mental Prayer, one should lead the Vowels to the Feet, that is to say, think and pronounce the vowel “Iiiiiiiiii” extending it, vibrating it, and seeking to mentally lead its pronunciation downwards, through the knees to the feet, and continue slowly with the other vowels just like that.
The effect, more or less immediate, according to the temperament of the Disciple, is positive and sanctifies us.
Every time you do this, you do not have to do it out loud, whether you are walking or you are seated, simply do this exercise mentally and you will do yourself an immense favor.
With an hour of vocalization, as we call it, one achieves more spiritual development than assimilating 20 Theosophical Works, since, (in the end) these bring other’s ideas, and instead with this practice of vocalization one achieves the filling of oneself with the divine forces that one would not otherwise get.
With this practice, dear Disciple, we finish the first Initiatic Course.
If you have only read and not practiced, then you have lost time.
Although it was very cheap, and at first glance does not appear to be worth anything, yet if you meditate well, extracting everything that is in it, then you have paid next to nothing for it. And it is of immense value.
It encloses the secret of secrets and you need to go back and repeat it, studying each practice again, since, in the end, that which we owe to Jacob Boehme and that which has opened the gates of Heaven is alive, and is masterfully divine… But you will only receive results if you have done well and consistently done the preceding practices.
Not only is it necessary to have practiced, but also to have comprehended and thoroughly assimilated the material in its broadest sense.
That is why I say: “Do this…” So do not ask me for more.
Herein lies the Secret of Secrets and with it one walks the true path, the most straight and sure way to arrive at the objective, that which all Initiates have traveled, and without such practice initiation is not possible.
These things are sacred.
What has been divulged without the permission of the Temple, carries a terrible karma and whosoever does so will never advance any further.
It is now necessary to continue with the Runes and their Magic, therefore, with the present course we have only set in motion the divine currents; now let us apply it in the practice of Magic.
No one can give the Keys of Runic Magic who has not followed the present course which was compulsory for preparation.
We recommend for the brethren to acquire our personal Incense and perfumes which help in the different exercises.
-Paraphrase from Zodical Course (1931) by Arnoldo Krumm-Heller
available in Gnostic Rosicrucian Astrology
Huiracocha’s Practices for Pisces
The Disciple will sit comfortably, and after making a mental Prayer, one should lead the Vowels to the Feet, that is to say, think and pronounce the vowel “Iiiiiiiiii” extending it, vibrating it, and seeking to mentally lead its pronunciation downwards, through the knees to the feet, and continue slowly with the other vowels just like that.
The effect, more or less immediate, according to the temperament of the Disciple, is positive and sanctifies us.
Every time you do this, you do not have to do it out loud, whether you are walking or you are seated, simply do this exercise mentally and you will do yourself an immense favor.
Summary of the Practice:
1. The Disciple will sit comfortably and then Pray
2. Next, vocalize the 5 vowels (IEOUA) one at a time, leading them to the feet. That is to say, think and pronounce the vowel “Iiiiiiiiii” extending it, vibrating it, and seeking to mentally lead its pronunciation downwards, through the knees to the feet.
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