Dear Disciple:
In every Human Being there are two currents or streams of energy which influence them.
These two currents which oppose one another also encounter each other in our organism which is the most perfect laboratory for transmutation.
This laboratory is the Heart, which we discussed in our previous letter [the Lesson for Leo].
One of these currents comes from on high, from heaven, from the invisible world. The other comes from below, from the earth, from what is solid.
They are like two ocean currents one of which comes from cold regions and the other comes from the tropics until colliding and confusing itself within that of its opposition, producing extravagant and beneficial rains…
We have followed step by step, the first of these currents brought from on high, penetrating into us under Aries in the head, and we have carried through the Epiphysis (or Pineal Gland), Hypophysis (or Pituitary Gland), Thyroid, Epithelial Bodies (or Parathyroid Glands) and Thymus Gland until reaching the Heart, which is the vital center and energetic Sun of our entire organism.
We have seen that each one of these Glands corresponds to a Zodiacal Sign and a Planet, and now let us penetrate into the domains of the terrestrial currents, that is to say, of the Square which is inverted and opposed to the Compass in the Masonic symbol.
We have already explained the mystery of the Clavicle of Solomon and of the Mexican Olin Sign, which is, as if we were saying, the involution is descending from above, and now we come to the inferior terrain, from below, that of evolution.
Remember that sign of the masonic emblem to which we have referred, where there appears an inverted Square and Compass and, in the center, the letter “G” which is the initial of Generation, and which is obtained only when we reach the center of the two triangles, which are also inverted, that we will form said Square and Compass.
The Spirit is indicated by the Triangle with its apex upwards and now we have to examine the Triangle with its apex downwards representing Matter that stretches in order to spiritualize itself.
From above we have reached the subtle spiritual force or current coming from infinity in order to redeem it in its progress within Matter, and now it leaves its encounter in order to collide and to be reunited in the Heart.
-Paraphrase from Zodical Course (1931) by Arnoldo Krumm-Heller
available in Gnostic Rosicrucian Astrology
Virgo: the Belly, the Kidneys and the Adrenal Glands
The Sign of Virgo, which is the one with which we work, covers the whole belly and, while the Kidneys correspond to the Sign of Libra, the Adrenal Glands or “Supplementary Kidneys” are in Virgo.
This Sign has Mercury as its Planet and in it is the key because (remembering the symbol that represents it) we see that it brings up the Moon (the astral current or stream of energy), in the center is the Circle or Sun (Heart) and below the Cross (matter).
It is so wisely hidden in Nature, that the Adrenal Glands not only have as their sign the Moon and the Triangle, but in fact they are really and materially constructed in this way [see image from page 64 of Esoteric Rose below].
The Adrenal Glands are located in the superior pole of the kidneys and are of a flat form and of a yellow color, the right gland preserves a triangular figure and the left gland is semi-lunar in shape, according to what the treaties of anatomy textually state.
These Glands have or secrete a substance very well known in Medicine, which is given the name of Adrenaline (or Epinephrine).
This substance is a powerful agent for surgical operations because it is the most powerful haemostatic which is presently known, and its action is wonderful for the eyes, since the illnesses of these organs are cured instantly with the hormones of the referenced Glands.
Our Disciples must remember all that we have explained about what inherently exists in the effects of the hormones situated in the head above the organ of Light.
Adrenaline is astringent and closes the doors where the energetic current that comes from below gathers in order to evolve so that it arrives prepared and sublimated at the heart and can withstand the transmutation that operates in this organ before converting itself into something superior and spiritual…
Virgo, as we have said, covers the whole Belly and Firmicus said that those born under this Sign have to suffer from flatulence, from cramping in the belly, from stomach inflammation and from difficult digestion.
It seems, then, that in the 6th house, life is prepared in Virgo. This affirmation of the famous Initiate Astrologer [Firmicus ], should make us think.
-Paraphrase from Zodical Course (1931) by Arnoldo Krumm-Heller
available in Gnostic Rosicrucian Astrology
The Two Currents (from Above and from Below)
Let us look at the fact that, upon receipt of the current from above, everything was prepared in the chest. Now this preparation is realized in the belly.
Previously the action of the chest ascended to the eyes and now everything is performed in the belly and then ascends to the eyes.
The difference is that the most spiritual organs are those that are located in the chest and brain, and the most material organs are located in the belly and the extremities.
The current or stream of energy that comes from below, from the earth, can not suddenly go to the regenerating, purifying and transforming organ –the Heart– and necessarily needs to start its preparation in the belly (under the Sign of Virgo), by receiving the hormones from the Adrenal Glands which are those that are held and suspended for the moment in order to later saturate it.
Let us return again to the Sign of Virgo. Which is represented by an M and an arrow through it. And with the Sign of Scorpio, we notice that arrow which is aimed slightly upwards as if symbolizing the sexual forces.
This fact is truly eloquent.
Upon completion of the present secret course, we will go into something much deeper which will be given to the world for the first time and it is still unknown in Spain and America.
This is the Magic of the Runes, that is to say, the Magic of the Nordic Wisdom or Nordic Theosophy, which includes the
SIG Rune that of the conqueror, represented by an arrow in the oblique and downward form of a lightning bolt, upon which could one put the phrase: IN HOC SIGNO VINCIT [“In this sign you shall conquer”]. Only with this sign can one conquer.
Or what is the same: the terrestrial magnetic current which has risen through the legs and has received its first impulse in the sexual organs, will reach its goal (the Heart) under the direction of Virgo, holding the arrow of the conqueror and of triumph in order to arrive at the fire of the Heart and redeem itself.
Let us look well. So far we have come across the current from below, and now is the moment for us to encounter it.
-Paraphrase from Zodical Course (1931) by Arnoldo Krumm-Heller
available in Gnostic Rosicrucian Astrology
Rose-Cross Exercises vs. Yoga, and the Second Phase of the Zodiacal Practices
We saw an ancient manuscript, when visiting a Rose Cross Master, in order to prepare for this Zodiacal Course. The manuscript began with Pisces followed by Leo, and finished with Libra.
One can comprehend this procedure in an epoch when it was still accepted that Heaven was above and the World was below us, but today we know that all these words are able to explain that, in reality, there is no up or down in the Cosmos.
For our part, we have our occult reasons for doing this Course in the way we have done it, following the Signs of the Zodiac as the ancient peoples have communicated them to us.
However, the various Yogas have for their part true exercises, since we are now entering their domain.
Yoga is, therefore, materialistic, it is something from below, it is Lunar, and not SOLAR like the Rose Cross exercises. Therefore almost all positions in Yoga are with bent legs or squatting.
We, however, stand upright in our exercises, although there exists a point of similarity in practices for the exercises of the belly.
The practices of Virgo have been unmistakably well preserved in the dances of the orientals, especially in Belly Dancing, which was also implemented in ancient Initiatic Temples, but the Key to all this has been lost.
All the previous practices, from the Head to the Heart, were in the first line and had a Psychic effect. The practices that ascend from below have the opposite physical effect and it is precisely in the Fire of the Heart, where the amalgam of the Physical and the Psychological are achieved.
However, in part of the chest we also have Physical exponents, just like in the belly we have a Psychic exponent of the Solar Plexus.
The practices of the belly consist of a little bounce with the musculature of this organ while we are lying down, and can be done in the morning or at night once one is laying in bed.
We have to make the belly jump or bounce, impelling it, with the intention of putting it into motion or agitating the Adrenal Glands within it.
A German Doctor obtained this secret years ago –we do not know from where– and published a book on this subject of abdominal gymnastics with which prodigious cures are achieved, advising the bouncing or plunging of the belly, which reminds us of similar results obtained, many times unconsciously, by Azuero.We are confident that, by doing these practices, many chronic diseases (that some of our brethren suffer from) will cease.
So, then, sometimes we have to suspend all the other types of spiritual practices before and during a month and this is unavoidable in order to verify the practices of Virgo that we have explained, making the abdominal organ jump, making the upwards and downwards movement, so that the terrestrial magnetic current is well prepared so it can reach the HEART normally.
-Paraphrase from Zodical Course (1931) by Arnoldo Krumm-Heller
available in Gnostic Rosicrucian Astrology
Huiracocha’s Practices for Virgo
The practices of the abdomen consist of doing a little bounce with the musculature of the Solar Plexus while we are lying down. This can be done in the morning or at night once one is laying in bed. We have to make the abdomen jump or bounce, impelling it, with the intention of putting into motion (or agitating) the Adrenal Glands.
A German Doctor obtained this secret years ago and published a book on this subject of abdominal gymnastics with which prodigious cures are achieved. It advises the bouncing or plunging of the abdomen.
So, then, we have to suspend all the other practices before and during a month (the time of Virgo). This is unavoidable in order to verify the practices of Virgo that we have explained: making the abdominal organ jump, making the upwards and downwards movement, so that the terrestrial magnetic current is well prepared so it can reach the Heart normally.
Summary of the Practice:
1. Every night or every morning, lay in your bed.
2. Suck in your abdomen with the intention of touching your back (or your Adrenals).
3. Then push your abdomen out with the intention of making your belly expand.
4. Then repeat these 2 exercises together with increased speed, so as to make the abdomen bounce.
Note: We can also vocalize the vowel “U”, which is related with the Solar Plexus.
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