Dear Disciple:
Impatiently have you longed for the second part of this Course, but it was good that you had more time in order to do the first preparatory exercises.
Ancient Astrology says that the life within us is nothing more than a struggle between Venus and Mars.
These are the two polarities that try to equilibrate themselves, and if we observe the location of our Endocrine Glands then we will see that there are always two that are near each other, and this happens even in the head, in which the Epiphysis (or Pineal gland) and the Hypophysis (or Pituitary gland) are very close to each other.
Then we will see the same thing in the neck with the Thyroid and Epithelial Bodies (or Parathyroid Glands) and the same is true throughout the rest of the body; these two poles are in eternal action and reaction.
The Planet Mars is the one that acts in Aries, the head, and now Venus with Taurus follows in the neck. There exists, then, a struggle between the head and neck.
One could say that Venus has closed the way to Mars, and that Mars (in its turn) defends itself in the neck against the influences that rise from below.
But Venus has its vanguard in the head, then, while Mars dominates the Pineal gland with its martian forces, the struggle with Venus has already begun in the Pituitary.
Physically it looks like one animates growth while the other demands for Mars to moderate itself. Where the two forces meet a spark of light bursts forth and therefore we directed the first of our practices to the area above it.
One of these Glands produces sleep, the other demands the vigil state; while Venus wants to sleep, Mars wants to continue fighting.
-Paraphrase from Zodical Course (1931) by Arnoldo Krumm-Heller
available in Gnostic Rosicrucian Astrology
The Struggle of the Cosmic Forces and the Tattwas
Secondary glands throughout the head, brain, ears, nose and mouth, are also animated by these astral influences which are in eternal struggle; for example, while some provide saliva, others dry it up, and so the result is the manifestation of life in an eternal struggle.
This fight has already begun in the divine plane between Mercury and Jupiter, the first [Mercury] fights with the tatwic forces of Anupadaka and the second [Jupiter] with the tatwic forces of Adi .
In order to understand what Tatvas, Tatwas or Tattwas are, lets look at some quotes on the subject. Paraphrasing from Lesson Three of Introduction to Gnosis (1961):
“Prana is the cosmic energy. Prana is vibration, electric motion, light and heat, universal magnetism, life. Prana is the life that throbs in each atom and in each sun. Prana is the life of ether.
The Great Life (in other words, Prana) is transformed into a very divine, intensely blue substance. The name of this substance is Akash. The Akash is a marvelous substance that fills the entire infinite space and when it is modified it becomes ether. It is very interesting to know that the ether, when modified, becomes what we call the Tattvas.
The study of the vibrations of the ether (Tattvas) is indispensable. Remember that business, love, health, etc., are controlled by cosmic vibrations. If you know the vibratory laws of life, if you know the Tattvas, you will be able to obtain much money. Remember that money in itself is not good or bad; everything depends on its use. It is good if you use it for good, evil if you use it for evil. Obtain much money and use it for the good of humanity.
There are seven Tattvas that you should learn to use to succeed in life. No Gnostic student should live in misery. It is necessary that you know the names of the seven Tattvas. These names are Sanskrit terms. It is possible that it might be somewhat difficult to learn these names but remember that studying is well worth it to succeed in life.
The Names of the Tattvas
Akash is the principle of ether.
Tejas is the etheric principle of fire.
Vayu is the etheric principle of the air.
Apas is the etheric principle of water.
Prithvi is the etheric principle of the element earth.
There are two secret Tattvas named Adi and Anupadaka that vibrate during the Aurora (dawn) and are excellent for internal meditation.”
According to Huiracocha’s book Tattwameter (1927):
“…the Adi and Anupadaka Tattvas …are the eternal principles of the divine world… in them the state of ecstasy or Shamadi is achieved.”
And Samael Aun Weor says in Ch. 9 of The Mystery of the Golden Blossom (1971):
“…the Gnostic Esotericist, in full ecstasy during coitus, victoriously enters the region of the Monads in the splendid world of the Anupadaka Tattwa.
In the level preceding that world of Anupadaka lies the extraordinary principle of power which is the domain of space, time and causality, and is called Akash Tattwa. (The dwelling of Atman-Buddhi-Manas).”
Let’s see what Huiracocha says about Prana (again paraphrasing from Tattwameter ):
“Our understanding begins with Prana. Prana then works, and modifies itself into Akash, and then Akash works, modifying itself into ether, and then ether modifies itself, and breaks itself down into a series of Tatwas, which it gives rise to.
Pranic influence brings a division of Akash into other modifications. These five modalities or states of the Tatwa are called:
Akash, the ethereal principle [Ether].
Tejas, the principle of heat and of light [Fire].
Vayu, the aerial principle [Air].
Apas, the principle of water or liquid [Water].
Prithvi, the principle of earth [Earth].”
Now that we understand a little bit more about the Tattwas, lets return to our reading of Huiracocha’s Zodiacal Course :
This fight has already begun in the divine plane between Mercury and Jupiter, the first [Mercury] fights with the tatwic forces of Anupadaka and the second [Jupiter] with the tatwic forces of Adi .
At the moment when the Sun comes out to fight Apas (the watery or liquid principle) with Akash (the ethereal principle) then since the ethereal is more mobile it wins, and the Sun comes to act on the head of the physical body in that Tatwa with Mercury, because the planet Mercury (let us notice) has the effect both of Mars and Venus united in a descriptive sign.
Shortly after taking command, Mars, then, is the lord or dominant in the head with Aries.
The Tatwas as a whole are like a balancing act, we have the upward moving air and ethereal principles [Vayu and Akash ], and we have the solid and liquid downward moving principles [Prithvi and Apas ]; in the middle is Tejas maintaining the balance with the principle of heat and light.
If we take the 7 Tatwas (including the two Superior ones) in the following order:
1) Anupadaka
2) Adi
3) Akash
4) Tejas
5) Vayu
6) Apas
7) Prithvi
Then we can see that Tejas , “the principle of heat and light”, is in the middle, “maintaining the balance”.
The Disciple will see in this a key and will see the error of the T. S. [or Theosophical Society] who wrongly place Prithvi first holding, then, that it is liquid then solid before turning into ethereal.
-Paraphrase from Zodical Course (1931) by Arnoldo Krumm-Heller
available in Gnostic Rosicrucian Astrology
Astrological Symbols and the Practice of Taurus
In the first letter for the Lesson for Aries we said LIGHT, and LOVE. Light reminds us of Lucifer, Mars; which is followed by Venus, and reminds us of Love.
Let’s look at the astrological symbols with a circle.
The Sun or the Universal Spirit, goes out and makes an arrow or cross going up and then this is the sign of Mars; if the arrow or cross goes down, then it is the sign of Venus.
There are two moons in Aries, in Taurus there is a Moon over a circle, and in Gemini then with Mercury these symbols are joined, until separating the Moon in Cancer.
All these symbols or ways of making astrological signs make us think.
We also said in the first letter [Aries, the House of Mars] that the key is in the Grand Sympathetic Nervous System, but the nervous fluid before being fluid has to be liquid, and so we began with the liquid nervous system or the Endocrine Glands.
This acts upon the mechanical willpower and then upon the conscious willpower.
Hunger and love are two forces that are battling each other, and nonetheless they need each other.
We must act first of all on the liquid system, in order to then dominate the fluidic system.
With the practices of the previous letter [Aries, the House of Mars], we have acted upon the foundation: the Light. This was necessary, because the Light is what is paramount.In the space between the Pineal and the Pituitary Glands, between the center of feeling and the nervous center; there is something invisible, an astral gland, ENTIRELY MADE OF LIGHT, as was indicated in the first practice.
We have indicated this abstractly, now we are becoming more concrete.
We would get nothing (for the time being) by acting upon the Pineal Gland, unless we open the way through the neck.
Now in the neck, in the region of Taurus-Venus, there is the Thyroid Gland, which is a second Pineal Gland [and corresponds to Mars].
As we shall see later that the Pituitary [corresponding to Venus] repeats itself in the Epithelial Bodies or Parathyroid Glands.
The Thyroid produces iodine, and iodine destroys everything bad. With it we will open up a passageway through the neck.
Venus dominates the ears, the nose, the tongue, the sexual organs and the kidneys.In Alchemy, Venus is represented by sulfur and, in the metals, Venus is represented by copper.
This metal resides in the milk of women and in certain milky secretions of all bodies, both masculine and feminine.
Venus acts in Taurus and Libra, and with the corresponding exercises we act in order to encourage the production of this secretion.
Taurus is receptive, it represents the place where one can sow, and the neck is a kind of nursery for the whole organism.
In many secret societies, there are signs that are made upon the neck because the neck holds a kind of spiritual uterus, since in it is also the cradle of manifested language.In the previous practice [for Aries] we concentrated on the eyes, the nose and the mouth, and finally on the center of language.
Today [for Taurus] we use language to open the passageway.
Let us say “Aaaaaaaaaa” but quickly, inspiring; not as it is generally done by exhaling, and let’s think: “Come outer Light of the cosmos and unite with what we have in the brain, proceeding to the neck” and then, with “Uuuuuuuuuu”, the light that purifies and burns the impurities as it is leaving.
Let us close with the “Mmmmmmmmm” and let us think about our mantram AMEN, “so be it”, to produce things with the word AUM.
Let us do all this without exerting ourselves, more with the mind than anything else, and in the next letter we will proceed down the rest of the body.
-Paraphrase from Zodical Course (1931) by Arnoldo Krumm-Heller
available in Gnostic Rosicrucian Astrology
Huiracocha’s Practice for Taurus
Taurus is receptive, it represents the place where one can plant or sow, and the neck is a kind of nursery for the whole organism. In many secret societies, there are signs that are made upon the neck because the neck holds a kind of spiritual uterus, since in it is also the cradle of manifested language.
In the previous practice we concentrated on the eyes, the nose and the mouth, and finally on the center of language. Today we use language to open the passageway.
Summary of the Practice:
1. Let us say “Aaaaaaaaaa” but quickly, inspiring; not as it is generally done by exhaling, and let’s think:
“Come outer Light of the cosmos and unite with what we have in the brain, proceeding to the neck”
2. and then, with “Uuuuuuuuuu”, the light that purifies and burns the impurities as it is leaving.
3. Let us close with the “Mmmmmmmmm” and let us think about our mantram AMEN, “so be it”, to produce things with the word AUM.
Let us do all this without exerting ourselves, more with the mind than anything else…
Note: We can also vocalize the vowel “E” (pronounced like ‘Eh’) which is related with the throat, the area governed by Taurus.
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