Beloved disciple:
In the past lesson we promised to would give you the clues of these two golden rules:
“The Lion of the Law is fought with the Scales.”
“When an Inferior Law is transcended by a Superior Law, the Superior Law washes away the Inferior Law.”
The solution to these two golden rules is found in a third which says:
“Do good deeds to pay your debts”.
Very well, now imagine a scale: In one plate lie your good deeds and, in the other, your bad deeds and your corresponding Karma.
If the Karmic plate is inclined against you, then you will be able to fight it by placing more weight on the plate of the good deeds and then thou shall incline the scale in thy favor and thus kill Karma.
A Temple of the Lords of Karma exists in the subtle world, and the Great Chief of these Archons of Destiny is the ‘Jackal’.
This Great Being is the Supreme Judge of the Cosmic Tribunal; he has the appearance of a great man with the head of a jackal.
When we have accumulated capital in the Cosmic Bank, then we pay our debts and we avoid pain.
Those who live daily making “new deposits” into the Cosmic Bank will always have something with which to pay their old debts.
In this matter of paying debts, one should always keep in mind the law of “Analogies” and of correspondences.
The Karmic analogies are fought with Dharmic analogies.
Karma and Dharma: these two oriental terms signify Punishment and Reward.
In a more philosophical form we would say: bad Action and bad Consequence, and good Action and good Consequence, and thus, by modifying the causes, one modifies the effects, since the effects are nothing else but the causes reproduced in another form.
Are you going to be made a prisoner? Give freedom to another!
Is your child going to die? Heal your fellowman.
Are you in misery? Give all that you have left to the hungry and sacrifice all your efforts in favor of others.
Beg, in prayer, to the Lords of Karma and you will be heard.
Do not forget, beloved disciple, that Justice is the Supreme Piety and the Supreme Impiety of the Law.
So, I have already taught you the two golden rules and I have explained to you how Karma can be destroyed.
In the following lessons I will be teaching you how to manage the Sidereal Rays.
“[El que tiene, recibe, y mientras más da, más recibe: esa es la Ley ]
One who has, receives; and the more one gives, the more one receives: that is the Law.”But those who do works of evil shall be victims of their own works.
Why do people suffer? Why do they blaspheme against God if human suffering is not God’s fault?
We ourselves are the creators of our own destiny.
Sanctify thyself, beloved disciple, Sanctify thyself.
There are three eternal things in life: THE LAW, NIRVANA and SPACE.
Now, let us begin explaining the exercises of the Constellation of Taurus.The court of stars that form the constellation of Taurus, which is the house of Venus, the ineffable star of love, the vesper of Dawn; and consequently, Taurus is of Venusian nature.
Taurines are of an amorous and venusian nature due to this.
They love much in love and always pass through great deceptions.
Taurines are gentle and hard-working like the bull that symbolizes that group of stars, but, at times, they are also “aggressive” like the bull.
They are tenacious and gluttons, romantic and sensual.
They love music, dance and beauty.
They have an disposition for all types of manual arts.
Taurus rules the larynx and the neck.
The larynx is also a sexual uterus where the word is gestated.
The Creative Larynx will be the sexual organ of the future Divine Humanity.
The Sexual Fire of the Kundalini becomes a creator through the word.
In our works titled “The Perfect Matrimony”, “The Revolution of Beelzebub”, and the “Treatise of Occult Medicine and Practical Magic”, we have already extensively spoken about the Kundalini and we have taught the Great Arcanum or Supreme Secret for the awakening of the sleeping princess of the Kundalini.
The word is intimately related with the 4 Elements of Nature, and due to this, the Initiates of the Ancient Temples of Mystery were prohibited from talking about the old catastrophes of ancient Arcadia for fear that they would bring them back into existence.
The Ancient Hierophants knew too well that the word is related to the 4 Elements of Nature, and that talking about a catastrophe is just like evoking it again.
For this reason the Ancient Initiates never spoke publicly about the archaic cataclysms.
A hard word follows us and later falls upon whosoever pronounced it, like a ray of vengeance.
There is not only fornication with the sexual act: There is another kind of fornication which is with the word.
The improper use of words is also fornication: Fornication of the word creates astral larvae and misfortunes.
It hurts to see how people abuse the word and fill the world with pain.
Slander is the worst of all blasphemies.
One should achieve the perfection of the word and of language in oneself.
One should comprehend the responsibility of the word.
One should learn to use the Sexual organ of the Verb.
Do you not feel the need to learn how to use the Verb?
Listen to me, beloved disciple, we, the members of the Sacred College of Initiates, can create anything with thought and materialize it with the word.
Be careful of mentioning names and surnames. When you have to tell a story, never mention names nor surnames, because that is slander.
If you are a philosopher, fight “theories”, but never talk about the private lives of its leaders. When one talks about a leader, talk about their doctrine, but never mention their private life.
Each person is their own person and no one should care about the private life of others.
“To talk when one should keep quiet is as bad as to keep quiet when one should talk.”
There are times when talking is a crime and there are times when keeping quiet is another crime.
“There are criminal silences and also infamous words.”
One should talk when one should talk and keep quiet when one should keep quiet.
One should achieve the perfection of the Verb in oneself.
One should achieve in oneself, the Wisdom of the Word.
People have lost their notion of sincerity.
Nowadays, human words do not carry the substance of sincerity and people suffer due to the lack of sincerity.
Today, human words are full of lies and hypocrisy.
Do you know what false words are? Fraudulent words engender monsters.
Have you ever seen the birth of a monstrous child?
That is the Karma of the false word pronounced in previous lifetimes.
We admire very much the substance of sincerity.
A liar could never arrive at our White Island.
In this course, we have arrived at the Constellation of Taurus.
This sign governs the neck and a new struggle between Venus and Mars repeats itself here.
Venus governs the Thyroid Gland, and Mars governs the Parathyroids.
It is an eternal struggle between Venus and Mars. While some glands produce saliva, others dry it up.
This struggle takes place in all of our organism. Venus is related to love, and Mars to war.
The Astrologer should learn how to use the sparkle of the stars.
Do you know of any home where bitterness reigns? Do you want to serve disinterestedly?
Do you know of a poor woman abandoned in misery by a suitor? Do you want to help her?
Listen to me well, beloved disciple, for I will teach you how to use the Sparkle of Venus:
[EXERCISE]Sit in a comfortable chair. Close your eyes.
Set aside all earthly thoughts from your mind and focus your thought on your Internal Master, praying like this:
“Dear Father, you who are me myself, my true Being, I beg you with all my heart and with all my soul, for you to enter into the “Heart Temple” of the star of Venus so that you may kneel at the feet of “Uriel” and ask of him the following favor:
(One asks for the favor one desires)”.
Then, the disciple will mentally salute the Guardian at the Right Column, will take a deep breath and pronounce the password ‘Jachin’.
Next, one will do the same with the Guardian at the Left Column and will pronounce the password: ‘Boaz’; in other words, first the deep breath, then one will pray to their Internal Master telling them:
“Lord, take the 7 steps into the interior of the Temple in order to make the petition.
My Father, my Lord, my God…”
Once the petition has been made, one asks ‘Uriel’ with one’s whole heart for a “Choir of Angels” in order to realize the work. (Singing, they create).
If the Angel of Venus grants your petition, then the Choir of Angels, who are his children and live with him in the Temple of the nucleus of the Star of Venus, will begin to sing in the ‘Sacred language’ in order to do the work we have asked.
This is how the Army of the Voice creates by means of the Verb.
If any profane observer were to observe the heavens in those instants, then they would see the Planet Venus shining and glowing in an intensified and rare way.
The observer would simply be amazed upon contemplating the original sparkle of Venus in those instants.
The indigo-colored hierarchies of the Star of Venus gave us the Causal Body or Body of Willpower.
They grant what we ask for, when ‘Karma’ allows it.
However, if our petition is not granted, then Uriel will show the disciple ‘the Clock of Destiny’ and, in this case, we have no other option but to bow down our head before the verdict of the Law.
In the real world, there are a great number of schools that try to accomplish these same ‘miracles’ by means of Mental Force, without taking into account at all, the approval of the Lords of Destiny.
That is simply, pure and legitimate Black Magic.
The Christ-Mind works well with the Law.
Black Mental Waves do not arrive where they are sent because a multitude of ‘Aerial Elementals’, that trap and intercept their path, exist in the subtle world.
Innumerable Forces, which divert or disintegrate destructive mental waves, also exist in space.
Therefore, the Tenebrous waves can only cause harm when the victim does not know how to love, nor how to forgive.
Mental Force is absolutely deficient when it does not work with the Force of the Intimus (our Inner Being).
The Theurgist utilizes Mental Force, but uniting it with the Intimus, that is with the Christ Mind.
The Theurgist works only with the Divine Powers of their ‘Internal Angel’ and with their Christ-Mind.
The Saintly Masters of the White Brotherhood cooperate with the Theurgist and their Christ-Mind.
The Sidereal Genii realize their miracles with the Ray of Justice when the Theurgist officiates on the altar of the ‘Lion of the Law’.
Let us now enter into the exercises of Taurus.
During this month, the following exercise is done:
PRACTICEThe disciple should sit on a comfortable chair.
Close their eyes, remove all thoughts from their Mind, make themselves a little drowsy and then focus their Mind inwards, towards the Intimus (the Inner Being), praying like this:
“My Father, now transport yourself to the Principal Star of Taurus, enter through the doors of the Heart-Temple making the salutes which you already know and beg the Sidereal Genie of that star and his Angels to descend and come to me, so that they may “prepare” me and cure my larynx.”
Then, already drowsy, the disciple should imagine seeing the Light previously accumulated in their head now descending to their throat, while they pronounce the word: A.O.M.
With the vowel “A” imagine the Light descending from the head to the throat; with the vowel “O”, one will imagine the Light inundating their throat; and with the vowel “M”, the disciple will exhale the breath as if expiring the refuse that resides in their throat. This mantram is pronounced 4 times.
I will warn my disciples that the salutes as I have described them when I spoke of Venus, along with the passwords ‘Jachin’ and ‘Boaz’, apply to all the Stars of the Heavens.
Therefore, the Genii of the Constellation of Taurus will personally come to awaken the Powers of the larynx and if the disciple has any ‘laryngeal’ illness, then they can ask of those Genii of Taurus to be cured and they will cure them.
The disciple will also be able to take advantage of these powers in order to heal others.
The disciple should vocalize daily the vowel “E”, for one hour, like this: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
The vibratory sound of this vowel will awaken the Power of the Occult Ear in them.
The vowel “E” causes the Thyroid Gland, which is the Center of the Magical Ear, to vibrate.
The vowel “E” also develops the clairvoyance of the mental body.
The vowel “E” makes the Mental Body vibrate and gives us Conceptual Synthesis and the Power to penetrate into the intimate sense of words.
Fraternally, the Teacher of your class
-Paraphrased from Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
Samael Aun Weor’s Practices to Gather the Energy of Taurus
Practices to Gather the Energy of Taurus
1. Sit in a comfortable chair
2. Close your eyes, remove all thoughts from your Mind, make yourself a little drowsy
3. Then focus your mind inwards, towards the Internal Master (the Inner Being), praying like this:
“My Father, transport yourself now to the Principal Star of Taurus, enter through the doors of the Heart-Temple making the salutes which you already know and beg the Sidereal Genie of that star and his Angels to descend and come to me, so that they may “prepare” me and cure my larynx.”
4. Cross the hands over the heart and Salute the Guardians of the Heart Temple
a. Bow to the right, inhale and then say ‘Jakin’
b. Bow to the left, inhale and then say ‘Boaz’
5. Again pray to the Intimus or Inner Being:
“My Father, take the 7 sacred steps within, towards the interior of the temple, and kneel down at the feet of the Principal Genie of Taurus, begging him and his Angels to come and cure my larynx and to inundate my throat with Light.”
6. Then the disciple pronounces the mantram: AOM (4 times).
7. The disciple should vocalize daily the vowel “E”, for one hour, like this: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
The vibratory sound of this vowel will awaken the Power of the Occult Ear in him. The vowel “E” causes the Thyroid Gland, which is the Center of the Magical Ear, to vibrate. The vowel “E” also develops clairvoyance of the mental body. The vowel “E” makes the Mental Body vibrate and gives us Conceptual Synthesis and the Power to penetrate into the intimate sense of words.
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