Taurus 3
The Verb, Creation and the Law of Seven
Taurus is the ZODIACAL SIGN that governs the CREATIVE LARYNX, that marvelous UTERUS where the WORD, the VERB is gestated, and so it is convenient that in this lesson we comprehend in a GENERAL MANNER, the words of JOHN when he said:
“In the beginning was the VERB and the VERB was with God and the VERB was God. All things were made by It ; and without It was not any thing made that was made.”
There are seven orders of worlds, seven cosmos that were created
• with the power of the Verb,
• with music,
• with sound.1) The first COSMOS [alpha] is found submerged within the UNCREATED LIGHT of the ABSOLUTE.
2) The second order of worlds [beta] is constituted by all the worlds of infinite space.
3) The third order of worlds [gamma] is the sum total of all the suns of starry space.
4) The fourth order of worlds [delta] is the Sun, which illuminates us.
5) The fifth order of worlds [epsilon] is made up of all the planets of the solar system.
6) The sixth order of worlds [stau] is the Earth in itself, with its seven dimensions and regions inhabited by infinite beings.
7) The seventh order of worlds [zeta] is formed by those seven concentric spheres or INFERNAL WORLDS of the SUBMERGED MINERAL KINGDOM below the Earth’s cortex.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 2 ‘TAURUS’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
The Law of Seven, the Musical Scale and the Seven Orders of Worlds
“Music, the VERB, placed by the LOGOS in seven musical octaves, firmly sustains the Universe on its march.
1) The first order of worlds [alpha], is sustained with the note DO.
2) The second order of worlds [beta], with the note SI (or TI).
3) The third order of worlds [gamma], the note LA.
4) The fourth order of worlds [delta], the note SOL.
5) The fifth order of worlds [epsilon], the note FA.
6) The sixth order of worlds [stau], the note MI.
7) The seventh order of worlds [zeta], the note RE.Then, everything returns to the ABSOLUTE with the note DO.
Without music, without the VERB, without the GREAT WORD, the marvelous existence of the SEVEN COSMOS would be impossible.
The seven notes of the GREAT SCALE OF THE CREATIVE VERB, resonate in all of creation, because in the beginning was the VERB.
1) The first order of worlds [alpha] is wisely governed by the UNIQUE LAW, by the GREAT LAW. (1)
2) The second order of worlds [beta] is governed by THREE LAWS. (3)
3) The third order of worlds [gamma] is governed by six laws. (6)
4) The fourth order of worlds [delta] is governed by twelve laws. (12)
5) The fifth order of worlds [epsilon] is governed by twenty four laws. (24)
6) The sixth order of worlds [stau] is governed by forty eight laws. (48)
7) The seventh order of worlds [zeta] is governed by ninety six laws. (96+)When one talks about the WORD, one is also talking about the sound of music, of RHYTHMS, the FIRE with its three measures … which firmly sustain the UNIVERSE in its movement, its march, maintaining its momentum.
PSEUDO-OCCULTISTS and PSEUDO-ESOTERICISTS, only mention the MICROCOSM and the MACROCOSM; they merely mention two orders of worlds, when in reality there are SEVEN COSMOS, seven orders of worlds sustained by the VERB, by music, by the LUMINOUS FIAT of the first instant.
Each of the SEVEN COSMOS is beyond all doubt a living organism that breathes, feels and lives.
From the ESOTERIC point of view, we can affirm that every progress upwards, is the result of a progress downwards. One cannot ascend without descending.
First one has to descend and then ascend. If we want to know a COSMOS, we should first know the two adjoining ones, the one that is above and the one that is below, because both determine all the circumstances and vital phenomena of the COSMOS that we want to study.
Example: In this epoch in which scientists struggle for the conquest of space [Mesocosmos], advances are being made in the field of the infinitely small, in the atomic world [Tritocosmos].
-Paraphrase from Ch. 2 ‘TAURUS’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
The Verb and Creation
The creation of the SEVEN COSMOS was only possible by means of the verb, by means of the word, by means of music. Our GNOSTIC students should never forget what the three forces called FATHER-SON-HOLY SPIRIT are.
These three forces constitute the SACRED TRIAMAZIKAMNO. This is the HOLY AFFIRMING [1], the HOLY DENYING [2], and the HOLY RECONCILING [3]; the HOLY GOD [1], the HOLY FIRM [2], the HOLY IMMORTAL [3]. In electricity, these are the three poles: POSITIVE-NEGATIVE-NEUTRAL.
Without the presence of these three poles, all of creation is impossible. In GNOSTIC ESOTERIC Science, the THREE independent FORCES have the following associations:
THE RECONCILING FORCE, LIBERATING FORCE, NEUTRALIZING FORCE [3].These three forces are like three willpowers in the RAY OF CREATION, three consciousnesses, three units or unities. Each of these three forces contains IN ITSELF all the possibilities of the three. But, in their point of conjunction, each of them manifest only their principle: the positive [1], negative [2] or neutral [3].
It is very interesting to see the three forces in action: they separate, move away from each other and then COME TOGETHER AGAIN in order to form new trinities which originate new worlds, new creations.
In the ABSOLUTE, the three forces are the SINGLE LOGOS, the ARMY OF THE VOICE within the GREAT UNITY of life free in its movement.
THE CREATIVE PROCESS OF THE SACRED COMMON COSMIC TRIAMAZIKAMNO was initiated with the sexual marriage of the word because in the beginning was the verb, and the verb was with GOD and the verb was God. Because of it all things were made and without it nothing that is made would have been made.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 2 ‘TAURUS’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
The Law of Three, the Law of Seven and the Rituals of Creation
In accordance with THE SACRED LAW OF THE HEPTAPARAPARSHINOKH (THE LAW OF SEVEN), seven temples were established in the CHAOS for the construction of this solar system.
In accordance with the SACRED LAW OF TRIAMAZIKAMNO (THE LAW OF THREE), the ELOHIM divided themselves into three groups within every temple in order to sing in accordance with the LITURGY OF FIRE.
The work of fecundating the PRAKRITI, that is to say, the CHAOS, the COSMIC MOTHER, the GREAT WOMB , is always the labor of the very sacred TEOMERSMA-LOGOS, the THIRD FORCE.
The three groups organized themselves within each temple in the following manner:
First, a PRIEST.
Second, a PRIESTESS.
Third, a neutral group of ELOHIM.If we take into consideration that the ELOHIM are ANDROGYNOUS, it is then clear that they had to polarize themselves at will in a MASCULINE, FEMININE and NEUTRAL form, in accordance with the SACRED COMMON COSMIC TRIAMAZIKAMNO.
The PRIEST and the PRIESTESS were before the altar and, on the ground floor of the temple, were the ANDROGYNOUS Choir of the ELOHIM.
The RITUALS OF FIRE were SUNG and the sexual marriage of the word fecundated the GREAT WOMB of the CHAOS and the Universe was born.
The ANGELS create with the power of the word. The Larynx is a uterus where the word is gestated.
We should AWAKEN CONSCIOUSNESS in the WORD, in the CREATIVE LARYNX, in order to one day also be able to pronounce the SPERMATIC AND LUMINOUS FIAT of the first instant.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 2 ‘TAURUS’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
Consciousness of the Verb
The CONSCIOUSNESS sleeps in our larynx; we are unconscious with the word; we need to become fully CONSCIOUS of the WORD.
It is said that silence is golden. We say that there exist criminal silences. It is as bad to speak when one should remain silent as it is to remain silent when one should speak.
There are times when to speak is a transgression. There are times when to remain silent is also a transgression.
Words are lovely but sterile from whosoever does not act as they say they will, like a beautiful flower, full of color, but lacking in fragrance. But similar to a beautiful flower, full of color and fragrance, are the words that are lovely and fertile of the one who acts according to how they speak.
It is urgent to end the mechanicity of words. It is necessary to speak with precision, in a CONSCIOUS and opportune manner.
We need to be CONSCIOUS of the verb. There is responsibility in words and to play with the verb is a sacrilege.
Nobody has the right to judge anyone; it is absurd to slander our fellow human beings. It is stupid to murmur about others’ lives.
Accusing words fall upon us sooner or later, like a ray of vengeance.
Slanderous, infamous words always return to the one who pronounced them, converted into rocks that hurt.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 2 ‘TAURUS’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
Taurus, the Verb and the Divine Mother
In other times, when human beings were not yet so mechanized with this false civilization, cowboys led the cattle to the stable singing in a delightful and natural manner.
The BULL, the COW, the calf become touched by music; they correspond to the zodiacal sign of Taurus, the constellation of the verb, of music.In the GREAT PURANIC ALLEGORY, the land that is persecuted by Prithu flees, transforming itself into a COW and taking refuge in BRAHMA. But this BRAHMA is the first person of the Hindu TRIMURTI.
VACH, the VACA [Spanish: COW] is the second and the VIRAH, the DIVINE VARON [Spanish: MALE], the calf, the KABIR, the LOGOS, is the third person.
the SON is the LOGOS, the VERB.The five-legged ASTRAL COW (which Colonel Olcott believes to have seen physically in front of the hypogeum of Karli, the strange and mysterious cow that a certain young miner saw in the Andes as an exotic guardian of those treasures that the miners of his ranch sought) represents the DIVINE MOTHER, RHEA, CYBELE, totally developed in the TRUE MAN, in the SELF-REALIZED MASTER.
GAUTAMA the BUDDHA or GOTAMA, literally means the conductor of the COW.
Every HERDER, every conductor of the COW can use the JAIN fire of the COW in order to enter the JINNS lands, palaces, temples and cities.
With the power of the DIVINE MOTHER, we can visit AGARTHI, the JINN cities of the subterranean world.
TAURUS invites us to REFLECTION. Let us remember that MERCURY stole the SUN’S COWS.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 2 ‘TAURUS’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
Taurus, its Esoteric Associations and Practice
It is urgent for the KUNDALINI to flourish on our fertile lips made VERB; it is only in this manner that we can use the JAIN fire in order to enter the KINGDOM of the JINNS.
In this period of TAURUS we should bring LIGHT to our creative larynx with the purpose of preparing it for the advent of the FIRE.
The disciple should sit in a comfortable armchair; one should close one’s physical eyes in order for nothing of this vain and stubborn world to distract them; one should empty the mind, cast out of the mind all kinds of thoughts, desires, worries, etc.
Let us now imagine that the LIGHT accumulated during ARIES, in our chalice, in our head, moves with TAURUS to the creative larynx.
The devotee should sing the MANTRAM AUM.
One should open their mouth properly with the A, imagine that the LIGHT descends from the head to the larynx; vocalize the U, vividly imagining that the Light floods the throat; the mouth should be rounded properly to sing the U. The last letter is the M, closing the lips, expelling or casting out the breath with force, as if eliminating the refuse from the throat.
This work is done singing the powerful Mantram AUM four times. In the THYROID GLAND (which secretes the biological iodine) is located the magnetic center of the MAGICAL EAR.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 2 ‘TAURUS’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
Taurus and its Astrological Associations
With the practices of TAURUS one develops the MAGICAL EAR, the power to hear the cosmic symphonies, the music of the spheres, the RHYTHMS OF THE FIRE which sustain the seven cosmos in accordance with the law of octaves.
The THYROID GLAND is located in the neck, in the creative larynx. The THYROID GLAND is governed by VENUS and the PARATHYROIDS are governed by MARS.
TAURUS is the house of VENUS. The Stone of Taurus is the AGATE; the metal of this sign is COPPER.
In practice we have been able to evince that TAURINES should not marry persons from AQUARIUS because they inevitably fail due to the incompatibility of characters.
The sign of TAURUS is fixed, an earth sign; it tends towards stability and since the sign of AQUARIUS is aerial, mobile, revolutionary, it is clear that they are incompatible.
TAURINES are like oxen, humble and hard workers, but when they become furious they are terrible like the BULL.
In their lives, TAURINES undergo GREAT AMOROUS DECEPTIONS; they are reserved, conservative; they follow step-by-step, like the ox, the outlined path.
TAURINES are very sensitive. Anger in TAURINES is of slow growth and customarily culminates in strong volcanic outbursts.
The mediocre type of TAURUS is customarily very egotistical, gluttonous, quarrelsome, passionate, irate and proud.
The superior type of TAURUS is full of LOVE, loves classical music, wisdom, works happily for humanity, is very intelligent, comprehensive, faithful, sincere in friendship, a good Father, Mother, good friend, good brother, good citizen, etc.
The MYSTICAL GREATNESS of the MITHRAIC BULL that was not comprehended by the superficial people of this TENEBROUS era of the twentieth century, later degenerated into the worship of the GOLDEN CALF.
The SACRED COW symbolizes ISIS, the DIVINE MOTHER and her CALF or HEIFER represents MERCURY, the MESSANGER of the GODS, the KABIR, the LOGOS.
Esoterically included in the sign of the BULL are the PLEIADES, the CELESTIAL PLEIADES or COWS; the latter appear to be seven, but in reality they are more than two thousand, with their reflection nebulae, ALCYONE their principal star and its companions ATLAS, TAIGETE, etc.
Around the red eye of the BULL or ALDEBARAN, the only one, together with ANTARES, heart of SCORPIO, that can compete in coloring with MARS, the telescopic HYADES, another CELESTIAL COW, group together in an extraordinary and marvelous manner.
Behind the BULL comes the gigantic ORION.
Above and towards the north of the CONSTELLATION OF THE BULL, there is this celestial group, symbolic of KING CEFEO, ZEPHYR OR ZEPHYRUS, of Queen Cassiopeia; that of the Liberator Perseus with Medusa’s head in his hands, and Andromeda, the liberated one; while in front the whale appears surrounded by PISCES and AQUARIUS.
The panorama of TAURUS and its neighboring sidereal regions is truly amazing.
-Paraphrased from Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
Another Version of Samael Aun Weor’s Taurus Practice
In this period of Taurus we should bring Light to our creative larynx with the purpose of preparing it for the advent of the Fire.
1. The disciple should sit in a comfortable armchair
2. Close the physical eyes (in order for nothing from this vain and stubborn world to distract them)
3. Empty the mind, casting out of one’s mind all kinds of thoughts, desires, worries, etc.
4. Now imagine that the Light accumulated during Aries, in one’s chalice (in one’s head), moves with Taurus to the Creative Larynx.
5. The devotee should sing the powerful Mantram AUM 4 times:
a. One should open one’s mouth properly with the A, imagine that the LIGHT descends from the head to the larynx;
b. Then vocalize the U, vividly imagining that the Light floods the throat, the mouth should be rounded properly to sing the U.
c. The last letter is the M, pronounced while closing the lips, expelling or casting out the breath with force, as if eliminating the refuse (or slag) from the throat
With the exercises of Taurus one develops the Magical Ear (related with the Thyroid Gland), the power to hear the cosmic symphonies, the music of the spheres, the Rhythms of the Fire which sustain the 7 cosmos in accordance with the Law of the Octaves.
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