Beloved disciple:
We have arrived at the omnipotent empire of Strength/Force and of Power. We now only want to speak in the language of majesty and of might. We now only want to understand the omnipotence of strength/force.
This is the terrible kingdom of Pluto, the Omnipotent Empire of Strength/Force and of the Magician. This is the Igneous Dwelling of bellicose Mars.Legions of the Earth!
Legions of the Air!
Legions of the Waters!
Legions of the Fire!
Obey us!Scorpio rules the sexual organs and in the latter resides all the Power of the Magician. Scorpio is the house of Mars and of “Pluto”, the visitor. We say visitor because this terrible genie of practical magic does not belong to this Solar System; he is merely a visitor who is helping all the warriors of the rocky path. Within his majestic “Heart-Temple”, we see two enormous symbolical “spheres”.
See him there! His “veiled” face is terribly divine and exhales the Omnipotence of Might. Pluto attends the Initiate’s call when the Black Forces attack us. Pluto can defend us from the Tenebrous Lords of Black Magic.
See him there! he has hurled his sphere and attends the call of a supplicant!
Children of the Earth! Listen to thy instructors, the Children of the Fire!
Now beloved disciple, we will deliver to thee, the supreme key of the GREAT ARCANUM. The omnipotent secret of the Kundalini: The Kundalini is awakened with Sexual Magic.During moments of love, in which the couple feels ineffable delights, you should connect yourself with your spouse, sexually, and pronounce during this connection, the powerful Mantrams of the Kundalini.
Here they are, as I received them, from the Angel of Command, named Aroch. These Mantrams are the following:
KAN DIL – BAN DIL – rrrrrrrrrrrr
They will be vocalized in the form of a song, prolonging the sound of the vowels and raising the voice in the first syllable of each word and lowering it in the second syllable.
The letter “R” is pronounced in a high and sharp manner, like the voice of a child, prolonging the sound as if it was the sound of a motor or a mill when it is left without grain to grind, which produces a sharp and thin sound.
Listen well! These are the most powerful Mantrams known in the entire Infinite to awaken the Kundalini.
You can also vocalize them Mentally and withdraw from thy Priestess Wife or Priest Husband without seminal ejaculation and without orgasm.
The restrained desire will make the Energy rise upwards, towards thy head and, thus, you will awaken your Kundalini and become Gods.
-Paraphrased from Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
Huiracocha’s Teachings and the Key of the Magician
I will now transcribe a few paragraphs from the 8th lesson of the “Zodiacal Course” by the Venerable Master Arnoldo Krumm Heller, Guru (Huiracocha), Archbishop of the Gnostic Church, so that our disciples comprehend well these teachings, let’s see:
“Instead of coitus which reaches orgasm, one should reflexively lavish one’s partner with sweet caresses, amorous phrases and delicate touchings, maintaining the mind constantly separated from animal sexuality, sustaining the most pure spirituality, as if the act were a true religious ceremony.
Nevertheless the man can and must introduce the penis and maintain it in the feminine sexual organ, so that for both of them a divine sensation, full of joy, ensues (which can last for hours) withdrawing at the moment in which the Spasm approaches in order to avoid the Ejaculation of the Semen. In this way, each time they will have a greater yearning to caress each other.
This can be repeated as many times as one wants without ever becoming fatigued, because on the contrary, this is the Magical Key in order to be rejuvenated daily, to keep the body healthy and to prolong life, since it is a source of health with this constant Magnetization.
We know that with ordinary Magnetism, the Magnetizer communicates magnetic currents to the subject and if the first has these magnetic forces developed then they are able to heal the second.
The transmission of the magnetic current is ordinarily done via the hands or via the eyes, but it is necessary to say that there is no more powerful conductor than the virile member and the vulva, which are a thousand times more powerful, a thousand times superior to others as organs of reception.
If many people practice this, then they spread strength and success to all those who are put into commercial or social contact with them. But, in the act of sublime and Divine Magnetization, to which we are referring; both man and woman magnetize each other reciprocally, being one for the other as a musical instrument which (when being plucked) gives off or starts prodigious sounds of sweet and mystical harmony.
The strings of this instrument are spread over the whole body and their principal buttons are the lips and the fingers, provided that absolute purity presides over the act, and this is what makes us Magicians in that supreme instant.”
These paragraphs from the 8th lesson of the sublime Huiracocha, enclose the supreme secret of the Great Arcanum, of which Eliphas Levi speaks to us so much about, but without ever having dared to reveal it.
This is the key in order to awaken the Kundalini and to make oneself a Magician.
“The Kundalini is the Igneous Serpent of Our Magical Powers”.
The Kundalini is the Solar Fire enclosed within a membranous pocket in the coccygeal bone, within the sacral region, which is at the base of the Spinal Column.
The Kundalini is the Sexual Fire. It is the fire of the Holy Spirit. The Kundalini is the Flaming Sword of the Cherubim that guards the entrance to Eden.
This is why in his masterpiece titled “The Gnostic Church”, the Master Huiracocha says that we should “take advantage of the medulla and the semen to the maximum, because therein lies the redemption of man”.
Referring to the Seminal Energy, the Master says in “Esoteric Rose”:
“Raise well thy cups, and be careful of not spilling even a single drop of thy precious liquid”.
Refrained desire will transmute the Sexual Substances into Christic Energy and this energy will at the same time be bi-polarized into Positive and Negative in order to rise in the two nervous canals located at the right and left of the spinal medulla; in India, these two spermatic canals are called: Ida and Pingala.
The right canal is Positive and therein ascend the Solar Atoms.
The left canal is Lunar and therein rise the Lunar Atoms.
Ida and Pingala emerge from a Sacral Center called “Triveni”, situated above the Medulla Oblongata.
-Paraphrased from Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
The Staff of the Patriarchs and the Degrees of Hermetic Masonry
Christic Energy is the Wine of Light, and that Wine of Light converts us into Living Buddhas.
The two canals, Ida and Pingala, resound with the musical note of the Chinese Gong, or the musical note “Fa”.
The Spinal Medulla with its two nervous cords is the Brahmatic Cord.
The Spinal Medulla is the staff of Brahma, Aaron’s Rod, the Staff of the Patriarchs, the Rod of Moses, the Scepter of the Divine Kings, and the Bamboo Cane of 7 Knots of the Yogis in India.
The secret in order to awaken the Kundalini is in the miracle that Christ did at the Wedding of Canaan.
“The transmutation of water into wine” is realized in nuptials during the trance of Sexual Magic, with refrained effort , Water (Seminal Energy) will be transmuted into the Alchemical Wine of light.
When the Solar and Lunar Atoms of our Seminal Energy make contact in the Center of the Coccyx, then the Snake begins to move, producing a great pain in the coccyx. It breaks the membranous pocket and enters the spinal medulla through an orifice which remains closed in common people.
The vapors that rise from the transmuted Seminal Energy open that orifice, which is the door of the Sushumna Canal.
This canal advances along the Spinal Medulla to the end of the cervical vertebrae; thereby the Igneous Serpent or Liquid Fire of the Kundalini rises.
This Sacred Fire rises along a fine thread that serves as a conductor within the canal of the medulla.
The ascension of the Kundalini is regulated by the Fires of the Heart.
In occultism, the spinal vertebrae are called: “Canyons or Pyramids”. Each Canyon has its occult name and its powers.The Spinal Column has 33 Canyons and 33 Divine Atoms. The ascent of the Kundalini is carried out “Canyon by Canyon”, “Degree by Degree”.
Each Canyon costs terrible tests in the Physical plane and in the Astral plane. This is the path of unutterable bitterness and martyrdom.
The nervous branches, which communicate the Chakras with the medulla, part from the fine cord of the medulla.
The Kundalini sets fire to all the Lotus Flowers or Chakras of our organism as it rises “Canyon by Canyon”.
Through the 33 Canyons, we pass through the Chambers of the Great Masonic Lodge of the Astral Plane.
The External Chambers are the Minor Mysteries, and the Internal Chambers are the Major Mysteries.
The disciple should learn the Masonic salutes from their own Intimus: they should be learned from the “Internal Master”.
The thickness of the Kundalini will depend on the amount of stored Sexual Energy. The color of the Kundalini depends on the psychological idiosyncrasy of the disciple.
The Kundalini rises in accordance with the practice of Sexual Magic and in accordance with our process of Sanctification, for as we said, the ascension depends upon the Merits of the Heart.
We have to sum up our Defects and dedicate 2 months to each Defect in successive order, until we put an end to all the defects.
This simple rule is the key to making the Kundalini rise, because then the disciple comes out triumphant in all the astral and physical Tests, and wins the Canyons quickly one after the other.
A single Ejaculation or Sexual Discharge (Orgasm) is enough for a fuse to be burnt, that is to say, for the nervous cord through which the Kundalini ascends, to fail; then the fire falls one or two canyons according to the magnitude of the fault, and, consequently, one loses the acquired powers.
Our Lord the Christ told me: “The disciple should not let themselves fall, because one has to struggle very much in order to recover what has been lost”.
-Paraphrased from Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
Internal Initiations
Throughout the Initiations of Minor Mysteries, the disciple has to pass through the entire tragedy of Golgotha. At last the disciple will climb the Golgotha of High Initiation, where they will be fused with their Intimus and convert themselves into a Master of the White Lodge.
High Initiation is the fusion of two principles: Atman-Buddhi, or the Five Principal Initiations of Major Mysteries.
With the 1st we achieve the fusion of Atma-Buddhi and, with the 5th, we add Manas to this fusion, and so the Septenary is reduced to a Ternary : “Atma-Buddhi-Manas”.
There are a total of 9 initiations of Major Mysteries.
Atman is the Being, the Intimus, our Internal Angel; and Buddhi is our Spirit-Soul.
When the Intimus and the Spirit-Soul fuse, then a new Master of humanity is born, and when the “Manas” (or the Human Soul) is added to this fusion, then a new blessed one is born.
Redemption begins outside the Inferior “I”, and ends outside the Interior “I”.
Remember that the Ancient Sages considered Virgo and Scorpio to be “esoterically” a single sign. Virgo (the sign of the Celestial Virgin) and Scorpio (the sign of the Sexual Forces) together are really that marvelous Eden that the Bible talks to us about. In this delightful garden of Virgo & Scorpio, the Seven Serpents of Fire are awaiting in order to initiate us into their Major Mysteries.
We spoke of the 7 Serpents of Eden in the lesson of Virgo. We have 7 Bodies and 7 Serpents of Fire. Each of the 7 Bodies has its Kundalini, its Snake:
1. The 1st Serpent opens the 7 Churches situated in the Buddhic Body. A Stigmatized and Christified Buddhic Body [Geburah] inevitably fuses with the Intimus or Inner Being [Chesed].
From the Physical Body [Malkuth], through the Kundalini, we extract the “Soul-Consciousness” which (absorbed in the Buddhi) becomes fused with the Intimus or Inner Being.2. The 2nd Serpent belongs to the Etheric Body [Yesod] and takes us to the 2nd Initiation of Major Mysteries, which confers upon us the power to travel in the Etheric Body or Soma-Puchicon which Max Heindel talks to us about.
From the Etheric Body, we extract through the golden Kundalini of this body, the Sapient-Soul.3. The 3rd Serpent corresponds to the Astral Body [Hod], and totally opens for us all the “Chakras”, Wheels or Discs of the Astral Body, and corresponds to the 3rd of Major Mysteries.
From the Astral through the snow-white colored Kundalini of that vehicle, we extract the sentient Soul.4. The 4th Serpent corresponds to the Mental Body [Netzach], and permits us to Christify the Mind. The Christ-Mind takes us to the 4th Initiation of Major Mysteries, and confers the degree of “Arhat” upon us.
From the Mental Body through its respective Kundalini, we extract a psychic summary of the Mental body.
5. The 5th Serpent belongs to the Causal Body [Tiphereth], from which we extract the Human Soul or “Manas” [Tiphereth] in order to fuse it with Atman-Buddhi [Chesed-Geburah]. This is the 5th Initiation and confers the degree of “Aseka” upon us.
From the Causal, or Body of Willpower, we extract a psychic compress or Human Soul.6. The 6th Serpent belongs to Buddhi [Geburah]. This 6th Portal is like a cup of transparent and white alabaster within which the Fire of the Intimus or Inner Being [Chesed] burns. You are that cup now burning with the Fire of your 6th Serpent.
7. The 7th Serpent belongs to the very Body of the Intimus or Inner Being [Chesed]. This Serpent (along with the 6th) take us to the ineffable bliss of Nirvana. The 7th Initiation confers upon us the degree of “Mahachoan”. The Mahachoan is converted into a Guardian of the Akashic Archives and a Director of the works of the Great White Lodge.
These are the Fire’s 7 Degrees of the Power. Only the terror of Love and Law reign throughout these 7 Portals.
The construction of the spinal system and the medulla is analogous in each of the 7 Bodies. Each of the 7 Bodies is a complete organism; all the 7 Medullas interpenetrate each other without becoming confused.
The 8th and 9th Initiations take us to Ineffable Regions… The Pratyeka Buddhas have the 8th initiation, and the 9th belongs to the degree of the King of the World. There are a total of 9 initiations of Major Mysteries.
-Paraphrased from Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
Mars, the Buddhic Force and Christification
Upon becoming torrential, the waters of the Hoang-Ho intone the “Gong” (that is to say, the note “Fa” of Nature), which makes our Kundalini vibrate, in the sacred river of life.
Buddha, the redeemer of Mars, now radiates Buddhic Force from that planet, with which Scorpio enters our seminal system and puts into motion the incentive of Christification in us.
Buddhic Atoms inundate our seminal canals. The Buddhic Atoms fill our Internal Vehicles and saturate the very internal structures with the Strength/Force of Mars.
Buddha has become a warrior, now he radiates his powerful “Buddhic-Martian” Energy from Mars.
What a marvel of Creation this is! Buddha has become a warrior!
The Buddhic-Martian Atoms will produce the Age of Intuition (Aquarius).
Our Buddhic Principle is the Superlative Consciousness of the Being; this is the “Soul-Spirit”.
Now the Warrior Force of Mars has become Buddhic, and the heroes of Light will surge forth everywhere.
Mars, in Scorpio, makes the Atoms of Buddha reach our seminal system in order to achieve the Christification of the human being.
The Buddhic Atoms, under the force of Mars, will convert us into living Christs.
Buddha, the Christ of the Martians, now throbs in our seminal system.
Our body and our Buddhic Atoms confer upon us the gift of “sensing” the Supreme Knowledge.
The Buddhic Consciousness is now war-like, and a new type of Warrior has been born, those of Light, the paladins of the New Era.
The New Era will emerge from the wars of this century, because Mars is now “Buddhic”.
The sacrifice of Buddha on Mars was like that of the Christ among us.
Buddha prepared himself on earth to later become the Christ of the Martians.
-Paraphrased from Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
Gnostic Attributes of the Sign of Scorpio
The natives of Scorpio are of strong will, but should fight against the defect of anger, of hatred and of vengeance.
The natives of Scorpio are either totally chaste or fornicators altogether. They always pass through bitterness before the age of 30.
Topaz, is its stone; Bright red, its color and Iron its metal.
Children of men! Do you want to enter the ineffable bliss of Nirvana?
Do you want to become Gods? Do you want to become Christs?
Do you want to become free from the Wheel of Births and Deaths?
Here I have given thee the key of Sexual Magic! What more do you want?
Fraternally, the Teacher of your class
-Paraphrased from Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
Samael Aun Weor’s Practices to Work with the Sign of Scorpio and its Associated Planets
Practice to Work with Scorpio
1. Sit in a comfortable chair
2. Close your eyes, remove all thoughts from your Mind, make yourself a little drowsy
3. Then focus your mind inwards, towards the Internal Master (the Inner Being), praying like this:
“My Father, transport yourself now to the Principal Star of Scorpio, enter through the doors of the Heart-Temple making the salutes which you already know and beg the Sidereal Genie of that star and his Angels to descend and come to me, so that they may treat my sexual organs & heal my creative powers.”
4. Cross the hands over the heart and Salute the Guardians of the Heart Temple
a. Bow to the right, inhale and then say ‘Jakin’
b. Bow to the left, inhale and then say ‘Boaz’
5. Again pray to the Intimus or Inner Being:
“My Father, take the 7 sacred steps within, towards the interior of the temple, and kneel down at the feet of the Principal Genie of Scorpio, begging him and his Angels to come and treat my sexual organs & heal my creative powers.”
6. Then the disciple pronounces the mantram: AOM (4 times).
Practice to Work with Mars
(similar as above, but with the Planet Mars instead of the Constellation of Scorpio)
1. Sit in a comfortable chair
2. Close your eyes, remove all thoughts from your Mind, make yourself a little drowsy
3. Then focus your mind inwards, towards the Internal Master (the Inner Being), praying like this:
“My Father, transport yourself now to the Planet Mars, enter through the doors of the Heart-Temple making the salutes which you already know and beg the Regent of that planet and his Angels to descend and come to me, so that they may protect me and give me the strength/force I need on this Path.”
4. Cross the hands over the heart and Salute the Guardians of the Heart Temple
a. Bow to the right, inhale and then say ‘Jakin’
b. Bow to the left, inhale and then say ‘Boaz’
5. Again pray to the Intimus or Inner Being:
“My Father, take the 7 sacred steps within, towards the interior of the temple, and kneel down at the feet of the Regent of Mars, begging him and his Angels to come, so that they may protect me and give me the strength/force I need on this Path.”
6. Then the disciple pronounces the mantram: AOM (4 times).
Practice to Work with Pluto
(same as above, but with the Pluto instead of Mars)
1. Sit in a comfortable chair
2. Close your eyes, remove all thoughts from your Mind, make yourself a little drowsy
3. Then focus your mind inwards, towards the Internal Master (the Inner Being), praying like this:
“My Father, transport yourself now to the Planet Pluto, enter through the doors of the Heart-Temple making the salutes which you already know and beg the Regent of that planet and his Angels to descend and come to me, so that they may defend me from the Tenebrous Forces with their Omnipotent Powers and teach this Warrior of the rocky path about Practical Magic.”
4. Cross the hands over the heart and Salute the Guardians of the Heart Temple
a. Bow to the right, inhale and then say ‘Jakin’
b. Bow to the left, inhale and then say ‘Boaz’
5. Again pray to the Intimus or Inner Being:
“My Father, take the 7 sacred steps within, towards the interior of the temple, and kneel down at the feet of the Regent of Pluto, begging him and his Angels to come, so that they may defend me from the Tenebrous Forces with their Omnipotent Powers and teach this Warrior of the rocky path about Practical Magic.”
6. Then the disciple pronounces the mantram: AOM (4 times).
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