Scorpio 3
The Second Birth, the “Twice-Born” and a Thorny Problem…
The Great Hierophant Jesus Christ told Nicodemus,
“Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the KINGDOM OF GOD.”
It is necessary to be born of water and the spirit in order to be able to enter the KINGDOM of Esotericism, the Magis Regnum .
It is urgent to be BORN again in order to have the full right to enter the KINGDOM. It is urgent to become Twice-Born.
This matter of the Second Birth was not understood by Nicodemus and neither has it been understood by all Biblical sects.
It is necessary to have studied comparative religion and have the Key of the Arcanum A.Z.F. if we truly want to comprehend the words of Jesus to Nicodemus.
The different Biblical sects are fully convinced that they really comprehend what ‘to be born again’ means and interpret it in the most varied of ways; but certainly (even if they possess much Biblical erudition and document one verse with another, and try to explain one verse with another, or other verses) the reality is that they do not understand it, if they do not possess the Secret Key: the Arcanum A.Z.F.
Nicodemus was wise, he knew the Holy Scriptures profoundly and yet, he did not understand and said,
“How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb, and be born?”
Jesus, the Great Kabir then gave Nicodemus a Mayan type of answer,
“Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.”
It is clear that the one who does not have information other than that of the dead letter, the one who does not understand the double significance of the Biblical verses, the one who has never known the Arcanum A.Z.F., interprets these words of the Great Kabir in their own way with only the information that they possess and believes that with their sect’s baptism or something similar, the problem of the Second Birth is already resolved.
For the MAYAS, the Spirit is Living Fire and they say, “We must unite what is above with what is below, by means of the water and fire.”
Hindu Brahmins symbolize the second birth sexually.
In their LITURGY, a large GOLDEN COW is constructed and the candidate to the SECOND BIRTH has to pass through the hollow body of the COW three times, by dragging himself, exiting through the VULVA and thus remains consecrated as a true BRAHMAN-DWIPA, or Twice-BORN, once of his MOTHER and another of the COW.
It is in this manner that the Brahmins symbolically explain the Second Birth taught by Jesus to Nicodemus.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 8 ‘Scorpio’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
The Esoteric Stone, Peter’s Doctrine and the Second Birth
We have already said in preceding chapters, that the Cow represents the Divine Mother, but the interesting thing is that the Brahmins call themselves Twice-Born and their second birth is sexual, born of the Cow and exited from within her womb through the vulva.
This matter is very thorny and the Lunar Race mortally hates it; they prefer to kill the Cow and then insult everyone who talks about the Mysteries of Sex and the Arcanum A.Z.F.
The BRAHMINS are not TWICE BORN, but symbolically they are. Nor is the MASTER MASON truly a MASTER, but symbolically he is.
The interesting thing is to reach the SECOND BIRTH and the problem is 100% sexual.
Whosoever wants to enter that land of the FOURTH DIMENSION (in those Jinn valleys, mountains and temples, in that Kingdom of the Twice-Born) must work with the Brute Stone, chisel it, give it shape, as we would say in Masonic language.
We need to respectfully lift that Marvelous Stone which separates us from the Land of the One Thousand and One Nights, from the land of marvels where the Twice-Born live happily.
It is impossible to roll the Stone, to lift it, if we have not first given it a cubic shape with the chisel and the hammer.
Peter, the disciple of Jesus Christ, is the Aladdin, the marvelous interpreter, authorized to lift the Stone that closes the Sanctuary of the Great Mysteries.
Peter’s original name is PATAR with its three CONSONANTS: P. T. R., which are radical.P. comes to remind us of the FATHER who is in secret, of the FATHERS of the GODS, our FATHERS or PHITARAS.
T. the Tau, the Divine Hermaphrodite, the man and woman sexually united during the act.
R. this letter is vital in the INRI; it is the sacred and terribly divine fire, the Egyptian RA.
PETER, PATAR, the ILLUMINATOR, is the MASTER of SEXUAL MAGIC, the generous MASTER who always awaits us at the entrance of the terrible PATH.
The RELIGIOUS COW, the famous CRETAN MINOTAUR, is the first thing that we find in the mystical subterranean tunnel which leads to the LAND of the TWICE-BORN.
Chapter VIII of the Laws of Manu says,
“A Kingdom inhabited above all by Sudras, full of impious men and deprived of Twice-Born inhabitants, will totally perish rapidly, attacked by hunger and disease.”
Without PETER’s DOCTRINE, the SECOND BIRTH is impossible. We GNOSTICS study the DOCTRINE OF PETER.
Infrasexuals, degenerate persons mortally hate the Doctrine of Peter. Many are the sincerely mistaken ones who believe that they can attain self-realization by excluding sex.
Many are those who speak against Sex, those who insult Sex, those who spit their entire defamatory dribble in the Sacred Sanctuary of the Third Logos. Those who hate Sex, those who say that Sex is gross, unworldly, animal, bestial, are the insulters, those who blaspheme against the Holy Spirit.Whosoever pronounces themselves against Sexual Magic, whosoever spits their infamy in the Sanctuary of the Third Logos, will never be able to attain the Second Birth.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 8 ‘Scorpio’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
The Stone or Rock, the Sacred Fire’s Seven Degrees of Power and the Ninth Sphere
The name for SEXUAL MAGIC in Sanskrit is ‘MAITHUNA’. Peter’s Doctrine is the MAITHUNA and Jesus said,
“Thou art Peter (Rock), and upon this rock I will build my church;
and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”The Key of the MAITHUNA is the Black Lingam inserted in the Yoni (attributes of the God Shiva, the third logos, the Holy Spirit).
In the MAITHUNA, the PHALLUS should enter the Vagina, but the SEMINAL ENERGY should never be spilled. The couple should withdraw from the sexual act before reaching the spasm (orgasm), in order to avoid the spilling of the seminal liquid.
Restrained desire will transmute the seminal liquid into Creative Energy. The Sexual Energy ascends up to the cerebrum. This is how the cerebrum is seminized; this is how the seminal energy becomes cerebrized.
The MAITHUNA is the exercise that permits us to awaken and develop the Kundalini, the igneous serpent of our magical powers. When the Kundalini awakens, it ascends along the medullar canal of the spinal column.
The Kundalini opens the seven Churches of the Apocalypse of Saint John. The seven Churches are situated on the spinal column.
1) The First Church is Ephesus and corresponds to the sexual organs. The sacred serpent coiled three and a half times sleeps within the Church of Ephesus.
2) The Second Church is Smyrna, located at the level of the prostate & uterus, and confers upon us the power over the waters.
3) The Third Church is Pergamos, located at the level of the navel and confers upon us the power over the fire.
4) The Fourth Church is Thyatira located at the level of the heart and confers upon us the power over the air and many powers, such as voluntary astral unfolding, that of the Jinn, etc.
5) The Fifth Church is Sardis, located at the level of the creative larynx and confers upon us the power of the Magical Ear, which permits us to listen to the voices of the superior worlds and the music of the spheres.
6) The Sixth Church is Philadelphia and is located at the point between the eyebrows and confers upon us the power to see the Internal Worlds and the creatures that inhabit them.
7) The Seventh Church is Laodicea. This marvelous Church is the thousand petalled Lotus located in the Pineal gland, on the superior part of the cerebrum. Laodicea confers upon us the powers of Polyvision with which we can study all the mysteries of the Great Day and the Great Night.
The Sacred Fire of the Kundalini opens the seven Churches in a successive order, as it slowly ascends along the spinal canal.
The Igneous Serpent of our magical powers ascends very slowly according to the merits of the heart.
When they make contact in the Tribeni, near the coccyx at the base of the spinal column, the Solar and lunar Forces of the Sexual Energy have the power of awakening the Sacred Serpent in order for it to ascend along the spinal canal.
The Sacred Fire, ascending along the Spinal Column, has the form of a serpent and has seven degrees of power. It is urgent to work with the Fire’s Seven Degrees of power.
Sex, in itself, is the Ninth Sphere. The descent to the Ninth Sphere was, in the ancient mysteries, the maximum test of the Supreme Dignity of the Hierophant. Buddha, Jesus the Great Kabir, Hermes, Zoroaster, Mohammed, Dante, etc., etc., etc. had to go through that maximum test.Many are the pseudo-esoteric, and pseudo-occultist students who, upon reading occultist or pseudo-occultist literature, would like to immediately enter the land of Jinn marvels, into the bliss of continuous Ecstasy, etc.
Those students do not want to understand that in order to be able to ascend one must first descend. It is necessary to first descend into the Ninth Sphere; it is only in this manner that we can ascend.
The Magistery of Fire is very long and terrible; if the student commits the mistake of spilling the Cup of Hermes, then they lose their preceding work, and the igneous serpent of our magical powers goes down.
All the esoteric schools mention Five Initiations of Major Mysteries. Those Initiations are very intimately related with the Magistery of Fire.
The Sacred Fire has the power of fecundating the Sacred Prakriti of the Initiate. We have already said it before and we repeat it again, that the Prakriti is the symbolic Sacred five-legged Cow.
When the Prakriti is made fecund within the Initiate, then the Solar Bodies are gestated within her womb by the work and grace of the Third Logos.
The Solar Race, the Twice-Born, have Solar Bodies. Run-of-the-mill people, humanity in general, is a lunar race and only has lunar bodies of a lunar type.Pseudo-Esoteric and Pseudo-Occultist schools mention the Theosophical Septenary, the Internal Bodies, but they ignore that those vehicles are really Protoplasmic, Lunar Bodies.
Within those protoplasmic, lunar bodies of Intellectual Animals are contained the Laws of Evolution and Involution.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 8 ‘Scorpio’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
The Protoplasmatic Lunar Bodies, the Hydrogen SI-12 and the Development of the Essence
The Lunar Protoplasmic Bodies are certainly the common property of all the beasts of nature. Those Lunar Bodies are derived from a remote mineral past and they return to the mineral past because everything returns to its original point of departure.
The Protoplasmic Lunar Bodies evolve up to a certain point which is perfectly defined by nature and then begin their involutive return to the original point of departure.
[1st] The Virginal Sparks, the Monadic Waves caused the emergence (in the mineral past) of the Protoplasmic Bodies with which the Mineral Elementals, the gnomes or pygmies garbed themselves.
[2nd] The entrance of the Mineral Elementals into the Vegetable Evolution produced a change in the Protoplasmic Bodies.
[3rd] The entrance of the Vegetable elementals into the Animal Evolution of irrationality provoked, as is natural, new changes in the Protoplasmic, Lunar Bodies.
[4th] Protoplasms are always subject to many changes and the entrance of the Animal Elementals into wombs of the Intellectual Animal species, gave these lunar bodies the aspect that they now have.
Nature needs the Intellectual Animal mistakenly called a Human Being, just as they are, in the state in which they now live.
The entire evolution of Protoplasm has the creation of these intellectual machines as the objective.
Intellectual machines have the power of picking up the cosmic energies from infinite space in order to unconsciously transform them and then automatically transmit them to the interior layers of the earth.
All of humanity in its entirety is an organ of nature, an indispensable organ for the planetary organism of the earth.
When any cell of said vital organ, in other words, when any subject is too perverse or fully fulfills his time of 108 lives without having produced fruit, then it ceases to be born so as to precipitate its involution in the Infernal Worlds.
If someone wants to escape from that tragic law of Protoplasmic Involution, then they should create for themselves and through tremendous super-efforts, the Solar bodies.
In all the elements of nature, in every chemical substance, in every fruit, exists its corresponding type of Hydrogen and the Hydrogen of Sex is the SI-12.The Fire, the Fohat fecundates the Womb of the Sacred five-legged Cow, but it is only with the Sexual Hydrogen SI-12 that the Solar Bodies are formed, are crystallized.
Within the seven notes of the musical scale are carried out all the biological and physiological processes whose final result is that marvelous elixir called Seminal Energy (both men and women have this ‘Seed’ substance).
The process is initiated with the note DO from the moment in which the food enters the mouth and continues with the notes RE-MI-FA-SOL-LA, and when the musical SI resounds, then the extraordinary elixir called Seminal Energy is already prepared.
Hydrogen SI-12 is produced in the human organism, being initiated from the process of digestion.DO: when the food is in the mouth.
RE: when it reaches the throat.
MI: when it reaches the level of the lungs.
FA: when it reaches the stomach, spleen and liver.
SOL: when it reaches the solar plexus.
LA: when it reaches the colon and the pancreas.
SI: when the Hydrogen SI-12 is produced…
The Sexual Hydrogen is deposited in the Seminal Energy and we can move it on to a second superior octave DO-RE-MI-FA-SOL-LA-SI, through a special Shock.
This special shock is the sexual restraint of the Maithuna.The second musical octave causes the Sexual Hydrogen SI-12 to crystallize in the extraordinary and marvelous form of the Solar Astral Body. A second shock of the Maithuna causes the Sexual Hydrogen SI-12 to move on to a third superior octave Do-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La-Si.
The third musical octave will originate the crystallization of the Sexual Hydrogen Si-12 in the magnificent Solar form of the legitimate Mental Body. A third shock will move the Sexual Hydrogen Si-12 to a fourth musical octave Do Re-Mi- Fa-Sol-La-Si.
The fourth musical octave will originate the crystallization of the Sexual Hydrogen in the form of the Body of Conscious Will, or Causal Body.
The one who already possesses the Four Bodies known as the Physical, Astral, Mental and Causal, affords the luxury of incarnating the Being in order to become a True Man, a Solar Man.
Normally, the Being is not born, does not die and neither does it reincarnate, but when we already have the Solar Bodies, we can incarnate it, and we move on to really Be.
To the one who knows, the word gives power; no one pronounced it, no one will pronounce it, except he who has it incarnated.
Many Gnostic students will ask themselves why we do not mention the Vital Body and why we only count four bodies, excluding the Vital; the answer to this question is that the Vital Body is merely the superior section of the Physical Body.In the third Initiation of fire, the Solar Astral Body is born; in the Fourth Initiation of fire, the Solar Mental Body is born; in the Fifth Initiation of Fire, the Causal Body, or Body of Conscious Will is born.
The Five Initiations of Major Mysteries only have as objective the fabrication of the Solar Bodies.
In Gnosticism and Esotericism, one understands the Second Birth as the fabrication of the Solar Bodies and the Incarnation of the Being. The Solar Bodies gestate within the womb of the Prakriti.
The BEING is conceived by the work and grace of the Third Logos, within the Womb of the Prakriti.
She is a Virgin before childbirth, during childbirth and after childbirth. Every Master of the White lodge is the child of an Immaculate Virgin. Whoever attains the Second Birth comes out of the Ninth Sphere (Sex).
Whosoever achieves the Second Birth remains totally prohibited from having sexual contact again and that prohibition is for all eternity.
Whosoever attains the Second Birth joins a secret temple, the temple of the Twice-Born.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 8 ‘Scorpio’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
and from Ch.12 of Tarot & Kabbalah
The Kundalini vs the Kundartiguador and the Esoteric Attributes of Scorpio
The Intellectual Animals believe that they are Human Beings, but in reality they are mistaken, because only the Twice-Born are True Human Beings.
We knew a Lady-Adept of the White Lodge who fabricated her Solar Bodies in merely ten years of very intense work in the Ninth Sphere. That Lady lives with the Angels, Archangels, Seraphim, etc.
By working very intensely in the Ninth Sphere without allowing oneself to fall, one can carry out the work of fabricating the Solar Bodies in ten or twenty years more or less.
The Lunar Race mortally hates this science of the Sacred Cow and before accepting it, it prefers to find escape routes and justifications with flashy and hypocritical phrases.
The Bhons and Dugpas with red cape, the Black Magicians, practice Black Tantrism, they have orgasm during their Maithuna; it is in this manner that they awaken and develop the abominable Kundartiguador Organ.
It is urgent to know that the Kundartiguador Organ is the Tempting Serpent of Eden, the sacred Fire projected downwards, Satan’s tail whose root is in the coccyx.
The abominable Kundartiguador Organ fortifies the Lunar Bodies and the Ego.
Those who live postponing the Second Birth for future lives, end up losing the opportunity and once the 108 lives expire, they enter the Infernal Worlds, where only crying and the gnashing of teeth are heard.
Diogenes sought a Man, a real Human Being, with his lantern in all of Athens and did not find one.
We must seek the Twice-Born, the True Human Being with the Lantern of Diogenes; they are very rare to find.
Many pseudo-occultist and pseudo-esoterist students abound who say they want to supposedly attain Self-Realization, but since they are lunar, when they get to know this science of the Ninth Sphere, they become scandalized; they curse us, they launch against us their entire defamatory dribble and if we were in the times of Esdras, they would immolate the Sacred Cow, saying:
“His blood be on us, and on our children.”
The road that leads to the abyss is paved with good intentions.
It is not only the perverse who enter the abyss; let us remember the parable of the sterile fig tree.
The tree that does not put forth fruit is cut and cast into the fire.
Magnificent students of pseudo-occultism and pseudo-esotericism also live in the Infernal Worlds.
Scorpio is a very interesting sign; the poison of Scorpio mortally wounds the enemies of the Maithuna, the puritanical insulters who hate Sex, those who blaspheme against the Third Logos, the perverse fornicators, the degenerated ones of Infrasexuality, homosexuals, masturbators, etc.Scorpio governs the Sexual Organs. It is the house of Mars, the planet of war, and in sex is the root of the Great Battle between White and Black Magicians, between the Solar and Lunar forces.
The lunar race mortally hates everything that has the flavor of the Maithuna (Sexual Magic), White Tantrism, the Sacred Cow, etc.
The natives of Scorpio can fall into the most frightening fornication or totally regenerate themselves.
In practice we have been able to verify that the natives of Scorpio suffer a lot in the first half of their life and even have a love that causes them great bitterness, but in the second half of their life, everything changes, their luck noticeably improves.
The natives of Scorpio have a certain tendency towards anger and vengeance; they forgive someone with great difficulty.
The women of Scorpio are always in danger of remaining as widows and going through many financial needs during the first part of their life.
The men of Scorpio suffer much misery during the first half of life, but due to experience, they improve the second half of their existence.
The persons of Scorpio are persons with energy; they are ambitious, reserved, frank and energetic.
As friends, the natives of Scorpio are truly friends, sincere, faithful, capable of sacrificing themselves for friendship, but as enemies, they are very fearful, vengeful and dangerous.
The mineral of Scorpio is the Magnet; its stone is the Topaz.
The exercise of Scorpio is the MAITHUNA and the latter is not only practiced during Scorpio but all the time, in a continuous manner, until achieving the Second Birth.
However, we should warn that one should never practice two consecutive times in the same night. It is only permitted to practice once daily.
It is also urgent to know that one should never force one’s spouse to practice the MAITHUNA when she is sick or when she is menstruating, or in the state of pregnancy, because that is a crime.
The woman who has given birth to a child can only practice the MAITHUNA after forty days from childbirth.
The MAITHUNA does not impede the reproduction of the species, because the seed always passes to the womb without the need of spilling the seminal energy.
The multiple combinations of the infinite substance are marvelous.
Many are the students of occultism who complain because they fail, because they suffer seminal discharges, because they do not succeed at avoiding seminal ejaculation or orgasm.
We advise those students a short exercise of five minutes on Friday of each week if the case is very serious, or a short exercise of five minutes daily, if the case is not too serious.
After one year with these short exercises of five minutes of the MAITHUNA, one can lengthen them by five minutes more for another year and on the third year one would practice fifteen minutes daily.
In this manner, little by little each year, one can lengthen the time of the exercise of the MAITHUNA until becoming capable of practicing one hour daily.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 6 ‘Scorpio’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
Samael Aun Weor’s Practices to Work on the Energy of Scorpio
The exercise of Scorpio is the MAITHUNA (White Tantra) and it is not only practiced during Scorpio but all the time, in a continuous manner, until achieving the Second Birth.
However, we should warn that one should never practice two consecutive times in the same night. It is only permitted to practice once daily.
It is also urgent to know that one should never force one’s spouse to practice the MAITHUNA when she is sick or when she is menstruating, or in the state of pregnancy, because that is a crime. The woman who has given birth to a child can only practice the MAITHUNA after forty days from childbirth.
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