The Etheric Body, the Tattvas and the Creative Energy
The scientists who place doubt in the existence of Ether have no scientific basis for their theories. Indeed, they just play with words, with terms; because instead of the term Ether they use the term “radioactivity” or a “magnetic field”, etc. So, these other terms neither take away from, nor give to, the reality of Ether.
In any case, their doubts, analysis, and change of terms will only serve them to study that which is called Ether. Most of the time, people fight only for the question of terms of words, etc. Yet, in the final analysis, what counts are the facts, and facts are facts.
With their powerful telescopes, astronomers have discovered worlds in a protoplasmic state. These protoplasmic worlds have come from the Ether.
We can accept, by simple logical induction, that there are Ethereal worlds. Maybe some scientists will not be pleased with the term “Ethereal”. However, the term is of the least importance. What is important are the realities. Before being protoplasmatic, every world existed in an Ethereal state.
The great Hindustani scientist Rama Prasad stated
“Everything comes from the Ether, and everything returns to the Ether”.
If protoplasm emerges from the Ether, then we have to accept that the Ether is in the vital depth of everything that exists.
The eastern Mystics consider that the Etheric Body of the human body has four classes of Ether. This does not appeal to the western scientists. Nevertheless, when the Western scientists study the Ether (no matter what name they give to it), they then will have to accept by simple analysis and by their own experience the reality of the four Ethers of the Eastern mystics.
Thus, the Etheric Body of a human being has four Ethers:
[1] Chemical Ether,
[2] Ether of Life,
[3] Luminous Ether,
[4] Reflecting Ether.Each one of these Ethers has its function in intimate relation with the whole organic economy.
[1] The Chemical Ether is related with all the processes of organic assimilation and nourishment.
[2] The Ether of Life is related with the reproduction processes of the race.
[3] The Luminous Ether is related with the processes of sensory perception.
[4] The Reflecting Ether is intimately related with the faculties of memory, imagination, willpower, etc.The Etheric or Vital Body controls the whole motor vessel nervous system and is the seat of life. Each Ethereal Atom penetrates inside each Physical Atom and makes it vibrate.
If we definitely extract the Vital Body from the Physical Body of a person, this person inevitably dies; It is totally absurd to suppose, even for a moment, that chemical-physical organisms can survive without the Vital Body.
The very atheistic, materialistic Russians, after having studied the matter profoundly, have become more prudent, acknowledging the Vital Depth of living matter.
The scientists who are exploring the human organism are getting closer to the Ethereal Body. They will detect it inevitably and soon they will be able to condense it with some kind of ectoplasm in order to study it in a laboratory.
All the functions of our organism, all the caloric activities, reproduction, combustion, metabolism, etc., have their base in the vital depth. When the Vital Body weakens, then diseases of the physical body appear.
Study of the internal Tattvas of man = Estudio de los Tatwas internos del hombre
Paraphrase from Ch. 11 ‘The Vital Depth’ in
Fundamental Notions of Endocrinology and Criminology by Samael Aun Weor
Ether exists in an igneous state (Tejas ).
Ether exists in a gaseous or fluidic state, as the origin of air (Vayu ).
Ether exists in an aqueous state as the origin of water (Apas ).
Ether exists in a petrified state as the origin of minerals (Prithvi ).
These are the Tattvas of the Hindustani.
When the Tattvas chrystalize or condense, then we have the four physical elements: fire, air, water, and earth.
Our Ethereal Body is formed by the Tattvas.
The Tattvas and the chakras are intimately related. The Tattvas enter the chakras and then pass into the interior of the glands of internal secretion.
When the Tattvas are inside these minute endocrine laboratories (the glands), they intensify the glands’ work by transforming themselves into hormones. Thus, the Tattvas enter the organism but do not leave it.
The Tattvas also transform themselves into genes and chromosomes that later on transform themselves into spermatozoids and ovum.
Everything comes from ether, everything returns into ether. Ether is the condensation of a substance called Akasha.
This substance is the first radiation of the Mulaprakriti root, or the undifferentiated and insipid primordial matter which is known among the Alchemists as the Ens Seminis . (The entity of the seed).
Akasha is the igneous radiation of the primordial matter. Akasha is contained within the Seminal Energy. The Alchemists say that water is the dwelling of fire. Akasha is the Kundalini of the Hindustanis.
The Primordial Matter is represented by the ‘Waters of Genesis’ in all religious writings. The Protoplasm of every nebula was first Ethereal.
If we look further, we have to accept that behind each effect there exists a cause. The Ether itself has to have a cause.
We have learned from the Yogis of Hindustan that the cause of Ether is Akasha.
The oriental sages state that Akasha is a ‘sea of fire’. This Super-Astral Fire is contained within the Ens Seminis (the Mulaprakriti of the Indian sages). The Ens Seminis is the seed atoms of all known matter.
Akasha is Primordial sound. Akash is Super-Astral Fire. Sound condenses through the meditation of Akasha. The Serpent of Kundalini is fire and sound.No one could incarnate the Verb without previously raising the sacred serpent. Without Akasha it is impossible to solidify and materialize sound.
The Vayu [Air] Pranas are resounding waves of Akash. These resounding waves condense themselves into the Tattvas of the Ether. The Tattvas chrystalize themselves into the four elements of nature: fire, air, water, and earth.
In conclusion, the chemical-physical world is the outcome of the materialization of sound. The chemical-physical World is condensed sound.
We do not accept an anthropomorphic and dogmatic god, but scientifically, we accept sound as the causa causorum of the Universe.
A cause for the pre-cosmic sounds, then, has to exist. The great oriental sages tell us of a Solar Logos.
Dr. Krumm-Heller stated that ‘the Logos sounds’. Certainly the Logos is the perfect multiple unity.
The Logos is army of the Word, the Verb.
“In the beginning was the Verb, and the Verb was with God and the Verb was God.
The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by it; and without it was not anything made that was made.
In it was life and the life was the light of men.
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehend it not.” [John 1:1-5]THE LOGOS IS NOT AN INDIVIDUAL. THE LOGOS IS AN ARMY OF INEFFABLE BEINGS.
Paraphrase from Ch. 12 ‘TATTVAS AND HORMONES’ in
Fundamental Notions of Endocrinology and Criminology by Samael Aun Weor
The prostate is very important gland, even if it is very small. Every man and male of the mammal species has one. Examining very carefully, we can see that this wonderful gland is situated exactly at the neck of the bladder.
Modern science still does not totally know all the functions of the prostate. The prostate secretes a white and viscous liquid.
The sages of medicine know that in women, the urethra measures only 35 millimeters and is very dilatable. In man, it has been proven to be 20 to 27 centimeters in length.
The magico-doctors from Egypt, Greece, Samothrace, Troy, India, etc., always gave a lot of importance to the prostate. Swami Sivananda, great yogi doctor of India, states that the lotus of the prostate has six petals.
Many beings live in the ultra of nature, in the fourth dimension, with their solar astral bodies. The Eastern sages state that they have consciousness of those beings thanks to their prostatic or uterine chakra.
These great Hindustani sages concentrate daily on their prostatic or uterine chakra. They imagine that their chakra rotates from left to right, like a magnetic wheel.
While vocalizing the letter “M” with the lips closed, which sounds as if imitating the bellowing of a bull, but without that deepness of voice… This is a profound and vibrating sound. This practice will awaken the prostatic or uterine chakra if it is practiced daily through many years.
When the prostatic / uterine chakra enters into activity, it grants us the power to leave the physical body, to move in the Astral body. This is how we are able to move in the Astral body independent of physical matter.
In the Astral body, the human being can investigate for themselves the great mysteries of life and death. The prostatic / uterine chakra grants us the power of astrally projecting the personality.
Paraphrase from Ch. 13 ‘THE PROSTATE AND UTERUS’ in
Fundamental Notions of Endocrinology and Criminology by Samael Aun Weor
Perception, Fanaticism, and Matter
Science has demonstrated that the perception of our five senses is very limited. Beneath the color red is found the gamma of the infrared; above the color violet is found the gamma of the ultraviolet. Science does not ignore this.
The loss of elasticity in the crystalline (lens of the eye) prevents the image from forming in the retina. This is what is called bad focusing. In reality, no one perceives the object in itself, but merely the image of the object.
Short-sightedness prevents us from seeing the image of a faraway object. There is also Daltonism. The inflammation of the retina causes Daltonism; this is the confusion of colors. In conclusion, the human eye only perceives sensory images. That is all.
We need to let go of eighteenth century materialism. We need to be more analytic, less dogmatic, and more didactic.
Matter is condensed energy. Energy condenses into different states.
Factually, there are masses whose grade of energetic vibration is so fast that their sensory images escape the perception of our five senses. Likewise, there are masses whose grade of vibration is so slow that they submerge beneath the limits of our sensory perception.
There are physical masses that the human being is normally incapable of perceiving above and below the limits of our external sensory perception. Only with the powers of our astral body can we perceive other dimensions of the universe and life.
Many people might state that they do not believe. However, this is not a subject matter to believe or not to believe. These are scientific matters that need logical analysis and scientific investigation, free of prejudices and fanaticism. It needs experimentation.
One must profoundly explore all the recondite parts of the human being. We must not confine ourselves inside intransigent scientific dogmas. We need to be more liberal in our analysis. Materialism has already failed in Soviet Russia. The failure of materialism is proven by the fact that there are fifteen million Muslims in Russia.
Paraphrase from Ch. 13 ‘THE PROSTATE AND UTERUS’ in
Fundamental Notions of Endocrinology and Criminology by Samael Aun Weor
Hallucinations vs Hypersensory Perceptions
The perceptions of the ultra are as natural as the perceptions of the five ordinary senses. They are not hallucinated deliriums, as ignorant people believe. This is not about convulsive pathologic suggestions from ignorant, fanatic, hallucinated people.
We need more study and less pride.
The perceptions of the ultra exist and must be studied. The uncivilized natives in the Republic of Haiti who practice voodoo can be criticized because of their practices of black magic and because of their lack of intellectual culture, but indeed, we do not have the scientific basis of any kind to judge, with all logical preciseness, their hypersensory perceptions.
We do not deny that in many psychics there are PSYCHIC paroxysms accompanied by convulsions, pythonism with all its manifestations etc., etc. The PYTHONIC crisis, the so-called ‘crisis of Loa’ of the Haitians, the ecstatic-convulsive crises during which they have super-sensory perception, are in depth absolutely unknown to science and forensic psychiatry.
If we put aside our intellectual pride, we will arrive at the conclusion that we can analyze sensory phenomena, objective states of the human organism. However, conventional science still has no authority in order to judge, in a total form, the perceptions of the ultra.
Without a doubt, fanaticism is the worst enemy of reasoning and logic.
However, people from universities also fall into fanaticism. When people from universities laugh at clairvoyants and at convulsive-ecstatic crises, when we believe that all the visions seen during one of those crises are hallucinations, madness, etc., by dint of pride, we fall into the state of fanaticism and ignorance. Our fanaticism is hallucinated by the theories that we have read and by the intellectual principles with which we mold our intellect.
If we believe that others are ignorant, likewise they may categorize us as ignorant, even if we believe that we are very cultured. We are not the masters of knowledge. Therefore, convulsive and pathologic intellectual suggestion can convert an intellectual into an intolerable fanatic.
Many natives of Haiti who practice voodoo perceive with their clairvoyance tremendous realities of the ultra of nature. In order to discuss something, it is necessary to know about it. Therefore, the opinion of a critic has no value whatsoever if they do not have a complete knowledge of the subject matter.
People from universities do not practice voodoo; they do not know it. Therefore, they do not have a complete knowledge of the subject matter. People from universities see the natives of Haiti in their pythonismic crisis. Yet, they do not know anything about the things those natives see in their trances, because people from universities have not gone through those famous pythonic crises. The only thing they can do is to launch opinions without basis, because they have no complete knowledge of the case.
The prostatic or uterine chakra grants every human being the power to project themselves into the Astral body consciously. What is important is to develop this chakra.
We repeat, this is not a subject matter to believe or not to believe. The important thing is to study, analyze, and experience.
When any intellectual person states: “I do not believe in that”, they are demonstrating that they are superstitious.
A cultured, studious, and investigative person states: “I will study it. I will experience it. I will analyze it.”
Paraphrase from Ch. 13 ‘THE PROSTATE’ in
Fundamental Notions of Endocrinology and Criminology by Samael Aun Weor
The internal secretions of the testicles and the ovaries are definitive for the life of the human being on the earth. The fundamental differences between men and women are due to the secretions of the testicles and the ovaries.
Only one spermatozoon and one ovum are necessary for the reproduction of the human species. That is all. Therefore, scientifically, we do not see the reason why the male enjoys spilling millions of spermatozoa, when indeed only one is needed to fecundate.
The egg is big, round, and possesses its own nucleus with a thick protoplasm that has an aspect of a yolk. The spermatozoon is different; it is long and slim, has a pointed and oval body where the fundamental nucleus is found. The spermatozoon has a long tail resembling a tadpole.
The movement of the feminine egg within the waters of life is slow, it waits patiently for the masculine spermatozoon to find it. The masculine spermatozoon, propelling itself with its fish-like tail within the waters of the sexual chaos, navigates very far in search of the egg that awaits it.
The biologists do not know with scientific exactitude the causa causorum that unites the spermatozoon to the egg. For science, this is an enigma.
As in everything, scientists launch hypotheses which are more or less their scientific opinions. Thus, it is believed that the protoplasm of the egg possesses a great chemical attraction to the sperm, etc.
All these are hypotheses but nothing more than that: simply hypotheses! Even if this hypothesis were to be true, it would still not resolve the enigma.
We cannot logically admit that a chemical reaction can be performed by itself without a conscious, controlling principle.
From the protoplasm of the egg, we will go on to the energetics of the egg.
Logic invites us to accept energy as a magnetic field of attraction to the egg and to accept electricity as a dynamic force impelling the spermatozoon to the egg.
In final synthesis, the atom is an exponent of energies. The electromagnetic forces of every protoplasm are a tremendous reality. Everything irradiates.
EVERYTHING IRRADIATES. This is a principle of Occultism. Everything has its particular aura, its auric radiation, and this principle is also accomplished by the action of Words.When an advanced person pronounces a word, we can immediately observe how that person extends and propagates the aura of the word mentioned. The sound that is heard with our ears is the material body of the same word, while the aura comes to be its etheric body.
…Within the psychic constitution of a person is their tonality, the indication of the internal being, and here we have a material-psychic reality.
In all religious texts one can read between the lines about the secret of this dualism, but one must know how to read…
Paraphrase from Ch. 14 ‘THE TESTICLES AND THE OVARIES’ in
Fundamental Notions of Endocrinology and Criminology by Samael Aun Weor and
from Section Two in Logos Mantram Magic by Arnoldo Krumm-Heller (Huiracocha)
We admit the mechanics of the phenomena, yet we need an explanation of the laws that regulate such mechanics. Indeed, the Cosmic Consciousness is the primary intelligence that establishes the union of the spermatozoon with the ovum.We cannot accept an intelligent phenomenon without an intelligent cause. Facts are facts and we must surrender before the facts.
Gnostics talk about the Third Logos. Science must know that the Third Logos is that primary intelligence (or intelligent understanding).
The Third Logos is not an individual. The Third Logos of the Gnostics is the primary intelligence of nature.
The creative Energy of the Third Logos is that primary Intelligence of nature that unites the spermatozoon with the ovum. The creative energy of the Third Logos bipolarizes itself into positive and negative.
The spermatozoon is the exponent of the positive forces of the Third Logos. The ovum is the exponent of the negative forces of the Third Logos.
Both poles of the energies unite in order to create. The law is the law.
The decapitation of John the Baptist occurs when the spermatozoon enters the ovum.
The materialist partisans of Darwinism point out the similarities of all animals in the embryonic state, including the human being. This they do in order to prove that the more complex and superior species have emerged by evolution and transformation from the more simple and inferior species.
Nonetheless, we, the Gnostics, consider that the similarities of the animals in their embryonic state (including the human being) are revealing to two things: first, the unity of life, second, an original genetic seed.
The seed of all that exists sleeps as an original seed within the seminal atoms of the grand universal life.
The creative energy of the Third Logos makes the waters of life, the universal Seminal Energy, become fecund. This is how the seeds of every existence sprout.
Every species has a universal prototype within the original chaos.
In the famous blastoderm, there are three layers of absolutely different cells. The first one is the internal, the second one is the middle, and the third one is the external. The spermatozoon united with the ovum multiplies by cellular division; this is how that cellular community called the blastoderm is created.
The gelatinous state of the spermatozoon and the ovum demonstrate that in the beginning of the universe, life was subtle, fluidic and gelatinous, and afterwards more gross and hard.
This reminds us of the great turtle worshiped by the Mayan indians. First, it is subtle and gelatinous, afterwards its hard shell full of constellations and worlds appears. As above so below…
Fortunately, the scientists in Russia have discovered worlds in a protoplasmic state.
Paraphrase from Ch. 14 ‘THE TESTICLES AND THE OVARIES’ in
Fundamental Notions of Endocrinology and Criminology by Samael Aun Weor
The Spermatozoon and the Ovum 1
The spermatozoon and the ovum must pass through a process of evolution and development before becoming a new vehicle for the human soul.
The internal causes for the maturation of the ovum-sperm are very unknown to biology. The intimate causes for the maturation of a universe in a protoplasmic state are an enigma to astronomy and astrophysics.
It would be very interesting if the scientists would resolve the enigma of the chromosomes. Why does the egg have only 48 chromosomes? Why does the spermatozoon also have 48 chromosomes? Enigmas! Enigmas! Enigmas!
[Modern science has so far only found 46. There are two more related to the Vital Body, the subtle aspect of the physical body (fourth dimension).]
What is the intimate reason for the spermatozoon and the ovum losing, during their maturation, the same exact mathematical number of 24 chromosomes each?
Who is the one who endures the inconvenience of making such a perfect mathematical calculation?
When a spermatozoon unites with an ovum after their maturation, for what reasons do they together come to have the same original number of 48 chromosomes?
There are two mathematical operations in this, namely: subtraction and addition. The basic capital is 48. Can there be mathematical operations without a mathematical intelligence?
All of this is showing us through simple logical deduction the reality of the primary intelligence of nature that we, the Gnostics, call the Third Logos.
After the human spermatozoon has fecundated the human ovum, the uterus gestates it for nine months.
The cell of the ovum and sperm has two nuclei—one from the sperm and the other from the ovum. These two nuclei wiselyjoin themselves together.
The protoplasm of these nuclei mix together. There is a sphere of attraction inside the ovum-sperm cell. The great sphere of attraction also bipolarizes, obeying the primary intelligence.
Each of the two polarities of that sphere of attraction contract and expand the nucleus, converting it into the mitotic spindle. The chromosomes and genes are mixed in the center of the nuclei mitotic spindle. The genes are inside the chromosomes. The genes give us the heredity of our father and mother.
Nevertheless, not everything that the human being receives is hereditary. Terrible murderers have been born from virtuous families, and great geniuses have been born from mediocre families.
If a clairvoyant examines an already mature spermatozoon when it directs itself into the ovum, then the clairvoyant will see in the superior vortex of the spermatozoon a very important atom.
This is the seed atom. This atom is a trio of matter, energy, and Consciousness.
A very fine thread, united to a certain sum of energetic values of nature, comes from that atom. Those values are related to the soul, to the Being.
Within space, we are points who accede to serve as vehicles of determined sums of values from nature. Therefore, death is just a subtraction of fractions.
Once the subtraction is done (death), only those values remain. Those values of nature are electromagnetic.
Once the physical body is dead, those values rebuild another one through new biological processes, whose steps are followed very carefully by biology. This is the law of reincorporation (also called ‘return’).
The law is the law, and the law is fulfilled.
Paraphrase from Ch. 14 ‘THE TESTICLES AND THE OVARIES’ in
Fundamental Notions of Endocrinology and Criminology by Samael Aun Weor
The Values of the Consciousness of Nature and the Arcanum AZF
There is energy inside the physical atoms of the ovum-sperm. This energy is organized. This organized energy is the Mumia .
Within each atom of the Mumia are the atoms of the astral body. Within the astral body are the values of the consciousness of nature.
We know the septuple constitution of Theosophy; however, here we are just synthesizing. We are not setting down dogmas. We are analyzing, and science has already been capable of materializing the Astral body in some laboratories.
The virtues and defects of every human being depend upon the quality of values that reincarnate in them. For instance, a dervish Moor who lived in Spain during the era of the Moorish dominion over Spain studied the Qur’an. He read the Qur’an and studied the Bible. The outcome was that the knowledge ingested in him, and he became full of skepticism.
That dervish Moor died full of doubts. At a later date, the values from that dervish Moor reincorporated and became a man named Voltaire.
Any human being can develop clairvoyance and see the values of the Consciousness evolving throughout space-time. The great American physiologist Brown-Séquard, mentioned by Dr. Krumm-Heller, invented a system of healing that was judged by many people as immoral. This system consists of exciting the sexual organ without reaching the orgasm.In this case, the Seminal Energy is cerebrated and the cerebrum is semenized. Thus the Seminal Energy is assimilated inside the organism and the nervous system nourishes and fortifies itself completely.
This system would not be an obstacle for the reproduction of the species. A spermatozoon can easily escape from the organism without the necessity of spilling the millions of spermatozoa that are lost in a seminal ejaculation. The system of Brown-Séquard is known in Italy as Karezza. This is the Arcanum A.Z.F.
Dr. Krumm-Heller stated that impotence can be cured with this system. On page 174 of his Rosicrucian Novel, Dr. Krumm-Heller states the following:
“The Rosicrucian studies teach us that the semen [the seed, whether male or female] is the astral liquid of the human being; it is life; it encloses power.
Yet, it is so immense a power, that knowing how to drive it, one can achieve everything. This is why it is so important to know the Rosicrucian secrets, because one possesses a powerful weapon against the adversities of destiny.”
On page 172 of the same novel, Dr. Krumm-Heller states the following:
“The Rosicrucian magician feels the same nervous arousing as any human being full of desire.
If men would know what they are capable of doing during this moment of nervousness, then I am sure they would do anything but ‘follow the woman’.”
The Aztec sages of ancient Mexico knew very well what can be done in that moment of nervousness. Men and women were naked on the stone patios of the Aztec temples. For months they loved one another there, uniting sexually. Those couples knew how to withdraw from the sexual act before the orgasm. This is how they avoided the loss of their Seminal Energy.
These couples did not allow the wonderful substance to escape from their organism.
This is the famous Italian Karezza, the system of the great American Brown-Séquard. The awakening of the Kundalini is achieved with this system.
Paraphrase from Ch. 14 ‘THE TESTICLES AND THE OVARIES’ in
Fundamental Notions of Endocrinology and Criminology by Samael Aun Weor
The Tattvas and the Chakras
Certainly, surgeons will not be able to find the Kundalini with the surgical scalpel. Yet, if they were to practice the Gnostic-Rosicrucian exercises, then they would become clairvoyant.
Any clairvoyant doctor can see the Kundalini. The Kundalini is the Aztec serpent Quetzacoatl; that is, the fire of the Holy Spirit, the igneous serpent of our magical powers.
The clairvoyant Yogi sees a lotus flower with four wonderful petals situated exactly between the sexual organs and the anus. This lotus flower with four wonderful petals is the church of Ephesus, the Muladhara chakra. The Kundalini is found inside this chakra.
The Kundalini has the shape of a sacred serpent; it is a solar spiritual, fiery serpent that can only be seen with clairvoyance. It cannot be found with the surgical scalpel because it is not material.
The Kundalini is concentrated Akasha. Akasha is the cause of ether and the agency of sound.
Only those who raise the Akashic serpent through the canalis centralis of the spinal medulla can incarnate the verb.
The Kundalini develops, evolves, and progresses inside the aura of the Solar Logos.
The chakra of the sexual organs is the center of the Prithvi Tattva (the Petrous Ether). Whosoever controls the Prithvi Tattva can control earthquakes.
There are seven magnetic centers within the spinal medulla. These seven centers of the spinal medulla are connected with the seven important plexuses of the autonomic nervous system. All the tattvic powers are within those seven centers.The Blazing Akasha opens those seven Tattvic centers of the Spinal medulla. This is how we become masters of the Tattvas.
[1] The first magnetic center of the spinal medulla is the abode of the Tattva Prithvi [Earth], the power of sex.[2] The second one corresponds to the prostatic / uterine chakra. This is the church of the tattva Apas (water), liquid ether.
[3] The third chakra is at the height of the navel. It is related to the solar plexus. This is the church of the Tattva Tejas (igneous ether), universal fire.
[4] The fourth center of the spinal medulla corresponds to the chakra of the heart. This is the sacred abode of the Tattva Vayu (gaseous ether).
These are the four inferior Tattvic centers of the human temple. The tower of the temple is the neck and the head. The following three superior tattvic centers are in this human tower.
[5] The fifth center is the larynx. This is the church of the verb. Sound cannot exist without Akasha. The Kundalini becomes creative with the Word.
[6] The sixth magnetic center is related with the frontal chakra. This is the center of clairvoyance. When the Kundalini opens this center the human being becomes clairvoyant. This is how one can see the ultra.
[7] The seventh tattvic center is the chakra of the thousand petals situated in the pineal gland. When the Kundalini opens this chakra we receive polyvoyance, omniscience, etc.
We receive all these powers with the system of Brown-Séquard. The only requisite is never to spill the Seminal Energy during our whole life. Brown-Séquard’s system is the Arcanum A.Z.F.
The famous North American Kabbalist Manly P. Hall, mentioned by the Dr. Francis A. Propato, states in his book Occult Anatomy the following,
“Those who are incapable of raising the fire of the spinal medulla through their sushumna channel will be cast down into a lateral kingdom similar to that of today’s apes (monkeys, gorillas, etc.).”
(The Sushumna channel runs lengthwise and inwards within the Medullar canal.)
Paraphrase from Ch. 14 ‘THE TESTICLES AND THE OVARIES’ in
Fundamental Notions of Endocrinology and Criminology by Samael Aun Weor
Transmutation of the Creative Energies
The Arcanum A.Z.F. must only be practiced between husband and wife in legitimately constituted homes. Those men who practice the Arcanum A.Z.F. with many women commit the serious crime of Adultery (and vice versa). The adulterous one will never achieve the awakening of the Kundalini and the Tattvic powers.
The Gnostic initiates who adulterate lose their powers.
God is the Intimus. God is the inner being of each person who comes to the world. God is a Divine Hermaphrodite, Male-Female; and God does not need a spouse to light the fire, however: the human being is not God.
Human beings cannot light their fires without a spouse. The human being needs a spouse to enlighten the fires, because the human being is not God. The human being must put aside the pride of believing that he or she is a God, because the human being is nothing more than a miserable slug or worm that wallows in the mud of the Earth.
The great female yogini Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, after becoming the widow of the Count Blavatsky, had to remarry with Colonel Olcott in order to awaken her Kundalini and achieve the Tattvic powers.
The Sacred Order of Tibet teaches their disciples the Arcanum A.Z.F.
In the mysteries of Egypt, the Arcanum A.Z.F. was taught to the initiates, and those who would divulge this great Arcanum were condemned to death. They were taken to a patio, and there, against a wall, they were decapitated. Their hearts were stripped away and their ashes were thrown to the four winds.
On the patios of the temple of the Aztecs, naked men and women participated in the Arcanum A.Z.F. for entire months. Whosoever had orgasm, by any chance, was condemned to death for profaning the temple. Afterwards, they were also decapitated.
The initiates from the schools of mystery of all times received initiations with the great arcanum. There was never known within any school of mysteries someone who had achieved initiation without the great Arcanum A.Z.F.
Once, on a given occasion, after having dictated a lecture, we were asked by a bachelor disciple if it were possible to practice the great arcanum with a woman of the astral world. We answered him that only with a woman of flesh and blood is it possible to awaken Kundalini.Another brother who was also a bachelor wanted to practice with imaginary women! This is very ominous! When the mind creates a mental effigy, this effigy acquires Consciousness and converts itself into a tempting demon of the mental world. During sleep, this effigy sexually discharges us through nocturnal pollutions (wet dreams).
It is very difficult for a student to disintegrate those mental effigies. Commonly, the students become victims of those mental effigies that their own mind invented.
The best is to find a spouse that will really cooperate in the magnus opus .
Those who do not have a spouse must raise their creative energy with sports in the open air, like hiking excursions and swimming. They must raise their creative energy when listening to good music and when admiring the great works of art: sculpture, painting, classical music, etc.
In this way, the unmarried ones can raise their sexual energies and bring them up toward their hearts. There, in that center of life, those creative forces mix themselves with the luminous waves of the internal Christ and are taken toward the ineffable regions of the great light.
We also elevate the sexual energies with the aesthetic sense, with charity, and love.
Nevertheless, in the name of truth, we must affirm the following: if you want higher initiation, if you long for the awakening of the Kundalini and the Tattvic powers, then you need to find a spouse, because the initiate without a spouse is like a garden without water.
Many mystical initiates believe that they are chaste because they do not have a spouse. Nevertheless, they have nocturnal pollutions. This is how they miserably lose their Christic Seed, within which is found the genesis of Great Life.
The sacred fire of the Solar Logos (Christ) is found within every seed, whether it is the vegetable, animal, or human seed. This is why the seed has the power to reproduce itself. Human beings must take care of their Seminal Energy, their seed, as if it was potable gold.
We heroically extract the sacred fire of the Kundalini from our seed through the Arcanum A.Z.F. Nocturnal pollutions are radically healed with the Arcanum A.Z.F.
We are children of a man and a woman. We are not children of any theory.
The Verb, the Son of Man, is the child of a man and a woman; Child of immaculate conceptions.
We need to lift up the Son of Man inside us, and in order to lift up the Son of Man inside us: we need a spouse.
Paraphrase from Ch. 14 ‘THE TESTICLES AND THE OVARIES’ in
Fundamental Notions of Endocrinology and Criminology by Samael Aun Weor
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