Understanding the Esoteric Aspects of Sagittarius
Dear Disciple:
In our Magazine we offer a certain number of details that we consider necessary in order to explain these teachings. Here we limit ourselves to just treat the lines of the vital principles.
In this respect, we must of course note that the Planets and Zodiacal Constellations not only act on the exclusively identified parts, but also have secondary influences and direct their powerful action onto other parts as well.
For example, Scorpio not only influences the sexual parts (which we have already discussed before), but also reaches the eliminating organs such as the Nose, the Throat and the Colon, etc.
Today, we have arrived in Sagittarius, we must point out that its influence is exerted on the Thighs (femurs), but also exerts its influence on the Waist, Lungs, and Forearms.
We know, then, that the Planet of the Being is Jupiter, a word that comes from the Roman God JANUS, JANO or IANO (which leads us to the mantram IAO), and which was later transformed into JOVE. This word gave rise in turn to our day Thursday (Spanish: ‘Jueves’ and French ‘Jeudi’).
Jupiter, alongside Saturn, is the most powerful Planet and is therefore called “GREAT FORTUNE” by astrologers. Everything that is great and noble falls under the influence of Jupiter whose star offers Magnetism and Heat.
In previous Signs, we have gone through very delicate and important organs and saw that they were acting in inferior Planets, but now we get to the thighs, and what is present is nothing less than Jupiter in Sagittarius.This will tell us something and, indeed the femoral part (the thighs) have, at this point, a vital sidereal importance that we must not lose sight of. The thighs are, so to speak, like a shell that envelopes and defends at the same time one of the principle arteries, the Femoral artery, which is truly like an abundant canal of blood, and is extremely important for our organism.
We already know (from our studies) that the Personality resides in the Blood, and this Personality is engendered and resides in the Magnetic Power of the same Blood.
Our own Magnetism is nothing other than the result of superior currents from above colliding with those that come from the Earth, and it is precisely in the thighs where they encounter, unite, intermix and embrace each other…
SAGITTARIUS was, for the Greeks, the Centaur Chiron, who is in his turn master of Aesculapius, the God of Medicine.Chiron, separately, was the son of Cronos, time.
Let us remember, in this respect, that Mythology tells us that when Chiron wanted to free Prometheus [the Titan who stole the Fire from the gods], he voluntarily wounded him with an Arrow poisoned by Heracles who had taken the venom from the Hydra.
-Paraphrase from Zodical Course (1931) by Arnoldo Krumm-Heller
available in Gnostic Rosicrucian Astrology
Sagittarius, the Personality and the Thighs
As an astrological symbol for this sign we have an arrow (which is that of Scorpio) united to an M or to Aquarius. This symbolism should invite us to think carefully…
From here, then, we can see that those who are born under the influence of Sagittarius are usually hurt by their own fault or the fault itself of being surrounded by barriers, obstacles and difficulties in life.
Providence wants our lives to be level, easy, and on the upright path to triumph and success, but we are who we are, and we are those who (by our own faults and clumsiness) put obstacles onto our own path.
This tendency emerges and resides in the influences that we project into the terrestrial currents situated in the thighs.
We know that Jupiter is the representation of the personality, and beings born under these influences are full of wisdom and very adept at Philosophy; they are great soldiers, priests/priestesses, judges, and finally, those whose personality is always well defined.
Steiner gives man three parts: Mental Part, Rhythmic Part and Volitional Part, and somewhat significantly he makes the last one reside in the extremities.
Which is to say, the Magnetization of blood concentrated in the femoral area (going through the thighs) which is charged, he says, with the Volitional principle and then, Sagittarius with Jupiter acts again in the lungs, and thus this willpower loses the rough, terrestrial, material part in order to convert itself into the Divine Will.
Sagittarius is the ninth House of the Zodiac, where we have: travel, education and everything that is related with Religion and Philosophy.The Sagittarian Centaur is painted with wings and a double head, one looking forward and one backward. This means that one who has gone through the Sign of Sagittarius is preparing for the comprehension of religious and philosophical things.
A person outside of our studies may laugh upon seeing that we place the Thighs in relation to the Philosophical and Religious sentiments, but this is because they are not used to seeing much other than things from the material point of view.
That is to say, they do not see much more than just the Legs, but what escapes them (and what they are not aware of) is that these Legs are nothing more than the expression (the symbol) of something spiritual, and they ignore the Biblical phrase that says: “We are, as a body, a Temple of God and the Most High dwells within us” see 1st Corinthians 3:16.
It is said that when the material body sleeps, this leaves the etheric double in space. Just as the physical body needs material nourishment during the vigil state, so too does the spirit need its nourishment during the night (while floating in space). The etheric double nourishes itself with the sidereal currents.
Similar to how the material nourishment enters through the mouth and then goes into the stomach and colloidal substances enter through the skin: there are 42 principal points and, among them, twelve outstanding points, in relation to the Zodiacal Constellations [through which the sidereal currents enter].
We are, therefore, incarnated Angels, and an Angel (as a body) is holy, divine and sacred from head to toe.
-Paraphrase from Zodical Course (1931) by Arnoldo Krumm-Heller
available in Gnostic Rosicrucian Astrology
The Mysteries of Jupiter-Sagittarius and the Esoteric Exercise of this Sign
The double Face of the Centaur tells us that the people who do the exercises of Sagittarius, learn to see in the Astral Records (Akashic Records of Oriental Theosophy) within which is the past. No one can be clairvoyant without having struggled and permitted the Superior Magnetism from heaven to harmoniously mix with the inferior magnetism or that of the Earth, which indeed happens (as has been said) in the thighs.
In addition, the Rose-cross disciples must learn the gift of Prophecy, that is to say, not only of seeing the old physiognomy of the Past, but one has to sense and perceive the Future, eventually becoming prophetically intuitive.
Clearly, this is achieved if one has been through all the practices, but one of the most indispensable is that exercise of Sagittarius-Jupiter in the thighs.
The Order of Martinists follows the path of the SUPERIEUR INCONNU (Unknown or Faceless Superior), but this is actually describing the Great Initiation or how to become an Initiate in the Mysteries of JUPITER-SAGITTARIUS.
In Quirology we have learned that the index finger is the finger of Jupiter and, consequently, that of the Personality, which indicates where it takes its name, therefore it is curious that this finger is related with the thighs. The Left Thigh corresponds to the index finger of the Right Hand and the index finger of the Left Hand corresponds to the Right Thigh.By crossing the index fingers, one is mentally calling to the Superior current (that current from above) to descend and reunite with the inferior current from the Earth.
The Religions of the East are of a Lunar character, and this is why one prays by utilizing the horizontal position so as to perceive the Lunar forces.
The Peruvian Huacas are in an inclined position, squatting one could say, therefore, since their solar worship required them to receive the influences of the King Star. Nonetheless, they also placed themselves with their knees raised, so as to blend the Lunar currents with those of the Sun.
The Disciple should mimic the position of the Peruvian Huacas while lifting the index finger of both hands for five, ten or more minutes (according to the time you have) extending the pronunciation of the vowel “Iiiiiiiiii” whose vocalization should be ended with “Ssssssssss”, therefore, “IS” is the Mantram that corresponds to this practice, and we should also have the Mind absorbed with the prominent desire to acquire the Forces of Sagittarius in the Region of the Thighs.
If the disciple has practiced for a month while also doing Sexual Magnetization with their spouse, then they will now sense a very agreeable current in the legs, these currents are those which are encountered at the threshold of the sexual parts.
-Paraphrase from Zodical Course (1931) by Arnoldo Krumm-Heller
available in Gnostic Rosicrucian Astrology
Huiracocha’s Practices for Sagittarius
The Peruvian Huacas squat down, in order to receive the influences of the King Star, but also with their knees raised, so as to blend the Lunar currents with those of the Sun.
The Disciple should mimic the position of the Peruvian Huacas while lifting the index finger of both hands for five, ten or more minutes (according to the time you have) extending the pronunciation of the vowel “Iiiiiiiiii” whose vocalization should be ended with “Ssssssssss”.
Therefore, “IS” is the Mantram that corresponds to this practice, and we should also have the Mind absorbed with the prominent desire to acquire the Forces of Sagittarius in the Region of the Thighs.
*Note that the feet should be flat, so that knees point upwards (the illustration does not show this).
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