Pisces 3
The Waters of Life and the Symbolism of the Fish
We have arrived at the MOTHER-NIGHT of Egyptian Cosmology, the profound ocean of PISCES, the INITIATIC, limitless obscurity of the ABSOLUTE ABRSTRACT space; the first element of the abyss where the Undines guard the RHINE GOLD or FIRE of the DIVINE and GENESIS-IZING THOUGHT.
Do you remember the chromatic Prelude to Wagner’s Rhinegold from which the symbolic waters of the River are fecundated? This must have been the biblical Genesis-izing principle.
PISCES is wisely symbolized by two FISH; the Fish is the SOMA of the MYSTERIES OF ISIS.
The TWO FISH of PISCES linked by a hyphen have a profound GNOSTIC significance; they represent the two SOULS of the PRIMORDIAL ELOHIM submerged within the profound waters of MOTHER-NIGHT.
We have already explained (in previous chapters) that the INTIMUS, the BEING, ATMAN, has Two Souls, one FEMININE and the other MASCULINE.We have also explained that the Spiritual Soul (Buddhi) is feminine and that the Human Soul (superior MANAS) is masculine.
The sacred couple, the Divine Eternal Matrimony, is always symbolized by two fish linked by a hyphen; the latter is the Being, ATMAN.
The sacred couple, the two eternal fish, work within the waters of the abyss when the dawn of the Mahamvantara arrives.
The two ineffable FISH work under the direction of ATMAN, when the hour of the dawning of creation arrives.
However, it is good to remember that Isis and Osiris could not ever work in the Great Work without the famous Mercury of the Secret Philosophy.
In this Sexual Mercury one finds the key to all power.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 12 ‘Pisces’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
as well as from the article ‘Eurythmosophia’ in the Appendix of
the Zodical Course [Curso Zodiacal] (1931) by Arnoldo Krumm-Heller (Huiracocha)
available in Gnostic Rosicrucian Astrology
Water and Religious Symbolism
The circle with a point in the center represents the mysteries of the Lingam-Yoni; the Circle is the Absolute, the Eternal Feminine Principle, it is the Yoni from which all Universes are born. The point is the Lingam, The Eternal Masculine Principle. The circle with a point is the Macrocosmos, it is with the mysteries of the Lingam-Yoni that Universes can be created.
The Circle is Receptive; the Point is Projective. If the point is elongated, prolonged, it becomes a line, dividing the circle in Two. With the point in movement we then have the Lingam-Yoni, the two sexes, Masculine and Feminine.
Removing the line from within the circle we then have the Number 10 and also the Mantram of the Divine Mother [“IO”].
The entire Universe is a product of sexual energy; without the power of creative energy the universe could not be formed; without Creative Sexual Energy there is no Universe, for this reason “10” is the Formative Principle of all Nature.
Let us remember that Arcanum 10 corresponds to the Hebrew letter י (Yod, Jod or Iod); the first letter of the Tetragrammaton: יהוה .
A circle with a traversed vertical line in hieratic symbolism, is the very sacred union of the Eternal Feminine with the Eternal Masculine; the integration of the opposites in the ineffable and Divine, Essential Monad.
The Monad, the BEING, surges forth from within the Great Mother-Space. From within the Great Ocean, the Elohim raises itself in order to work in the dawn of the MAHAMVANTARA.
WATER is the feminine element of all creation, from which the LATIN “MATER” and the terribly DIVINE letter “M” originates.
In Gnostic Christianity, Maria (Mary) is the same ISIS, the MOTHER of the Cosmos, the eternal MOTHER-SPACE, the profound waters of the abyss.The word MARIA (Mary) is divided into two syllables; the first is MAR, which reminds us of the deep ocean of Pisces. The second is IA, which is a variant of IO (iiioooo), the august name of MOTHER-SPACE, the circle of NOTHINGNESS, from which everything emanates and everything returns; the ONE, the UNIQUE ONE of the manifested universe, after the night of the great Pralaya or annihilation.
Once the superior Waters were separated from the inferior waters, then the Light was made, in other words, the animating VERB of the COSMOS, the SON, surged forth into life, and this life took the SUN as its transmitting element, which is found at the center of our solar system, like the heart within our organism.
The fecundating Vibrations of the SUN are really the living ELEMENTAL FIRE which condenses in the center of each planet, constituting itself in the heart of each one of them. All that LIGHT, all that LIFE, is represented by the seven spirits before the throne, within the HEART-TEMPLE of each of the seven planets of the SOLAR SYSTEM.
The work of separating the waters from the waters, corresponds to the sacred couple.
Each of the SEVEN SPIRITS before the THRONE, emanated from ITSELF, the sacred pair of FISH in order for the couple to work in the DAWN of creation with the power of KRIYA-SHAKTI, the power of the lost word, the power of the WILL and YOGA.
The Love of Loves, the Mystical Passion of the last fire within the Eternal Husband and the Divine Wife are vital in order to separate the Superior Waters from the Inferior Waters.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 12 ‘Pisces’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
as well as from Ch.10 of The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of the
Tarot and Kabalah by Samael Aun Weor
Gnosis and the Fish
In this WORK (Transcendental Maithuna, Kriya-Shakti), the Creative Word exists.
He provides the FIRE and she transmutes the waters, separating the SUPERIOR from the INFERIOR.
The two Fish then project that fire and that superior transmuted water upon the waters of the CHAOS, upon the cosmic matter or material for worlds, upon the sleeping germs of existence and life sprouts forth.
The entire work is realized with the help of the WORD, the WILL and YOGA.
In the beginning, the UNIVERSE is subtle. Afterwards it condenses materially, going through successive periods of progressive CRYSTALLIZATION.
Millions of UNIVERSES exist in infinite space, within the bosom of MOTHER-SPACE.
Some universes are coming out of the Pralaya, surging forth from within the deep waters of PISCES; others are in full activity, others are dissolving within the eternal waters.
ISIS and OSIRIS could not do anything without the SEXUAL MERCURY; the two eternal fish, love, adore each other and live always creating again and again.
The fish is the most sacred symbol of PRIMITIVE GNOSTIC CHRISTIANITY.
It is a pity that thousands of students of occultism have forgotten the GNOSIS of the fish.
Seven HUMANITIES with physical bodies live on our planet Earth, and of all the seven, ours is the last, the only one that is a failure for having lost the GNOSIS.The other six HUMANITIES live in the JINN state, in the Fourth Dimension, already in the interior of the Earth, already in many JINN regions and areas.
The AGE of PISCES should not have been a failure as it really was.
The causa causorum of the PISCINE failure was due to certain tenebrous elements who betrayed GNOSIS and preached certain AGNOSTIC or Anti-GNOSTIC Doctrines, underestimating the Fish, discarding the Religious Wisdom and sinking humanity into materialism.
Let us remember LUCIO arriving at the city of HYPATIA, then staying in the house of Milon, whose wife Panfila was a perverse witch.
A little later, LUCIO goes out to buy fish (the Ictius , symbol of Nascent Gnostic Christianity, the Fish, the Soma of the Mysteries of Isis).
The fishermen sell it for twenty wretched denars and with a certain frightful disdain, something that they previously tried to sell for one hundred escuds; this is a terrible satire in which the greatest despise for the nascent and already infatuated GNOSTIC Christianity is enveloped.
The result of the AGNOSTIC or Anti-GNOSTIC Christianity, was the Marxist Materialistic Dialectic.
The reaction against Gnosticism was the godless and lawless repugnant materialism.
It can be affirmed that the age of Pisces failed due to Agnosticism.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 12 ‘Pisces’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
Pisces, its Exercise and Esoteric Correspondences
The betrayal of GNOSIS was the most serious crime of the age of PISCES.
Jesus Christ and his Twelve Fishermen initiated an age that could well have been one of great splendors.
Jesus and his Twelve Gnostic Apostles indicated the precise path for the age of PISCES, GNOSTICISM, the wisdom of the Fish.
It is a pity that all the sacred books of the HOLY GNOSIS were burned and the sacred symbol of the fish was forgotten.EXERCISE
During the sign of Pisces, we have to vocalize one hour daily. Let us remember that in the beginning was the VERB and that the VERB was with GOD and that the VERB was GOD.
In ancient times, the seven vowels of nature resounded in the entire human organism from head to toes, and it is now necessary to restore the seven notes in the marvelous harp of our organism, in order to restore the lost powers.
The vowel “I” causes the Pineal and Pituitary glands to vibrate; these two small glands are united by a small extremely subtle canal or capilliary, which has already disappeared in cadavers. The Pineal gland is located in the superior part of the cerebrum and the Pituitary gland, in the cavernous plexus between the two eyebrows. Each of these two small glands has its Vital Aura and when these two auras blend, the Spatial Sense is developed and we see the ultra of all things. The vowel “E” causes the thyroid gland which secretes the biological iodine to vibrate. This gland is located in the throat and in it resides the chakra of the magical ear.
The vowel “O” causes the heart CHAKRA, the center of Intuition and all types of powers to travel in the Astral, Jinn state, etc., to vibrate.
The vowel “U” causes the solar plexus, located in the umbilical region, to vibrate. This SOLAR PLEXUS is the Telepathic Center and the Emotional Cerebrum.
The vowel “A” causes the pulmonary chakras, which permit us to remember our past lives, to vibrate.
The vowel “M”, profanely held as a consonant, is vocalized with the lips closed, without opening the mouth, and the sound that then comes out through the nose is the “M”. The vowel “M” causes the Ens Seminis, the waters of life, the Mercury of secret philosophy, to vibrate.
The vowel “S” is a sweet and gentle hissing which causes the fire within us to vibrate.
Seated in a comfortable armchair, we have to vocalize I. E. O. U. A. M. S., carrying the sound of each of these seven vowels from the head to the feet.
It is necessary to inhale, then exhaling the air together with the well prolonged vowel sound, until exhausting the exhalation.
This exercise has to be done daily in order to develop the internal magical powers.
PISCES is governed by NEPTUNE (the planet of practical occultism) and by Thundering Jupiter (the Father of the Gods).
The metal of Pisces is the TIN of Jupiter; its stones are the amethyst, and corals.
Pisces governs the FEET.
Usually, the natives of Pisces have two spouses, and several children. They are of a dual nature and they have a disposition for two professions or trades.The natives of Pisces are very difficult to comprehend; they live like the fish, in everything, but separated from everything by the liquid element. They adapt to everything, but deep down, they despise all the things of the world. They are exquisitely sensitive, intuitive and profound and people cannot comprehend them.
The natives of Pisces have a great disposition for occultism, due to the fact that Pisces is governed by NEPTUNE, the planet of ESOTERICISM. The women of PISCES are very nervous, sensitive like a very delicate flower, intuitive, and impressionable.
Pisces persons have good social sentiments; they are happy, peaceful, and hospitable by nature.
The danger of Pisces people is of falling into laziness, negligence, passivity and indifference for life. Pisces people can even reach the lack of moral responsibility.
The mind of Pisces people oscillates between rapid or fatal comprehension, laziness and disdain for the most necessary things of life. Those are two extremes, and they just as soon fall into one extreme as they do into the other.The will of Pisces people is sometimes strong, but inconsistent on other occasions.
When Pisces people fall into indifference and extreme passivity, they allow themselves to be carried away by the current of the river of life, but when they see the seriousness of their conduct, they put their steel will into play and they then radically change the entire course of their existence.
Pisces people of a superior type are one hundred percent Gnostic; they possess a will of unbreakable steel and a very elevated sense of moral responsibility.
The superior type of PISCES produces great Enlightened Beings, Masters, Initiates, Kings, etc.
The inferior type of PISCES has a marked tendency towards LUST, alcoholism, gluttony, laziness, pride.
Pisces people like journeys, but not all of them can travel. Pisces people have a great imagination and tremendous sensitivity.
As we have said: It is very difficult to comprehend Piscian people; only other Pisces can comprehend Piscian people.
What for run-of-the-mill people has great importance, is worth nothing for Piscian people, but they are diplomatic, they adapt themselves to other people, Piscian people appear to agree with them.
The most serious thing for the natives of Pisces, is to have to define themselves in the conjugal matter, for almost always, two basic, fundamental loves put them in a dead end alley.
The SUPERIOR type of PISCES already transcends all these weaknesses and is CHASTE in an ABSOLUTE manner.Usually, Piscian people suffer a lot with the family in their first years. It is difficult to find a Piscian person who was happy with his family during his first years.
The very inferior type of women of Pisces fall into prostitution and alcoholism. The superior type of women of Pisces never fall in this manner; they are like a very delicate flower, like a beautiful LOTUS flower.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 12 ‘Pisces’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
Samael Aun Weor’s Practices to Work with the Energy of Pisces
During the sign of Pisces, we have to vocalize one hour daily. Let us remember that in the beginning was the VERB and that the VERB was with GOD and that the VERB was GOD.
In ancient times, the seven vowels of nature resounded in the entire human organism from head to toes, and it is now necessary to restore the seven notes in the marvelous harp of our organism, in order to restore the lost powers.
The vowel “E” causes the thyroid gland which secretes the biological iodine to vibrate. This gland is located in the throat and in it resides the chakra of the magical ear.
The vowel “O” causes the heart CHAKRA, the center of Intuition and all types of powers to travel in the Astral, Jinn state, etc., to vibrate.
The vowel “U” causes the solar plexus, located in the umbilical region, to vibrate. This SOLAR PLEXUS is the Telepathic Center and the Emotional Cerebrum.
The vowel “A” causes the pulmonary chakras, which permit us to remember our past lives, to vibrate.
The vowel “M”, profanely held as a consonant, is vocalized with the lips closed, without opening the mouth, and the sound that then comes out through the nose is the “M”. The vowel “M” causes the Ens Seminis, the waters of life, the Mercury of secret philosophy, to vibrate.
The vowel “S” is a sweet and gentle hissing which causes the fire within us to vibrate.
Seated in a comfortable armchair, we have to vocalize I. E. O. U. A. M. S., carrying the sound of each of these seven vowels from the head to the feet.
It is necessary to inhale, then exhaling the air together with the well prolonged vowel sound, until exhausting the exhalation.
This exercise has to be done daily in order to develop the internal magical powers.
PISCES is governed by NEPTUNE (the planet of practical occultism) and by Thundering Jupiter (the Father of the Gods).
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