Dear Disciple:
The Disciples have observed how we have gone down the sidereal current –from above– until reaching the Heart and how we have begun to intercept the current –from below– that goes (we could say) through successive screens or filters in order to fulfill its objective in the superior planes.
That inferior current which was activated in our last practice in the Belly, is where the principle influence of VIRGO is to be found, since (according to the ancient Astrologers) that Sign is related to the assimilation and disassimilation of food, that is to say, with the phenomenon we call Metabolism.
Specifically, acting on the left side of the Liver, on the Spleen and on the whole Grand Sympathetic Nervous System and most especially on those Mysterious Glands, the Islets of Langerhans, which play an important role in DIABETES and from which Insulin is extracted.
Simply reading a book about the modern application of Insulin allows one to see how the substance acts on the digestion and Liver function, and the importance that modern Medicine gives to it by employing it in all diseases of the organs located in the Belly.
Consequently there is no Clinic –that follows the new procedures– which does not cure with Insulin or other products out of the Pancreas of animals.
Intimately and energetically, all the work of the Metabolism is realized under the action of the fluidic current that comes from the earth and is closely related (in this case) with the constellation of Virgo.
Now we hold that this current (before doing its work with nutrition and with the elimination of the morbid elements) requires a prior preparation which is received in the organs that operate under the direct action of LIBRA.
LIBRA is the great equalizer, it is the Scales.First of all, it weighs substances that are purported to develop the body, and then it measures the receptive organs for the slag and waste accumulating within them, an operation that occurs in the middle of the body, at the waist.
Therefore, the waist falls under the action of Libra, and in this location we have the Kidneys, the Bladder, the whole Vasomotor System and Plexuses, which are all ruled by this Sign. Libra also acts upon the thick liquids such as Bile and upon everything that has a disinfecting action within our organism.
Libra is the great preparer, the great agent that measures things that have to penetrate into the body. Therefore, it has its influence on all that which is Skin, from the head to the toes.
Bile is what gives the purity to the complexion or is what blemishes our face with its pigments. Accordingly, women who want to have good skin or men who do not want to lose the fresh aspect of their skin, must not forget this work of Libra by using only those plants that were cultivated under the influence of this Sign as cosmetics.
When we examine the figures of the Zodiacal Signs, we see that, beginning with Aries, it is also Libra being a kind of Scale with two plates as a symbol of equality, from here it has a downward aimed arrow.
In this way, if we count the Signs above and below, we have Libra in the center, that is to say, it is the sixth constellation, whereas it is also the sixth constellation if we count from the bottom up, starting from Pisces.
There is a perfect balance where the Macrocosm and Microcosm are equilibrated, the body from above and the body from below, the sidereal and the terrestrial.
We know that each Zodiacal Sign is ruled by a Planet, and the one that corresponds to Libra is VENUS.In letter number 2 (which was the Lesson for Taurus), we spoke about the action of Venus in general.
We also said that it acts first upon the Liquid system, in order to dominate the Fluidic system, and while the Liquid itself fell under the influence of VENUS in Taurus, it is now in Libra that the thick, gelatinous part of the fluidic system dominates the secretions of the Ears, Nose and Tongue, Sexual Organs and Kidneys, which can be transmuted through vocalization. This is why we say the “A” vowel.
We are, therefore, when in Libra, in the low tone of Venus, and on the other side we are in the high tone of Venus in Taurus.
Astrology teaches that all the liquid aspects correspond to the Moon, from the seas with their high and low tides, to the tears that flow when we feel sorrow or joy.The rise or fall of the sap of plants within their trunks, stems, or stalks is subject to the Moon, but this action of the Moon is always associated with that of Venus since these two Planets are very much related to one another, and thus, it is curious that the Moon and Venus are the only two feminine Planets compared to all the others that have masculine actions.
If we could squeeze the body in order to separate all the solid aspects from the liquid aspects, then we would see a column of water, that is to say a double column that on one side is formed with solids and on the other with liquids, united within them both would be the fluidic aspect yielding the action of the work upon these two exponents.
Back in the Temple of Tyre, the Deity was represented by two columns united in the middle by a scale, both columns equally represented the equinoxes of the Spring and Autumn in Aries and Libra, who’s significance also extends to South America although they have their times inverted there.
This is the fluid, the energy, the universal electricity or Christic substance in its material expression.
The Great Architect produced the Temple of our organism, which is based on these two columns.
ARIES is willpower, the impulse, the action that excites everything, while LIBRA is the immutable Law that puts an end to everything.
In Arcanum number 8 of the Tarot, we have Justice represented by the Sword and the Scales; and this same number is a symbolic compound of two plates that symbolize the infinite which is contained in its figure [ ∞ ], because it is in Justice where one finds the just impulse of everything, even if it has to be blindfolded.
In the second letter (which was the Lesson for Taurus) we also spoke of the form of the symbol of Venus (that is to say, the Circle above and the Cross below), and in the constellation of Leo we have Regulus , the King, which is the Sun that directs it.
Venus offers the same impulse in both Signs, only that the ancients (who gave it the title of King) made it into the form of the Emperor’s Globe with the Cross that we can observe in many alchemical figures representing antimony. When we take a course on Alchemy, we will come back to this symbol.
The fact is that (after passing through the degree of Libra) the Mystic receives this symbol in their hand, and it is explained in the Rose Cross Fraternity that the Mystery of the Crown of Thorns is realized in Libra and that of the King or Emperor is realized in Taurus.
For this reason the Chief of the Rose Cross Order had to pass through this superior degree of Venus in Taurus so as to receive the title of “Imperator” that, in our times, only the Master Rakoczi holds and not those who have misappropriated it, like Spencer Lewis.
Venus in Libra prepares us for Science, whereas Venus in Taurus prepares us for Wisdom.Under the influence of Venus in Libra one can be a good Worker in Painting, whereas with Venus in Taurus one can be a Great Artistic Painter. With Venus in Libra one loves prose [in writing, prose is a style used that does not follow a structure of rhyming or meter], whereas with Venus in Taurus one loves poetry.
In this same way, material Love is refined with Venus in Libra in order to convert itself into Divine Love with Venus in Taurus.
If in Taurus we recommended vocalization exercises, then in Libra we have to do gymnastics in order to accommodate the substances in their corresponding filters. This is why it is possible for us to copy the exercises of Yoga which are the original material.
When one gets up early, one should drink a glass of water which the Disciple has previously blessed seeking not to ingest it until after having made a Prayer invoking the Divine Forces so that this water acts as a purifier.
Subsequently we enter into the gymnasium which must be done in the following way.
First extend the arms like a scale, to the right and to the left.
Already in this position, the right arm is lowered along the body, at the same time raise the left arm.
Then the same operation is done with the left arm arching the body to that side and raising the right arm.
This operation or movement must be repeated seven times, alternately on each side, or fourteen times in total.
In all these practices one has to constantly concentrate (because this is the basis of everything) on the terrestrial current that should be ascending and that the impure energies should not ascend without being assimilated and accommodated at the waist for our internal goals.
-Paraphrase from Zodical Course (1931) by Arnoldo Krumm-Heller
available in Gnostic Rosicrucian Astrology
Huiracocha’s Practices for Libra
If in Taurus we recommend vocalization exercises, then in Libra we have to do gymnastics in order to accommodate the substances in their corresponding filters. This is why it is possible for us to copy the exercises of Yoga which are the original material. When one gets up early, one should drink a glass of water that the Disciple has previously blessed seeking not to ingest it until after having made a Prayer invoking the Divine Forces so that this water acts as a purifier.
Subsequently we enter into the gymnasium which must be done in the following way: First extend the arms like a scale, to the right and to the left. Already in this position, the right arm is lowered along the body, at the same time raise the left arm. Then the same operation is done with the left arm arching the body to that side and raising the right arm.
This operation or movement must be repeated seven times, alternately on each side, or fourteen times in total. In all these practices one has to constantly concentrate (because this is the basis of everything) on the Terrestrial Current that should be ascending and that the impure energies should not ascend without being assimilated and accommodated at the waist.
Summary of the Practice:
1. Before retiring, get a glass of water. Bless the water with a prayer invoking the Divine Forces so that this water acts as a purifier. Then go to bed.
2. Upon waking, drink the water. Now do the following exercise…
3. Stand up straight, with arms extended out to the sides, similar to a scale. Begin to concentrate on that terrestrial current ascending, and the impure energies being assimilated at the waist, and do the following movements:
a. Lower the right arm along the body, while arching the body and raising the left arm
b. Then lower the left arm along the body, while arching the body and raising the right
c. Repeat this 7 times for each side, for a total of 14 times.
Note: We can also vocalize the “ ‘H”, “CH”, or Cheth ח (related with Arcanum 8), which is said to be of immense magical power. The sound of Cheth ח comes from the throat and not the teeth.
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