Beloved disciple:
Today we have entered the balancing sign of Libra. This sign is the house of Saturn and Venus.
The planets: the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, live and throb within “our” Consciousness.
The Soul develops and unfolds within this Solar System, which lives in the very depth of our Consciousness.
Between death and a new birth, “Good Souls” should unfold within each one of the planetary auras whose mixtures form that which all books of spiritualism denominate “planes”.
Libra influences the kidneys; it is the sign of the Equilibrating Forces, and the Forces of our human organism should be completely equilibrated in our kidneys.
All the Forces of the Universe live seeking equilibrium, and we should learn how to keep the equilibrium of all Forces.
“You should not mix antagonistic forces because terrible destructive forces result from such a mixture.”
Look carefully at those who surround you, and do not live in a house with people full of hatred, or superficiality, because the mixture of antagonistic forces creates destructive forces for you and for those who live with you.
Learn, therefore, the Force of Equilibrium.
Intellectuals end up “crazy” or lunatics, because they threaten the Forces of Equilibrium.
Imagine an encounter of energies forming an X. If you look closely intensifying the attention on the center of the forces that shape the X, then you obstruct the circulation of those forces that form the X, and the result would be the deformation and rupture of the center or nucleus of this X.
Now then, let us take this example to the human being. Every human being has an intersection of 7 Vehicles and if we concentrate our attention on the Mind, or Mental Body that comes to be the center of your X, then the result would be the rupture of the Mental Body.
Intellectuals who have their attention fixed on the Intellect, end up breaking the Mental Body. Almost all intellectuals have their manias, insanities dissimulated by theories and “craziness”.
In ancient times, the human being was more simple and since they did not have the intellect of the Animal Soul, they perceived the Subtle World and the Planetary Genii.
Ancient people grew spiritually under the influence of “Ursa Major” (the Big Dipper), and students should meditate intensely on Ursa Major if they want to Awaken the Consciousness.
This Constellation radiates powerful Spiritual Forces, and the human being should learn to converse with the Sidereal Genii of that Constellation.
There is a key in order to transfer oneself to this constellation. The key is to meditate profoundly on a “yellow stone” which exists in the Astral.
Do this practice in the moments of transition between the vigil state and the state of sleep and you will then transfer yourself into the Astral Body to the largest star of Ursa Major, where a powerful and gigantic civilization exists.
Since the 17th century, the Earth entered into a new era of spiritual awakening. That awakening will shine in all its splendor in the sign of Aquarius, the present era.The cause of this awakening is due to the influence of the Great Enlightened “Buddha” who in the 17th century became the redeemer of the Martian humanity, and was crucified in the Forces of Mars, in order to redeem the martians and to help our Terrestrial humanity with Buddhic-Martian Forces that radiate from Mars. In the next lesson we will talk in detail about the Mars-Buddha.
Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Orifiel are the Four Lords that rule the Karmic Scales and the Four Winds (North, South, East and West).
These are the Four Angels of the Four Cardinal Points of the Earth.
Esoteric Astrology should live within the Law of Perfect Equilibrium.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday is the true and legitimate order of the days of the week.
This is the authentic and legitimate calendar that the Roman-Catholic Sect adulterated and which falls on us to restore, in order to live in accordance with the Law of Equilibrium.
The Authentic Week is based on the Law of True Equilibrium and Planetary Order.
We should learn how to look at the alternatives of pleasure and pain, of profit and loss, with indifference.The Bhagavad Gita says:
“The Mind that follows wandering thoughts, makes the soul as invalid as the boat that the wind leads astray on the waters”.
“Kill sensation, teaches the Sutta Nipata; see pleasure and pain, profit and loss, victory and defeat in the same way”.
The natives of Libra must intensely live the above advice, so as to transcend pain.
The natives of Libra are very skillful in everything, but suffer much in love, since their love affairs and life are as unstable as the scales.
PRACTICEStand up, with the feet firm and arms extended to the sides in the form of a cross, or scale and move inclining the waist 7 times to the right and 7 times towards the left, with the intention that all our forces in our kidneys equilibrate themselves.
Fraternally, the Teacher of your class
-Paraphrased from Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
Samael Aun Weor’s Practices to Gather the Energy of Libra
First Exercise (The Forces of our human organism should be completely equilibrated in our kidneys):
1. Stand up, with the feet firm and arms extended to the sides in the form of a cross, or scale.
2. Move, inclining the waist seven times to the right and seven towards the left, with the intention that all our energies become balanced in our kidneys.
Second Exercise (Students should meditate intensely on Ursa Major to Awaken the Consciousness):
1. At the moments of transition between Vigil and Sleep, meditate profoundly on a “yellow stone” that exists in Astral.
2. Then transfer yourself into the Astral Body to the largest star of the Ursa Major (the ‘Big Dipper’), where a powerful and gigantic civilization exists.
Third Exercise:
1. Pray to the Intimus or Inner Being as follows:
“My Father, you who are me myself, you who are my true Being, I beg you to transport yourself to the Heart Temples of the Stars of Libra, in order to bring the Principal Hierarchies of that Constellation to this humble home, so that they may help me to achieve equilibrium and give a special treatment to my Kidneys”.
2. Cross the hands over the heart and Salute the Guardians of the Heart Temple
3. Again pray to the Intimus or Inner Being:
“My Father, take the 7 sacred steps within, towards the interior of the temple, and kneel down at the feet of the Principal Genie of Libra, begging him to send the Principal Hierarchies of Libra to help me achieve equilibrium and give a special treatment to my Kidneys”.
4. Then the disciple pronounces the mantram: AOM (4 times).
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