Dear Disciple:
In the ancient initiations one had to suffer the ordeal of Water under the Sign of Cancer; the ordeal of Fire under Leo. That of the Earth under Taurus and that of Air under Gemini.
The Disciple lived and lives in Leo, Redemption… It is for this reason that the Redeemer is always THE SON (OR CHILD) OF THE SUN…
If the radiant star principle awakened the fire with Aries, now it verifies the transmutation of that fire in all that exists, by maturing the seeds in Leo.
It is the same in us, but for this purpose, it is necessary for the mirages of the imagination and the pictures of fantasy to be burned and to be destroyed so as to awaken the true personality of our INNER BEING so that we can intuitively create.
In this Sign of Leo, the Sun is encountered at its center, projecting its influence with all its vigor , and it is the cause of what would not be possible to do, by suddenly exposing man (in his physical life) to the energy of the fiery star.
The Cosmic Forces, the current of Light, increases , little by little, with Aries. Followed by Taurus, Gemini and Cancer, until reaching Leo where the great work is realized.
Up to this point, all the elements have been brought together in order for this astral combustion (to which we are referring) to occur, and from then on, it begins going downwards, with the work of discarding the useless, of cleaning the underworld and of spewing out the slag.
In the Egyptian Arcanum 11 (The Bound/Tamed Lion, Courage or Persuasion), a smiling woman opens the jaws of a lion with gentle hands, that is to say, effort is not required for an extraordinary power, as if it were the symbol of omnipotence in the conquest of the animal nature.
Consciously, then, the Disciple should approach this moment by looking for Initiation within themselves, because it is the Sun, within ourselves, in one’s energetic current, that offers this to us.
The different colored rays, that we speak of in the Rosicrucian doctrine, may penetrate into us, all flowing towards a center where it seems to nourish itself, starting from there only one color, that of orange-gold, from where it passes through our vertebral column and finally comes to concentrate itself in the Heart, the center of all Light…
-Paraphrase from Zodical Course (1931) by Arnoldo Krumm-Heller
available in Gnostic Rosicrucian Astrology
The Sun’s Breath, Inspiration and the Heart
During winter in the northern hemisphere the Sun is closer to the Earth and yet we know that its influence is less pronounced, even though it should be the opposite.
It changes in the summer, when it is furthest away from us, when it is most active and when more impulses also come to us from the other Planets.
Everything breathes.
This is what puts the Earth into its constant rhythm like a Recumbent Lama, and we not only breathe through the Lungs, but every pore is also an airway in constant activity with which we inhale Oxygen and we exhale Carbon.
The Sun in its turn inspirates Spiritual Force, while exhaling Light and Heat.
We will see, much later, that the Solar Plexus breathes this same Light and Heat, while expelling Magnetism.
We have already passed from Imagination to Inspiration and so now let us assume that the practices and meditations of the previous letters have awakened these faculties. THE SUN now has INTUITION.
IN, INTU, in almost all dialects, these radicals indicate something within, something interior, and for us it indicates Concentration and when men through their calculations and wisdom can no longer progress, then the final Key, Intuition, is presented to them, which is the Spiritual Center of Instinct, and then, just like how the material impulse in all animals gives them legitimate direction, Intuition is the only way that the right path can be indicated to us.
Intuition extracts its forces from the Body, Soul and Spirit, and like everything in nature which is intuitively conscious, man is put into contact with the Great All through his breathing, so breath in its turn is luck, what gives us our fortune.
Rama Prasad has said: “HE WHO BREATHES, HAS LUCK.”
We have said many times that it is not the Planets themselves nor the Zodiacal Signs which are important, but the forces that radiate from the Planets Suns or Stars and come to transform themselves into the Signs of the Zodiac.
We have also spoken of the Macrocosmos, of Adam Kadmon, in whom the Great All has the figure of the human being, and now we add that if we look from a suitable distance at our planetary system, we will see the same figure of Adam Kadmon, with the Heart of our System being Leo, just as it is our Heart which is the central point of the organism.
This is why only the forces of the Sun can act here precisely in LEO.
The Evangelists are represented by four Kabalistic figures, Mark preserves the figure of Leo (the Lion).
Mark, according to legend, was a painter, and the painter is the artist who, having imagined a picture gives way to Inspiration, but this picture was already latent in the soul through Intuition.
From here we can see that they are all in direct relation to each other Leo, Mark and Intuition.
In Leo we touch the solar sphere of the Cosmic Christ, this being the Sign opposite to Aquarius.
For this reason Mark proposed that Baptism, be done with Fire instead of being done with Water, and this Fire is none other than what can be seen in the central Sun acting in Leo.
This same Sign understood as the Heart of the Cosmic Rhythm, is what leads the Sun to boil the juice (or sap) of plants, and converts the Water into Wine, symbolized at the Wedding of Canaan.
-Paraphrase from Zodical Course (1931) by Arnoldo Krumm-Heller
available in Gnostic Rosicrucian Astrology
The Sun and the Christonic Force
The Gnostic Church teaches the Mystery of the Bread and the Wine.
The grains contained in Bread, were grown and matured through the solar force; and Wine, made from Grapes that grew on the Vine, were developed and transformed in order to be consumed together in the Holy Eucharistic Unction…
“This is my Body (the Bread); and this is my Blood (the Wine)”, is said in the Sacred Rites of all Religions, and they are taken together.
In a similar way our solid part and the liquid that we carry within, have been transformed through the lymph system, through the organic Sun, that is to say, the Heart Chakra, which forms and transforms everything within our organism.
At the core of each seed there is some Sun, and therefore we call this life, because life comes from the Sun, but not the Planet rather the radiant, Living Light, which manifests itself and expresses itself through the Sun.
Gnostics know this force as the CHRISTONIC FORCE, because the word Christ (from the Greek) means not only Anointed, but also Light, as well as Redeemer, and it is the christic or christonic force that redeems us from within, that we save and we sublimate when the vibrations of Leo are connected in our Heart with those of the Leo-heart of our planetary System, that is to say, the Central Sun, the Father.
The Polarity established in the Cosmos is already made manifest through the Solar and Lunar forces, the left and right sides , and it is curious that the Optic Nerve is formed in a Cross.
The right side of the body obeys the left side of the brain and vice versa, so it is not unusual that while the heart is located to the left side of the body, the Pranic Force of Leo penetrates through the right nostril of the nose.
When the permutation of Gold is done , the Angel accompanies us to the magic figure of Leo, and then we feel that the Sun is a living creature, a Spirit that radiates from the Primeval Force from which we live, gestate, flower, fruit, enrich, enable, brighten, succeed, and refresh ourselves.
All these concepts are exponents of the Sun, and when this consciously thinking energy penetrates through the right nostril with the Christonic Forces, then we can capture the REALIZATION of all these exponents within ourselves.
It is, however, indispensable that the exercises be done with consciousness, before the universal force acts in us with the final practice in the lymph system, and then transforms into blood, thanks to the contact of the solar force, like how chlorophyll is formed in plants.
Our personality resides in the Sun, and to catch this instant we must leave all our Glands behind and concentrate ourselves only upon the Heart, so that this force, which we have descended from the Epiphysis (or Pineal gland), Hypophysis (or Pituitary gland), Thyroid, Epithelial Bodies (or Parathyroid Glands) and Thymus Gland reaches the formation of a septenary, since there exists an immense secret (that we can not disclose) in the seven Planets and seven Glands culminating in the Sun.
Now when we pass on to the Runes and to their practices, we will be able to comprehend this mystery.
In the Heart one can not act with gymnastic exercises, but instead with prayer and breathing every morning, one can try to cover the left nostril and fill the chest with air.
We have to think that this air is not going to the lungs, but mentally we are sending it to the heart, so that it acts there for transformation, for spiritual combustion, which physically becomes the blood in the lungs.
We should also think, while doing this exercise, that we are being inundated by the Sun with Psalm 39, Verses 4, 8 and 20 when it says:
“God, convert us, show us your Face and we will be saved.”
The Face of God is the Spiritual Sun and its force is the only thing that can save us from the obstacles, in order to give us Initiation.
-Paraphrase from Zodical Course (1931) by Arnoldo Krumm-Heller
available in Gnostic Rosicrucian Astrology
Huiracocha’s Practices for Leo
It is indispensable that the exercises be done with consciousness, before the universal force acts in us with the final practice in the lymph system, and then transforms into blood (thanks to the contact of the solar force). To take advantage of this instant we must leave all our Glands behind and concentrate ourselves only upon the Heart.
In this way, the force which we have descended (from the Pineal gland to the Pituitary gland, to the Thyroid, to the Parathyroid Glands, and to the Thymus Gland) reaches the formation of a septenary, since there exists an immense secret in the seven Planets and seven Glands culminating in the Sun (a secret we can not disclose).
The right side of the body obeys the left side of the brain and vice versa, so it is not unusual that while the heart is located to the left side of the body, the Pranic Force of Leo penetrates through the right nostril of the nose. In the heart one can not act with gymnastic exercises, but instead with prayer and breathing every morning, one can try to cover the left nostril and fill the chest with air. We have to think that this air is not going to the lungs, but mentally we are sending it to the heart, so that it acts there for transformation, for spiritual combustion, which physically becomes the blood in the lungs.
We should also think (while doing this exercise) that we are being inundated by the Sun with Psalm 80, Verses 3, 7 and 19 when it says: “God, convert us, show us your Face and we will be saved.” The Face of God is the Spiritual Sun and its force is the only thing that can save us from obstacles in order to give us Initiation.
Summary of the Practice:
1. Breath every morning through the right nostril, closing the left.
2. Imagine the air is going to the Heart, acting there for transformation, for spiritual combustion, which physically becomes the blood in the lungs.
3. While imagining, pray these Psalms and think of being inundated by the Sun:
a. 80:3 “Convert us, O God (Elohim ): and show us thy face, and we shall be saved”
b. 80:7 “O God of hosts (Elohim Tzabaoth ), convert us: and show thy face, and we shall be saved.”
c. 80:19 “O Lord God of hosts (Adonai Elohim Tzabaoth ), convert us and show thy face, and we shall be saved.”
Note: We can also vocalize the vowel “O”, which is related with the Heart and Intuition.
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