Dear Disciple:
Clairvoyants observe that the Chakras (the circles, discs, or wheels of the magnetic centers) are immobile in the majority of human beings and that only when occult practices are done and when the Disciple becomes a Rose Cross Adept, do the wheels begin to spin, which Gichtel describes to us as such and that Leadbeater offers us in the Theosophical form.
Gichtel sees these wheels as different kinds of roses and lotus flowers and notes that they correspond to and are derived from our own Glands. It was no more than twenty years ago that we knew one more extension of the importance of the Endocrine Glands.
[Johann Georg Gichtel was a German mystic, religious leader and disciple of Jakob Böhme. His correspondence with his disciple Gottfried Arnold was published (without Gichtel’s knowledge) beginning in 1701. It has been frequently reprinted under the title Theosophia Practica . Images from that book with the “circles” Huiracocha mentions are below.] [Charles Webster Leadbeater was a member of the Theosophical Society, a 33° mason, and an author on occult subjects. An image from his book The Chakras (1927) is below.]
Previously, the human being knew less of anatomy and this was the cause of the confusion of the Heart in its Tatwaic effects (the central impulse that sustains matter in a certain vibratory state), with the tatwaic effects of the Parathyroid Glands.
Since the majority of our Disciples know the oriental theosophical terminology, we will say that after having awakened the Sahasrara chakra, we pass on to the Ajna and Vishudda chakras, and now, in the Parathyroid Glands, we arrive at the Anahata chakra.
As we head down the neck, and continue to descend down the body, we are going to meet with that ultimate and enigmatic center of emotions.
Steiner was the first who drew attention to the Heart and its great importance as a plexus, but we do not admit the effect of the chakras as Leadbeater presents them (who probably ignored the occult anatomy of the Rose Cross Fraternity because of his inability to read the works of the epoch of Gichtel, written in a hodgepodge of medieval German and Latin). We drew this conclusion when we talked with him.
The Heart is not a pump, as it has been described, but it is a body moved by the sanguineous impulse and we shall see its occult role later.
Today we continue with our overview of the occult magnetic centers, which are intimately related to the Glands of Internal Secretion, even if it is sensible to make amends with Leadbeater, but we know that many of the occult practices of the Esoteric Section of the Theosophical Society are wrongly specified and are even harmful.In order for the Disciple to comprehend the importance of the Parathyroid Glands, we need to necessarily transfer ourselves over to the field of pathology and study something of a disease that is deeply related to these Glands.
Knowing, then, the diseased aspect, we can more easily comprehend the need for a healthy body and the action exercised by the Glands.
This disease, to which we refer ourselves, is tetany (convulsive tension of the muscles subject to the rule of the will) that we know firstly through an insufficiency of nutrition and which manifests itself with accentual spasms of the extremities.
These patients suffer from a type of cramps or regular convulsive movements, either in the eyelids, in the hands, in the face, in the belly or in the extremities. There are people who manifest a certain nervous tic that has not yet been explained by modern medicine, and has its origin in these Glands.
We give as an example the Dance of Saint Vitus [also called Chorea disease or Sydenham’s chorea, which is an abnormal involuntary movement disorder, one of a group of neurological disorders called “dyskinesias”].
Of course, all these diseases are the exteriorization of a diseased character affecting a number of motor movements that happen in parts which should act only when there is the will to do so, meaning they are involuntary. Here we can see the point: an invasion of one nervous system by another.
The symptomatological table of diseases caused by defects in the Parathyroid Glands is enormous in its variety, and many known diseases (such as those of the nerves of the Heart, of the Intestines and of the Stomach) can be explained and cured if we direct the therapeutic action to the Glands in question.
It is very curious that tetany is observed more in men than in women, appearing in all parts, especially in the spring months. That is to say, at the time that ARIES and TAURUS deliver their power over to GEMINI, which is the entrance of the lungs into the neck and arms, where the latter Sign has its dominion.
We have already told you about the struggle between Venus and Mars.We have said in the previous lesson (Taurus), that there is a struggle between the Pituitary gland and the Pineal gland. Now the same phenomenon is repeated between the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands, whose effect can be seen, of course, by the medical official.
Venus, again, faces Mars. And, just like in war, barbed wire fences are put up, that is to say barriers and obstacles for the enemy, Mars (who also dominates in Scorpio) seeks this element in order to launch its venom, which Venus (in the Thyroid) tries to stop.
This is repeated another time, as in the performance of the Pituitary and the Pineal Glands, one of which is drowsy and cunning, while the other (Mars) is activity. Here we see, for the first time, the dual aspect of the Planet Mars in the Signs of Aries and Scorpio.
Let us now enter into the terrain of the Twins (or Gemini). We have said that all life is a constant struggle between Venus and Mars, but in this region (which we are now penetrating with the magnetic forces awakened) corresponds to Mercury in Gemini.
In the ancient Initiations, the Mystic (origin of the word mystery) was locked in an obscure chamber. This chamber represented Chaos.
They had to pass through a narrow corridor which represented the neck and then they gave him the emblems of Mercury as the organizer of this same Chaos.
On the Rosebush, we have followed the sprouting of the leaves, the formation of the petals, and which are now entering the epoch of materializing themselves into the flower.
Mercury is the Spirit that comes from Heaven down to Earth. The head is Heaven; the neck is space (the Chaos), and now we are in front of our own Earth.
In Egypt they gave the symbol of the Ankh (the symbol of life) to the neophytes. Let us remember the famous painting of Amenhotep III.
The Papyrus of Leyden treats this symbol as a neck, that is to say, life passes as breath through the neck.
Enclosed within this symbol is a secret of the Runes, that we will also know through those practices, but much later.
Mercury, in the Sign of Virgo, is the representation of the day, while the Twins (or Gemini) still remains at night.
One can see that the current of Light which we have brought from above is now obscured by the action of Venus, but nonetheless, this same Light is what opens the path to us.
It appears that the very Sign of the Twins represents a path flanked by two walls.Now in Mercury, everything is done with movement. As the word indicates, Mercury brings all movement, and before reaching the Lungs, we need to prepare the air at the superior part of the chest (or in the neck) in order to achieve the next action.
The Hindus speak of awakening the Kundalini (The Serpent of Fire) through breathing exercises, and Rama Prasad offers practices in this respect, impressive for the Hindus who have for centuries had a very simple nourishment and have far fewer dietary elements than us.
These same elements, if we do these same practices, are closing the doors of the Brahmarandhra, and we need to start with softer and lighter exercises for the Ida and Pingala (the two positive-negative columns that link the Kundalini).
The Darkness, that we have mentioned, is what produces dreams. That is to say, it produces the transition from the vigil state to the state of sleep and from the state of sleep to the vigil state.
The Disciple should take note (during these practices in the period of Gemini) of their own dreams.
All dreams have their symbolic value, and the Masters observe the Disciple while he or she is going through them.
Generally we dream of what we have been thinking about very intensely before we go to sleep, and this is the cause of why (during this practice) the disciple should fall asleep after having concentrated on something that relates to our studies.
That is to say, of an eagerness, for example, to see our Temple, to think of a Master or, perhaps, of a Tree, the Tree of Life…
In short, any concentration or exercise of the imagination, making the five respirations through the nose, opening the arms and the legs, then expelling the air through your mouth while closing the legs and arms. These practices can be done in bed or sitting comfortably.
It is also very effective to meditate on the phenomenon of Birth, because, let’s remember, that NOW SOMETHING IS GOING TO BE BORN WITHIN US.
-Paraphrase from Zodical Course (1931) by Arnoldo Krumm-Heller
available in Gnostic Rosicrucian Astrology
Huiracocha’s Practices for Gemini
The path of the Initiate has three steps, namely: IMAGINATION, INSPIRATION and INTUITION.
Imagination is related with the Mind and Mercury (who’s House is in Gemini) is the planet of the Mind.
Inspiration is related to the Sign of Cancer, who’s planet is the Moon.
Intuition is related to the Sign of Leo and the Heart (Leo’s planet is the Sun).
The first step that one should take to work on Imagination is to ensure that the Mind is trained to imagine something specific (for example: a geometric figure or, even better, the star of five points).
During these practices in the period of Gemini, the Disciple should also take note of their own dreams. All dreams have their symbolic value, and the Masters observe the Disciples while they are going through them.
Generally we dream of what we have been thinking about very intensely before we go to sleep, and this is the cause of why (during this practice of Gemini) the disciple should fall asleep after having concentrated on something that relates to our studies, such as: an eagerness to see our Temple, thinking of a Master, or on the Tree of Life…
For the exercise of meditation the Turks advise their Apprentice Masons to take a grain or a seed and to meditate upon it, on the potentiality which is locked up inside of it, and the faculty to be developed (which will become a flower, plant and tree) thanks to the impulse of the Great Architect of the Universe.
It is also very effective to meditate on the phenomenon of Birth.
In short, any concentration or exercise of the imagination, making the five respirations through the nose, opening the arms and the legs, then expelling the air through your mouth while closing the legs and arms. These practices can be done in bed or sitting comfortably.
Summary of the Practice:
1. Concentrate (with the Imagination) on something like the eagerness to visit a Temple or to see a Master, the Tree of Life, a seed, a geometric shape, the five-pointed star, etc.
2. Inhale through the nose while opening the arms & legs; then Expel the air through the mouth while closing the arms & legs (do this 5 times).
3. Lay down to go to sleep and return to the concentration until you fall asleep.
4. When you awaken try to remember your dreams [don’t forget about the mantram “Raom-Gaom”].
Note: We can also vocalize the vowel “E” (pronounced like ‘Eh’) which is related with the throat and the Parathyroid glands, which are governed by Gemini; as well as the vowel “I”, which is related with Imagination.
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