The Planetary Order and the Days of the Week
Beloved disciple:
Today, in this course, we have arrived at the Constellation of Capricorn. This Constellation is the house of Saturn, the Elder of Time (or the Ancient of Days). Saturn is the most faraway planet of the Earth’s Solar System [of the 7 traditional planets of Alchemy].
The Moon is the closest satellite to earth. Mercury follows and then (in order of distance) follow Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, in orderly intervals of distance.
On this natural and cosmic basis is based the very ancient calendar of: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
The Roman Catholics adulterated this legitimate calendar, and based on this falsification, the Modernist Astrology of Arithmetic has been erected.
It is logical then, for Modern Astrology, since it is sustained on a false basis, to be a true failure.
Now it is our responsibility to restore the authentic ancient Astrology, and for this, it is necessary and of essential urgency, to return once again to the legitimate Archaic Calendar.
All the Astrological works of Max Heindel and of Alpherat, are based on a false calendar, they do not have a fundamental basis, and are mistaken.
We, the Gnostics, are the restorers of Esoteric Wisdom.
I, Samael Aun Weor, am the Great Avatar of Aquarius. I am the Initiator of the New Era.
I am the Messenger of the Superior Worlds of Consciousness, and I have come to bring the Culture for the New Era. I have come to form a New Race of Gods, and I want you to listen to me.
“Ask and it shall be given thee”, “Knock and it shall be opened”.
This is what the sacred Scriptures say.
I have taught thee the unutterable mystery of the Great Arcanum, and I want thee to learn to manipulate the Sparkle of the Stars in order to govern Nature.
Listen to me well: the Planetary Hours as they come in the astrological annuals and texts of Astrology in general, are false and absurd, because the calendar in fashion is false and absurd, and because no archaic people ever used the so “boastful” and curious hours of the modern astrologers.
The Ancient Sages of Old considered the day as a cross within a perfect circle.
These old contemplators of the stars, with their scrutinizing eyes, penetrated profoundly into the Mysteries of the Stars and received illumination from the Planetary Gods.
Those Old Astrologers learned from the Gods that the day is divided into four parts, like a cross within the perfect circle.
They knew that the day was only governed by four planets according to the old order: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn
The first quarter of the day is governed by the planet of the day which carries its name and the second, third and fourth quarters of the day develop according to the order of the planets: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
So, Monday corresponds to the actual Sunday, and the present Saturday is the seventh day.
The following chart presents the authentic planetary order:
In this manner, the twelve hours of the day are also divided into four parts, each of them of three hours.
This simple, fast and easy method lets us know exactly what planet is ruling space at a given moment. This was the system that the Great Ancient Astrologers knew, and they learnt it from the Sidereal Gods.
Here, one does not need the famous calculations of the Arithmetic Astrologers. Here, the only thing required is a little practice and good sense in order to know the Sidereal Time.
This so simple and sublime system can be learnt by anyone, since here we do not have any need of so many complications, nor of so many “logarithms”, or of “tables of houses”, or of voluminous astrological “ephemeris”, or of that complicated “jargon” of the pseudo-sapients of Arithmetical Astrology.
A new lineage of Astrologers, the Illuminated of the “New Era”, the Paladins of Aquarius, has now been born.
We no longer need the horoscopes of arithmetic, now we converse with the Gods to know the destinies of human beings.
Shake the dust off of thy heads, old Astrology professors, because the first bells of Aquarius have resounded, singing the Easter of Resurrection.
Leave us in peace, Arithmetic Astrologers; we are already tired of thy errors, burn all that jargon of logarithms, ephemeris, tables of houses, etc.!
We are now only interested in the Paladins of the New Era, the Illuminated Astrologers who know how to talk with the Sidereal Gods. We are already bored with so much theory, and we are going to the “grain”, to what is “effective”, to what is “real”.
We do not want more blind astrologers, sustained by the crutches of numbers! Now, we are only interested in the Clairvoyants of the Stars, the Priests of the Sidereal Temples, the Sages of Aquarius.
The disciple should choose the hours to work with the Stars.
In the hours of the Moon, one can work with the Moon; in the hours of Mercury, one can work with Mercury, etc.
-Paraphrased from Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
We need to Christify the Mind
Saturn is the abode of the Green Hierarchies. These Hierarchies gave the human being the “Animal-Soul”, or Mental Body.
The Mind should liberate itself from all kinds of “schools”, religions, sects, beliefs, etc. All those “cages” are obstacles which render the Mind incapable of thinking freely.
There is a need to become free of the illusions of this world and become the fine and marvelous instrument of the “Intimus”.
We have to free the Mind from all kinds of desirous reasoning. It is important to Christify the Mind; the “Christ-Mind”.
We need a Mind that only thinks with the Heart. We need a Mind which only listens to the Voice of Hunches. We need a Mind which does not reason when the Heart commands!
The Mind which only obeys Hunches is a “Christ-Mind”. The Mind, which does not reason and only acts under the orders from the heart, is the “Christ-Mind”. The Mind which does not react before external impacts is a “Christ-Mind”.
The Mind should convert itself into the instrument of the Heart. What does the Reasoning know? Reasoning is a painful process of the Mind, based on the illusion of external things.
Reasoning does nothing but divide the Mind between Struggle of the Antitheses. The decisions of Reasoning are daughters of ignorance and always bring pain.
The new humanity will be the Humanity of Intuition. The Intuitive only acts with the Voice of the Silence.
The total Christification of the Mind is only realized with the Kundalini of the “Mental Body”. The Kundalini of the Mental Body is the Fire’s Fourth Degree of Power.
Through the Kundalini of the Mental Body we extract the “Christ-Mind” from the Animal Soul.
We must expel all kinds of terrestrial thoughts from the Mental Temple.
Master H.P.B. says the following in “The Voice of Silence”:
“You have to reach the fixity of the mind in which no breeze, however strong, can waft an earthly thought within.
Thus purified, the shrine must of all action, sound, or earthly light be void; even as the butterfly, overtaken by the frost, falls lifeless at the threshold- so must all earthly thoughts fall dead before the temple. Behold it written.
Ere the gold flame can burn with steady light, the lamps must stand well guarded in a spot free from all wind.”
Reasoning is from the Animal “I”, whereas Intuition is the Voice of the “Intimus”. Reasoning is external, Intuition is internal.
The Fire’s Fourth Degree of Power converts us into an ARHAT.
The Mental Body also has its Medulla and its Snake. The ascent of the Kundalini of the Mind is achieved with the Merits of the Heart…
In Capricorn, we have spoken of the Mind, because this sign is the house of Saturn, and in said star live the Green Hierarchies that gave the human being their Mental Body.
-Paraphrased from Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
The Door of Heaven: the Esoteric Attributes of Capricorn
Capricorn is the Door of Heaven, because it is the house of Saturn.
When the Soul disembodies, following the “post-mortem” states, it reaches the ultra-Saturnian Sphere, submerges itself in the infinite and feels the sensation of having the entire infinite within it.
This sensation continues until the soul feels bound to a new physical body which allows it to return once more to the painful School of Life in order to continue its ascent through the Spiral of Life.
Saturn, Lord of Death, finds his house in Capricorn. Capricorn influences the knees and the human skeleton.
The currents which rise from the earth, upon reaching the knees, become charged with the Lead of Saturn. Lead gives strength and constancy to those currents.
The knees possess a marvelous substance which allows them the free movement of such a simple and marvelous osseous gear: the Synovial Fluid.
“Sinovia” is the substance which means (sin) with, and (ovia) egg: “Substance with egg”.
The egg is truly a marvelous substance. Esoteric experiments, highly scientific, in relation with the unfolding of the human Personality, prove that the shell of the egg has certain occult powers which facilitate Astral Unfoldment or Astral Travel. The key consists in reducing an eggshell to powder.
The disciple will apply these powders over the chest and armpits; one will then lie down on their bed, and cover themselves properly with their blankets.
The student will then lull themselves to sleep, pronouncing the mantram “FARAON”, like this: Faaaaaaaaa Raaaaaaaaa Onnnnnnnn
This can be pronounced mentally, and when the student feels that they have become numb, they should rise from their bed and head towards the Gnostic Church.
The first syllable “FA” corresponds to the Chinese Gong, or the musical Fa which resounds in the entire creation. We have to pronounce this note in order to become attuned with Mother Nature.
The second syllable “RA”, corresponds to a very ancient mantram that vibrates all the Chakras of the Astral Body; this mantram is not pronounced with “r” but with “rr” instead, like this: Rrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaa.
And the last syllable “On” corresponds to the “Hindu” mantram ‘Om’, but is here pronounced as: Onnnnnnnnnnnn.
This mantram “FARAON” can be vocalized with the Mind or better yet, with the Heart. Therefore, the powerful Egyptian mantram “Faraon” serves in order to get us out in the Astral Body.
The following exercise should be practiced during the sign of Capricorn:
A coffin should be imagined on the floor and the disciple should walk over this imagined coffin but leaving it between their legs, and one will walk with bent knees as if to clear an obstacle, and making the knees spin from left to right, with the intention that they become charged with the lead of Saturn, just as our Great Guru “Huiracocha” taught us.
It is also urgent to practice the exercises of internal meditation daily, praying to our “INTIMUS” to transport himself to the Sidereal Temples in order to bring before us the Principal Genii of this Constellation, so that they may awaken the Chakras and Powers of the knees.The natives of Capricorn are as melancholic as the willow. They have a great sense of their own moral responsibility.
They are pessimistic and always have a Judas in their lives. They are practical and are always very much preoccupied with tomorrow. Their principal worry is about the economic aspect of life.
They suffer much in love, and must always pass through a great amorous deception. Their metal is Lead and their stone is Black Onyx. Colors are Gray and Black.
Fraternally, the Teacher of your class
-Paraphrased from Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
Samael Aun Weor’s Practices to Gather the Energy of Capricorn
Practices to Gather the Energy of Capricorn
First Exercise: The disciple will apply egg powders over the chest and armpits; they will then lie down on their bed, and properly cover themselves with their blankets. The student will then lull themselves to sleep, pronouncing the mantram “FARAON”, like this: Faaaaaaaaa Raaaaaaaaa Onnnnnnnn This can be pronounced mentally, and when the student feels that they have become numb, then they should rise from their bed and head towards the Gnostic Church.
Second Exercise: The following exercise should be practiced during the sign of Capricorn: A coffin should be imagined on the floor and the disciple should walk over this imagined coffin but leaving it between their legs, and they will walk with bent knees as if to clear an obstacle, and making the knees spin from left to right, with the intention that the knees become charged with the lead of Saturn, just as our Great Guru “Huiracocha” taught us.
Third Exercise: It is also urgent to practice the exercises of internal meditation daily. We must expel all kinds of terrestrial thoughts from the Mental Temple. We should reach the fixity of the mind in which no breeze, however strong, can waft an earthly thought within… (This means developing our power of concentration)
Fourth Exercise: Ask our Father or our Inner Being to transport himself to the Sidereal Temples or Heart Temples of the Constellation of Capricorn in order to bring before us the Principal Genii, and to beg them to awaken the Chakras & Powers of the knees.
1. Sit in a comfortable chair
2. Close your eyes, remove all thoughts from your Mind, make yourself a little drowsy
3. Then focus your mind inwards, towards the Internal Master (the Inner Being), praying like this:
“My Father, transport yourself now to the Principal Star of Capricorn, enter through the doors of the Heart-Temple making the salutes which you already know and beg the Sidereal Genie of that star and his Angels to descend and come to me, so that they may awaken the Chakras & Powers of the knees.”
4. Cross the hands over the heart and Salute the Guardians of the Heart Temple
a. Bow to the right, inhale and then say ‘Jakin’
b. Bow to the left, inhale and then say ‘Boaz’
5. Again pray to the Intimus or Inner Being:
“My Father, take the 7 sacred steps within, towards the interior of the temple, and kneel down at the feet of the Principal Genie of Capricorn, begging him and his Angels to come and awaken the Chakras & Powers of the knees.”
6. Then the disciple pronounces the mantram: AOM (4 times).
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