Dear Disciple:
You’ve spent years studying the Rose-Cross Magazine, and have probably been in correspondence with me and so there has been enough time in order for you to form your own concepts and a clear judgement of what our Philosophy is, which we have always said is practiced in distinguished degrees.
Similarly, if you know our Practices,then observe that sometimes we repeat: “Our Law is LIGHT, LOVE, LIFE, LIBERTY AND TRIUMPH…”
Just meditate for an instant upon the meaning of these five words so as to deduce that everything that we could ever want is contained within them.
But if I give you a Course, if I put you at the beginning of a practical and straight path, it will not be possible to start at the highest point, without the word that is at the center and which makes us swing into balance: LIFE. Then we will go to LOVE, and finally to LIGHT…
In the beginning, Life brought about the genesis of matter. Life was created from itself.
Life is the Light that blooms from the same Vital Fire that separates itself into its particles. But as these particles were already Light in their formation and Life at the same time, and since they had their origin in the First Cause, then, as a consequence, the Light in itself is God…
Nonetheless, let’s cut out this preamble to enter into the real practice. Our Life, we know, is not just that we are a Superior Animal whose sole purpose is to eat, to travel through the world, to mechanically procreate and to operate businesses for our welfare.
You have to think further; you must realize that we are Angels, that we are shackled Gods, subjects in the bottom of a cloister, and that the purpose of our Life is to liberate ourselves, to free ourselves from those bonds and to awaken within ourselves all the potential that we have enclosed within.
Archimedes said: “Give me a point of support and I will move the world.” Well, then, this point of support is what I can offer you, good Disciple, if we can agree on our assessments.For example, if for you a thing is blue, while I see it as green, then it will not be possible for us to agree if we are trading goods, but if we start from the same point of view, recognizing that everything we are doing is infinitely more serious than comparing goods, then we can begin.
Look, each machine has its lever, its rudder, from where it is managed, and our organism (which is a really complicated machine) also has its own lever. Here is the point of Archimedes where we can support ourselves.
Then, if we are a duality of Soul and Body, and if it is precisely in the Soul where our conduct resides, then we need to find the point of contact between them, and this is only found in the Grand Sympathetic Nervous System.
The Fluidic Body, we could say, lives in the subconscious, and the conscious vital part is only its reflection. This subconsciousness, is a kind of lens through which the human being can see their deeds that, in general, escape from their consciousness.
That is to say, the Fluidic Body does not have willpower, on the contrary, it reacts upon all the impressions that are sufficiently strong, and they can either be started by ourselves or by someone else’s suggestion, or even by self-suggestion.
We have a kind of Mechanical Willpower and we also have a Conscious Willpower. The first we call the subconscious willpower, and we seek to establish a bridge where the two connect.
Two very strong manifestations that are like two great columns in our lives are HUNGER AND SEXUAL DESIRE, these are factors which end up governing the elemental human being. The desire to nourish oneself and to cohabitate reside in every atom, because cohesion and sustenance , are nothing but the result of hunger and love.
What is our Life in itself? this has not yet been defined. One could say that our personal life is a constituent part of the Universal Life and that this manifests itself through Light and Heat, although at first , this is only perceived as the Light that flows from a Spiritual Sun. From that Light or Spiritual Sun everything, the entire Creation, is made.
When we eat, we create new particles in our blood and in our tissues, and when we cohabitate, we convert ourselves into creators, even when this creation is not conscious because we are drawn by a desire. Nonetheless, we suspect that, behind those desires or impulses, there are divine forces.
We therefore need everything to become conscious, that is to say, if everything that is in us is either unconscious or subconscious, then, if our personal lives and our subconsciousness form a part of the Cosmic Life and the Cosmic Subconsciousness, then our consciousness is also a part of the Cosmic Consciousness which is the Spiritual Light, and, consequently, perfectly conscious.There is a Law that says: “Only the same or similar will comprehend.” This is the reason why the material part of our brain can never comprehend spiritual things.
For this the Disciple needs to know themselves and sense their spirit, that is to say, they need to sense themselves living in a body and not as the body itself.
First of all the sincere devotee should reveal to themselves all their defects, without lies and with true honesty.
Here is the first practice as well: To occupy oneself every night, for least five minutes, with one’s own defects, thinking of them and making the most fervent promise to amend them.
There is a Judge within ourselves, but we do not hear its voice. We are deaf and do not hear the excitement of our own nerves.
We need to begin by sitting comfortably with the eyes fixed on a specific point, without making a single movement or blinking, in order to achieve a complete relaxation of our muscles.
To achieve this, even if it is just for a few minutes, we should transform ourselves into this point itself, which is complete peace and tranquility. This is the first step in order to get to Shamadi or sleep which is provoked by the Initiate, through which one reaches, in five minutes, superior forces which are greater than ten hours of regular sleep.
With this practice we also get charged with strength and power, but it is necessary that in our subconsciousness we carry this intention, however slight: to fill ourselves with Spiritual Light.
Then, immediately, we should go to the opposite pole, that is to say, to educate and dominate our willpower suggesting to ourselves the idea: I AM, I WISH/WILL… [Spanish: “YO SOY, YO QUIERO…”]
The Great All, the Cosmos, is a perennial rhythm and breathes in a special rhythm.Let us, therefore, breath deep seven times always thinking of the penetration of the air through the nose, and that entering with it is all the life, all the Light, and that it is charging us as if we were an accumulator.
Then, and in order for it to proceed within ourselves, we raise our hand , but not in a state of laxity rather in a state of tension, moving the head forward seven times, backward seven times, seven times to the right, seven times to the left, rotating the neck and head seven times to the left side and seven times to the right.
Let’s do these practices with the intention of this Light first acting upon our head, upon the part of Aries, the first Constellation of the Zodiac, and then doing a concentration in which we bring the mind to the front of the head thinking that there exists a Gland there ENTIRELY MADE OF LIGHT.
Let’s continue with the mind moving to the Eyes, the Nose, the Mouth –center of language– and next we concentrate intensely upon the structure of our Throat, then we direct this current to the Ears.
So we meditate on the five senses, all together in the head.
These practices which correspond to Aries, must be constantly done within the four weeks during which you should keep them up.
-Paraphrase from Zodical Course (1931) by Arnoldo Krumm-Heller
available in Gnostic Rosicrucian Astrology
Huiracocha’s Practices for Aries
Exercise to Become Conscious (Huiracocha’s ‘Retrospective’)
First of all the student should reveal to themselves all their defects, without lies and with true honesty. Here is the first practice: To occupy oneself every night, for least five minutes, with one’s own defects, thinking of them and making the most fervent promise to amend them. There is a Judge within ourselves, but we do not hear its voice. We are deaf and do not hear the excitement of our own nerves…
Huiracocha’s Practice to Gather the Energy of Aries
These practices must be constantly done within the four weeks which correspond to Aries.
Summary of the Practice:
1st Part
1. Sit comfortably and fix the eyes on a specific point (without moving or blinking) in order to achieve the complete relaxation of our muscles
2. Transform yourself into this point itself, being complete peace & tranquility [the first pole]
3. With this practice we get charged with strength and power, but in our subconsciousness we need to carry the intention (however slight) to fill ourselves with Spiritual Light
4. Now go to the opposite pole, in order to educate and dominate the willpower suggesting to ourselves the idea: “I AM, I WILL” [here, let us reflect on the ‘wants’ of Hunger & Sex, as well as ‘wanting’ to free ourselves from these bonds by awakening to our hidden potential]
2nd Part
5. Breath deep 7 times imagining the air penetrating through the nose, and that entering with it is all the life, all the Light, charging us as if we were an accumulator
6. Raise your hand (in a state of tension, not relaxed) concentrating on bringing the Spiritual Light into the head, by moving the head:
a. 7 times forward, 7 times backward,
b. 7 times to the right [ear to right shoulder], 7 times to the left [ear to left shoulder],
c. rotate the neck and head 7 times to the left side [chin turns counter-clockwise], then rotate the neck and head 7 times to the right [chin turns clockwise]
7. Now send the Light to a Gland at the front of the Head [according to Huiracocha, in space between the Pineal and Pituitary Glands, there is an Astral Gland made entirely of Light]
8. Let’s continue with the mind moving to the Eyes, the Nose, the Mouth and next we concentrate intensely upon the structure of our Throat, then we direct this mental current to the Ears. So we meditate on the five senses, all together in the head.
Note: We can also vocalize the vowel “I” (pronounced like ‘We’, but without the ‘W’) which is related with the head, the area governed by Aries.
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