We dedicate this course of Esoteric Education to humanity and most especially to all those disillusioned by schools, religions, lodges and sects; this course of Intimate Self-Education and true practical knowledge is for them.
There are two types of Knowledge: the Doctrine of the Eye and the Doctrine of the Heart.
The Doctrine of the Eye is for those who are satisfied with spiritual theories and the Doctrine of the Heart is for authentic initiates.
To the Doctrine of the Eye belongs all the members of the so-called spiritual schools and as variable is their concept as is the opinion of writers.
To the Doctrine of the Heart belongs all the masters of the Universal White Fraternity because within it is enclosed the primeval truths of this Unique Knowledge; One comes to us through deduction and the other through intuition. The former is produced by the intellect and the latter by the Internal Master; one is human, the other is divine.
The Doctrine of the Eye strengthens the Mind, because the Material Mind is the abode of desire: she thinks, reasons, analyzes, draws conclusions and leads to erred action. She wants to resolve everything by herself, without taking into consideration the Voice of the Internal Master.
The Internal Master does not analyze, nor reason because his Voice is the voice of Intuition.
The Doctrine of the Heart opens the doors to the hall of Knowledge.
Schools have already given all they had to offer. The centers of knowledge are now converted to business places, each with its tyrant that forbids its adepts and students to go out in search of knowledge; the prohibitions here, the excommunications and threats there, always leaving things for tomorrow, making a big issue out of the password, the protective amulet, the non-plus-ultra…, of the secrets that no other school possesses.
We are not looking for flatterers of masters, nor are we interested in hard-hearted henchmen.
We are guiding pillars. We indicate, with logical thought and exact concept, the path to follow so that each person arrives at their Internal Master, he who lives in silence within each of you.
We inform you that knowledge belongs to the Inner Self and that Virtues and Gifts are not a matter of false pretense and false humility but that they are terrible realities, that convert us into powerful and gigantic oaks so that the frailties of the mind, the threats of black magicians, and the envy of tyrants can shatter against our strong personality.
This course is for all the rebels of all schools, for those who do not believe in masters, for those dissatisfied with all beliefs, for those who still have left in them a little manhood and a spark of love.
We are not interested in anyone’s money, nor are we interested in monthly fees, or brick temples, of cement or clay, because we are conscious visitors in the cathedral of the soul and we know that wisdom is of the soul. Flattery tires us, praises should only belong to our Father who is in secret and watches us minutely.
We are not in search of followers, we only want each person to follow themselves, their own Internal Master, their sacred Inner Self because he is the only one that can save and glorify us. I do not follow anyone, therefore no one should follow me.
Men offer human knowledge and God offers the Bread of Life, the truth shall set you free. That one (the Bread of Life, the truth) continues and becomes itself a leader or commander and a blessing.
We do not want any more comedies, pretenses, nor false mysticisms and false schools. Now we want living realities, we want to prepare ourselves to see, hear and touch the reality of those truths.
Let us take the sword of our will to break all the chains of the world and launch ourselves head-on to a terrible battle for liberation, because we know that salvation is within the human being.
Onward, champions! Warriors, to the battle!
-Paraphrased from Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
Beloved disciple:
Upon entering these studies of Esoteric Astrology, we should give you a few prior instructions that will serve as positive orientation for these classes.
In the stellar nucleus of every Sidereal Sun, or of every planet, or of every lunar satellite, or comet, there always exists a “heart temple” which is the secret dwelling of a Sidereal Genie and, thus, the entire infinite is a system of hearts, and for this reason Esoteric Astrology is the Religion of the Light and of the Heart.
Each of our planets has its Sidereal Ruler:
Gabriel is the Ruler of the MOON
Raphael is the Ruler of MERCURY
Uriel is the Ruler of VENUS
Michael is the Ruler of the SUN
Samael is the Ruler of MARS
Zachariel is the Ruler of JUPITER
Orifiel is the Ruler of SATURNThese are the 7 Spirits before the throne of God.
As we have already said, each of them dwells in a heart-temple, and because of this, Esoteric Astrology is the Religion of Light and of Love. These are the 7 Angels who distribute among themselves the governing of the world into 7 different epochs, since the entire history of the world is summarized in 7 epochs.
The 7 Planets are the cords of a divine lyre where the word of the Creator resounds with its most ineffable melody.
The whole Solar System happens to be the celestial body of a Great Being: the “Logos” of the Solar System, the “Ineffable”. The Solar System, seen from afar, looks like a man walking through the ineffable Infinite.
The 7 Spirits before the throne, happen to be, we could say, this Great Being’s ministers, and the rulers of the Cosmic Evolution of this Solar System.
Very well then, you know that every wheel has its axis, and because of this, you will, therefore, understand that the basis of movement resides in the center of every mass.
Mass can only be dominated from its center and the center of all mass is the Spirit; due to this, we affirm that a Heart-Temple (which is the dwelling of the Genie of the Star) exists in every sidereal center and it is precisely these Celestial Genii [who are] the authentic governors of the Infinite, and the regents and lords of our own human destinies.
Profane Astrologers will tell you, for example, that a quadrature of Saturn with Mars brings you a catastrophe, or that an opposition of Venus and Mars brings you a failure in love, etc., but these forecasts by Profane Astrology can fail even when the mathematical calculations are exact, because these Sidereal Forces are not blind forces.
These Forces are precisely the Rays of the Planetary Genii, and these lords can modify all human events even when the horoscope is full of quadratures and oppositions. In this way, Arithmetic Astrology is not exact; for which reason I consider that one cannot be an Authentic Astrologer without being a Theurgic Alchemist.
Iamblichus, the Great Theurgist, invoked the Planetary Genii, and materialized them in the Physical World in order to talk to them, and it was through them that he accomplished his great marvels. Theurgy, or Divine Magic, can only be practiced through the “Intimus” of the “Theurgist”, and the Intimus is our Spirit, our “Superior Being”, our Angel.
It is also certain that Nature is a great alchemical laboratory where essences exist and events of all types are combined.
In the Schools of Internal Instruction, we are made to learn these golden rules:
“The Lion of the Law is fought with the scale”.
“When an inferior law is transcended by a superior law, the superior law washes away the inferior law”.
The absolute comprehension of these two golden rules allows us to neutralize the disastrous effects of all the quadratures and oppositions of our personal horoscope. This signifies that through these golden rules we can cancel Karma and we can triumph in life. Record these two golden rules properly in your mind, for I will teach you how to manipulate its formulae in the coming lessons.
This course of Esoteric Astrology will convert you into Theurgists and Alchemists, and will develop all your Occult Powers, and you will then know how to make yourself invisible, how to invoke and materialize the Planetary Gods in the Physical World, how to talk with them; how to cancel Karma, and the secret art of succeeding in life through certain mysterious formulae that will permit you to manipulate the Sidereal Rays for your own ends and in order to help others.
Now, in order to finish this preamble of our present lesson, I will tell you, that two columns exist at the porch of every Sidereal Temple: one White and the other Black.
The column at the right is called “Jachin” and the column at the left is called “Boaz”.
You should also know, good disciple, that there is a Guardian at each column.
The Guardian on the right column holds the Staff or Rod of Justice in his hands, and the one on the left holds a Book in his hands. ‘Jachin’ and ‘Boaz’ are the two “passwords” that will permit you to enter the Heart Temple of each Star in order to manipulate the Rays and provoke events in the Physical World.
-Paraphrased from Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
Beloved Disciple,
We now enter in full into our esoteric teachings of the Constellation of Aries.
This zodiacal sign governs the head, it is the house of the Warrior Mars, its metal is Iron, its stone is the Ruby and its nature is Fire.
The natives of Aries are of a war-like nature, become strongly angered and (since they possess a great martian energy) they feel capable of embarking on great undertakings and of carrying them to a good end. In general, they are not happy in love, since the ease of irritability which they possess leads them into displeasures and marital separations.
During this sign, the disciple will have to charge their head with Light in order to awaken their Pituitary and Pineal Glands. The power of Clairvoyance resides in these two small glands. Both glands are joined by an extremely fine duct, which has already disappeared in corpses. When both glands unite their Luminous Auras, then the human being becomes clairvoyant and then perceives all the marvels of the subtle World.
They will then know all the secret thoughts of men & women and will be able to see and talk to the Sidereal Gods. Who will be able to hide his secret away from them? An Illuminated Clairvoyant is full of Light and of Fire. The exercises of this sign are the following:
The disciple should sit on a comfortable chair and remain thoughtless for five minutes. Then one should pray to the Intimus as follows:
“My Father, you who are me myself, you who are my true Being, I beg you to transport yourself to the Principal Star of the Constellation of Aries, in order to bring the Principal Genie of that Constellation to this humble home, so that he may heal my brain and awaken all the Occult Powers of my head”.
Then, with the hands crossed over the heart, the disciple will make a small bow of the head saluting the Guardian at the right column, inhaling deeply, like a sigh and immediately pronounces the password: ‘Jachin’. Immediately, the disciple will make an identical salute to the Guardian on the left and pronounce the password: ‘Boaz’.
Once again, the disciple will pray to their Intimus as follows:
“My Father, take the 7 sacred steps within, towards the interior of the temple, and kneel down (or prostrate yourself) at the feet of the Principal Genie of Aries, begging him to come and awaken the powers of my brain and to inundate my head with Light”.
Then the disciple pronounces the mantram: AOM.
This mantram is pronounced properly opening the mouth with the vowel “A”, rounding it off with the vowel “O”, and closing it with the letter “M”, like this: AAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM.
This mantram is pronounced 4 times with the intention that the light inundate our entire brain.
Next, the disciple will stand up; extend his right hand forward and move his head forward 7 times, and then backwards 7 times, 7 rotations to the right and then 7 rotations to the left with the intention that the Light inundates and activates within all the glands of the brain.
The Pineal Gland is influenced by Mars and the Pituitary Gland by Venus. The Pituitary Gland produces drowsiness and the Pineal Gland incites us to fight; and in this manner, while Venus wants to sleep, Mars wants to continue fighting.
During this sign, the disciple should vocalize for one hour daily, the vowel ‘I’, like this : IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII…
This vowel will cause your Pineal gland to vibrate and finally you will become Clairvoyant. Developed, the Pineal Gland converts us into Super-Men and Super-Women, and atrophied, it converts us into idiots. It is found developed in the chaste and atrophied in fornicators. Therefore, good disciple, if you want to convert thyself into an angel, thou are totally prohibited from all fornication.
The Pineal Gland is the Window of Brahma: a fountain of accumulation for the Magician and the disciple should practice before going to bed nightly, this other exercise:
Sit on a comfortable chair, for half an hour.
Close your eyes.
Remove all thoughts from your mind.
Then, imagine that the Fire from the Constellation of Aries descends from Heaven and penetrates in Igneous Columns through your Pineal Gland. This gland is situated in the superior portion of the brain and the power to see the Ultra of all things resides in it.
If the disciple carries out the exercises of Aries with tenacity and constancy, then they will become an enlightened clairvoyant. During these exercises, the disciple will be assisted by the hierarchies of Aries and they will awaken their powers and heal their brain with special treatments. The disciple will also be able to use the power of those hierarchies in order to heal others.
Aries is the house of Mars and Mars is the planet of war. The Red Hierarchies of Mars, gave the Astral Body to the human being; Samael is the Supreme Chief of the Astral Plane; he and his warriors.
Meditating daily on the Tattwa Tejas , we activate the Powers of the Astral Body. The Tattwa Tejas or Igneous Ether (Fire) is the causa causorum of all flames. The Astral Plane is the Ardent World.
Fraternally, the Teacher of your class
-Paraphrased from Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
Samael Aun Weor’s Practices for Aries
Practices to Gather the Energy of Aries
1st Exercise
1. Sit comfortably and remain thoughtless for five minutes
2. Then pray to the Intimus or Inner Being:
“My Father, you who are me myself, you who are my true Being, I beg you to transport yourself to the Principal Star of the Constellation of Aries, in order to bring the Principal Genie of that Constellation to this humble home, so that he may heal my brain and awaken all the Occult Powers of my head”.
3. Cross the hands over the heart and Salute the Guardians of the Heart Temple
a. Bow to the right, inhale and then say ‘Jakin’
b. Bow to the left, inhale and then say ‘Boaz’
4. Again pray to the Intimus or Inner Being:
“My Father, take the 7 sacred steps within, towards the interior of the temple, and kneel down or prostrate yourself at the feet of the Principal Genie of Aries, begging him to come and awaken the powers of my brain and to inundate my head with Light”.
5. Then the disciple pronounces the mantram: AOM (4 times).
6. Next, the disciple will stand up; extend his right hand forward and move his head:
a. forward 7 times,
b. and then backwards 7 times,
c. 7 rotations to the right
d. and then 7 rotations to the left
with the intention that the Light inundates and activates within all the glands of the brain.
2nd Exercise
7. During this sign, the disciple should vocalize the vowel “I” for one hour daily. This vowel will cause your pineal gland to vibrate and finally you will become clairvoyant. When developed: this gland converts us into super-men & super-women; and when atrophied: it converts us into idiots. It is found developed in the chaste and atrophied in fornicators.
3rd Exercise
8. The Pineal Gland is the Window of Brahma: a fountain of accumulation for the Magician and the disciple should practice before going to bed nightly, this other exercise:
a. Sit on a comfortable chair, for half an hour.
b. Close your eyes.
c. Remove all thought from your mind.
d. Then, imagine the Fire from the Constellation of Aries descending from heaven and penetrating (in Igneous Columns) through your Pineal Gland. This gland is situated in the superior portion of the brain and the power to see the Ultra of all things resides in it.
If the disciple carries out the exercises of Aries with tenacity and constancy, they will become an enlightened clairvoyant. During these exercises, the disciple will be assisted by the hierarchies of Aries and they will awaken their powers and heal their brain with special treatments. The disciple will also be able to use the power of those hierarchies in order to heal others.
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