Aries 3
The Four States of Consciousness
Imagine for a moment, dear reader, a house with four floors. The poor INTELLECTUAL ANIMAL mistakenly called a Human Being, normally lives on the two lower floors, but never in their life do they use the two superior floors.
The INTELLECTUAL ANIMAL divides their painful and miserable life between run-of-the-mill sleep and the improperly called VIGIL state, which unfortunately is another form of sleep.
While the physical body sleeps in bed, the EGO (enveloped in its LUNAR BODIES) goes around with the consciousness asleep like a sleepwalker moving freely in the ‘molecular region’.
In the ‘molecular region’, the EGO projects its DREAMS and lives in them; no logic, continuity, causes, or effects whatsoever exist in its DREAMS; all the PSYCHIC functions work without direction whatsoever and subjective images, incoherent, vague, imprecise scenes, etc., appear and disappear.
When the EGO (enveloped in its LUNAR BODIES) returns to the PHYSICAL BODY, then comes the second state of consciousness called the VIGIL state, which is (after all) nothing but another form of sleep or dream. When the EGO returns to its PHYSICAL BODY, then the dreams continue in the interior, the so called VIGIL STATE is really a ‘dream while awake’ or DAY-DREAMING.
When the Sun rises, the stars are hidden, but they do not cease to exist; this is how dreams are in the vigil state: they continue secretly, they do not cease to exist. This means that the INTELLECTUAL ANIMAL mistakenly called a HUMAN BEING only lives in the world of dreams. With just reason did the Poet say that “life is a dream”.
The RATIONAL ANIMAL drives cars dreaming, works in the factory, in the office, in the farm, etc., dreaming. The Rational Animal falls in love dreaming and marries dreaming. Rarely, very rarely, in life is the Rational Animal awake, but lives in a world of dreams and firmly believes that he or she is awake.
The Four Gospels demand AWAKENING, but unfortunately, they do not say how to AWAKEN. Before all else, it is necessary to comprehend that one is asleep. When someone fully realizes that they are asleep, then they really enter the path of AWAKENING. Whoever manages to AWAKEN then becomes SELF-CONSCIOUS, acquiring CONSCIOUSNESS of THEMSELVES.
The most serious error of many ignorant PSEUDO-ESOTERCISTS and PSEUDO-OCCULTISTS is that of presuming themselves to be SELF-CONSCIOUS and to believe, furthermore, that everyone is awake, that all people posses SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS.
If all people were to AWAKEN CONSCIOUSNESS, then the Earth would be a paradise. We would not have wars, ‘yours’ or ‘mine’ would not exist, everything would be everyone’s, and we would all live in a Golden Age.
When one AWAKENS CONSCIOUSNESS, when one has SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS, when one acquires CONSCIOUSNESS OF ONESELF, then one really comes to know the TRUTH about oneself. Before reaching the third state of CONSCIOUSNESS (SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS), one really does not known ONESELF, even if one believes one knows oneself.
It is indispensable to acquire the third state of consciousness, climbing to the third floor of the house, before becoming eligible to move on to the fourth floor.
The FOURTH STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS (the FOURTH FLOOR of the house) is really FORMIDABLE. Only one who arrives at OBJECTIVE CONSCIENCE, at the FOURTH STATE, can study things in themselves, the world such as it is.
Whosoever arrives at the fourth floor of the house is without a doubt an ILLUMINATE, and knows (from direct experience) the MYSTERIES OF LIFE AND OF DEATH, possesses WISDOM, and their SPATIAL sense is fully developed.
During the PROFOUND DREAM we can have flashes of the VIGIL STATE. During the VIGIL STATE we can have flashes of SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS. During the STATE OF SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS we can have flashes of OBJECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS.
If we want to arrive at the AWAKENING OF THE CONSCIOUSNESS, at the next floor of the house, SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS, then we have to work with the CONSCIOUSNESS here and now. It is precisely here in this physical world where we should work to AWAKEN CONSCIOUSNESS, whoever awakens here awakens everywhere, in all the dimensions of the Universe.
-Paraphrased from Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
The Esotericism of Aries
The HUMAN ORGANISM is a LIVING ZODIAC and in each of its twelve constellations, the consciousness sleeps profoundly.
It is urgent to awaken the consciousness in each of the twelve parts of the human organism and that is the purpose of the zodiacal exercises.
Aries governs the head;
Taurus, the throat;
Gemini, the arms, legs and lungs;
Cancer, the thymus gland;
Leo, the heart;
Virgo, the belly and intestines;
Libra, the kidneys;
Scorpio, the sexual organs;
Sagittarius, the major femoral arteries;
Capricorn, the knees;
Aquarius, the calves,
Pisces, the feet.It is really lamentable that this living zodiac of the MICRO-COSMIC human being sleeps so profoundly.
On the basis of tremendous SUPER EFFORTS, it becomes indispensable to achieve the AWAKENING OF THE CONSCIOUSNESS in each of our twelve ZODIACAL SIGNS.
Light and Consciousness are two phenomena of a same thing; to a lesser degree of Consciousness, corresponds a lesser degree of light; to a greater degree of Consciousness, a greater degree of light.
We need to AWAKEN CONSCIOUSNESS in order to cause each of the twelve parts of our own MICRO-COSMIC Zodiac to shine and sparkle. Our entire Zodiac should become light and splendor.
The work with our own Zodiac begins precisely with Aries.
The disciple should sit in a comfortable armchair with the mind still and in silence, empty of all kinds of thoughts.
The devotee should close their eyes in order for nothing from the world distract them; imagine that the very pure light of ARIES inundates one’s brain; one should remain in that state of meditation all the time one wants and then one will sing the powerful mantram AUM by opening the mouth properly with the A, rounding it with the U and closing it with the holy M.
The powerful Mantram AUM is, in itself, a TERRIBLY DIVINE creation because it attracts the forces of the very beloved FATHER, of the very adored SON and of the very wise HOLY SPIRIT.
The vowel “A” attracts the forces of the FATHER, the vowel “U” attracts the forces of the SON, the vowel “M” attracts the forces of the HOLY SPIRIT. AUM is a powerful LOGOIC MANTRAM.
The devotee should sing this powerful MANTRAM four times during this exercise of ARIES and then, standing up towards the East, they will extend their right arm forward moving their head forward seven times, seven times backwards, turning it seven times towards the right, turning it seven times towards the left, with the intention that the light of ARIES will work within the brain awakening the pineal and pituitary glands which permit us the perception of the SUPERIOR DIMENSIONS OF SPACE.
It is urgent for the LIGHT OF ARIES to develop within our brain, awakening our CONSCIOUSNESS, developing the secret powers contained in the PITUITARY and PINEAL GLANDS.
ARIES is the symbol of RA, RAMA, the lamb. By properly singing the powerful MANTRAM RA, one causes the spinal fires and the seven magnetic centers of the dorsal spine to vibrate.
ARIES is a zodiacal sign of fire; it possesses a formidable energy and the MICRO-COSMIC HUMAN BEING captures it in accordance with their manner of thinking, feeling and acting.
HITLER, who was a native of ARIES, utilized this type of energy in a destructive manner; nonetheless, we should recognize that in the beginning, before committing the craziness of launching humanity into the second world war, he utilized the energy of ARIES in a constructive manner, elevating the level of living for the GERMAN PEOPLE.
Through direct experience we have been able to verify that the natives of ARIES quarrel frequently with their spouse.
The natives of ARIES have a marked tendency to argue, they are very quarrelsome by nature. They feel capable of embarking on great enterprises and carrying them to a good conclusion. There exists in the natives of ARIES the serious defect of wanting to always utilize the willpower in an egotistical manner, HITLER style, in an ANTI-SOCIAL and destructive manner.
The natives of ARIES like independent living, but many of them prefer the military and in the latter there is no independence. Pride, self-confidence, ambition and a truly crazy courage prevail in the character of the natives of ARIES.
The metal of ARIES is IRON; the stone is RUBY; the color is RED; the element is FIRE.
Marriage with people of LIBRA is favorable with the natives of ARIES because fire and air comprehend each other very well. If the natives of ARIES want to be happy in marriage, they should put an end to the defect of anger.
-Paraphrased from Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
Another Version of Samael Aun Weor’s Aries Practice
1. The disciple should sit in a comfortable armchair with the mind still and in silence, empty of all kinds of thoughts.
2. The devotee should close their eyes (in order for nothing from the world distract them) and imagine that the very pure light of ARIES is inundating their brain. One should remain in that state of meditation for however long one wants.
3. Then one will sing the powerful mantram AUM 4 times (which is pronounced AOM), by opening the mouth properly with the A, rounding it with the O and closing it with the holy M. This mantram is a Terribly Divine creation because it attracts the forces of the very beloved FATHER, of the very adored SON and of the very wise HOLY SPIRIT.
Note: The vowel “A” attracts the forces of the FATHER, the vowel “O” attracts the forces of the SON, the vowel “M” attracts the forces of the HOLY SPIRIT. AUM is a powerful LOGOIC MANTRAM.
4. Stand up towards the East, extend the right arm forward
a. moving the head forward seven times & seven times backwards,
b. turning it seven times towards the right & turning it seven times towards the left,
with the intention that the light of Aries will work within the brain awakening the pineal and pituitary glands which permit us the perception of the Superior Dimensions of Space.
It is urgent for the Light of Aries to develop within our brain, awakening our CONSCIOUSNESS, developing the secret powers contained in the Pituitary and Pineal Glands.
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