“The pineal gland is situated in the posterior part of the brain. This small gland is only five millimeters in diameter. A very important, fine, sand-like tissue surrounds it.

The pineal gland is a small tissue of a red-grayish color. This small gland is intimately related with the sexual organs. The pineal gland secretes certain hormones that regulate the whole process of evolution and the development of the sexual organs.

Conventional science assures us that after these hormones have achieved their purpose, then this gland degenerates into a fibrous tissue. They state that after the total development of the sexual organs, the pineal gland is no longer capable of secreting any hormones.

Descartes assured us that this gland is the “seat of the soul”. Asians assure us that this gland is an atrophied third eye. When the medical science of the western world discovered that this gland is only a red-grayish tissue situated in the posterior part of the brain, then it rejected the affirmation of Descartes and of the east. It would have been better not to have created scientific dogmas and to have studied instead all the concepts in an eclectic and DIDACTIC form.

The yogis of India assure us that the pineal gland is the window of Brahma, the diamond eye, the eye of Polyvoyance, that through some special training gives us the perception of the ultra. Western science should study these concepts of eastern Yoga, since western science is not the only authority on science. It is urgent also to study eastern science. We need a complete, integral culture.

The microscope allows us to perceive objectively that which is infinitely small. The telescope allows us to see the infinitely large. If the pineal gland allows us to see the ultra of all things, then we should study eastern Yoga and develop that wonderful gland.

The yogis of India have practices through which one can obtain a special superfunction of the pineal gland. Then we perceive the ultra. To deny this affirmation of eastern YOGA is not scientific. It is necessary to study and analyze.

The eastern sages say that sexual potency depends on the potency of the pineal gland. Now we can explain to ourselves the scientific basis of chastity. There is no doubt that all the great Biblical prophets were great pinealists. Scientific chastity combined with certain practices permitted them to see the ultra of nature.

GNOSTICS state that the atom of the holy spirit is found within the pineal gland. Biology is resolved to investigate all these things.

The easterners affirm that in the pineal gland is found the lotus flower of a thousand petals. There is no doubt that this is the crown of saints. Human beings of great intelligence have their pineal gland highly developed. It has been discovered that the pineal glands of cretins are atrophied.

The great phenomena through which the masses become fascinated, so common in India, is only possible when the AUTHENTIC FAKIR has the pineal gland full of great vigor.

The blood directly absorbs the secretions of the endocrine glands. The blood bears all the secretions of the endocrine glands to other organs and glands that are then forced to be pushed in a major effort to more intense work.

The word hormone comes from a greek word that means “to excite”. Indeed, the hormones have the power of exciting the whole organism and of obligating it to work. The secretions of the endocrine glands also have influence over the mind.

We now see why the Hindustani dedicate themselves to controling the mind. Through our mind we can regulate our hormonal functions. Some Hindustani sages have remained buried for many months without dying. Biology cannot remain indifferent to all this. Biologists need to investigate all these wonders of Asia.

Mr. Emmanuel Kant admits that there is a “nissus formativus” to our physical body. The eastern sages believe that the “nissus formativus” is a fluidic body that is in contact with the autonomic nervous system and with the liquid central nervous system. There is no doubt that this fluidic body is the protoplasmic astral body mentioned by medieval doctors.

The human mind and all those purely psychic principles are within the astral body. The senses of this astral body seem to bloom like lotus flowers from the very essence of the endocrine glands. The lotus of a thousand petals mentioned by yogis of India is a psychic sense of the Astral body.

The special development of the pineal gland allows us to perceive the astral body and its psychic senses like lotus flowers blooming from the endocrine glands. Medical science plays with the mechanism of phenomena, yet it does not know its vital depth. The special development of the pineal gland allows us to see the very vital depth.”

Paraphrase from Ch. 1 ‘The Pineal Gland’ in
Fundamental Notions of Endocrinology and Criminology by Samael Aun Weor



“The pituitary gland is very small. Biology affirms that this gland is just the size of a pea and that it marvelously hangs from the very base of the brain and harmoniously rests over the sphenoid bone.

We find a marvelous trinity related with this gland. The law of the triangle rules everything created. Indeed, three parts, two lobes and a middle, form the pituitary gland. Behold, here is the triangle, the marvelous law of all creation.

Biologists believe that life is absolutely impossible without the anterior or posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. The anterior lobe of this gland is in charge of administering the size of the structure of the cellular community.

Well, now: we must know that within this administration there is also regulation and control. This is the only way we can explain to ourselves how life becomes impossible without the frontal lobes of the pituitary gland. The hyperfunction of the anterior lobe of the pituitary originates gigantic human beings. When the function of the anterior lobe is insufficient, then dwarves are the outcome.

Therefore, it is logical to suppose that without the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, life would be impossible, since this gland regulates the size of the structure of the cellular community. Some forms of idiocy and blindness are also due to some abnormalities of the frontal lobe of the pituitary.

The function of the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland is to wonderfully invigorate the involuntary muscles of the organism. The secretion of the pituitary also effects the excretion of water from the kidneys. Doctors use the pituitary to aid them in cases of difficult birth.

Master H. P. Blavatsky stated that the pituitary gland is the page (or servant) and light bearer of the pineal gland. The Doctor Krumm-Heller (professor of medicine at the University of Berlin) stated that between the pituitary and pineal glands there is a small, very subtle channel or capillary. This channel or capillary is not found in dead bodies. Thus, these two glands are found connected by this fine channel.

There is no doubt whatsoever about electrobiology and the bioelectromagnetic forces. Why then, is a bioelectromagnetic interchange between the pineal and pituitary glands not accepted? The time has come to start analyzing all mystical sensory and psychosomatic possibilities without fanaticisms, prejudices and dogmatisms.

The Yogis of Hindustan state that the lotus of two petals sprouts from the pituitary gland. The Western scientists, instead of laughing at these affirmations, should study them profoundly. To laugh at what we do not know is not scientific.

That lotus flower is found situated in the Astral body exactly between the eyebrows. The sages of Hindustan give these lotus flowers the name of chakras. The Yogis assure us that the pituitary chakra makes us clairvoyant. In the holy land of the Vedas there are many secret practices for the development of clairvoyance.

The Hindustani state that these chakras have eight major and thirty-six minor powers. The clairvoyant can perceive the ultra of nature. The clairvoyant can perceive the fourth dimension, and the clairvoyant can also perceive the Astral body. All the psychic and spiritual principles of the human being are found within the Astral body.

Glandular energetics cannot be denied by biologists. The bio-electro-magnetic interchange of the pineal and pituitary glands makes us clairvoyant. There seems to be a certain relationship between copper atoms and the pituitary gland.

Some sages utilize the element copper to develop clairvoyance. Nostradamus remained for hours gazing at the waters contained inside a receptacle of pure copper. This wise physician made prophecies that have come true with exactitude over time.

The astrologists assure us that Venus influences the pituitary gland, and Venus also influences copper. Only this way can we comprehend the intimate relationship between copper and the pituitary gland.

… we need to be less dogmatic and more studious. We need to be more eclectic and more didactic.

The pituitary gland secretes seven types of hormones. The value of the pituitary gland in obstetrics is incalculable. Dr. George Adoum (famous Gnostic writer and great master of Major Mysteries of the White Lodge) stated that the atom of the Cosmic Christ is found within the pituitary gland while the atom of the Father is found within the magnetic field at the root of the nose.

Biology analyzes and studies the scientific concepts of all sages. Biology came from the horrible materialism of the eighteenth century, thus now it is starting to study all the physical, psychic, and spiritual potencies of the internal secretions of the glands.”

Paraphrase from Ch. 2 ‘The Pituitary Gland’ in
Fundamental Notions of Endocrinology and Criminology by Samael Aun Weor



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