The twenty-second and last letter of the Hebrew alphabet is ת (Tav or Tau) who’s numeric significance is 400 and its kabalistic significance is 22. There are many ways of representing this letter/sign, some of which were used in the ancient world, here are some examples:
The following information is from 3 books: The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of the Tarot and Kabalah, Esoteric Course of Kabalah, and Manual of Practical Magic, all by Samael Aun Weor. Some of the information is repeated, but is presented here so that there is a single place to find all relevant material.
Here we have the Holy and Mysterious TETRAGRAMMATON, the Holy Four.
-From Ch.108 of The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of the Tarot and Kabalah by Samael Aun Weor
2. Every person that reads this book and repudiates it, it is because he or she is a Black Magician.
3. Every student of Occultism who repudiates it, it is because they are a Black Magician.
4. Every association of fornicators is Black Magic.
5. JEHOVAH prohibits fornication and every person who disobeys the commandments of the Lord JEHOVAH is a Black Magic.
6. Our single disciples of both sexes can transmute their sexual energy with the OLIN RUNE.
7. In a firm footed position the disciple will do several inhalations and exhalations rhythmically.
8. As they inhale air they should unite their Imagination and Willpower in vibrant harmony in order to make the sexual energy rise through the two ganglionic cords of the Medulla until it reaches the brain, between the eyebrows, the throat and the heart, respectively.
9. Then the disciple will exhale their breath, firmly imagining that the sexual energy is fixed on the heart.
10. When exhaling their breath, the disciple will vocalize the Mantram “THORN” in this manner:
11. In this way our disciples who are single, of both sexes, can transmute their sexual energy
12. The sexual energies are also transmuted with the esthetic sense, with love of music, sculpture and with great walks, etc.
13. The single person who does not want to have sexual problems should be absolutely pure in thought, in word and in deed.
14. With the exercise of the OLIN RUNE we should carry out several movements of the arms.
15. The disciple should place their right hand on the waist.
16. They will extend both hands towards the left, the left hand slightly more elevated than the right, the arms stretched to form an acute angle with the trunk.
17. They will then place both hands on the waist.
18. I, SAMAEL AUN WEOR, the authentic and legitimate AVATAR of the new ERA OF AQUARIUS, declare that all the sciences of the Universe are reduced to Kabbalah and Alchemy.
19. Whosoever wants to be a Magician has to be an Alchemist and a Kabbalist.
20. Whosoever wants to have the Universal Medicine has to be an Alchemist and a Kabbalist.
21. There are Black Magicians such as the terrible and monstrous Persival Krumm-Heller and like the so-called ‘Cherenzi’, who teach their disciples a negative Sexual Magic, during which they spill their seminal liquor.
22. These phallic cults were practiced by the evil Cananean Black Magicians and by the sorcerers from Cartago, Lyre and Sidon.
23. The negative Sexual Magic of Persival and of Cherenzi forms part of the Tantric cults of the Cananeans.
24. That negative Sexual Magic of Persival and of Cherenzi was practiced by the Lemurian-Atlantean Black Magicians in order to ingratiate themselves with demons.
25. Those cities were reduced to dust and all those evil ones entered the abyss.
26. When the human being spills their hermetic cup, then they gather millions of demonic atoms from the submerged worlds, which infect our Brahmanic Cord and sink us within our own atomic infernos.
27. With positive Sexual Magic the three breaths of pure Akash remain reinforced.
28. However, if the human being spills their seminal liquor through the spasm, then those three breaths will make the Kundalini descend downwards towards the atomic infernos of the human being.
29. That is the tail of Satan.
30. No disciple should spill even a single drop of their seminal liquor.
31. Here I deliver to humanity the key to all the empires of Heaven and Earth.
32. Here I deliver to humanity the key to all the powers and the key to all the empires of Heaven and Earth because I do not want to see this sad anthill of humanity suffer so much any more.
33. I, after studying all the spiritualist libraries of the world, have arrived at the logical conclusion that everything is reduced to Numbers and to Alchemy.
34. One does not gain anything by stuffing one’s head with so many theories.
35. All these millions of volumes that have been written on Theosophism, Spiritism, Rosicrucianism, Magnetism, Hypnotism, Suggestion, etc., has only served to make people into lunatics.
36. All the spiritualist schools are filled with eccentric people.
37. In the spiritualist schools we see the greatest variety in types of lunacy.
38. Theories fill people with lunacy.
39. Among the spiritualist ranks, many let their hair and beard grow and think that with that they will become gods.
40. In the spiritualist currents there abound the most varied types of mental imbalance.
41. Really, the only thing that is useful to one, in life, is to have a good spouse and to practice Sexual Magic every day.
42. We should live life intensely, with rectitude and with love.
43. We should earn our daily bread with the sweat of our brow and be good citizens.
44. With the practical teachings that I have delivered to my disciples in this “Manual of Practical Magic”, each of you can convert yourselves into a true, ineffable GOD.
45. I, SAMAEL AUN WEOR, am a Logos from preceding Mahamanvantaras and therefore, I have the sufficient authority to speak about these things.
46. Living life with rectitude and with love, our disciples go on receiving their Initiations in the internal worlds.
47. All the books that have been written on spiritualism are filled with contradictions.
48. All of them say the same thing.
49. All of them contradict themselves.
50. Some authors contradict others, and an author contradicts him- or herself every five minutes.
51. In the end, the poor reader ends their life as an eccentric, full of mental imbalances.
52. I, SAMAEL AUN WEOR, swear in the name of the most Beloved FATHER. In the name of the most Adored SON and in the name of the most Wise HOLY SPIRIT, that whosoever practices the teachings of this “Manual of Practical Magic” will transform themselves into a terribly Divine GOD of the UNIVERSE.
-Paraphrase from Ch.22 of Manual of Practical Magic by Samael Aun Weor,
available in Magic, Alchemy, and the Great Work
The Twenty Second Arcanum: ARCANUM 22
To find faithful people in these studies is difficult.
All those who enter into Gnosis want to develop occult powers immediately and this is serious. People believe that the path of realization is like playing football or like playing Tennis. People have still not learned how to be serious.
Commonly, people enter into these studies with the longing to acquire powers within a few months, and when they realize that they need patience and hard work, they then desperately leave in search of another school. This is how they waste their life away, fleeing from School to School, from Lodge to Lodge, from Institution to Institution until they get old and die without ever having achieved absolutely anything. This is Humanity. One can count those who are truly serious and truly prepared for practical adepthood on the fingers of the hands.
BELOVED DISCIPLES: You need to develop each one of the TWENTY-TWO MAJOR ARCANA OF THE TAROT within yourselves. You are IMITATUS, or rather, one whom others have put on the PATH OF THE RAZOR’S EDGE. Exert yourself to become ADEPTUS, one who is the product of their own deeds, one who conquers the Science by themselves, the Child of their own Work.
GNOSIS teaches three steps that anyone who works in the Flaming Forge of Vulcan has to pass through, these are: PURIFICATION, ILLUMINATION, AND PERFECTION.
It so happens that curious people who enter into our Gnostic studies want illumination, astral projections, faculties of Clairvoyance, practical Magic, etc., and when they do not achieve this immediately, they withdraw.
No one can achieve illumination without having previously purified themselves, only those who have achieved Purification and Sanctity can enter into the hall of Illumination. There are also many curious students (they enter into our studies purely out of curiosity) who want to immediately be wise. Paul of Tarsus stated: “WE SPEAK WISDOM AMONG THOSE THAT ARE PERFECT” [1st Corinthians 2:6]. Only those who achieve the third step are Perfect, and only among them can Divine Wisdom be spoken of.
In the old Egypt of the Pharaohs they knew these steps of the Path; within Occult Masonry they are called: APPRENTICES, COMPANIONS, AND MASTERS. Candidates remained in the degree of Apprentice for seven years and sometimes longer; only when the HIEROPHANTS were completely sure of the Purification and Sanctity of the Candidates were they then able to pass them to the second stage.
The first faculty that the Candidate develops is the one related with the degree of listener or ‘auditor’, the faculty of Clairaudience and occult hearing.
Really, Illumination begins only after seven years of Apprenticeship; nonetheless, Students believe that spiritual faculties are going to be immediately developed and when they realize that this subject matter is serious, then they flee; this is the sad reality, it is very rare to find someone who is prepared for Adepthood.
The Intimus is not the CROWN OF LIFE. It has three profundities and these are beyond the Intimus. The crown of Life is our Resplendent Dragon of Wisdom, our Internal Christ.
The first profundity is the origin of life, the second is the origin of the word, and the third is the origin of the sexual force. These three profundities of the resplendent Dragon of wisdom, are beyond the Intimus. The latter must be sought within the unknowable profundities of oneself.
The three profundities of the RESPLENDENT DRAGON of Wisdom Emanated from a mathematical point, this is the Ain Soph, the Interior Atomic Star that has always smiled upon us; the Holy Trinity emanated from this interior star; the three profundities will return and fuse with this Interior Star. The number 22 is Kabalistically added as follows: 2 plus 2 equals: 4 [2 + 2 = 4]. The Holy three emanates from the Interior Star, the three plus its interior star is the Holy Four, the Mysterious TETRAGRAMMATON, the YOD HEH VAU HEH [ יהוה ].
Now we comprehend why the twenty-second Arcanum is the crown of life.
Blessed be the one who incarnates the Spirit of Wisdom. The Buddhas who do not renounce Nirvana can never Incarnate the COSMIC CHRIST. The Cosmic Christ is beyond the Inner Buddha. Our Inner Buddha has to seek the Cosmic Christ within its own unknowable profundities. He [the Cosmic Christ] is the Glorian, the incessant eternal breath profoundly unknowable to itself, the Ray that joins us to the Abstract Absolute Space.
The Hieroglyphic of Arcanum twenty-two is the Crown of Life between the four mysterious animals of Sexual Alchemy, in the middle of the Crown, truth is seen represented as a naked Woman who has a wand in each hand (THE PRIEST AND THE PRIESTESS).
We can INCARNATE THE TRUTH only by working in the Flaming Forge of Vulcan, Sexual Alchemy.
The ARK had four cherubim who touched each other with their wings and were in the attitude of the Man and the Woman during the Sexual act. Found inside the Ark were the blossoming Rod of Aaron, the cup of Gomor containing the manna and the two tablets of the Law, and the Manna contained in the cup of Gomor was the number 4 resulting from the inward addition of the 22 [2+2=4].
The first duty of any Gnostic is to be sure that the LODGE is protected. During the degree of Apprentice, the attention is focused especially on the Astral Plane. The INTERNAL LODGE must be protected, the Astral body must be cleaned of animal passions and of all types of desires.
In the second Degree the mental Lodge must be protected, worldly thoughts must be cast out of the Temple. It is necessary to protect the INTERIOR LODGE very well, so that Doctrines, persons, Demons, and things do not penetrate inside the Internal Sanctuary to sabotage the GREAT WORK.
In practical life, we may see that students (apparently very serious) when they became careless, when they could not protect their own Interior Lodge, were invaded by people and strange Doctrines; often times they continue working in the FLAMING FORGE OF VULCAN, but they mixed many different methods and systems; the result of all of this was a true Tower of Babel, a barbaric confusion whose only purpose was to bring disorder into the INTERIOR LODGE OF THE CONSCIOUSNESS. Therefore, it is necessary to have the interior Lodge, the authentic School of Intimate Self Education, in perfect order.
We are absolutely sure that only one door and only one way exists: Sex, everything that is not through this way is just a miserable waste of time. We are not against any Religion, School, Sect, Order, etc., nonetheless, we firmly know that inside our Individual Interior Lodge we must have order, so that we avoid confusion and error.
We have accomplished this endeavor and we feel satisfaction, since we have served humanity and ourselves. To present a work of such magnitude, encourages us and prepares us for new endeavors. Humanity has never liked the doctrine of the Gnostics.
Hence, the substantial content of this work is for a more advanced humanity, because the people of this barbaric epoch are not capable of understanding these things. We hope that you, friend, as a good reader, know how to find in this treasure that now is in your hands, the happiness, the joy and the Peace that we all want for all beings. However, if you despise it by not finding in it something that entices you within: do not be selfish, think about the one next to you who might need it.
-From Ch.22 of Esoteric Course of Kabalah by Samael Aun Weor
Description of the Card of the 22nd Arcanum: “RETURN”
A woman who represents Truth is playing a harp, plucking the Sexual Lyre of 9 strings in order to find the key note. In the superior part the 4 Gods of Death: Mestha, Hapi, Duamutef, and Kebhsennuf, representing the 4 elements of Earth, Water, Fire and Air. The 4 mysterious animals of Sexual Alchemy.
Above the 4 Gods of Death we find The Sacred Serpent which illuminates the Sphere of Ra which is granted to the Osirian Adept, Child of the Light.
-From Ch.22 of The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of the Tarot and Kabalah by Samael Aun Weor
You are “Imitatus”, or rather, one whom others have placed upon the Path of the Razor’s Edge, strive to achieve the state of “Adeptus”, one who is a product of their own works, one who conquers the Science for themselves, the Child of their own Work. YOU MUST ACHIEVE THE DEGREE OF ADEPTUS, LEAVING BEHIND THE ANIMAL STATE, ACQUIRING CONSCIOUSNESS.
Gnosis teaches the three stages through which everyone working in the Fiery Forge of Vulcan must pass, these are:
The curious who enter into our Gnostic Studies want immediate ILLUMINATION, Astral Unfolding, Clairvoyance, Practical Magic, etc. And when they do not attain this they leave immediately. No one can achieve Illumination without first having purified themselves, only those who have attained Purification, Sanctity, may enter the chamber of Illumination.
There also exist many students who enter our studies for reasons of pure curiosity and want to be sages immediately. Paul of Tarsus says: “Amongst the perfected we speak Wisdom.” [1st Cor. 2:6] Only they who reach the Third Stage are Perfected, only amongst them may Divine Wisdom be spoken.
In the old Egypt of the Pharaohs, within Occult Masonry, these three stages of the path are:

The Crown of Life is our Resplendent Dragon of Wisdom, the “Internal Christ”. From the Ain Soph, the Interior Atomic Star which has always smiled upon us and emanates the Holy Trinity.
Arcanum 22 added kabalistically gives us: 2 + 2 = 4 (TETRAGRAMMATON). The result is the Holy Four, the mysterious Tetragrammaton, the YOD-HEH-VAU-HEH [ יהוה ]; Man, Woman, Fire and Water; Man, Woman, Phallus, Uterus.
You will now comprehend why Arcanum 22 is the CROWN OF LIFE. Revelations says:
The prison is the PRISON OF PAIN and the 10 days are the tribulations whilst you are submitted to the Wheel of Returns and Karma. Whosoever receives the Crown of Life is liberated from the Wheel of Returns, Recurrence and Karma.
The Crown of Life is Triune, having three aspects:
The CROWN OF LIFE is the Sun-Man, the Sun-King so celebrated by the Emperor Julian. The CROWN OF LIFE is our incessant Eternal Breath, profoundly unknown to itself, the Particular Ray of each man, The Christ. The Crown of Life is Kether, Chokmah and Binah (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). Whosoever is faithful unto death receives THE CROWN OF LIFE.
In the Banquette of the Lamb, the faces of all those Saints who have it Incarnated shine like suns of love. The immaculate white mantel is stained with the royal blood of the Immolated Lamb.
Whosoever does not overcome will be divorced from the Beloved and will sink to the Abyss. They who enter the abyss will pass through the Second Death. The Demons of the Abyss disintegrate slowly, during many eternities. These Souls are lost. Whosoever overcometh will not be hurt by the Second Death.
When we receive the Crown of Life, the Verb is made flesh in each one of us. Every Saint who attains the Venustic Initiation receives the Crown of Life. Our most beloved Savior Jesus Christ attained the Venustic Initiation in the Jordan.
He is the Savior because he has brought us the Crown of Life and has given his blood for us. We need to reach the Supreme Annihilation of the “I” in order to receive the Crown of Life. We need to revive the Lamb within ourselves. We need the RESURRECTION OF EASTER.
-From Ch.22 of The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of the Tarot and Kabalah by Samael Aun Weor
Without a doubt, this deserves to be studied profoundly, let us remember The Crown of the Saints. In the Pineal Gland there exists the Church of the Laodicea, in the time of the Hyperboreans there was a Virgin with that name who bore the offerings to Delos or Delphi, of Ancient Greece.
This Arcanum represents a crown with many radiations, this is the SAHASRARA CHAKRA, situated in the Pineal Gland. When the Sacred Fire of Kundalini reaches the Pineal Gland, it puts that 1,000 petalled lotus in movement.
In looking at the matter more profoundly, we must know that Mother Kundalini marries the Holy Spirit in the Pineal Gland. The Holy Spirit is the Third Logos, or Vulcan of Greek Mythology; in Tibetan, it is the Mahachoan. The Kundalini develops, evolves and progresses within the Aura of the Mahachoan.
So it is then in the Pineal Gland that the Sacred Tattwa of Shiva-Shakti vibrates intensely, that is to say, the Divine Mother Kundalini and the Third Logos. (Tattwa is the vibration of Ether.) Absolute Sanctity cannot be attained until completely finishing with the Three Traitors who assassinated Hiram Abiff, who is the Master-builder of the Temple of Solomon.
1: JUDAS IS THE DEMON OF DESIRE. He is a terribly perverse demon; which is what the whole world has within themselves; and all of us are demons. To stop being so corresponds to the Initiatic Mysteries. We have to begin by recognizing that we are demons.
2: PILATE IS THE DEMON OF THE MIND. He is the one who always washes his hands and continues on washing them.
The Will of the Father is done:
If we do something “crooked” or wrong, it is not the Will of the Father.
In conclusion, one must totally eliminate the Ego, so that there does not remain a single Subjective Element within, and be of Pure Spirit as Gautama the Buddha, who for this reason was called the Great Illuminate; and to attain this, one must pay and the price of this is life itself.
The vanities of the world must be forgotten, and one must dedicate one self to the Great Work; to work and work and work until attaining it. This is not a question of Evolution or Involution, which are two Cosmic Laws of Nature.
One must fabricate the Solar Bodies and dissolve the Ego; I speak to you from experience, not from theory. I know the Egyptian Mysteries, the Tibetan Mysteries, the Mysteries of Lemuria because I was on the continent of Mu, the Hyperborean Mysteries. If one explains the Path it is so that it may be followed. Only with aptitude may one teach.
-From Ch.44 of The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of the Tarot and Kabalah by Samael Aun Weor
SYNTHESIS of Arcanum 22:
There are Black Magicians who teach their disciples Negative Sexual Magic, during which they ejaculate the Seminal Liquor. Those Phallic Cults were practiced by the evil Black Magicians of Canaan, by the Sorcerers of Carthage, of Tyre and of Sidon, the Lemurian-Atlantean Black Magicians practiced it in order to ingratiate themselves with the Demons. Those cities were reduced to dust and all of those evil ones entered the Abyss.
When a human being spills the Cup of Hermes, then he or she takes in millions of Demonic Atoms from the submerged worlds which infect the Brahmanic cord and this submerges us within our own Atomic Infernos.
The Three Breaths of Pure Akash are reinforced with Sexual Magic. However, if the human being spills the seminal liquor, then those Three Breaths will cause the Kundalini to descend, to be directed downwards, towards the Atomic Infernos of the Human Being. That is the Tail of Satan.
No disciple should ever spill even a single drop of that Cup. I give here to humanity the key of all the empires of Heaven and of the Earth. Because I DO NOT WISH TO SEE THIS UNHAPPY HUMAN SWARM SUFFERING SO MUCH.
-From Ch.44 of The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of the Tarot and Kabalah by Samael Aun Weor
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