Part 1 – Impressions and Self-Remembering
Three types of Food or Nourishment and Impressions
There are three kinds of nourishment that vary in their category, class or type.
We can call the first “Diet” (or ‘Food’) which enters through the mouth. If it was not for the stomach, then the transformation (as digestion) of the first type of nourishment would not be possible.
The second kind of nourishment is Prana (or ‘Air’), which enters our physical body through the nose as air. Through the lungs, the air of life is naturally transformed into oxygen, and that oxygen is subsequently deposited throughout the bloodstream, in the blood.
And finally, there is a third class of nourishment that is even more important: Impressions, which we receive through the senses. Our organism is nourished, very especially, by impressions. We cannot live one second without receiving impressions…
If the air did not make an impression on our lungs and on our blood, then we would not live; if masticated food failed to impress the stomach and intestinal tracts, we would not be able to live either. So, impressions are fundamental.
Unfortunately, unlike breathing and digestion, we do not have an organ to transform sensory impressions.
An “Impression” is, for example, what you eat, what you drink, what comes into your Mind through the senses. All of that is “Impressions”.
All events in life come to the Mind in the form of Impressions, all events come into the brain (the physical vehicle of the mind) in the form of impressions.Any circumstance, any event, no matter how insignificant, comes into the mind in the form of impressions.
The brain does not have the power to transform Impressions, it leaves them untransformed, that is why they become Egos or psychic aggregates.
For example, if we do not “digest” the bad impression that we receive from an insulter, then that impression becomes an “I” of revenge within us.
If we do not “digest” the impression that a cup of wine gives us, obviously that impression becomes the “I” of drunkenness.
If we do not “digest” the impression caused by a person of the opposite sex, unquestionably for the same reason that impression would become an “I” of lust.
If we do not “digest” the impression that comes into the mind related to wealth, obviously that impression can become an “I” of greed.
So, not “digesting” impressions is equivalent to creating “I’s”; that is to say, undigested impressions become new “I’s”, new Egos.
So not only do we have the “I’s” that we already have (those that we bring from previous lives), but what is worse: we are creating new “I’s” every day, and that is unfortunate.
To stop creating new “I’s” is indispensable. But that is only possible by “digesting” the sensory impressions. How? By means of the Consciousness.
If we interpose that which is called “Consciousness” between the Impressions and the Mind, then the Impressions can be “digested” into food or nourishment for the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being.
-paraphrase of “Asimilación Inteligente de las Impresiones”
translated as “The Intelligent Assimilation of Impressions” and
“Three Types of Food, Impressions, and How Egos Are Made and Destroyed”
Understanding how Impressions create new Egos
Normally, impressions hurt the Mind, and the Mind then reacts against the impact from the outside world. Normally: if they hit us, then we hit back; if they insult us, we insult them back; if they invite us to drink, we have a drink (or a few), etc.; the Mind always reacts against the impacts from the outside world.
We must avoid such reactions, and that is possible exclusively by interposing the Consciousness between the Mind and the Impressions.
Because when the Consciousness receives Impressions, it inevitably “digests” them, and transforms them into something else. But the Mind reacts against the impacts coming from the external world, and it reacts violently, mechanically.
So how, then, do we use the Consciousness? The key is very simple: Never forget our Self, our own Being.
If one forgets one’s own Inner Being in the presence of an insulter, one ends up insulting. If one forgets one’s Self, one’s own Being, in the presence of a glass of wine, one ends up drunk. If one forgets one’s Self, one’s own Being in the presence of a person of the opposite sex, one ends up fornicating.
When one learns to live in a state of Alert-Perception, Alert Novelty, when one remembers one’s Self from instant to instant, from moment to moment, when one never forgets one’s Self, then one undoubtedly becomes Conscious [or “Self cognizant”].
Then one transforms those perverse impressions… one transforms the words of the insulter into a different Force.
So “not forgetting your Self” is the key that allows us to intelligently manage the Consciousness.When one does not forget oneself, then that which is called “Consciousness” interposes itself between the Mind and the Impressions.
It is a beautiful thing when the Consciousness receives the Impressions which come from the outside World, because then the Consciousness can transform them into something different: into Creative Elements, into Superlative Elements for the Being, into Diamantine Forces that serve for the development of the chakras, into multiple Forces that serve for the development of certain Powers in our internal constitution.
It is therefore necessary to know that all the “I’s” that we currently have are the outcome of undigested, untransformed Impressions, and this is regrettable.
Unfortunately, people never remember their Self; That is why impressions reach our mind and remain like that, completely untransformed, giving rise (of course) to the psychic aggregates (our defects), our “I’s”.
It is necessary to dissolve the “I’s”, but it is also necessary not to create more “I’s”.
-paraphrase of “Asimilación Inteligente de las Impresiones”
translated as “The Intelligent Assimilation of Impressions” and
“Three Types of Food, Impressions, and How Egos Are Made and Destroyed”
Transformation as the Key to Life and to Liberation
Self-Remembering is an interesting thing. When one remembers one’s Self, one originates Forces totally different from those of one’s neighbors: Forces that make one a completely different individual, different from others.
It is interesting to know, then, that for those who create such Forces: even their Powers of Life are multiplied.
If we place two subjects in an inhospitable place, with a bad diet, a bad environment, etc. (the one who never remembers the Self, who lives a mechanical life, and the other, who always remembers the Self from moment to moment, who is always remembering one’s own Being, who never forgets the Intimate Being), then you can be absolutely sure that the first would soon die and the second would live despite the inhospitable environment, because that one is surrounded by different Forces than those of the others…
The whole problem of Liberation is based upon Transformation, and Transformation is based upon Sacrifice.
Ostensibly, sacrifice clearly means the deliberate clairvoyant choice of a superior quality over an inferior one.The coal consumed by the locomotive is cruelly sacrificed to the power of movement, which is so indispensable to transport passengers.
In reality, sacrifice is a transmutation of forces.
Energy, latent in coal, offered on the altar of the locomotive, is transformed into the dynamic energy of steam by means of the proper instruments.
There is a mechanism, that is psychological and cosmic at the same time, which every act of sacrifice brings into play and through which it is transformed into spiritual energy; this, in turn, can be applied to various other mechanisms and can reappear in the planes of form, as a kind of integral force, and that is absolutely different from what it originally was.
For instance, a man could sacrifice his emotions for his career, or a woman could sacrifice her career for her emotions.
Some people are willing to sacrifice their mundane pleasures for the joys of the spirit.
Nevertheless, it is very rare for someone to be willing to renounce their own sufferings, to sacrifice them for something superior.
Again, the whole problem of Liberation is based upon Transformation, and Transformation is based upon Sacrifice.Observe that all of life is transformation. Thanks to the infinite transformations that take place within the maternal womb, the human organism can be formed.
If we observe, for example, an egg (be it a snake or a bird egg), we see there latent possibilities, capable of development. Such possibilities become fact through transformation.
The fire in the fireplace, the one that warms us during winter days, is the outcome of transformation. Digestion, in us, is a whole process of transformation through which it is possible to exist.
The transformation of the air inside the lungs is another transformation process, and if we want to transform ourselves psychologically, then we also need to transform sensory Impressions, that is, the third class of nourishment.
Let us repeat: all the events of life (that arrive in the Mind) come in the form of impressions. Are you already in the process of “digestion” or transformation, or not?
How do you go about “digesting” this impression?Well, don’t forget your own Being; pass the impressions to the Being, receiving them with the longing of it arriving with the Being.
If you “digest” the impression, then you comprehend it better.
So, then, it is worth transforming impressions into something different: into Powers, into Light, into Fire, into Harmony, into Beauty…
But, if we do not transform them, then (again) they convert, simply, into new psychic aggregates, into new “I’s”…
We need to be more reflective. Because the way we are, really, as we find ourselves, without “digesting” impressions, creating new Defects from second to second, from moment to moment, we are nothing more than simple machines controlled by psychic aggregates.
-paraphrase of “Asimilación Inteligente de las Impresiones”
translated as “The Intelligent Assimilation of Impressions” and
“Three Types of Food, Impressions, and How Egos Are Made and Destroyed”
and from Ch. 15 of Secret Doctine of Anahuac by Samael Aun Weor
A Programmed Robot can Act & React, but only the Being can “Do”
We live in a world of great activity, where everyone Believes that they are Doing something and yet nobody Does anything: everything Happens to us, like when it rains, like when it thunders.
Why? Simply because we do not have the Being incarnated.
Only the Being can Do, since the true human is the Being.
But if the machine acts (something that is not the Being), then one is acting like a programmed robot with a wonderful computer called a “brain”, yet, one is acting mechanically.
So one is not Doing, one is Acting.
It is one thing to DO and another to ACT.Any machine acts, moves, walks, fulfills its functions, because it is a machine and has been programmed for its functions; but Doing is something else.
Only a human can Do, and the true human is the Being.
Let us distinguish between the true human (which is the Being), and the machine (which is not the Being).
Let us remember: the “intellectual animal” is a programmed robot and its brain is a wonderful computer, a computer that supports itself; a computer that mathematically calculates, with precise accuracy, what vibrations one needs for a brain surgery; a computer that records visual waves and sound waves, that records the exterior and the interior, and supplies itself.
It is a wonderful, first-class computer, but it is that and nothing more than that: a computer. That computer is provided with a physical organism and uses it to come and go, etc.
Yet, that computer is in the hands of the Ego, and not of the Being; and the ego is the outcome of many undigested impressions.
Therefore, what is at work here (in this painful world we live in) is a machine equipped with a large computer. Here the Being is not Acting, only the machine…
We could say that the machine is a machine, and that the Being is the Being.
NON-IDENTIFICATIONThe human being is a sleeping machine. If you want to awaken from the profound dream in which you live, then DO NOT identify yourself with pleasures, desires, emotions, dramas, and any of the scenes of your life, etc.
Call yourself into vigilance with each step, remember good disciple that people are dreaming. Observe people and their dreams, analyze all of those dreams in which humanity lives, but do not identify yourself with those dreams in order for you to awaken.
People believe they are awake because they are not laying down, but they have their consciousness profoundly asleep and dream. Everything that you see among the people is simply dreams.
Remember that Not Identifying oneself with one’s dreams does not mean to abandon your duties as a Father, a Mother or a Son/Daughter, etc.
However, do not get identified. This is how you will awaken from the profound dream in which you live.
-paraphrase of “Asimilación Inteligente de las Impresiones”
translated as “The Intelligent Assimilation of Impressions” and
“Three Types of Food, Impressions, and How Egos Are Made and Destroyed”
and of Ch.12 in Esoteric Course of Kabalah by Samael Aun Weor
The Ego’s Films or Episodes that are Repeating or ‘on Repeat’ (Egoic Projections)
But what is, indeed, that which we call “life”?
It is certainly like a movie, a “film” … yes …
When the time of death arrives, we go then back to the starting point of that movie and take it with us into eternity.
When the film rolls back, when all this Ego returns into a new physical existence, the Ego does so with its film.
When the Ego is restructured with a new physical organism, the Ego then projects its film (once again) onto the screen of its new physical existence.
And what is this film it projects? Its life.
Which life? The same as always, the same as it had in the previous physical existence; that is to say, it repeats the same things that it did in the past physical existence and in the ones before that.
Everything that the ego projects is programmed (from birth) in the brain. In such a manner that we are programmed robots.
The Being does not intervene at all in this whole tragedy, the Being does not interfere in these matters. The Being of each one of us moves freely in the Milky Way.
The machines live here, in this painful valley of life, a heap of shadows, provided with physical organisms.
But what do these organisms Do? Nothing!
They move mechanically, according to the program that has been deposited in their brain (not only in the physical encephalon, but in the three brains: in the intellectual, in the emotional and in the motor brains).
Clearly, we need to stop being robots, and we do so. But, to stop being robots, we must eliminate all of our psychic aggregates, that is obvious.
We need to “digest” the impressions, transforming them into different Forces so as not to create new “I’s”, new egos. And we need to “digest” the old impressions, the ones that gave rise to the “I’s” that we currently have.This is possible through reflection, self-observation, and elimination.
When one “digests” the old impressions that are deposited in the five cylinders of the machine (in the form of habits, inferior emotions, negative thoughts, depraved instincts, sexual abuse, etc.), then those inhuman elements are disintegrated, turned into dust.So, it is not only necessary to “digest” the new impressions that come into the mind, but also the old impressions.
And we “digest” them (I repeat and clarify) by observing ourselves from instant to instant, from moment to moment.
Example: Suppose that, suddenly, we are jealous. A man discovered that his wife has another man, and of course, the ego of jealousy jumped there. What to do?
He has discovered the “I” of jealousy, that is obvious. The law of recurrence says that in a past existence, the same triangle existed, and that in an ancestor the same triangle existed.
Thus, this jealousy that is felt is due to an “undigested,” untransformed impression.
If he tries to “digest” that impression into something different. Then, through reflection, he may come to the conclusion that jealousy is absurd, that it has no real meaning.
Thus, a “digestion” is made of that bad impression that comes from ancient times. And by doing that “digestion”, well, one is in the best position for the disintegration of the Ego.
The only thing missing is the supplication (the supplication to Devi Kundalini Shakti), so that it is she who disintegrates that Ego (the result of an old “undigested” impression), and in the end, that Ego of jealousy turns to dust.
Let us suppose that we fight with another person, because he does not want to return money that we need…If, at the time, we went to collect the money and that subject did not want to pay us, then we may feel a great disappointment and the desire to fight with that gentleman. However, we must be comprehensive enough so that when we get home, we meditate, and we try (by means of introspection) to “digest” that wicked impression.
There is no doubt that the law of recurrence has worked there as well. There is no doubt that in a past existence (by law of recurrence) the same case occurred: we lent to the same man a certain amount of money and he did not return it to us.
And the same case occurred prior to that, and again before that, and the same has always happened; it is due to this that we have fabricated an Ego of hate against that gentleman.
Well, now there will be a need to completely “digest” that wicked impression (which comes from a remote past and is now converted into an ego) through reflection. Comprehend that all this concern about money is vain, illusory, that at the time of death we do not take a penny into eternity…
When we are already conscious [or cognizant] of such an event, then we will ask Devi Kundalini Shakti to disintegrate that Ego (which is nothing more than the outcome of a series of “undigested” impressions), and it is clear that the Divine Mother will turn that ego to dust, and we will be free from that wicked impression.
-paraphrase of “Asimilación Inteligente de las Impresiones”
translated as “The Intelligent Assimilation of Impressions” and
“Three Types of Food, Impressions, and How Egos Are Made and Destroyed”
Digesting Impressions from the Past
All of our Egos are nothing but the outcome of untransformed, “undigested” impressions.
Once such “undigested” impressions are disintegrated, then the forces of those impressions are transformed into something different, namely, into Hydrogen-24, 12 or 6, and one becomes clean.
Thus, past and present impressions must be transformed into Cosmic and Divine Forces, and this is possible by not forgetting our Self, by not forgetting our own Being.
When one does not forget oneself, one’s own Self, when one lives in a state of alert perception, alert novelty, then one transforms those impressions into something different.
If someone succeeds in transforming the totality of one’s impressions, then they will be truly blessed, because the Being will remain within them and they will remain in their Being, and thus one will have a real existence; then one will, indeed, be able to “Do” (because one will have the Being incarnated).
As we are right now, we are nothing but programmed robots. Those undigested impressions were deposited in our three brains and those impressions are repeated from instant to instant, from moment to moment and throughout life.
This is the mechanics of the law of recurrence: a repetition of ancient impressions.
Do you think that it is pleasant to be machines, playing the role of robots, not having the Being incarnated, living like this –like shadows– in this valley of tears?
Do you think such an existence is worth having?
And what are we? Miserable shadows, programmed robots; programmed by the old impressions of the past!
All the impressions of our past existences that were left undigested, have been deposited in our three brains and are now mechanically repeated.
When it is said that one has to transform impressions, this means that you have to use the instrument of the Consciousness.The Consciousness belongs to the Being and, so, when one does not forget one’s own Being, then (obviously) the Consciousness is working.
Not forgetting your own Being is extraordinary. Why are there Fallen Angels? Because they (for an instant) forgot their Self, which was more than enough time in order to go headlong over the cliff.
-paraphrase of “Asimilación Inteligente de las Impresiones”
translated as “The Intelligent Assimilation of Impressions” and
“Three Types of Food, Impressions, and How Egos Are Made and Destroyed”
Connecting with the Being through Emotional Understanding
The question arises: is the remembering of the Self, of our Being, simply thinking “I am here” with a present thought of ourselves?
Well, if you say “I am here”, you may be affirming the robot; you are simply affirming the robot. The robot says: “yes, this is me, I am here” (behold the robot).
It is not about affirming the robot, but about affirming the Being…The Being normally lives in the Milky Way and is not currently incarnated within the robot, because the ego and the Being are incompatible.
A person who has never experienced the Being, what psychological attitude should this person take in order to remember their Self and to affirm their Inner Being in themselves?Well, the personality must become more and more passive in order for us to become receptive.
When one becomes receptive, one feels the Being more and more through the superior emotional center.
As it is written: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” [Matthew 5:8]
The heart must be cleansed so that Emotional Understanding arises in us, which is much higher than Cerebral Understanding.
Any cerebration, no matter how great, is very poor compared to Emotional Understanding.
Emotional Understanding allows one to feel the Being.
In the Remembering of the Self, of one’s own Being, it is clear that there exists the Force of Longing (this is expressed vividly through Emotional Understanding), this allows one not to be ego, it allows one to “digest” impressions; that’s it.
So, we should pay attention to the development of Emotional Understanding; and it develops (more and more) as we cleanse the heart, that is, as we eliminate the psychic aggregates.
If at first there is only Emotional Understanding in a merely residual form, emerging, then as we disintegrate the ego, this Emotional Understanding will become more and more visible, more capable…
Let us not forget the Being, let us always take care of the tranquil heart; and so, actually, indeed, we will not create new egos.
The Personality becomes passive as we eliminate the Psychic Aggregates of 96 Laws [from the Region of Tartarus]; there are certain heavy Aggregates that unquestionably control our False Personality.
These aggregates which belong to 96 Laws are Vanity, Pride, Selfishness, Violent Anger, Self-love, Jealousy, Hatred, Selfishness, Self- Importance, Intolerance, etc.
Thus if we eliminate such psychic aggregates then the personality becomes passive.
Undoubtedly, the Personality in the passive state is receptive; then you can receive the messages of the Being that come through the Superior Centers.
Thus, in this way, little by little we are learning to obey the orders of the superior parts of the Being.
But the Personality must be rendered passive, through the elimination of the psychic aggregates of the 96 Laws [also known as the Region of Tartarus]…
-paraphrase of “Asimilación Inteligente de las Impresiones”
translated as “The Intelligent Assimilation of Impressions” and
“Three Types of Food, Impressions, and How Egos Are Made and Destroyed”
Objective Inspiration and the Method to Work on Oneself (as Outlined by Samael Aun Weor)
Remember that the best Initiates tell us that there are three steps that lead to Initiation: Imagination, Inspiration and Intuition. All the brothers & sisters are full of Inspiration, but Inspiration is one thing, and the Objectification of the Consciousness is another thing.
As inspired as one may feel, if one has failed to disintegrate the Egos, then one’s Consciousness is not Objective. And if one’s Consciousness is not Objective, then even though one always feels Inspired, one does not (for this reason) reach Illumination.
GNOSIS teaches three steps that anyone who works in the Flaming Forge of Vulcan has to pass through, these are: PURIFICATION, ILLUMINATION, AND PERFECTION.…No one can achieve illumination without having previously purified themselves, only those who have achieved Purification and Sanctity can enter into the hall of Illumination… Paul of Tarsus stated: “WE SPEAK WISDOM AMONG THOSE THAT ARE PERFECT” [1st Corinthians 2:6]. Only those who achieve the third step are Perfect, and only among them can Divine Wisdom be spoken of.
In order to reach Illumination it is necessary for the psychic aggregates to disappear from our interior. Only through their disappearance does authentic Objective Inspiration arise in us, which then leads the Initiate to the highest step, that of Intuition.The psychic aggregates must be disintegrated; and they could not be disintegrated if one does not live in a state of Alert Perception, of Alert Novelty.
1) Self-Observation: Through self-observation, you comprehend that, when you get identified, something takes over or takes possession of the brain, and that ‘something different than you’ has entered the brain.2) Evident Self-Reflection: If, by means of Evident Self-Reflection, you comes to the conclusion that a demon of anger (as an example) has taken possession of you, then you can take the third step.
3) Profound Interior Meditation: You have to reflect, you have to make your Mind clear about what happened when the defect arose and took possession of your human machine. Through meditation comes a Superlative Analysis…
4) Superlative Analysis: One comes to discover that this ego has other roots… It could happen that someone hurt our self-love, or our pride, or our susceptible mind, or our vanity, etc. If one discovers the cause of that anger (or whatever ego it may be), then one comprehends that this anger is foolish. And if you comprehend that this anger is foolish, then you are in a position to disintegrate it.
5) Disintegration: It would only be enough to implore Devi Kundalini Shakti for her to disintegrate such a psychic aggregate… If we invoke the Shakti Kundalini, precisely in the Forge of the Cyclopes, then she will assist us (reinforced by the power of the Third Logos, that is, of the Holy Spirit), and will very quickly disintegrate the psychic aggregates that we are interested in eliminating.
-paraphrase of “Asimilación Inteligente de las Impresiones”
translated as “The Intelligent Assimilation of Impressions” and
“Three Types of Food, Impressions, and How Egos Are Made and Destroyed”
Lecture 033 in EL QUINTO EVANGELIO and
from Ch.22 of Esoteric Course of Kabalah by Samael Aun Weor
Part 2 – Mental Representations/Effigies
We need to Clean the Temple of the Mind
Let us comprehend that in the Mind, only the Being should be, that the Mind should become a Temple where the Being officiates and nothing but the Being, that is all.
But as long as that Temple is full of strange elements, things, games, huge cabinets of Representations and aggregates, it can be said that there exists a deep sleep of the Consciousness [this is unconsciousness].
If there is unconsciousness, then there must be vague, morbid, fatuous, foolish, incoherent, imprecise, etc., dreams.
“A Man is Known by his Dreams”, said Plato in one of his books.
Really, our ‘dream life’, the life of dreams, is very important, because the dreams of each one of us tell us what each one of us is…The day we stop dreaming, the cockroaches we carry in our brain turn into fire. All those absurd incoherencies do not exist, all those morbid, vague, imprecise, tasteless, insubstantial, and odorless states do not have any kind of existence.
Joyful is the day in which we stop dreaming, the day in which we no longer dream. When a person dreams no more, they have triumphed!
As long as there exist dreams in the Mind, as long as the Psychological Space projects imprecise, absurd dreams, this indicates to us that we have a Mind full of garbage, full of all kinds of “rubbish”, as it has been called.
True Illuminated Ones DO NOT HAVE DREAMS (Dreams are for those who are asleep). The True Illuminated Ones live (in the Superior Worlds, out of the physical body) in a state of intensified vigilance [or wakefulness] without ever dreaming.
The Illuminated One, after the death of their physical body, is awakened in Psychological Space.
In this way thus, we should reflect on the necessity of getting to the Stillness and Silence of the Mind.
We need to have a clear Mind, a clean Temple, without filth, without abominations of any kind.But to do this: we must know how to live, it is necessary to know how to live…
In practical life disgracefully, people do not know how to live. We blame all of our sufferings and all our sorrows on others, and we are the only ones who truly are to blame.
What do we do with the sufferings which others cause us? Do we use them to create more Egos? More inhuman aggregates?
We must understand that others cannot cause us pain; we ourselves are the cause of our pain. This is the crude reality of life.Disintegrating the Ego terminates pain.
The roots of pain are in the Ego, and when the Ego is terminated, all that remains in us is the Beauty of the Being. That beauty transforms itself into that which is called “Love” and “Happiness”.
When the Mind reaches these heights it is calm, in silence, it is no longer a Mind that projects itself, it is no longer a Mind that reacts just because of anything. It receives the messages that come from above, from the superior parts of the Being, it is a Mind full of plenitude.
I repeat, not only should psychological aggregates be eliminated, but it is clear that we must ELIMINATE THE REPRESENTATIONS of the Mind too, the negative ones as well as positive ones.
Upon disintegrating the inhuman aggregates we carry within, problems and difficulties conclude.What we need, at this present time, is to stop our mental laziness and work very hard on ourselves.
We need to cleanse the Temple of the Mind of all this garbage; we need the lamp to burn within the TEMPLE OF THE MIND, we need the Golden Flame to burn with serene light within the limits of the Temple.When the Mind is still, when the Mind is silence then something new, ‘the new’ comes….
-paraphrase of “Graves Daños de las Representaciones Mentales”
translated as “The Serious Damage of Mental Representations” and
“Mental Representations”
The Key of Selecting Impressions
Disgracefully, the human being does not know how to select impressions.
What would you say, for example, if we open the door of this room to some robbers, so they can come in?
Would it seem correct to you that I should open the door so that these people may enter? What would happen?
Nevertheless, we do not exercise such caution with Impressions: We open the door to all the Negative Impressions in the world.
These penetrate our psyche and create disasters. They transform themselves into psychological aggregates and develop a Negative Emotional Center within us and at last, fill us with mud.
Is it right that a person who comes to us, for example, full of Negative Impressions (emanating from the Negative Emotional Center), and that he or she is welcomed by us?
Is it right that we open the doors to all the Negative Impressions of that person?
It seems that we do not know how to SELECT IMPRESSIONS. This is serious!
We have to learn to open and close the doors of our psyche: to open the doors to the Noble, clean Impressions; and close them to the Negative and absurd Impressions.
Yes, because Negative Impressions cause damage, they develop the Negative Emotional Center within us and harm us…
These impressions negatively influence us and we end up doing what we would never have done without them… This is why it is necessary for us to learn to be careful with Impressions.
When one opens the doors to Negative Impressions, one not only alters the order of the Emotional Center (which is in the heart), but turns it negative.
For example, if one opens one’s doors to the Negative Emotion of a person who comes to us full of anger because someone caused him some damage, then one becomes identified with that person’s anger and ends up taking part in the matter.This is how human beings infect each other in negative environments… Why?
Because we always commit the error of opening our doors to Negative Emotions and this is not the correct way of behaving.
Let us Select Emotions!
If someone brings us Positive Emotions of light, harmony, beauty, wisdom, love, poetry, and perfection, let us open the doors of our heart. But if they bring us Negative Emotions of hate, violence, jealousy, drugs, alcohol, fornication, and adultery, we must not open the doors of our heart.Let us Close the Doors to Negative Impressions!
When one reflects on all of this, one can perfectly modify oneself, and make something better of one’s life.
-paraphrase of “Graves Daños de las Representaciones Mentales”
translated as “The Serious Damage of Mental Representations” and
“Mental Representations”
The Difference between Egos and Mental Representations
In the name of truth, we have to say that the World of the Mind is a deposit for all mental forms past, present, and future.
The World of the Natural or Universal Mind must be studied in depth, profoundly, if we want to understand something about the Ego and Mental Representations.
It has clearly not occurred to many brothers and sisters what the difference between Egos and Mental Representations are.
We have stated emphatically that psychological aggregates, as a whole, constitute that which is called “EGO”.Each psychological aggregate is the personification (in itself) of some defect of a psychological type.
We have also said that within each aggregate there exists a percentage of our Intimate Consciousness.
We have made it clear that through Disintegrating those aggregates, we Liberate our Consciousness.
What is the difference between Aggregates and Representations? This is what we are going to study from here on.
Just as in the World of the Senses, objects are fundamental (because objects are actually located within the World of the Senses), so too, within the World of the Mind there are Representations.
In the field of practical life, a person is an object of the senses. The Mental Representation or Mental Image we have of a person is another thing. It is something similar to the difference that exists between a Person and their Picture.The person is a person and their Picture is their Picture. Their Picture is their Representation, what represents them.
There are also Mental Pictures. And one thing is an actual person, and another thing is a Mental Picture that we have of that person.
This Mental Picture comes to be the Representation of the Person.
Psychological aggregates constitute the Ego, but Representations … reflect sense objects in the World of the Senses.
So too, it is true that the Representations of the Mind exist.
In the Esoteric World (the Internal Worlds, in the World of the Mind), such Representations are denominated ‘Effigies’ by the Universal White Fraternity. There are millions of them.
In the Mind of each one of us, many Representations of our friends live, many Representations of our families, our parents, and the people we know, etc.It is clear that if someone tells us something about our family, and we change the concept we have in respect to the them, then that figure or that Mental Effigy is altered and, upon it being Altered, it takes on new characteristics of violence, robbery, ill will, anger, etc. that attack us violently, converting themselves into Obstacles For Our Esoteric Work.
If we open the doors to Negative Impressions (to the gossip of someone who comes to speak against someone we carry here in the Mind), the result will be fatal.The Effigy or Mental Representation of that person that we carry in the Mind, against whom we come to speak, can be altered, precisely, by the Negative Emotions, which come from Negative Impressions, too.
This figure then takes on dangerous characteristics, it turns against us and attacks us violently. It is clear that we carry a multitude of Representations within us and, naturally, if any one of them is altered, it turns into one more inner enemy on top of those who already exist.
It is convenient, brothers and sisters, for us to reflect on this. Only if we learn to live intelligently will we attain Final Liberation.
It is necessary to take care of the Mind. Blavatsky says in “The Voice of the Silence”:
“the mind that is enslaved by the senses makes the Soul as helpless as a boat lost in the waters by the wind.” We need to Control the Senses and the Mind.
Many “mental birds”, thoughts, get into the cage of the mind, of understanding, and they harm us; I am referring to Negative Representations.
Now you will comprehend better, that we must control the Senses and the Mind.
You walk down the street and suddenly you see a pornographic magazine in a corner newsstand, you look at it with some obscenity. The result is a new creation, a Mental Representation.
This new Representation is an “evil bird” in the cage of the Mind, causing damage and fortifying Negative Emotions and lust. Because of this, the senses must be controlled.
Disgracefully, people do not even remember to control the Senses and the Mind, and this is very serious.
Instead of ‘reading’ pornographic magazines (which lead nowhere but to the creation of new mental effigies), it is worth while to Study the Books of Wisdom, the Sacred Scriptures, etc.
There is no doubt that true Initiatic Wisdom converts itself into Fire and thereafter into Power.
-paraphrase of “El Peligro de las Efigies Mentales”
translated as “The Danger of Mental Effigies” and
“Mental Representations”
Mental Representations and the Mind
In the world of the senses there exist physical representations such as they are, the objects that surround us, living creatures, etc., but Representations of the Mind also exist.
In the Mind there are many Representations that we must take into account.
Let us suppose we have the Representation of a friend for whom we have much esteem in our Mind. Somebody very important talks to us about that friend, and all kinds of gossiping and slander arise;
We hear all this gossiping and then, in fact, the image we have of our friend, the Mental Representation, becomes Altered.
Now we do not see him as the kind person (full of harmony) whom we saw before, etc. Now this image in our understanding has the appearance that others have given it; possibly that of a bandit, a robber, of the false friend, etc.
At night, perhaps we dream of that friend. Now we will in no way dream with harmony; we see that she attacks us, we see that we attack her, we dream she uses a weapon against us, etc.
The image of our friend is completely altered: a Representation has been altered.
It may be the case that those who spoke against our friend, judged her wrongly, slandered her consciously or unconsciously, etc., but the Representation of the Mind remains altered, and that is very serious, because that Representation becomes, in fact, a demon that comes to hinder our esoteric advancement.
It is a demon that comes our way, it is a demon that is an obstacle to our profound inner development. Here then is the serious error: “Giving ear” to gossip, to slander, to backbiting, to “hearsay,” etc.
One does not have any reason to occupy oneself with others for their doing good or evil: each one is for themselves (“to each their own”).It would be better to RESPECT OTHER PEOPLE’S LIVES and not open the doors to Negative Emotions…
Obviously, in our Mind there are thousands of Representations that can be altered if we take part in negative conversations, if we “give an ear” to slander, if we hear that “hearsay”, etc.Due to all of these and other things, it is not advisable to “give an ear” to the negative words of people; to do so is a serious error.
Moreover, not only do our psychological aggregates (living representations of our psychological defects) constitute a burden that we carry inside, but so too do the Representations.
Therefore, we must not forget this matter about the Representations of our Understanding.
Those who Walk the Path, for “giving an ear” to negative conversations, for being in huddles where only negative phrases can be heard, you usually deform many Representations of Understanding; and these, in the World of the Mind, consist of real demons which form and create obstacles or a series of Impassable Obstacles for the Awakening of the Consciousness.
In this way, we can cite the case of many Gnostic students who, at night, usually have innumerable dreams of a negative type, sometimes they dream they kill another person, etc.
It is a most serious matter to carry such enemies inside oneself, in one’s own Mind.
Obviously, the most recommendable thing for our negative Representations is to appeal to the Annular Serpentine Power, to invoke Devi Kundalini Shakti so she will destroy these negative Representations.
-paraphrase of “Graves Daños de las Representaciones Mentales”
translated as “The Serious Damage of Mental Representations” and
“Mental Representations”
A Passive Personality and a Mind at the Service of the Being
Unquestionably, we must not have such Representations, negative or positive, within our Minds.
The Mind should create certain serene attitudes that are at the disposition of the Being. But in order for that to happen, we need the human Personality to become passive.
A Passive Personality is a receptive Personality (it receives the messages that come from the very elevated parts of the Being). Those messages go through the Superior Centers of the Being before entering the Mind. (This is the advantage of having a passive Personality).
The Mind, disgracefully, is found to be totally controlled by very heavy elements, very difficult aggregates which are related to the World of 96 Laws, also known as the Region of Tartarus.
The Personality of people is active because it is controlled by aggregates of hatred, pride, envy, abominable jealousy, horrible lust, selfishness (which wants everything for itself and nothing for others), conceit before our fellow man (without foundation), because in reality we are nothing but miserable worms from the mud of the earth.
If we achieve the elimination of such heavy psychological elements from our psyche, then our human Personality turns passive and the Mind Becomes Receptive to the messages that descend from the most elevated parts of the Being through the Superior Centers of our psyche.
Now you comprehend, my dear friends, the necessity to eliminate those elements which are so heavy.
With Devi Kundalini Shakti, in other words, the Igneous Serpent of our magical powers, we can, in fact, eliminate these “heavy elements”. This is a triumph! Because in this way we can receive the direct messages that come from the most elevated parts of the Being.
Because of this, I say you must work on yourself, in order to be able to create a Unitotal, Integral, Receptive Mind; a Mind that never projects itself, that is always receiving instead of projecting.
Obviously, it would not be good to accept positive or negative Representations in the distinct depths of understanding; instead a Receptive Mind would only bring the messages that come from the highest part of our Being.
As long as we continue giving nourishment to the different Representations of the Understanding, it is obvious that the Mind will never be serene, instead it will be a PROJECTING MIND. And a projecting Mind, in reality, is conditioned by time and by pain.
Analyzing in this way we will see that not only must we eliminate the undesirable psychological aggregates, but we also have a very difficult problem for Interior Illumination, and this is that we carry too many Representations, apart from all the inhuman psychological aggregates.
If we carefully study the life of dreams, we will find so many vague and incoherent things in them, various subjective and imprecise aspects, so many absurd things, such poor events with no reality. The only motive for their incoherence must invite us to reflection.
As a Gnostic, one must have clear concepts and lucid ideas, Radical Illumination without vagueness, without any kind of subjectivity.
Disgracefully, the Representations and the diverse aggregates we carry inside ourselves condition the Consciousness in such a way that they keep it in the very disagreeable state of Sub-Consciousness, even in Infra-Consciousness.
I invite you to reflection, I invite you to comprehend these indispensable things.
-paraphrase of “Graves Daños de las Representaciones Mentales”
translated as “The Serious Damage of Mental Representations” and
“Mental Representations”
Mental Peace and Intellectual Culture
In a Mind that is not integral, UNITOTAL, there can be no PEACE. In a Mind that is not strictly receptive and non-projective, there can be neither Peace nor Continuous Illumination.
If we want to be something more than what can be achieved in a Zen or Chan meditation room, then we must also have the awakening of the Mind, of the Central or Interior Mind, (a Mind receptive to the INTUITS that come from beyond the Heaven of Urania) an Illuminated Mind.
Could this be possible if we permit psychological aggregates to continue existing in our psyche?
Could this be possible if we “give an ear” to gossip that alters the Representation we carry in our understanding?
Could this be possible if we continue giving priority to Positive or Negative Representations?
H. P. Blavatsky has another a phrase in “The Voice of the Silence” that I liked, which says:
Before the Golden Flame can blaze with serene light,
the lamp must be well cared for, safe from every wind;
worldly thoughts must drop dead at the Temple’s door…
I tell you, only in this way is it possible for the Mind to become truly calm and remain silent inside, outside, and in the middle; not just temporarily as in a meditation room, but in a continuous manner…
When one studies the distinct creases of the Mind, one also comprehends that the calmness and total silence of understanding are not possible as long as the Mind is occupied by psychological aggregates and Representations.One could object, saying that there exist laudable, clear, and magnificent Representations. This is supposed to be acceptable, but it is not what is what is important in us, WHAT IS IMPORTANT IS THE BEING…
In this matter of Wisdom, which is very much related with the Mind, we could say that there is an antithesis: we are referring to that intellectualoid type of culture, with which one is nourished during the preparatory age.Certainly, that culture that is given to one from Kindergarten, in Elementary Schools, in High School, in “Prep School”, in the University, and ends up causing us frightful damage. Some might even qualify such a Culture as Black Magic of the worst kind.
Because that kind of culture, NO LONGER HAS ANY RELATIONSHIP WITH THE DIFFERENT PARTS OF BEING, rather, it is related with the Five Cylinders of the Machine in a fatal and FALSE way.
The Intellectual Center is the one that receives the worst damage, followed by the Emotional, Motor, Instinctive, Sexual Center.
Having falsified these Five Cylinders of the Human Machine (due to the type of “nutrition” that they receive during the preparatory age), they no longer detect the Waves of the Cosmos and the Universe, and become closed to the Divine Harmonies of Infinite Space and trap the Essence, in an exorbitant form.
From all this we have the “rascals of the intellect”, who currently have the world in disgrace. They rule all the countries of the Earth in this Black Age of Kali Yuga. We already know what a disastrous state humanity is in today….
What is needed is to LIBERATE OURSELVES (in a certain sense) FROM THE MIND.The Mind must remain clean, so that instead of Representations from it, the messages that come from the Being, through the Superior Centers of the Being, reach us.
The messages that come from the Being are one thing, and the vain mental forms that come to the Mind, the Representations, are another thing.
When one is in meditation, many Representations commonly come to the Mind, but if the subject is analyzed, then one discovers that such Representations are stuck in one’s Mind, that they have always been there.
These Representations are one thing and messages another.Messages come, I repeat, through the Superior Centers of the Being and arrive in the Superior Mind, in the Interior Mind. They have a new ‘taste’ or ‘flavor’. They are not of time. They are far beyond time. (We have to open ourselves to ‘the new’.)
Representations never have a new taste or flavor, they are of time…
The Temple of the Mind is usually invaded by multiple Positive or Negative Representations.We are in favor of eliminating such Representations, so that WITHIN THE TEMPLE OF MIND, there exists only THE BEING and nothing but the Being.
For that, it is necessary to have a still and silent Mind, and the Mind can only be still and silent when we eliminate the Ego.
But, as we eliminate the Ego, the Mind will become more and more still and silent, until at last TOTAL QUIETNESS AND SILENCE is achieved.
-paraphrase of “Graves Daños de las Representaciones Mentales”
translated as “The Serious Damage of Mental Representations” and
“Mental Representations”