1) Resistance

The K-H or Kosmos Human

The fundamental aim of every Gnostic student is to become a K-H, a Kosmos Human. All of us human beings live in a Kosmos. The word Kosmos means order and this is something that we should never forget.

The Kosmos Human is a being who has perfect order in their five centers, in their mind and in their essence.

In order to get to be a Kosmos Human, it is necessary to learn to know how the Three Primary Forces of the Universe -positive, negative and neutral- manifest themselves.

But on the path which leads to the Kosmos Human, which is totally positive, we see that every positive force is always opposed by a negative force.

Through self-observation we should perceive the mechanism of the opposing force.

Whenever we propose to carry out a special action, whether it be: the annihilation of the ego, the dominion of sex, to execute a special work or a definite program, we should observe and calculate the force of resistance. This is because, by nature, the world and its mechanics tends to provoke a resistance and such resistance is double.

The more gigantic that the enterprise is, the greater the resistance be will.

If we learn to calculate the resistance, then we will also be able to develop the enterprise with success. This is where the capacity of the genius, of the enlightened, is to be found…

-paraphrase of Ch 1.03 “THE K-M (KOSMOS MAN)”
in The Revolution of the Dialectic by Samael Aun Weor



Resistance is the opposing force. Resistance is the secret weapon of the ego.

Resistance is the psychic force of the ego opposed to us becoming conscious of all our psychological defects.

With resistance, the ego tends to leave on a tangent and postulates excuses to silence or hide the error.

Due to Resistance, dreams become difficult to interpret and the knowledge that one wants to have of oneself becomes clouded.

Resistance acts upon a defense mechanism which tries to omit unpleasant psychological errors, so as not to have consciousness of them and for one to continue in psychological slavery.

But, in reality of truth, we have to say that there are mechanisms to overcome resistance and they are:
      1.- Recognize it
      2.- Define it
      3.- Comprehend it
      4.- Work on it
      5.- Overcome and disintegrate it by means of Sexual Super-Dynamics.

But the ego will struggle during the analysis of the resistance in order for the fallacies not to be discovered, which put in danger the dominion it has over our mind.

At the moment of the struggle of the ego one has to appeal to a power that is superior to the mind, which is the fire of the Kundalini serpent.

-paraphrase of Ch 1.04 “RESISTANCE”
in The Revolution of the Dialectic by Samael Aun Weor


The Need for Practice and not just Memorization

Through practice, through experience or through living any of the works which Samael Aun Weor has delivered to humanity, the practitioner can achieve psychological emancipation.

There exist people who speak marvels about reincarnation, Atlantis, Alchemy, the Ego, astral unfolding and before the external world they are experts on these matters. However, through analysis, we can see that they are only intellectually informed on the subject(s).

Deep down, these persons do not know anything through experience and, at the hour of death, these expositors remain with nothing but knowledge stored in their memory, which does not serve any purpose since they continue with their consciousness asleep.

If one is only imprisoned in theories, if one has not carried out anything practical, if one has not become conscious of what has been taught in the books, if we leave the teachings in the memory, then it can be said that we have wasted our time miserably.

Memory is the formative principle of the Intellectual Center.

When a person aspires to something more, when someone looks through the limitations of the subconscious and sees that which he has deposited in the memory and analyzes and meditates on the last occurrence or teachings of an esoteric book, then those values move to the emotional phase of the same Intellectual Center.

When one wants to know the deep meaning of said teachings and the person surrenders in full to meditation, then obviously such teachings move on to the Emotional Center itself and they then come to be felt in the depth of the soul.

When one has cleanly lived the teachings —the cognizable or knowable values of the essence— then, at last, they remain deposited in the consciousness and are never lost again.

The essence comes to be enriched with the same [cognizable or knowable values].

Now we comprehend how to become conscious of the Gnostic teachings which have been delivered in the books of Samael Aun Weor.

Meditation is formidable in order to make us conscious of the Gnostic teachings; but let us not commit the error of leaving the teachings exclusively in theories or in the memory, because if we proceed in this manner we will never achieve the dominion of the mind.

-paraphrase of Ch 1.05 “PRACTICE”
in The Revolution of the Dialectic by Samael Aun Weor


2) Egoic Deviations from the Path

Sophisms of Distraction

Sophisms are the false reasons which lead us to err and which are gestated by the ego in the forty-nine levels of the subconscious.

The subconscious is the sepulcher of the past upon which burns the fatuous flame of thought and within which the sophisms of distraction are gestated. Sophisms of distraction are what lead the intellectual animal to fascination, and thereby, to the sleep of consciousness.

What is kept within the sepulcher is rottenness and the bones of the dead, yet the sepulchral stone is very beautiful and on it fatally burns the flame of the intellect.

If we want to dissolve the “I”, we have to uncover the subconscious sepulcher and exhume all the bones and rottenness of the past.

The sepulcher is very beautiful outside, but within, it is filthy and abominable. Nonetheless, we need to become gravediggers.

To insult another person, to hurt their intimate feelings, to humiliate them, is something that is very easy when it is done supposedly to correct them “for their own good”. This is how irate people think (those who, while believing that they do not hate, hate without knowing that they hate).

Many are the people who struggle in life to be rich. They work, save and strive for excellence in everything, but the secret trigger of all their activities is secret envy, which is ignored, which does not come out to the surface, which remains hidden in the sepulcher of the subconscious.

It is difficult in life to find someone who does not envy the beautiful house, the brand new car, the intelligence of the leader, the beautiful suit, the good social position, the magnificent fortune, etc. Almost always, the best efforts of citizens have envy as their secret trigger.

Many are the persons who enjoy a good appetite and despise gluttony, but they always eat more than normal. Many are the people who watch their spouse in an exaggerated manner, but they despise jealousy.

Many are the students of certain pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occultist schools who despise the things of this world and who do not work at all because everything is vanity, but they are jealous about their virtues and never accept anyone classifying them as lazy.

Many are those who hate flattery and praise, but they have no inconvenience in humiliating (with their modesty) the poor poet who composed a verse for them with the only purpose of obtaining a coin to buy bread.

Many are the judges who know how to fulfill their duty, but also, many are the judges who with the virtue of duty have assassinated others.

Numerous were the heads that fell at the guillotine of the French Revolution. All executioners fulfill their duty and already, millions are the innocent victims of executioners. No executioner feels guilty, they all fulfill their duty…

Prisons are full of innocent people, but the judges do not feel guilty because they are fulfilling their duty.

Full of anger, the father or mother whips and beats their small children, but they do not feel remorse because (supposedly) they are ‘fulfilling their duty’ and they would accept everything except being classified as cruel.

It is only with a still and silent mind, submerged in deep meditation, that we will be able to extract from within the sepulcher of the subconscious all the secret rottenness which we carry within.

-paraphrase of Ch 1.33 “SOPHISMS OF DISTRACTION”
in The Revolution of the Dialectic by Samael Aun Weor


The Rotten Ego in our Subconsciousness

It is nothing pleasant to see the dark sepulcher with all the bones and rottenness of the past.

Each hidden defect smells awful inside its grave, but seeing it, it is easy to burn it and reduce it to ashes.

The fire of comprehension reduces to dust the rottenness of the past.

When they analyze the subconscious, many students of Psychology commit the mistake of dividing themselves between analyzer and analyzed, intellect and subconscious, subject and object, perceiver and perceived.

Those types of divisions are the sophisms of distraction which the ego presents us.

These types of divisions create antagonisms and struggles between the intellect and the subconscious, and where there are struggles and battles, there cannot be stillness and silence of the mind.

It is only in mental stillness and silence that we can extract from within the dark grave of the subconscious all the rottenness of the past.

Let us not say my “I” has envy, hatred, jealousy, anger, lust, etc., it is best to not divide ourselves, it is better to say: “I have envy, hatred, jealousy, anger, lust, etc.”

When we study the Sacred Books of India, we become enthusiastic thinking on the Supreme Brahatman and in the union of Atman with Brahatman. However, as long as a psychological “I” with its sophisms of distraction exists, we will be unable to achieve the bliss of uniting ourselves with the Universal Spirit of Life.

Once the “I” is dead, then the Universal Spirit of Life is in us like the flame in the lamp.

-paraphrase of Ch 1.33 “SOPHISMS OF DISTRACTION”
in The Revolution of the Dialectic by Samael Aun Weor


The Ego is a Pharisee within Us

The fallacy of the ego is the habit of deceiving without any limitation. It does so by processing itself through the series of the “I”.

Any person can commit the error of shooting themselves in the head as is done by any suicidal person, but the Psychological “I” will never be able to commit suicide.

People of all pseudo-esoteric schools have magnificent ideals and even sublime intentions, but all of that exists in the field of subjective and miserable thinking: all of that is of the “I”.

The “I” is always perverse, sometimes it adorns itself with beautiful virtues and even wears the robe of sanctity.

When the “I” wants to cease to exist, it does not do it in a disinterested and pure manner, instead: it wants to continue in a different manner, it aspires to reward and happiness.

We all carry the Pharisee within us. We are very beautiful on the outside, but we are very rotten within.

We have known Pharisees who are horrifying. We knew one who wore the immaculate robe of the Master, his hair was long and a razor never shaved his venerable beard.

This man frightened the entire world with his ‘sanctity’: he was one hundred percent vegetarian, he drank nothing that could have alcohol, people knelt before him.

We do not mention the name of this “chocolate saint” we only limit ourselves to say that he had abandoned his wife and children supposedly to follow the path of sanctity.

He preached beautiful things and spoke horrors against adultery and fornication, but in secret: he had many concubines and proposed unnatural sexual connections to his devotees with unsuitable vessels.

Yes, he was a saint, a “chocolate saint”!

This is how Pharisees are… “Woe unto thee hypocritical scribes and Pharisees for thou cleanest the cup and the plate from the outside, but from within thou art full of theft and injustice”.

You do not eat meat, you do not drink alcohol, you do not smoke… Truly you appear just before men, but you are full of hypocrisy and evil within.

With his fallacy of the ego, the Pharisee conceals the crimes from the eyes of others and also conceals them from themselves.

We know Pharisees who carry out tremendous fasts and frightening penitences, they are certain of being just and wise, but their victims suffer the unutterable.

Almost always, it is their wives and their children who are innocent victims of their evils, but they continue with their sacred exercises convinced that they are just and holy.

-paraphrase of Ch 1.34 “THE FALLACY OF THE EGO”
in The Revolution of the Dialectic by Samael Aun Weor


The Mind and the Fallacy of the Ego

During these mechanized times of life, there is production in series (series of cars, series of airplanes, series of machines of this or that brand, etc.), everything has become a series and even the “I” itself is a series. We should know the series of the “I”.

The “I” processes itself in series, that is to say: series of thoughts, sentiments, desires, hatreds, habits, etc.

Let the dividers of the “I” continue dividing their ego between “superior and inferior”, let them be with their theories and the touted superior and ultra-divine “I” controlling the miserable inferior “I”.

We know very well that that division between superior “I” and inferior “I” is one hundred percent false. Superior and inferior are two sections of the same thing. Superior “I” and inferior “I” are the two sections of Satan, the “I”.

Can perhaps a part of the “I” reduce another part of the “I” to dust? Can perhaps one part of the myself decree the law of exile to another part of the myself?

The most that we can do is to astutely conceal what is inconvenient for us, to hide our perversities and smile like saints, this is the fallacy of the ego, the habit of deceiving.

One part of the myself can hide another part of the myself. Is this something unusual? Does the cat not hide its claws? This is the fallacy of the ego.

The so-called superior “I” says: “I will overcome anger, covetousness, lust, etc.”, but the so-called inferior “I” then laughs with the thunderous laughter of Aristophanes and the demons of passions, terrified, flee to hide within the secret caverns of the different areas of the mind. This is how the fallacy of the ego functions.

Every intellectual effort to dissolve the “I” is useless because any movement of the mind belongs to the “I”.

Any part of the myself can have good intentions, and so what? The path which leads to the abyss is paved with good intentions.

That game or fallacy of one part of the myself, which wants to control another part of the myself, that has no desire to be controlled, is interesting.

The penitences of those ‘saints’ who cause their wife and children to suffer are touching.

All the humilities of “chocolate saints” are silly. The erudition of the know-it-alls is admirable.

And so what then? The “I” cannot destroy the “I” and it continues perpetuating itself in our descendants throughout millions of years.

We should break the spell of all those useless efforts and fallacies. When the “I” wants to destroy the “I”, effort is useless.

It is only by truly comprehending what the useless battles of the mind are; it is only by comprehending the internal and external actions & reactions, the secret answers, the hidden motives, the concealed impulses, etc., that we can then attain the imposing stillness and silence of the mind.

Upon the pure waters of the ocean of the Universal Mind we can contemplate, in a state of ecstasy, all the deviltries of the pluralized “I”.

When the “I” can no longer hide, it is condemned to death. The “I” likes to hide, but when it can no longer hide, the wretched one is lost.

It is only in the serenity of the mind that we see the “I” just as it is and not as it apparently is.

To see the “I” and to comprehend it becomes an integral whole. The “I” has failed after we have comprehended it because it inevitably becomes dust.

The stillness of the ocean of the mind is not a result, it is a natural state. The swollen waves of thoughts are only an accident produced by the monster of the “I”.

The fatuous mind, the stubborn mind, the mind which says: “With time I will achieve serenity, one day I will get there”, is condemned to failure because the serenity of the mind does not belong to time.

Everything that belongs to time is of the “I”. The “I” itself is of time.

Those who want to ‘assemble’ the serenity of the mind (to assemble it like someone who assembles a machine by intelligently joining all of its parts) are, in fact, failures because the serenity of the mind is not constituted by several parts which can be assembled & disassembled, organized or disorganized, joined or separated.

-paraphrase of Ch 1.34 “THE FALLACY OF THE EGO”
in The Revolution of the Dialectic by Samael Aun Weor


3) The Permanent Center of Gravity

The Rhetoric of the Ego

By analyzing the three-brained biped called man, we arrive at the logical conclusion that he does not yet have a Permanent Center of Consciousness, a Permanent Center of gravity.

We cannot affirm that human bipeds are individualized, but we are sure that they are only instinctualized. In other words, that they are only impelled by “I’s” which manipulate the Instinctive Center at their pleasure.

The beloved ego does not have any individuality, it is a sum of factors that are in discord [disorder or chaos], a sum of small loose cathexis -egotistical psychic energies-.

Each small “I” of those which constitute the legion called Ego, really has its own personal criteria, its own projects, its own ideas and its own rhetoric.

The rhetoric of the ego is the art of speaking well and with elegance, in such a subtle manner that we do not realize at what moment we have already fallen into error.

The rhetoric of the ego is so subliminal that for this reason, our consciousness is as asleep as it is and without us realizing it.

We see the ego with its rhetoric leading countries on an arms race… The interesting thing is that in an age in which they talk arms control and peace, the countries in the process of supposed development with the help of the supposedly industrialized nations, increase their capacity for destruction!

Is this (it is appropriate to ask) the adequate road to disarmament and world peace? Quite the contrary, it is the rhetoric of the ego!

While human bipeds continue fascinated with inventions and with all the apparent marvels of the antichrist (materialistic science), in many countries thousands of people have died of hunger. Is this civilization? This is the rhetoric of the ego…

The human biped only wants to live in his tiny world which is no longer good for anything. Materialistic psychology, experimental psychology is good for nothing.

The proof is that it has not been able to solve the mental problems which affect the country of the United States; proof of it is that in the large cities of the American Union, the famous “gangs” continue multiplying.

Violence is an accepted part of their lives, in each of the thousands of members and gangs which exist in the United States and which, painfully, human bipeds of other countries want to imitate.

Is this psychological liberation? False! This is the rhetoric of the ego which has deceived everyone.

It is only by living the teachings, by putting them into practice, that human bipeds will be able to free themselves from the rhetoric of the ego.

-paraphrase of Ch 1.09 “THE RHETORIC OF THE EGO”
in The Revolution of the Dialectic by Samael Aun Weor


The PCC or Permanent Center of Consciousness

Three-brained bipeds do not have any individuality, they do not have a Permanent Center of Consciousness (PCC).

Each of their thoughts, feelings and actions depend on the calamity of the “I” so that at a specific moment it may control the capital centers of the human machine.

Those of us who, during many years of sacrifice and pain, have been struggling for the Gnostic Movement, were able to see terrible things in practice: with tears in their eyes, many swore to work for Gnosis until the end of their days.

They promised eternal fidelity to the Great Cause and pronounced tremendous speeches. And what happened? What became of their tears of blood? What became of their great oaths?

Everything was useless, it was only a fleeting “I” of an instant that swore. But when another “I” replaced the one that swore fidelity, the individual withdrew from Gnosis, or betrayed the Great Cause or their Gnostic Institutions, and joined another school.

Really, the human being cannot have continuity of purpose because they do not have the PCC, they are not an individual and they have an “I” which is a sum of many small “I”.

Many are those who await the eternal Beatitude with the death of the physical body, however, the death of the body does not resolve the problem of the “I”. The loose cathexis -the ego- continues enveloped in its molecular body beyond death.

The human biped ends, but the loose cathexis continues (the energy of the ego in its molecular body). Then, later, the ego perpetuates itself in our descendants, it returns to satisfy its desires and to continue the same tragedies.

The hour has arrived to comprehend the necessity of producing within us a definite Integral Revolution in order to establish the PCC, a Permanent Center of Consciousness; it is only in this manner that we individualize ourselves, it is only in this manner that we cease being legion, it is only in this manner that we become conscious individuals.

The human being of today is similar to a ship full of many passengers, each passenger has his own plans and projects.

The human being of today does not have a single mind, but many minds. Each “I” has its own mind.

Fortunately, within the human biped exists something else, the Essence. Reflecting seriously upon it, we can conclude that the Essence is the most elevated psychic material with which we can give shape to our Soul.

By awakening the Essence we create a Soul. To awaken the Essence is to awaken Consciousness. To awaken consciousness is equivalent to creating a PCC within us.

Only the one who awakens consciousness becomes an individual. However, the individual is not the end; later, we have to reach super-individuality.

in The Revolution of the Dialectic by Samael Aun Weor



We need to de-egotize ourselves in order to individualize ourselves and then super-individualize ourselves.

We need to dissolve the “I” in order to have the PCC that we studied in the previous section.

The Pluralized “I” foolishly wastes the psychic material in atomic explosions of anger, covetousness, lust, envy, pride, laziness, gluttony, etc.

Once the “I” is dead, the psychic material accumulates within us becoming the PCC.

Nowadays, the human being, or we should better say, the biped that classifies themselves as “human”, is really a machine that is controlled by the legion of the “I”.

Let us observe the tragedy of people in love: How many promises! How many tears! How many good intentions! And what happens? Only the sad memory of all that remains.

They marry, time transpires, the man falls in love with another woman or the wife falls in love with another man, and the castle in the air falls to the ground.

Why? Because the human being does not yet have the PCC.

The small “I” which swears eternal love is replaced by another small “I” which has nothing to do with said promise. That is all.

We need to become individuals and this is only possible by creating a PCC. We need to create a PCC and this is only possible by dissolving the Pluralized “I”.

All the inner contradictions of the human being would be enough to drive anyone insane who could see them in a mirror. The source of such contradictions is the plurality of the “I”.

Whosoever wants to dissolve the “I” has to begin by knowing his or her own inner contradictions. Unfortunately, people like deceiving themselves in order to not see their own contradictions.

Whosoever wants to dissolve the “I” has to begin by not being a liar. All people are liars unto themselves, everyone lies to him- or herself.

If we want to know the plurality of the “I” and our perennial contradictions, we should not deceive ourselves. People deceive themselves in order to not see their internal contradictions.

With just reason, everyone who discovers their own intimate contradictions feels ashamed of themselves, they comprehend that they are nobody, that they are a wretched person, a miserable worm of the earth.

To discover our own intimate contradictions is already a success because our inner judgment is spontaneously liberated permitting us to see with clarity the path of individuality and that of super-individuality.

-paraphrase of Ch 1.11 “SUPER-INDIVIDUALITY”
in The Revolution of the Dialectic by Samael Aun Weor