Combinations of the Arcana 2 and Masonic Symbolism
Part 1
Masonic Symbolism and the Legend of Hiram Abiff

The hebrew letter BETH [ ב ] expresses the dualism of the two columns of the Temple. Jakin is the right-hand column, which is White (the Man, the Masculine Principle); and Boaz , the left-hand column, is Black (the Woman, the Feminine Principle).
Between the two columns ‘J’ and ‘B’ is the Great Arcanum, and it is precisely this which many Masonic brethren do not understand.
The Cubic Stone in its rough, raw or brute state is located between the two columns, and is converted into the Cubic Stone of Jesod once it is worked.
This is none other than Sex, one must know the Great Arcanum: the Maithuna, which is represented by the chisel of Intelligence and the mallet of Willpower.”
– From Ch. 2 of Tarot & Kabalah
The Masonic Legend
In order to fully understand the symbolism in this class, we want to study the Masonic Legend of Hiram Abiff. Once we are familiar with it, then we can study its Kabbalistic significance.
Brief Gnostic Explanation of the Symbolism in the Masonic Legend
The three traitors control the three bodies called: Astral, Mental and Causal (Willpower). The Astral is controlled by “Sebal” (the father of Desire), the Mental is controlled by “Ortelut” (the horrible demon of the Mind) and the Body of Willpower or Causal Body is controlled by “Stokin” (the terrible demon of Ill-will). These three traitors constitute what is called the ‘Prince of the World’. The sacrificed victim is always the Internal Christ of every human being who comes to the world: Hiram Abiff, the Sun King.
Christ was assassinated by three traitors: Caiaphas (the high priest), Judas Iscariot and Pilate. It is necessary for us to resurrect the Christ within ourselves. This is only possible by decapitating the three traitors. Only by descending into the ninth sphere (sex), can we find the Prince of this World, in order to decapitate him.
The first traitor was found hidden inside the cavern of desire (Judas is the Demon of Desire, mistakenly called the Astral body, but which is actually the Lunar Astral body).
The second traitor was found inside the cavern of the mind (Pilate is the Demon of the Mind, which is confused with the Mental body, but which is actually the Lunar Mental body), at whose door is always the dog of desire. Remember that the Astral itself is nothing but the crystallization of Mental matter.
The third traitor heroically defends himself with the axe of ill-will (Caiaphas is the Demon of Ill-will, the Lunar Causal body). The most serious of all this is that the third traitor attempts to throw himself into the abyss. Ill-will and disobedience always make us fall into the abyss.
The three heads were placed on three poles garnished with iron at the door of the temple, then they were cast into the fire. We have to descend into the ninth sphere (sex) to behead the three traitors of Hiram Abiff. All the great initiates from the past had to descend to the ninth sphere.
-paraphrase from Ch. 4 of Samael Aun Weor’s Mountain of Juratena
(given in The Gnostic and Esoteric Mysteries of Freemasonry, Lucifer and the Great Work)
and from Ch.7 of Book 5 in Eliphas Levi’s History of Magic
Part 2
Arcana 13, 2, 3 & 14 and the Esoteric Symbolism in the “Word” of the Masonic Master
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These initial letters (above) refer to the WORD OF THE MASTER MASON which, upon oath, cannot be revealed. Each one of the three letters can be spoken of separately.
Firstly, there is a reference in the word which corresponds to: Death and Resurrection; “Hiram Abiff” meaning that the Spirit separates itself from Matter. Signifying that the flesh separates from the bones. Due to this it is said that one must Die in order to be able to Resurrect; if one does not Die, one is not Born.
Secondly, there is the construction which follows the destruction. Thus, the way we are is how we must be destroyed. We are all demons because we have the terrible Demon APOPI of the Egyptian Mysteries, who is the Body of Desires which is confused with the Astral Body which we do not have, and which must be created in the Forge of Cyclops, in Sex.
Then we have the Animal Mental Body, which is worse, it is the Demon HAI of the Egyptian Mysteries, this Demon must be destroyed and decapitated. You can observe how there is no peace on the face of the Earth, life is lived in constant war, fornication, adultery, and vengeance; there is nothing Angelic about this Mental Body.
We do not have the Causal Body, it must be created in the Forge of Cyclops, in its place we have the demon of Ill-Will, it says “I don’t like a particular person…”
These three Demons exist in every gospel, with the Gospel of the Buddha it was the Three Furies, the 3 daughters of the famous Mara.
We have to understand that we are Demons and that we have to start from scratch, to put ourselves in place, this is necessary for the Great Destruction of our own selves, the Death of the Psychological “I” (the EGO), the Destruction of the Seeds and of the Lunar Bodies.

This signifies that the Christ is Dead, that the Christ is in Putrefication, for which reason it is said that each one of us is a ‘Living Sepulcher’. It is said that he is dead because he lives in none of us.
The Son must be born in ourselves and then liberated, living the whole Drama and then ascending to the Father.
What is born of the Father lives in the Son, it is born from the Ens Seminis and lives in the Christ. The Pure Waters of Life are the basic element of Regeneration.
When the Buddha was meditating, fighting against the Three Furies, “Mara” unleashed a storm and the water was already at the point of drowning the Buddha when a Serpent appeared and placed itself beneath the seated Buddha, that Serpent coiled itself three and a half times and as the water rose, it rose also; this represents the Divine Mother, and the Buddha did not drown.
It is good to have a deep comprehension of the esotericism of these sacred things, in order to truly understand them.
Remember the fish, it is life which is born and dies in the waters.
Let us not forget the case of the Dan Fish of the chaldeans; it represents the same, the Christ coming forth from the Waters. The Son of Man being born of the Waters.
The first letter is Death and Regeneration, see for yourself what an intimate relationship there is between Death and Water.
Arcanum 13 (which is Death) is related to the Waters, it is impossible to attain the Second Birth without the Transmutation (Arcanum 14) of the Waters. It is necessary to die and the foundation of Death is found in the Sexual question.
Life and Death are in Sex. After attaining the Second Birth one must eliminate Sex. Remember the phrase: “Lead me from the Darkness to the Light”, Death leads to Immortality, from the Unreal to the Real.
The Master must realize all of this, and one does so WHEN THEY ENCOUNTER THE LOST WORD.
This is the Word which, when it is accomplished, Resurrects Hiram Abiff, it is the Verb, the Word of Light or the Superior Teaching which the Initiate receives, through which they attain the Magisterium.
It is clear that the Arcanum A.Z.F. is equally the ‘modus operandi’ for the Destruction of the Ego.
Arcanum 13 therefore means Death and Resurrection, it is related with Tantrism (Arcanum 14).
The second letter, Arcanum 2, The House of the Spirit, is related to the Sanctum Sanctorum which signifies The Consciousness, The Philosophical Stone, without which there could be no Transmutation.
It is necessary to create the Solar Bodies; “new wine (The Intimate Christ) cannot be placed in old wineskins” (the Lunar Bodies). The Solar Bodies need to be created in order to contain this Sacred Wine.
In Arcanum 2 is the Philosophical Stone with which all of the Transmutations are realized, the Stone must be chiseled, without which Sexual Transmutation can not be attained. This means that one must work hard, this indicates Arcanum 14 to us, Transmutation.
Thus, in the Resurrection or arising to the Mystery it is necessary to:

In Arcanum № 14 the Sacred “N” [ נ ] (NUN) is seen, it is the Fish of Life which is born and dies in the Waters, attaining the light; let us remember the Multiplication of the Fishes [see Mark 6: 36-44].
If we do not descend in order to destroy the Ego, then we cannot be raised to the Magisterium, regardless of attaining the Second Birth. The Magisterium refers to the authority over or expert use of the Fire…
“It is necessary to descend in order to be able to ascend”; in Arcanum № 3 there is both Material and Spiritual Victory…
Arcanum № 3, the Divine Mother, The Kundalini, is the Goddess of the Verb; “The Lost Word”, is the Universal Language. In the Bible it is the famous Banquet of Nebuchadnezzar. [see Daniel 1:1-21]”
– Paraphrase from Ch. 45 of Tarot & Kabalah
Hermetic Masonry and the Interior Lodge of Gnosticism
It so happens that curious people who enter into our Gnostic studies want illumination, astral projections, faculties of Clairvoyance, practical Magic, etc., and when they do not achieve this immediately, they withdraw. No one can achieve illumination without having themselves been previously purified, only those that have achieved Purification and Sanctity can enter into the hall of Illumination.
There are also many curious students who want to immediately be wise. Paul of Tarsus stated: “WE SPEAK WISDOM AMONG THOSE THAT ARE PERFECT” [1st Corinthians 2:6].
Only those who achieve the third step are Perfect, only among them can Divine Wisdom be spoken of.
In the old Egypt of the Pharaohs, among the Occult Masons, the three steps of the Path were: APPRENTICES, COMPANIONS, and MASTERS. Candidates remained in the degree of Apprentice for seven years and sometimes longer; only when the HEIROPHANTS were completely sure of the Purification and Sanctity of the Candidates were they then able to pass them to the second stage; the first faculty that the Candidate develops is the one related with the degree of listener [or ‘auditor’], related with Clairaudience and occult hearing. [Let us remember the mantram “E” (pronounced like “eh”).]
Really, illumination begins only after seven years of Apprenticeship; nonetheless, Students believe that spiritual faculties are going to be immediately developed and when they realize that this subject matter is serious, then they flee; this is the sad reality, it is very rare to find someone who is prepared for Adepthood.”
The first duty of any Gnostic is to be sure that the LODGE is protected.
During the degree of Apprentice, the attention is focused especially on the Astral Plane. The INTERNAL LODGE must be protected, the Astral body must be cleansed of animal passions and of all types of desires.
In the second Degree [‘Companion’ or ‘Fellow’], the Mental Lodge must be protected, worldly thoughts must be cast out of the Temple. It is necessary to protect the INTERIOR LODGE very well, so that Doctrines, persons, Demons, and things do not penetrate inside the Internal Sanctuary to sabotage the GREAT WORK.
In practical life, we may see that students (apparently very serious) when they became careless, when they could not protect their own Interior Lodge, they were invaded by strange people and Doctrines; often times they continue working in the FLAMING FORGE OF VULCAN, but they mixed many different methods and systems; the result of all of this was a true Tower of Babel, a barbaric confusion whose only purpose was to bring disorder into the INTERIOR LODGE OF THE CONSCIOUSNESS.
Therefore, it is necessary to have the interior Lodge (the authentic School of Intimate Self-Education) in perfect order. We are absolutely sure that only one door and only one way exists: Sex, everything that is not through this way is just a miserable waste of time. We are not against any Religion, School, Sect, Order, etc., nonetheless, we firmly know that inside our Individual Interior Lodge we must have order, so that we avoid confusion and error.”
– Paraphrase from Ch.22 of Esoteric Course of Kabalah by Samael Aun Weor,
available in the Appendix (Section ‘Gnostic Secrets of Esoteric and Occult Masonry’) of
The Gnostic and Esoteric Mysteries of Freemasonry, Lucifer and the Great Work

These three Masters work with the three profundities of our resplendent dragon of wisdom. These three Masters control the forces that come from the three aspects of the Solar Logos.
Sarasvati works with the forces of the Father. Lakshmi exerts control over the Astral Body, and Parvati exerts control over the physical body.
The Apprentice has to perfect their physical body by accustoming it to the practice of Sexual Magic with their priestess wife or priest husband. This work is very arduous and difficult.
The Companion needs to perfect their Astral Body until it becomes a useful instrument.
The Master needs to perfect their Mental Body with the power of the fire that blazes in the universal orchestration.
The Apprentice must invoke the Master Parvati to help them control the sexual organs during the practice of Sexual Magic.
The Companion must invoke Lakshmi in order to teach them how to get out in the Astral Body. It is urgent to learn how to travel consciously and positively in the Astral Body.
The Master must invoke Sarasvati so that he may help us to Christify the mind.
These invocations are made during Sexual Magic. It is necessary to invoke the forces of the Holy Spirit during Sexual Magic. It is urgent to call the forces of the Christ so that they give rise to the birth of the Christ Astral in the depths of our interior universe.
It is indispensable to ask the forces of the Father for assistance with our mind. We need to engender the Christ Mind.
The physical, astral and mental vehicles must become fine instruments of the Spirit.
It is indispensable to learn how to get out consciously in the Astral Body. Let us remember that the mind is found within the astral. It is urgent to visit the temples of the White Lodge consciously. In the astral we can study at the feet of the Master.
In the following paragraphs we will teach the mantram for getting out in astral as taught by a sage in one of his books. These mantrams are in the sanskrit language and the Yogis of India use them in order to get out in astral.
“Hare Ram. Hare Ram, Ram Hare Hare.
Hare Cristo. Hare Cristo, Cristo, Cristo, Hare, Hare.
Hare Murare Modup Coiptus Hare Copal Govind Mukum Sonre.
Mage Prage Yodi Kolpi Basi Parvot Tullo Hiro No Dane En Bai de Nem.
Sri Govind, Sri Govind. Sri Govind. Sri Govind.
Ganesha Namap.”
The devotee should fall asleep with the head towards the North or towards the East. It is necessary that the devotee should first learn these Mantrams of India by heart.
The devotee should lie down dorsal decubitus (face up). Supplicate, call and invoke with all their soul the Master Lakshmi to take them out consciously and positively in the Astral Body. It is necessary to call Lakshmi in the name of the Christ.
“In the name of the Christ,
by the glory of the Christ,
by the power of the Christ,
I call you,
Lakshmi, Lakshmi, Lakshmi.
This invocation is repeated thousands of times supplicating the Master Lakshmi to take you out of the physical body consciously and to teach you how to travel consciously in the Astral Body.
After making this invocation, recite the sanskrit Mantram thousands of times with the mind concentrated on the Christ.
Fall asleep calmly while making the invocation. When you wake up, practice a retrospective exercise to remember where you were, where you walked, with whom you were speaking etc. It is necessary to ask Lakshmi to teach you how to go consciously into the astral.
It is necessary to have patience as great as that of Saint Job to learn how to go out consciously in the Astral Body. Let us remember that the degree of Apprentice is of seven years and that only after seven years do the first flashes of illumination begin. We give this caution so that the student knows what to expect.
For the curious, the profane and the profaners of the Temple; it is best that they leave. This science is not for the curious.
In accordance with how the devotee practices Sexual Magic with their priestess wife or priest husband; in accordance with how their conduct becomes more and more upright; in accordance with their continuing sanctification; the splendors and powers of the Intimus (the Spirit) begin to reflect in their astral and in their mind. Then illumination comes.
This is the path; but this illumination is only after the degree of Apprentice. (We are speaking in the terminology of occult masonry). Every true candidate prepared for illumination will be able to be recognized and verified with the square and the compass.
When the Spirit and the human personality act in an orderly manner and in full harmony, the devotee is prepared for illumination. Whosoever complains of lack of illumination, cannot withstand the trial of the square and the compass.
When the inferior quaternary loyally obeys the Spirit, the result is illumination. As long as the inferior quaternary does not obey the Spirit, that is to say, while the human personality does not know how to obey the Spirit, illumination is impossible.
The devotee should purify their bedroom daily with special aromatic substances. Incense purifies the Astral Body. A good incense attracts the great Masters that we need for our work.
We can mix incense with benzoin. Benzoin purifies the astral and dispels gross and sensual thoughts. Benzoin can be mixed with incense in a perfume censer, or all burnt within a brazier. This is the most practical.
The essence of roses can also be mixed with these perfumes to purify the environment. It is good to remember that roses have great power. The rose is the queen of flowers. It is necessary that the rose of the Spirit open its fragrant and delicious bud upon the cross of our body.
We also recommend olibanum [Frankincense] to create a devotional atmosphere in the nuptial bedroom. Husband and wife should live in the midst of perfume and love.
Incense and perfume burn delightfully in all temples of the hindu, pharsee, jain, shinto etc., etc. Incense and perfumes were never absent from the temples of Greece, Rome, Persia etc. The devotee needs much purification and sanctification in order to reach illumination.
Jesus, the Great Hierophant said, “Help yourself and I will help you.” So then, the gnostic student should take account of these words of the Master. The mantrams to go out in the Astral Body as we have taught in this chapter are marvelous.
The invocation to the Master Lakshmi is magnificent, marvelous, but the Gnostic student must help themselves, they must concentrate on the navel; they must fall asleep singing the mantram mentally, and when they find themselves dozing, when they feel that lassitude of sleep itself then they should imagine themselves being a breeze, a gas, something subtle, feeling themselves to be completely aerial and gaseous, and in that state, feeling thus, to forget the heaviness of the physical body, to think that they can fly anywhere because they no longer have weight of any kind; forgetting their physical body, feeling like a cloud, an aroma, a breeze, or a divine breath, they should leap up from their bed.
Do not try to leap mentally; it is urgent that all this is translated into action, into concrete facts.
Once outside the physical body, leave your house and direct yourself to the Gnostic Church in the Astral Body, or to whatever place you want.
With the Astral Body one can travel to other planets, with the Astral Body one can visit the most distant places of the Cosmos, the Mystery Temples, etc…”
– Paraphrase from Ch.32 of The Perfect Matrimony by Samael Aun Weor,
also available in the Appendix (Section ‘Gnostic Secrets of Esoteric and Occult Masonry’) of
The Gnostic and Esoteric Mysteries of Freemasonry, Lucifer and the Great Work
Summary and Conclusion
The Apprentice has to perfect their physical body by accustoming it to the practice of Sexual Magic (this work is very arduous and difficult). The Apprentice must control the sexual organs during the practice of Sexual Magic in order to create the Solar Astral Body. During the degree of Apprentice, the attention is focused especially on the Astral Plane. The INTERIOR LODGE OF THE CONSCIOUSNESS must be protected, the Astral body must be cleaned of animal passions and of all types of desires. Incense should be used daily to clean the bedroom and the Astral body (a good incense attracts the great Masters that we need for our work). The Apprentice must invoke Parvati (in the name of the Christ) in order to help them control the sexual organs during the practice of Sexual Magic:
by the glory of the Christ,
by the power of the Christ,
I call you,
Parvati, Parvati, Parvati.
The Companion needs to perfect their Astral Body until it becomes a useful instrument in order to travel consciously in Astral, and they should continue to work with the practice of Sexual Magic in order to create the Solar Mental Body. In the second Degree the Mental Lodge must be protected, worldly thoughts must be cast out of the Temple. It is necessary to protect the INTERIOR LODGE very well, so that doctrines, persons, demons, and unhelpful things do not penetrate into the Internal Sanctuary in order to sabotage the GREAT WORK. The Companion must invoke Lakshmi (in the name of the Christ) while concentrating on the navel so as to teach them how to get out in the Astral Body:
by the glory of the Christ,
by the power of the Christ,
I call you,
Lakshmi, Lakshmi, Lakshmi.
The Master needs to perfect their Mental Body with the power of the fire that blazes in the universal orchestration (the Master must Christify the Mind), and they should continue to work with the practice of Sexual Magic in order to create the Solar Causal Body. It is necessary to invoke the forces of the Holy Spirit during Sexual Magic. It is urgent to call the forces of the Christ so that they give rise to the birth of the Christ Astral in the depths of our interior universe. It is indispensable to ask the forces of the Father for assistance with our Mind. We need to engender the Christ Mind. The Master must invoke Sarasvati so that he may help them to Christify the mind:
by the glory of the Christ,
by the power of the Christ,
I call you,
Sarasvati, Sarasvati, Sarasvati.
The physical, astral and mental vehicles must become fine instruments of the Spirit. Any Esotericist who creates the ‘Body of Gold’ of the Solar-Man, the “TO SOMA HELIAKON”, the “Wedding Garment of the Soul”, converts themselves into a Master; however, perfection in Mastery is something very distinct… It is one thing to be a Master and another (certainly much different) to achieve perfection in Mastery.
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