Part 1 – Impressions and the Personality
Transforming Impressions and Transforming our Lives
Things, persons, are nothing but impressions within us, within our minds. If we transform those impressions, we transform our life radically.
For example, when there is pride in us, it has ignorance as its basis.
A person, as an example, who feels proud of their social position, or of their money can be transformed if this person thinks that their social position is a mere mental matter, that it is a series of impressions which have reached their mind, impressions about their social status, when they think that such status is nothing but a mental matter or when they analyze the question of their worth, then they come to the realization that their position exists in their mind in the form of impressions.
Those impressions which money and social position produce, are really nothing but impressions of the mind. With the simple fact of comprehending that they are only impressions of the mind, there is transformation of oneself. Then pride decreases and collapses by itself and humility is born in us in a natural manner.
By means of comprehension, we can transform the impressions which emerge in the mind.”
-paraphrase from Ch. 1.43 (The Transformation of Impressions) of The Revolution of the Dialectic
Comprehension and the Transformation of Impressions
If someone greets us, praises us, how can we transform the vanity which this or that flatterer could provoke in us? Obviously, the praises, the flattery are nothing but impressions which reach our mind and the mind then reacts in the form of vanity; but if those impressions are transformed, then vanity becomes impossible.
How could the words of a flatterer be transformed? By means of comprehension. When we really comprehend that we are nothing but an infinitesimal creature in one corner of the Universe, then we immediately transform those impressions of praise, flattery, etc., into something different; we convert such impressions into what they are: dust, cosmic dust, because we comprehend our own position.
We know that the Galaxy in which we live [or the note ‘LA’] is made up of millions of worlds.
What is the Earth [or the note ‘MI’]? It is a particle of dust in the infinite.
And if we were to say that we are just some organic micro-organisms belonging to that particle of dust, then what?
If we were to comprehend this when we are flattered, then we would carry out a transformation of the impressions related to the praise and flattery and as a result we would not react in the form of pride.
The more we reflect on this, the more we will see the necessity for a complete transformation of impressions.
All that we see as external is interior. If we do not work with the interior then we are treading the path of error because we will not modify our habits.
If we want to be different if we want to change from what we are, then we need to transform ourselves integrally, and we should begin by transforming impressions.
By transforming the animal and bestial impressions into elements of devotion, then sexual transformation, sexual transmutation surges forth in us. This aspect of impressions deserves to be analyzed…”
-paraphrase from Ch. 1.43 (The Transformation of Impressions) of The Revolution of the Dialectic
The Personality (the Bad Secretary) and Reactions
Personality is the term that is applied to everything that we acquire.
It is clear that it translates impressions from all sides of life in a limited and stereotypical manner in accordance with its quality and association. This is why, in the gnostic esoteric work, the personality is sometimes compared to a terrible secretary who is in the front office, who is occupied with all the ideas, concepts, preconceptions, opinions and prejudices. It has many dictionaries, encyclopedias of all types, reference books, etc., and is not in communication with the centers, in other words, it communicates with the intellectual, emotional, motor, instinctive and sexual centers, according to its unusual ideas.
As a result it almost always encourages the wrong working of the centers. This means that the impressions which arrive are sent to wrong centers, in other words, to places which do not correspond to them, and (naturally) this produces incorrect results.
Normally, it sends them to the sexual center and so this gentleman firmly believes that the lady is in love with him, and as is logical, it does not take long before he rushes to ask her out, or buy her flowers, etc. But, if that lady has never had that type of caring for the gentleman, then with much reason, she cannot but feel surprised.
This is the result of untransformed impressions. Here we see how much of a bad secretary the personality is. Unquestionably, the life of the human being depends on this secretary who seeks transformation or translation of impressions in its reference books without comprehending at all, what the event means, and consequently then transmits incorrect conclusions, without concern for what could happen, but feeling only that the secretary is fulfilling its duty. This is our interior situation.
What is important to comprehend in this allegory is that as the human personality is acquired, it begins to take charge of our lives. It is useless to imagine that this happens only to certain and specific persons; it happens to everyone no matter who it is.
One finds out, through observation, that numerous characteristic reactions exist in us which are produced by the impressions that we receive. These mechanical reactions, unfortunately, govern us.
It is clear that each person is governed by their reactions to life. These reactions constitute our own life. And because our reactions are based on our personality’s pre-determined way of processing impressions we can say that humanity is completely mechanical.
Any person has formed for themselves an enormous quantity of reactions, which come to be the practical experiences of their existence. It is clear that every action produces its reaction, actions of a certain type and such reactions are called experiences.
The important thing is for us to get to know our actions and reactions better, to be able to relax the mind.
This “mental relaxation” is magnificent. To lie down on one’s bed or on a comfortable armchair, to relax all the muscles patiently and then empty the mind of all types of thoughts, desires, emotions, memories.”
-paraphrase from Ch. 1.43 (The Transformation of Impressions) of The Revolution of the Dialectic
Relaxing the Mind and Knowing Ourselves (part 1)
When the mind is in absolute repose, then we see the multitude of elements and sub-elements, actions and reactions, desires, passions, etc., as something foreign to us but which await the precise instant to be able to exercise their control over us, over our personality. This is the reason why the silence and stillness of the mind is worthwhile.
Obviously, the relaxation of the mind is beneficial … because it leads us to personal, individual self-knowledge.
So it is that all of life, in other words, exterior life, what we see and live, is for each person, their reaction to the impressions which arrive from the physical world.
It is a great error to think that “life” is a fixed, solid thing, and the same for each person. Certainly, there is not a single person who has the same impressions which (with respect to life) exist in the human species, because they are infinite.
Life, certainly, is our impressions of it and it is clear that we can transform such impressions (if we resolve to do so). This (as an idea) is very difficult to understand or comprehend because the hypnotism of the senses is very powerful.
Although it may seem incredible, all human beings are in a state of “collective hypnosis”. Such hypnosis is produced by the residual state of the abominable Kundartiguador organ; when it was eliminated, the different psychic aggregates or inhuman elements which in their mass constitute the myself, the oneself, remained.
These elements and sub-elements, in turn, condition the consciousness and keep it in a state of hypnosis. This is how collective hypnosis exists. The entire world is hypnotized! The mind is engrossed in the world of the five senses and does not manage to comprehend how it could become independent of them; instead it firmly believes that it is a God.”
-paraphrase from Ch. 1.43 (The Transformation of Impressions) of The Revolution of the Dialectic
The Three Minds
There are many fairy tales that tell us of elves, leprechauns, and fairies, but, unfortunately, all these things of innocence, all this beauty from the soul of the Earth is very rarely perceived by humanity, and this is due to the animal ego’s excessive development.
If people understood that we have three minds, then they might become more interested in these studies. Let’s study each of these three minds separately.
2. The second we shall christen with the name of Intermediate Mind.
3. The third we shall call the Interior Mind.
[ 1) Sensual Mind]
The Sensual Mind develops its basic concepts via external sensory perceptions. Under these conditions, the Sensual Mind is terribly crude and materialistic, it cannot accept anything which has not been physically demonstrated.
Since the fundamental concepts of the Sensual Mind are based on external sensory data, it can know nothing about what is real, about the truth, about the mysteries of life and death, about the Soul and the Spirit, etc.
For those who are totally trapped by their external senses and incarcerated within the basic concepts of the Sensual Mind, our esoteric studies are lunacy. In the reasoning of the unreasonable, in an insane world, they are right, due to the conditioning of the external sensory world.
How could the Sensual Mind accept what is not sensory? If information from the senses serves as a secret means for all functions of the Sensual Mind, then it is obvious that it generates sensory concepts.
[ 2) Intermediate Mind]
The Intermediate Mind is different, nonetheless, it also has no direct knowledge of what is real, instead it confines itself to belief and that is all.
In the Intermediate Mind are found: religious beliefs, unbreakable dogmas, etc.
[ 3) Interior or Inner Mind]
Finally, we have Interior Mind which is fundamental for the direct experience of the truth. The Interior Mind creates its basic concepts with information provided by the superlative consciousness of the Being.
Unquestionably, the consciousness can live and experience what is real. This means that the consciousness knows the truth. To manifest itself, however, the consciousness needs a mediator, an instrument of action, and this instrument, in itself, is the Interior Mind.”
-paraphrase from Ch. 12 (The Three Minds) of The Great Rebellion
Opening the Interior Mind through the Elimination of the Ego
…It is impossible to open the Interior Mind unless we learn to think psychologically. Unquestionably, when someone starts to observe themselves, it is a sign that they are beginning to think psychologically.
As long as we do not admit the reality of our own psychology and the possibility of fundamentally changing it, we certainly do not feel the necessity for psychological self-observation.
But when one accepts the Doctrine of the Many Selves and understands the need to eliminate the different egos carried within one’s psyche (for the purpose of liberating the consciousness, the Essence) then one undoubtedly initiates psychological self-observation.
Obviously, the elimination of undesirable elements carried in our psyches commences the opening of the Interior Mind.
All this means that this opening takes place gradually as we annihilate those undesirable elements which we carry within our psyches. Whosoever has eliminated those undesirable elements 100% from within, will also have obviously opened up the Interior Mind 100%.”
-paraphrase from Ch. 12 (The Three Minds) of The Great Rebellion
Relaxing the Mind and Knowing Ourselves (part 2)
So if we are going to eliminate our Egos in order to open our Interior Mind, then we must work on ourselves. We must distinguish between the information we are receiving from the Senses, our Beliefs and the information that comes from our Consciousness, from the Being.
When we are observing ourselves at the moment in which we receive Impressions let us also observe how the False Personality (through our Sensual and Intermediate Minds) tries to use those Impressions to make us react mechanically.
Remember what we mentioned in the previous class:
This will allow us to see ourselves in a completely different way.
Life is our impressions and these impressions can be transformed.
We need to learn to transform our impressions, however, it is not possible to transform anything in us if we continue attached to the world of the five senses.
As it says in the “Treatise of Revolutionary Psychology”, experience teaches us that if the gnostic esoteric work is negative, then it is our own fault.
It is from the sensorial point of view that this or that person of the exterior world (whom one sees and hears through the eyes and the ears), is to blame; because this person, in turn, will say that we are the ones to blame, but really, the fault is in the impressions that we may have about people.
Many times we think that a person is bad when in reality the person is a humble lamb. It is very convenient to learn to transform all the impressions which we have of life.”
-paraphrase from Ch. 1.43 (The Transformation of Impressions) of The Revolution of the Dialectic
Part 2 – Impressions and Energy
The Transformation of Substances
2. air or breathing [related with the lungs]
3. and impressions [related with the 5 senses and the mind].
The digestion of food brings about the assimilation of vital principles for the blood.
The result of respiration is the assimilation of oxygen which is so valuable for human life.
The assimilation or digestion of impressions, brings about the absorption of energy finer than the other two.
The five senses correspond to impressions. There are two types of impressions: pleasant and unpleasant.
The human being needs to know how to live, but for that, one has to learn to digest and transform impressions and this is vital for comprehension.
We have to transform impressions if we truly want to know how to live.
Just as Food and Air are a type of Substance all impressions which reach the mind are also a type of substance that is called (in Esoteric Chemistry) Hydrogen 48. Unfortunately, the human being lives mechanically and normally does not transform this substance.
A person can transform Hydrogen 48 into Hydrogen 24 in order to fortify the chakras [related with the Solar Astral Body], Hydrogen 24 can be transformed into Hydrogen 12 in order to fortify the interior mind [and the Solar Mental Body] and Hydrogen 12 can be transformed into Hydrogen 6 in order to fortify the will [and the Solar Causal Body].”
-paraphrase from Ch. 1.44 (The Mental Stomach) of The Revolution of the Dialectic
What this means is that the ‘Substance’ of Impressions can be Transformed into a different Substance, a more Refined Substance, which is a ‘food’ or nourishment for the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being.
Digesting Impressions with the ‘Mental Stomach’
People believe that they are able to see things from different angles and that they are sovereign, but, they do not realize that the human mind is limited by preconceptions and prejudices. In these modern times, we need to transform the mental apparatus, we need to be different.
The fabrication of a superior intellectual apparatus, which is adequate to transform and digest impressions, becomes urgent and necessary.
In the same manner that the digestive apparatus has a stomach in order for food to be assimilated, and in the same manner that the respiratory system has lungs to assimilate oxygen, the mechanical person should create a mental stomach (do not confuse it or interpret it as a physical one) in order to assimilate impressions.
Before digesting impressions, we have to transform them. The Gnostic Teaching permits and facilitates the creation of such a stomach, in order to make something different of the intellectual animal.
The necessity for the transformation of impressions cannot be born in us without having comprehended such a necessity, and this comprehension surges forth within us upon acquiring the Gnostic Knowledge. When one thinks differently and positively about people, this is a sign that one is changing.”
-paraphrase from Ch. 1.44 (The Mental Stomach) of The Revolution of the Dialectic
Becoming someone New by being Sincere with Ourselves
In the path of the transformation of impressions, we have to be sincere with ourselves… In the beginning, there appears justification in us, but we need to study this because such justification can be the fruit of self-esteem.
We need to discover the causes and motives of our behavior which result from the impressions. When impressions are transformed, everything becomes new. Only the Masters of the Occult Fraternity can immediately transform impressions, whereas human machines do not transform them.
The conscious person can modify situations brought about by past, present and future impressions.
If people are not capable of transforming circumstances, then they will continue being toys of circumstances and of others. Life has an objective and it is that of a superior world; the gnostic Teachings teach us how to live in a superior world, how to live in a solar and immortal humanity.
If one did not accept a superior world, then transformation would not have a purpose, that is obvious. The mind, as it is now, is not good for anything.”
-paraphrase from Ch. 1.44 (The Mental Stomach) of The Revolution of the Dialectic
We are stuck in our Sensual and Intermediate Minds… One needs to organize the Mind, remodel it, furnish it, etc., in other words, place it on a superior intellectual level.
One needs to open the Interior Mind and get rid of all the unnecessary structures and reference materials that the Personality relies on in order to misdirect the Impressions we receive.
Transforming Impressions in order to Starve the Ego
If there is no digestion of impressions, then there will not be any nourishment, if there is no nourishment, then the existential bodies of the Being will languish. The “I” is governed and nourished with Hydrogen 48.
Each day, each hour, new “I’s” are continuously being born when we do not transform Impressions. For example: mosquitoes bother us, the rain also, etc., there is always an addition and subtraction of “I’s”. In the same way that Bad Impressions should be transformed, Good impressions should also be transformed.
If, during the day, one has had three impressions which have affected one’s mood, then they should be studied and transformed at night, utilizing an orderly procedure. Each “I” is linked with others and they are associated with each other. The “I’s” join together in order to form or recreate the same scene.
We have to be analytical and judicious in order to transform impressions, so that, as a result, new faculties will appear within us. When persons do not transform themselves, then they continue having a shameful and ridiculous internal state. Where there is no digestion, then one is involuting.
We have to digest the impressions on the same day… Do not permit the sun to set on your anger!
We have to see things as they are, we have to create the mental apparatus —the mental stomach— which is convenient in order to not be victims of anything.”
-paraphrase from Ch. 1.44 (The Mental Stomach) of The Revolution of the Dialectic
System for the Transformation of Impressions
2. – Reach the state of meditation.
3. – Relive the scene just as it occurred [Retrospective exercise].
4. – Seek within oneself the “I” which caused the problem.
5. – Observing serenely, one places the ego in the defendant’s bench and one then proceeds with the judgment
6. – Ask the Divine Mother Kundalini for the disintegration of the “I”-problem.”
-paraphrase from Ch. 1.45 (System to Transform the Impressions of the Day)
in The Revolution of the Dialectic
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