These are the classes that are offered:
Gnostic Meditation
- Ethics
- How to Balance the Mind
- Concentration and Imagination
More information about Gnostic Meditation
Gnostic Studies
- Comparative Religion and the Ancient Mystery Schools
- Esoteric Knowledge
- The Astral World and the Superior Dimensions
Gnostic Psychology
- Knowledge of Self
- Subjective vs. Objective Knowledge
- The Key of the Third State of Consciousness
- Comprehension and Meditation
More information about Gnostic Psychology
Gnosis and the Rose-Cross Mysteries
- Esoteric Astrology
- Vocalization and Esoteric Practices
- Mystery Schools and their Purpose
- The Cross (the Soul) and the Rose (the Spirit)
Gnostic Kabalah
- Language
- Symbolism
- Authentic Esoteric Studies
- The Structure of the Universe and the Structure of the Soul
- Applying Esoteric Principles
- Transmutation
- Annihilation