Venus and Love
Ancient Astrology says that the life within us is nothing more than a struggle between Venus and Mars.
These are the two polarities that try to equilibrate themselves…
In the first letter for the Lesson for Aries we said LIGHT, and LOVE. Light reminds us of Lucifer, Mars; which is followed by Venus, and reminds us of Love.
Let’s look at the astrological symbols with a circle.
The Sun or the Universal Spirit, goes out and makes an arrow or cross going up and then this is the sign of Mars; if the arrow or cross goes down, then it is the sign of Venus.
There are two moons in Aries, in Taurus there is a Moon over a circle, and in Gemini then with Mercury these symbols are joined, until separating the Moon in Cancer.
All these symbols or ways of making astrological signs make us think.
We also said in the first letter [for Aries, the House of Mars] that the key is in the Grand Sympathetic Nervous System, but the nervous fluid before being fluid has to be liquid, and so we began with the liquid nervous system or the Endocrine Glands.
This acts upon the mechanical willpower and then upon the conscious willpower.
Hunger and love are two forces that are battling each other, and nonetheless they need each other.
We must act first of all on the liquid system, in order to then dominate the fluidic system.
With the practices of Aries, we have acted upon the foundation: the Light. This was necessary, because the Light is what is paramount.In the space between the Pineal and the Pituitary Glands, between the center of feeling and the nervous center; there is something invisible, an astral gland, ENTIRELY MADE OF LIGHT, as was indicated in the first practice.
We have indicated this abstractly, now we are becoming more concrete.
Venus dominates the ears, the nose, the tongue, the sexual organs and the kidneys.In Alchemy, Venus is represented by sulfur and, in the metals, Venus is represented by copper.
This metal resides in the milk of women and in certain milky secretions of all bodies, both masculine and feminine.
Venus acts in Taurus and Libra, and with the corresponding exercises we act in order to encourage the production of this secretion.
Taurus is receptive, it represents the place where one can sow, and the neck is a kind of nursery for the whole organism.
In many secret societies, there are signs that are made upon the neck because the neck holds a kind of spiritual uterus, since in it is also the cradle of manifested language.In the previous practice [for Aries] we concentrated on the eyes, the nose and the mouth, and finally on the center of language.
Today [for Taurus] we use language to open the passageway…
-Paraphrase from Zodical Course (1931) by Arnoldo Krumm-Heller
available in Gnostic Rosicrucian Astrology
The Verb, Verbal Chastity and Sincerity with the Word
Taurus rules the larynx and the neck. The larynx is also a sexual uterus where the word is gestated.
The Creative Larynx will be the sexual organ of the future Divine Humanity. The Sexual Fire of the Kundalini becomes a creator through the word.
The word is intimately related with the 4 Elements of Nature, and due to this, the Initiates of the Ancient Temples of Mystery were prohibited from talking about the old catastrophes of ancient Arcadia for fear that they would bring them back into existence.
The Ancient Hierophants knew too well that the word is related to the 4 Elements of Nature, and that talking about a catastrophe is just like evoking it again. For this reason the Ancient Initiates never spoke publicly about the archaic cataclysms.
A hard word follows us and later falls upon whosoever pronounced it, like a ray of vengeance.
There is not only fornication with the sexual act: There is another kind of fornication which is with the word. The improper use of words is also fornication: Fornication of the word creates astral larvae and misfortunes.
It hurts to see how people abuse the word and fill the world with pain. Slander is the worst of all blasphemies.
One should achieve the perfection of the word and of language in oneself. One should comprehend the responsibility of the word.
One should learn to use the Sexual organ of the Verb.
Do you not feel the need to learn how to use the Verb? Listen to me, beloved disciple, we, the members of the Sacred College of Initiates, can create anything with thought and materialize it with the word.
Be careful of mentioning names and surnames. When you have to tell a story, never mention names nor surnames, because that is slander.
If you are a philosopher, fight “theories”, but never talk about the private lives of its leaders. When one talks about a leader, talk about their doctrine, but never mention their private life.
Each person is their own person and no one should care about the private life of others.
“To talk when one should keep quiet is as bad as to keep quiet when one should talk.”
There are times when talking is a crime and there are times when keeping quiet is another crime.
“There are criminal silences and also infamous words.”
One should talk when one should talk and keep quiet when one should keep quiet.
One should achieve the perfection of the Verb in oneself.
One should achieve in oneself, the Wisdom of the Word.
People have lost their notion of sincerity. Nowadays, human words do not carry the substance of sincerity and people suffer due to the lack of sincerity.Today, human words are full of lies and hypocrisy.
Do you know what false words are? Fraudulent words engender monsters. Have you ever seen the birth of a monstrous child? That is the Karma of the false word pronounced in previous lifetimes.
We admire very much the substance of sincerity. A liar could never arrive at our White Island.
-Paraphrased from Chapter 2 ‘Taurus’ in Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
Venus and the Astrological Exercise
The Astrologer should learn how to use the sparkle of the stars.
Do you know of any home where bitterness reigns? Do you want to serve disinterestedly?
Do you know of a poor woman abandoned in misery by a suitor? Do you want to help her?
Listen to me well, beloved disciple, for I will teach you how to use the Sparkle of Venus:
Sit in a comfortable chair. Close your eyes.Set aside all earthly thoughts from your mind and focus your thought on your Internal Master, praying like this:
“Dear Father, you who are me myself, my true Being, I beg you with all my heart and with all my soul, for you to enter into the “Heart Temple” of the star of Venus so that you may kneel at the feet of “Uriel” and ask of him the following favor:
(One asks for the favor one desires)”.
Then, the disciple will mentally salute the Guardian at the Right Column, will take a deep breath and pronounce the password ‘Jachin’.
Next, one will do the same with the Guardian at the Left Column and will pronounce the password: ‘Boaz’; in other words, first the deep breath, then one will pray to their Internal Master telling them:
“Lord, take the 7 steps into the interior of the Temple in order to make the petition.
My Father, my Lord, my God…”
Once the petition has been made, one asks ‘Uriel’ with one’s whole heart for a “Choir of Angels” in order to realize the work. (Singing, they create).
If the Angel of Venus grants your petition, then the Choir of Angels, who are his children and live with him in the Temple of the nucleus of the Star of Venus, will begin to sing in the ‘Sacred language’ in order to do the work we have asked.
This is how the Army of the Voice creates by means of the Verb.
If any profane observer were to observe the heavens in those instants, then they would see the Planet Venus shining and glowing in an intensified and rare way.
The observer would simply be amazed upon contemplating the original sparkle of Venus in those instants.
The indigo-colored hierarchies of the Star of Venus gave us the Causal Body or Body of Willpower.
They grant what we ask for, when ‘Karma’ allows it.
However, if our petition is not granted, then Uriel will show the disciple ‘the Clock of Destiny’ and, in this case, we have no other option but to bow down our head before the verdict of the Law.
-Paraphrased from Chapter 2 ‘Taurus’ in Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
Mental Magic, Black and White
In the real world, there are a great number of schools that try to accomplish these same ‘miracles’ by means of Mental Force, without taking into account at all, the approval of the Lords of Destiny.
That is simply, pure and legitimate Black Magic.
The Christ-Mind works well with the Law.
Black Mental Waves do not arrive where they are sent because a multitude of ‘Aerial Elementals’, that trap and intercept their path, exist in the subtle world.
Innumerable Forces, which divert or disintegrate destructive mental waves, also exist in space.
Therefore, the Tenebrous waves can only cause harm when the victim does not know how to love, nor how to forgive.
Mental Force is absolutely deficient when it does not work with the Force of the Intimus (our Inner Being).
The Theurgist utilizes Mental Force, but uniting it with the Intimus, that is with the Christ Mind.
The Theurgist works only with the Divine Powers of their ‘Internal Angel’ and with their Christ-Mind.
The Saintly Masters of the White Brotherhood cooperate with the Theurgist and their Christ-Mind.
The Sidereal Genii realize their miracles with the Ray of Justice when the Theurgist officiates on the altar of the ‘Lion of the Law’.
-Paraphrased from Chapter 2 ‘Taurus’ in Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
Virgo, the Virgin and the Mysteries
Virgo is house of Mercury and the exile of Venus.
The Ancient Sages divided the Zodiacal Belt into only 10 Signs, since Virgo and Scorpio were “esoterically” considered one single sign.
Virgo, the sign of the Celestial Virgin and Scorpio, the sign of the Sexual Forces, together, are really that marvelous Eden that the Bible talks to us about.
This is the Paradise of Virginal Human Beings; this is the Paradise of the Perfect Androgyny. This is the Eden that the Bible talks to us about. Eden is sex itself.
“Come to us all those who thirst and we shall give thee the Eternal Water of life to drink”
“Come to us all ye weary pilgrims of life and we shall heal thy wounds”.
Children of the earth! Listen to thy instructors, the Children of the Fire!
In this delightful garden of Virgo and Scorpio, the Seven Serpents of Fire are awaiting in order to initiate thee into their Great Mysteries.
“Ask and it shall be given unto thee, knock and it shall be opened”.
Look! My Child! Here is the Seal of the Heart.
To those who visit our “White Island” we shall give thee three glasses to drink, three delicious Arcana.
One is as green as the emerald. It is the Sexual Force of the Virgin-Mother, “Isis”, Nature.
The other is as blue as the sky. It is the Sexual Force of the Kingdom of the Spirit.
And the other is like the dew of the leaves in the night. It is the Sexual Force of the Absolute, the Ineffable…
Only to those who have thirst, shall we give these three Arcana of Eden, so that they may awaken their Seven Sacred Serpents.
Those who drink from our three glasses will never thirst again; and rivers of pure water will flow from their bellies.
Why do the natives of Virgo suffer? Why do they cry? Why are they not happy in love?All sins shall be forgiven, except the sins against the Holy Spirit.
The natives of Virgo suffer because they committed adultery and fornication in past lives. Thus, they also suffer great amorous deceptions.
-Paraphrased from Chapter 6 ‘Virgo’ in Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
Virgo, Mercury, and Understanding the Mind
In Virgo, Mercury becomes reasoning. Subjective reason is of the Animal Soul.
The Animal Soul is the Mind. The Mind is the Cave of Desire.
One cannot kill Desire without taking it out of its cave, out of its den.
The majority of the human beings who currently populate the face of the Earth, only possess Subjective Rationalism, they still have not developed Objective Reason in themselves.It is good for you to understand that SUBJECTIVE REASON HAS SENSORIAL DATA AS ITS FOUNDATION. It processes the concepts of its content with the data provided by the senses.
Subjective Reason is much too poor, it is completely trapped by the five senses.
…Mr. Emmanuel Kant, the philosopher of Königsberg, has already demonstrated that Subjective Reason can know nothing about God and about the Truth. If one’s rationalism is based on data provided by the senses, then (clearly) one has to move within the orbit of the senses, and one could never get out of that orbit.
If someone wants to know something more, if someone tries to know what the Truth is, if anyone wants to know the Mysteries of Life and Death (and what is beyond the Three-dimensional Region of Euclid), then clearly they will have to develop Objective Reason in their inner psychic constitution.
Imagine a tranquil lake. If you were to throw a stone in that lake, then you would see a series of waves coming from the center to the periphery. Compare this same concept with what happens to the Mind: all of a sudden you see a pornographic image; that image passes from the senses to the lake of your Mind, and the latter then reacts with its waves before the external impact; its waves then knock strongly on our sexual organs, producing sexual excitement that is consumed in copulation.Subdue the Senses and dominate the Mind so that you may not react before external impacts.
-Paraphrased from Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor available in Practical Astrology
and from ‘The Objective Reason of the Solar Man’ (also called ‘The Man and Reason’ in English)
which is Lecture #63 by Samael Aun Weor,
available in the Appendix of The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of the Tarot and Kabalah
The Mind, Reasoning and the Need for Intuition
The den of the Beast of Desire is in the Mind. The great intellectuals are terribly passionate, vicious and fornicating beings. They have developed the Mind, and that Mind is the Animal Soul.
The great intellectuals have the Animal Soul (the Material Mind) very developed and robust.
THOSE WHO DO NOT HAVE OBJECTIVE REASON ARE EXCLUSIVELY MACHINES, automatic machines, who are responsible for assimilating, transforming and retransmitting planetary energies into the interior layers of the Earth. Yet, WHOSOEVER ALREADY POSSESSES OBJECTIVE REASON escapes from this Law, and in fact converts themselves into SACRED INDIVIDUALS.Objective Reason bases its functions on the data provided by the Essence…
When we move under the direction of the Material Mind or Animal Soul in the Physical World, then we create problems for ourselves… we stay imprisoned, suffering the inexpressible.The person who acts only under hunches is happy, they will never lack bread, shelter and refuge; they will never have problems.
Evil is so fine in the world of the Mind… Evil is so delicate and subtle in the plane of cosmic understanding, that a lot of Intuition is needed in order not to be cheated by the Demons of the Mental world.In the Mental World, there are Adepts of darkness (black magicians) who disguise themselves as Adepts of the White Fraternity, as Mahatmas, etc. They present themselves before us (in the internal worlds) in order to tell us that we have fallen and that we have failed in our longing for the LIGHT, and that we have lost the degrees that we had acquired, etc.
These black magicians have a sublime appearance and an exquisite Spiritual culture. When they speak, they speak only of love, light, truth, and justice… They appear as ineffable beings and we only discover that they are black magicians when they advise us (in a very fine and delicate tone) to have an orgasm, a spasm, to ejaculate, etc.
All these brothers of darkness, who advise seminal ejaculation and orgasm, hate the Christic force. Therefore, if the disciple slips on this ‘banana peel’, then he or she inevitably falls into the abyss.
The Mind is, then, the most dangerous animal for the Alchemist.
-Paraphrased from Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor available in Practical Astrology
and from ‘The Objective Reason of the Solar Man’ (also called ‘The Man and Reason’ in English)
which is Lecture #63 by Samael Aun Weor,
available in the Appendix of The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of the Tarot and Kabalah
as well as from Ch. 17 of Treatise of Sexual Alchemy by Samael Aun Weor,
available in Magic, Alchemy, and the Great Work
Virgo and the Influence of the Cosmic Currents
Virgo rules over the belly. The forces that rise from the earth, when arriving at the belly, are charged with adrenal hormones which prepare and purify them for their ascent to the Heart.
Virgo also works on the Islets of Langerhans which secrete insulin, so necessary for the treatment of diabetes.
In the “Zodiacal Course” of Master “Huiracocha”, we are taught that during this sign, “we should give small “jumps” to the belly so that the energies that rise from the earth will be charged in the belly, with adrenal hormones. One should be lying in a horizontal position.”
The fundamental zodiacal exercises that we give here, come from the Ancient Temples of Mysteries and, therefore, are not the exclusive patrimony of anyone.
However, we must be grateful to the great Guru Arnoldo Krumm Heller (Huiracocha) who had collected and investigated them, to make them known to us in his marvelous “Zodiacal Course”.
During the Zodiacal Course of Virgo, you should vocalize the vowel “U” daily in order to develop the Telepathic Center of the Solar Plexus, like this: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu (During one hour daily.)
Sit in a comfortable chair, focus your mind on your Intimus, and ask him to travel to the Heart Temples of the Stars of Virgo, so that he may bring the Gods of Virgo to your house, so that they may awaken your Virginal Powers and heal thy belly.
Be assured, beloved reader, that the Sidereal Gods will attend thy call.Your Intimus can enter and leave the body anytime He wants, and due to this, He is not enslaved in the body.
He will really enter the Sidereal Temples, do the necessary salutes (as I have taught you in the first lessons), and He will bring the Sidereal Gods to your side, to prepare your body.
-Paraphrased from Chapter 6 ‘Virgo’ in Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
Within the Consciousness…
The planets move, evolve and progress within the Consciousness. The Sidereal Temples are within the Consciousness.
The Human Being is a Zodiac and the Zodiacal Belt is within the Consciousness. The Doors of the Zodiacal Temples are within the Consciousness.
The 10 Sephiroths of the Kabbalah are the Solar System.
The 7 Inferior Sephira are the Seven Planets and the Crown of Kether, Chokmah and Binah, are the Triune Spiritual Sun.
Those 10 Sephira are within us and we should learn to manipulate them.
We should learn how to transfer ourselves to the different Stars in order to know people’s horoscope.
Conversing with the Sidereal Gods, we will know our horoscope, without the need for the much touted Arithmetic Astrology.
Arithmetic Astrology was for the “Black Age”. The Age of “ASTRO-THEURGY” has now arrived!
We need to learn to handle the Sparkle of the Stars in order to heal the sick. One has to learn to work upon the Earth, from the Sidereal Temples.
We have to learn how to work upon the Earth from the 12 Zodiacal Signs. The Age of Aquarius has arrived, and a new lineage reigns; the Age of the “Super-Man” and the “Super-Woman” has arrived.
The Earth is a small blue star.
The inhabitants of other planets of the Solar System, when born under the influence of our planet Earth, are Mystics by nature and love Sacrifice and Altruism.
They suffer much in their lives and feel much Love for all that is alive; but the Black Magicians of other planets, who accept the negative vibrations of the blue star, called Earth, are extremely perverse and criminal.
Fraternally, the Teacher of your class
-Paraphrased from Chapter 6 ‘Virgo’ in Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
Mercury and Initiation
We have said that all life is a constant struggle between Venus and Mars, but in this region (which we are now penetrating with the magnetic forces awakened) corresponds to Mercury in Gemini.
In the ancient Initiations, the Mystic (origin of the word mystery) was locked in an obscure chamber. This chamber represented Chaos.
They had to pass through a narrow corridor which represented the neck and then they were given the emblems of Mercury as the organizer of this same Chaos.
On the Rosebush, we have followed the sprouting of the leaves, the formation of the petals, and which are now entering the epoch of materializing themselves into the flower.
Mercury is the Spirit that comes from Heaven down to Earth. The head is Heaven; the neck is space (the Chaos), and now we are in front of our own Earth.
In Egypt they gave the symbol of the Ankh (the symbol of life) to the neophytes. Let us remember the famous painting of Amenhotep III.
The Papyrus of Leyden treats this symbol as a neck, that is to say, life passes as breath through the neck.
Enclosed within this symbol is a secret of the Runes, that we will also know through those practices, but much later.
Mercury, in the Sign of Virgo, is the representation of the day, while the Twins (or Gemini) still remains at night.
One can see that the current of Light which we have brought from above is now obscured by the action of Venus, but nonetheless, this same Light is what opens the path to us.
It appears that the very Sign of the Twins represents a path flanked by two walls.Now in Mercury, everything is done with movement. As the word indicates, Mercury brings all movement, and before reaching the Lungs, we need to prepare the air at the superior part of the chest (or in the neck) in order to achieve the next action.
The Hindus speak of awakening the Kundalini (The Serpent of Fire) through breathing exercises, and Rama Prasad offers practices in this respect, impressive for the Hindus who have for centuries had a very simple nourishment and have far fewer dietary elements than us.
These same elements, if we do these same practices, are closing the doors of the Brahmarandhra, and we need to start with softer and lighter exercises for the Ida and Pingala (the two positive-negative columns that link the Kundalini).
The Darkness, that we have mentioned, is what produces dreams. That is to say, it produces the transition from the vigil state to the state of sleep and from the state of sleep to the vigil state.
The Disciple should take note (during these practices in the period of Gemini) of their own dreams. All dreams have their symbolic value, and the Masters observe the Disciple while he or she is going through them.
Generally we dream of what we have been thinking about very intensely before we go to sleep, and this is the cause of why (during this practice) the disciple should fall asleep after having concentrated on something that relates to our studies.
That is to say, of an eagerness, for example, to see our Temple, to think of a Master or, perhaps, of a Tree, the Tree of Life…
In short, any concentration or exercise of the imagination, making the five inhalations through the nose, opening the arms and the legs, then expelling the air through your mouth while closing the legs and arms. These practices can be done in bed or sitting comfortably.
It is also very effective to meditate on the phenomenon of Birth, because, let’s remember, that NOW SOMETHING IS GOING TO BE BORN WITHIN US.
-Paraphrase from Zodical Course (1931) by Arnoldo Krumm-Heller
available in Gnostic Rosicrucian Astrology
Gemini and Mercury
…we now enter into the brilliant Constellation of Gemini. This sign governs the lungs, arms, and legs, and is essentially of a Mercurian nature. Gemini is the house of Mercury. The metal of this sign is Azogue (or Mercury). Its stone is Golden Beryl, and its color is Yellow.
The Lords of Mercury are now teaching humanity how to travel in the Astral Body. Thus the disciple inevitably must be concerned with learning how to travel in the Astral Body.
The authentic Mystery Schools are found in the Astral Plane, for this it is necessary for the disciple to learn how to “Get out” in the Astral Body. It is necessary for the student to learn how to enter into those Sanctuaries of Internal Instruction in order to receive direct teachings from the Masters of the Great White Lodge.
The time has arrived for students to learn how to enter those “Sanctuaries” in the Astral at will in order to receive direct teachings from the Great Instructors. The hour has arrived to abandon theories and go directly to what is practical. The Lords of Mercury assist all those who ask for help.
In the future era, humans will no longer be trapped within their physical body as if in a dungeon. The human body will become a comfortable and luxurious Temple. Humans will learn how to leave and enter their physical body anytime they wish.
Mercury is presently coming out of a Cosmic Night, but as time passes, the cosmic effects of the twinkling of Mercury will be felt more intensely.
It is also indispensable for the disciple to learn how to “enter” through the doors of those “Sidereal” Temples in the Astral Body.
-Paraphrased from Chapter 3 ‘Gemini’ in Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
The Temples of Internal Mysteries
It is urgent for the Theurgist to learn to travel to the other Stars of Infinity and to learn how to enter through the doors of the Sidereal Temples in order to manipulate Rays and induce Cosmic Sparkles .
When the Theurgist “gets out” of the Physical Body, they travel to the Sidereal Temples in the following manner: The Astral Body begins to walk in concentric circles, with the intention of reaching the Heart-Temple of a determined star.
The panorama of things changes within a few moments; the Theurgist is in the presence of the Sidereal Temple and the Guardians of the Columns “J” and “B.”
The Theurgist will make the strictly required salutes as we have taught previously; they will walk the 7 steps towards the interior of the Heart Temple of the Star, and will then kneel at the feet of the Sidereal Genie, putting your knees on the floor of the Temple, the hands on the floor, and the head on back of hands.
After coming to your feet and facing the Sidereal Genie you will appeal for what you want.
If the Genie says: “granted”, then the disciple asks for the “Choir”; the Genie will make a sign and the Army of the Voice will begin to sing in the Sacred Language in order to carry out the “work for which we have asked.”
The Army of the Voice creates with the word. In these sublime moments we enter into ecstasy. The whole of Nature kneels before the Sidereal Gods and their ineffable song elevates us to the Pleroma of Light.The Infinite Space is saturated with the most divine and moving melodies and the waters of the rivers murmur in silence: “this is how God is.”
It is impossible to describe those moments of happiness in which the Soul is detached …
Here, the past and the future harmonize within an eternal “now”, and we then feel the Voice of the Blessed One who, from the most profound depths of our Being, invites us to the “Eternal Wedding”.
When the disciple becomes skillful in Astro-Theurgy, then the Sidereal Gods accept he/she as a layman and they give him/her a gray-colored robe and a rod (or wand).
This is the robe of the Esoteric Astrologer and of the Theurgist. It is the robe of the Authentic Alchemist… and as one progresses in their wisdom, one receives different degrees.
Here, the disciple will learn how to combine the most diverse alchemical substances in order to produce different events in the distinct Cosmic planes.
-Paraphrased from Chapter 3 ‘Gemini’ in Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
The Angels and their Attributes
One is overwhelmed when contemplating those Children-Genii of the Stars working in the Alchemical Laboratories of their Temples in order to provoke the most diverse events of the Physical plane.
SAMAEL, the worker of Iron, works in the forges of Mars.
ANAEL the Genie of Love and of Art, works within his Laboratory of Love, in the Star of Venus, appearing as a 12 year old boy, with blonde hair and rosy cheeks.
MICHAEL, indescribable and ineffable, governs creation from the Heart of the Sun. A frightful abyss leads to the Heart of the Sun. Who among you has the courage to descend into such an abyss in the bottom of which the life of this Solar System palpitates ?
RAPHAEL, the Genie of Mercury, looks like an old man with a long beard, with his face the color of fire. He has the trident of the transforming atoms in his hand, and here, within his Temple of Mercury, he resembles a terrific Monarch which causes the Cosmic Mind to tremble. Who would dare to disobey his sacred orders?
Who is this other Genie in a white robe and white cape, before whom the columns of Angels and Demons tremble? Behold him in the Temple of Jupiter, who gives the scepter to kings and directs the economy of men; he is ZACHARIEL the Genie of Jupiter, before whom tyrants tremble.
In the center of the pale Moon is the Temple of GABRIEL, the fisherman; he directs the life of the oceans and the tears of women. Do you want to learn how to make yourself invisible? Then, call him night after night so that he may “prepare” your body; make this call to GABRIEL a daily devotion. A well “prepared” Physical Body is the most extraordinary instrument for the exercise of Practical Magic. A well-prepared body can become invisible. Neither a bullet nor a dagger can enter a well-prepared body.
What shall we now say about the Ancient of Heaven, the Lord of the Law, the old ORIFIEL? Oh! Saturn! You are the Sword of Justice which reaches us from Heaven! In your hands is the life and estate of all humans.
Listen to me well, oh disciple, always choose the planet you are going to work with.MARS is Warlike.
VENUS is Amorous.
MERCURY is Wise.
SATURN is Melancholic and “concrete”.
THE MOON is Maternal (or Motherly).
THE SUN Directs.
JUPITER is Lord of High Personages.Never enter any of these Mansions without first knocking on the door. Black Magicians assault the Mansions of Heaven. The White Magicians first knock on the door.
The door of every Star is the Heart-Temple. Intruding visitors enter the stars like thieves in someone else’s house. The Children of the Light enter through the door of the Heart-Temple.
The Children of the Light first ask permission from the Lord of the House in order to visit their Mansion. The Heart-Temple of a Star is the door through which one enters and exits the Star.
Our Earth also has a Heart-Temple; that temple is the Mansion of the Genie of the Earth. Visitors from other Stars enter and leave through it.
Do you know who the genie of the Earth is? He is our Lord, the Christ. Our Earth is a small, bright star of blue color that belongs to the Milky Way.
“In my Father’s house there are many mansions.” [John 14:2]
Each Star of Heaven is a Mansion and the door of every Heavenly Mansion is the Heart-Temple.
-Paraphrased from Chapter 3 ‘Gemini’ in Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
Astral Projection and the Jinn State
When, while “out” of the body, you invoke an inhabitant of another planet, you will see him come out from within the Earth; upon saying good-bye, you will see him sink into the depths of the Earth because he has entered and left through the door of the interior of the Earth.
You can also invoke your Physical Body from afar; kneel on the earth and pray to your Intimus like this: “Father of mine, bring me my physical body.” Then, your Intimus will bring you your physical body.
Then, the atoms of your physical body will tell you: “I am your Physical Body, don’t you know me?” You will be astonished when you see your own Physical Body in your bedclothes, face to face, the same as you left it in bed.
Then command your physical body as follows: “Jump over my head and penetrate through my Pineal Gland.” The Physical Body will obey you and you will be with your Physical Body in any remote place of the Earth. If someone were to enter your room in those moments, they would not find you. They would only find your empty bed.
It is indispensable to take your Physical Body to the Gnostic Church every Friday and Sunday at dawn in order to receive the Holy Gnostic Unction in flesh and bone.
You can also take the Physical Body from your very bed without the need of invoking it from afar. For this, fall asleep while vocalizing the following Mantrams: MIÑA PICA FRASCO.
Then slowly get out of your bed conserving your slumber. Execute a little hop and if you see yourself inflated and floating, then leave your house and go towards the Gnostic Church.
The Forces of the Subconscious become activated during slumber and these powerful energies are precisely the ones which permit us to “place our Physical Body within the Astral Plane.” This is what is called the “Jinn” state.
The sublime Guru Huiracocha (Master Arnoldo Krumm-Heller) talks to us about the “Jinn” states in his Rose-Cross Novel. The sage Krumm-Heller describes to us how the commander Montenero received a note from an “usher ” or servant.
Commander Montenero sighed and said “at last”. Then he left the castle of Chapultepec and while going around and around on the path of the mountain of Chapultepec, he whistled many times. A native then led commander Montenero to the Temple of Chapultepec.
The commander asked, “Is this a phenomenon of the Fourth Dimension?”
The native answered, “Yes, my commander, the uninitiated are not aware of these things.”
Thus, with his body in Jinn State, Montenero received his Initiation.
All the works of the renowned Krumm-Heller (Huiracocha) are like a wells of initiatic wisdom that very few have comprehended.
Now, remaining with us is his son Parsival Krumm-Heller, who sincerely rejoiced with us when he studied our books entitled “The Perfect Matrimony” and “The Revolution of Beelzebub”. Parsival faithfully follows the wise path of his father.
[Note: this has since changed.] Krumm Heller taught White Tantrism, but his son [Parsival] taught Black Tantrism; practices of Maithuna with the spillage and loss of the Seminal Liquor, he became fascinated with that doctrine and became a Demon, with a tail and horns on his forehead. Many were the students who were led astray by the son of Krumm Heller; he was someone who was sincerely mistaken, who went from here, saying that the Great Law took him.
The most profound Initiatic Wisdom of the centuries is enclosed in Huiracocha’s “Zodiacal Course”.
-Paraphrased from Chapter 3 ‘Gemini’ in Zodiacal Course by Samael Aun Weor
available in Practical Astrology
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