The Flaming Forge of Vulcan and the Holy Eight
We have already said in the book “The Major Mysteries” that the human being came out of Eden through the door of Sex. And it is only through this door that one can penetrate once more into Eden. Eden is Sex itself!
Max Heindel says that in the heart of the Earth there is found the Sign of the Infinite, the Holy Eight. This is also confirmed by the illuminated Great Master HILARIUX IX.
Let us be explicit. The Sign of the Infinite is a Key to Powers. In it is located, symbolically, the Brain, the heart and the Sex of the Planetary Genie.
Now, if we graphically represent the Holy Eight, the two Circles that form it are, respectively, Sex and the Brain. And in the center of this Eight where the two circles unite, the Heart is symbolized.
The struggle that is brought about in the destiny of the human being is terrible. Brain against Sex! And Sex against Brain!… And what is more frightening, more painful: Heart against Heart! Those who have loved much understand this…
The Holy Eight represents, from another angle, the two ganglionic cords already mentioned and called in the Orient IDA and PINGALA those who, coiled in the spinal medulla, form the Caduceus of Mercury.
Through one of these cords, we have already said, the Fire rises; through the other, the Water rises: the Fire of Phlegethon and the Water of Acheronte, which intertwine in the Ninth Sphere and form the Sign of the Infinite.
The Great Master Hilariux IX, Knight of the Holy Grail, Prince of Jerusalem and Guardian of the Temple, has said that tracing the Sign of the Infinite focused on the Frontal Chakra and meditating on the Sacred Order of Tibet, the esoteric student will “leave” their body consciously and project themselves into the Astral and at any moment, they make themselves present (after being submitted to numerous tests), then they are delivered the magnificent ARCANUM A.Z.F. from “mouth to ear”.F. + W. = C: Effectively, Fire plus Water is equal to Consciousness.
Of course the Fire and the Water of the Ninth Sphere, of Sex as instrument of Sanctification has the power to awaken the Consciousness of the student in the Internal Worlds (F. + W. = C.).
In this way we explain the reason why the Two Witnesses of the Apocalypse concede the power to PROPHESY.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 12 of Logos Mantram Theurgy by Samael Aun Weor
The Two “Marys”
There are two serpents: the one that rises through the medullar canal, and the one that descends.
In the White Magicians the Serpent rises because they do not spill the seminal energy. In the Black Magicians the Serpent descends because they do spill the seminal energy.
The Serpent rising through the medullar channel is the Virgin. The Serpent descending from the coccyx towards the atomic Infernos of Nature is the Santa Maria of Black Magic and of witchcraft.
Here are the two Marys: the white and the black.
The White Magicians abhor the black Santa Maria. Black Magicians mortally hate the White Virgin Mary. Whosoever dares to name the Virgin is immediately attacked by the tenebrous.
When the Initiate is working in the Great Work they have to struggle terribly against the Adepts of Santa Maria.
The creative forces are triple: masculine, feminine and neutral.Those great forces flow downwards from above.
Whosoever wants to regenerate themselves has to change this movement and make these creative energies return inwards and upwards.
This is even contrary to the interests of Nature.
The tenebrous then feel offended and attack the Initiate terribly.
The Lady adepts of the Black Hand sexually assault the male initiate in order to discharge him. This occurs especially during sleep. Thus nocturnal pollutions occur.
The Student dreams of beautiful women who discharge him sexually in order to hinder the ascent of the Fire through the medullar channel.
The tenebrous in the abyss adore Santa Maria and sing to her sublimely malign verses.White Magicians adore the Virgin, which, like a Serpent of Fire, rises through the medullar channel, and upon her they rest their heads as the child in the arms of their Adorable mother.
In India, Kali the Divine Mother Kundalini is adored, but Kali in her fatal black aspect is also adored.
These are the two Marys: the white and the black.
The two serpents, the one of copper that cured the Israelites in the wilderness, and the other: the tempting serpent of Eden.
There are white initiations and black initiations, Temples of light and temples of darkness.
All degrees and all initiations are based on the Serpent.
When it ascends we become angels; when it descends we become devils.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 13 of The Perfect Matrimony by Samael Aun Weor
An Investigation
We will now relate a black initiation exactly as we investigated it:
“In the moments of sleep, the aspirant was taken from the physical body. The festival of the demons took place in a street. All those attending were in the Astral Body.
The neophyte practiced negative sexual magic with the loss of seminal energy. In this way he was progressing in the science of the demons.
They came to the festival dressed in black tunics. The festival was a true witches’ Sabbath.
When the orgy had finished, the Adepts of the left hand led their beloved disciple towards a yellow temple. This was a cavern of black magic.
Seen from the outside the temple appeared to be a humble religious chapel. Inside it was a magnificent palace.
Inside the temple there were two floors or levels and magnificent corridors through which the tenebrous passed.
The adepts of the shadow congratulated the candidate on his evil triumphs.
It was horrible to see the adepts of Santa Maria. The candidate felt at home.
The devil’s tail was visible on those astral phantoms.
The festival of darkness was magnificent. A priest of the abyss climbed upon a rock to give a sermon.
This phantom was a sincere but mistaken person. A man of good intentions but fatally lost.
This adept of the shadows said solemnly: “I shall be loyal to my religion; nothing will make me take a step back. This is sacred.”
Later the tenebrous one continued with a long discourse that was applauded by everyone.
The guest of honor who had had the misfortune of awakening the Kundalini in a negative form, known as the Kundatiguador, was marked with a fatal seal. That mark was triangular and had black and gray lines.
Before using it the seal was first placed in the fire. The mark of the seal was placed beneath the left lung.
The tenebrous gave to the disciple a fatal name, and this was engraved in black letters on the left forearm.
This new black initiate was then led before a statue of terribly malign beauty which symbolized the black goddess, the kingdom of Santa Maria.
The disciple, sitting before this statue crossed his legs in Anãgãrika style with the left over the right.
He then placed his hands on his waist and concentrated on the fatal goddess.
After everything, the tenebrous one returned to his physical body happy with his “triumph”.
Here ends the investigation carried out by us in relation with the initiations of the abyss.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 13 of The Perfect Matrimony by Samael Aun Weor
Ritual and the Duality of Occultism
Ritual is more powerful than a dagger or dynamite.
In a ritual, one works with nuclear forces.
Atomic energy is a gift of God. Just as it can cure, it can also kill.
Every temple in which the Holy Gnostic Unction is celebrated is in fact, and for that reasons, an atomic energy plant.
In Atlantis the black magicians also utilized similar rituals, combined with the sexual forces.
The result of those abuses was the destruction of that continent which had reached an extremely high level of civilization.
The sexual forces are intimately related with the four elements of Nature.Every black ritual, every black mass, has its fatal coordinates in Nature. Now we have explained what were the causes of the sinking of Atlantis.
The sexual force is like electricity. It is found everywhere.
It is a force that resides in the electrons. This force flows in the nucleus of every atom, and in the center of every nebula.
Without this force the worlds of infinite space would not exist. This is the creative energy of the Third Logos.
White magicians and black magicians work with this force. White magicians work with white rituals, black magicians work with black rituals.
The Last Supper of the Adorable Savior of the World has an archaic and very ancient tradition, lost in the night of the centuries: The black mass, and all those black ceremonies of the tenebrous, derive from a very ancient, lunar past.
In all the ages two rituals have existed; one of light, the other of darkness. Ritual is Practical Magic.The Black Magicians mortally hate the Holy Eucharist. The Magicians of darkness justify their hatred of the rituals of bread and wine in the most diverse ways.
Sometimes they give the Gospels the most capricious interpretations to suit their fancy. Their own subconscious betrays them.
They try to do away with the Last Supper in some manner or other. They hate the Last Supper of the Adorable.
Our disciples should be alert and vigilant towards this type of dangerous subject.
Everyone who hates the rituals of the Last Supper is a Black Magician. Everyone who rejects the bread and the wine of the Holy Gnostic Unction in fact rejects the flesh and the blood of the Christ. These type of people are Black Magicians.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 12 of The Perfect Matrimony by Samael Aun Weor
The Holy Eucharist or “Gnostic Unction”
The Last Supper is a magical ceremony of immense power. Something very similar to the archaic ceremony of Blood Brotherhood.
The tradition of this Brotherhood says that if two or more people mix their blood in a cup and then drink of it, then due to the blood they will remain united forever. The astral vehicles of these people will then be intimately associated for all of eternity.
The Hebrew people attribute characteristics of a very special type to the blood. The Last Supper was a Ceremony of Blood.
Each of the Apostles brought drops of their own blood in their cups, and emptied these into the chalice of Jesus Christ.
In that Chalice, the Adorable had also placed his Royal blood. Thus, in the Holy Grail, the blood of Jesus Christ was mixed with the blood of his disciples.
Tradition tells that Jesus also gave to his disciple’s infinitesimal particles of his own flesh to eat.
And he took bread, and gave thanks, and broke it, and gave unto them, saying, “this is My Body which is given unto you: do this in memory of Me”.
Likewise he also took the cup after supper, saying, “this cup is the new testament in my Blood, which is shed for you”. In this way the pact was signed.
[see Luke 22:19–20; Matthew 26:26–28; Mark 14:22–24]
Every pact is signed in blood.
The Astral of the Christ Jesus remained associated, united with his disciples and with the whole of mankind through the pact of blood. The Adorable is the Savior of the world.
This ceremony of blood is as ancient as the Infinite. All the great Avatars have verified it since ancient times. The Great Lord of Atlantis also celebrated the Last Supper with his disciples.
This ceremony of blood was not improvised by the Divine Master. This is a very ancient, archaic ceremony, the blood ceremony of the Great Avatars.
Every Gnostic Unction, whatever the system of worship or belief, whatever the sect or religion, is intimately associated and united with the Last Supper of the Adorable through the pact of blood.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 12 of The Perfect Matrimony
and Ch. 13 of The Mystery of the Golden Blossom
Ritual Ceremony
The Primitive Holy Gnostic Christian Church (to which we have the privilege of belonging) preserves in secret the primitive rituals used by the Apostles.
These were the rituals of the Christians who met in the catacombs of Rome during the epoch of the Caesar Nero. These are the rituals of the Essenes, a humble caste of great Initiates among whom the Christ Jesus was counted.
These are the primitive rituals of the ancient Christians. These rituals have power. In them is contained all our secret science of the Great Arcanum.
When we ritualize, we vocalize certain mantram, which have the power to sublimate the sexual energy to the heart.
(Note the ‘Practice’ given in Arcanum 2 of Esoteric Course of Kabbalah by the same author, which is also mentioned in the class ‘The Esoteric Work and the Kundalini‘ of this series, and that begins with “Be Thou, Oh HADIT, my secret, the gnostic mystery of my being…”)
The Internal Christ lives in the Heart-Temple.
When the sexual energies are sublimated to the heart, they then have the great joy of mixing with the forces of the Internal Christ, so that one is able to enter into the superior worlds.Our rituals are repeated on all the seven great Cosmic Planes. The ritual ceremony establishes a secret channel from the physical region, passing through all the seven great planes to the world of the Solar Logos.
It is clear and manifest that wine which is pure and not fermented in any way is used with success…
The christic atoms of the Solar Logos descend via this channel, and then accumulate in the bread and in the wine.This is how the bread and wine really, through the work of transubstantiation, become the flesh and the blood of Christ.
Upon eating the bread and drinking the wine, the christic atoms are diffused throughout our whole organism and pass into the internal bodies in order to awaken in us those powers of a solar nature.
The Apostles drank the blood of Christ and ate the flesh of Christ.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 12 of The Perfect Matrimony
and Ch. 13 of The Mystery of the Golden Blossom
The Glorian website gives a practice that can be done at home with the Bread and the Wine in the following video:
Duality in Esoteric Rites
There are certain tenebrous rites, which survive from the most remote periods of history.
The witches of Thessaly celebrated certain rituals in their cemeteries or tombs in order to invoke the shadows of the dead.
On the anniversary of the death of their loved ones they would meet before the tombs in the cemetery and amidst the most terrifying shrieks, pierced their breasts so that blood would flow.
This served as a vehicle for the shadows of the dead to materialize in the physical world.
Homer, the great Initiate, recounts in the Odyssey something concerning a ritual celebrated by a witch on the island of Calypso, where the cruel Goddess Circe reigned.
The priest cut the throat of a beast within a pit, filling it with blood. The priest then invoked the soothsayer of Thebes.
Homer tells us that the soothsayer answered the call and was able to totally materialize thanks to the blood.
The soothsayer of Thebes spoke personally with Ulysses and predicted many things for him.
All those who follow the Path of the Perfect Matrimony will have to defend themselves against the tenebrous.They try to take the devotee from the real path in order to make him or her a member of the Black Lodge.
When they accomplish their objective, then the student is taken to the banquet of demons.
The struggle is terrible; brain against sex, sex against brain, and what is most terrible and most painful, that of heart against heart. You know this…
We need to crucify all the human attachments, abandon all that which signifies carnal passion. This is extremely difficult. The past screams, clamors, cries, begs… this is terribly painful.
The Superman or Superwoman is the result of a tremendous Revolution of the Consciousness.
Those who believe that the mechanical evolution of nature can turn us into Masters are absolutely mistaken.
The Master is the result of a tremendous Revolution of the Consciousness.
We need to fight against Nature and even against the shadow of Nature.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 13 of The Perfect Matrimony by Samael Aun Weor
Ritual and the Sexual Forces
In “the Bush of Horeb” by Doctor Adoum (Mago Jefa), we have found a description of the black mass of medieval times.
Doctor Adoum transcribes the paragraph from the work of Huysmans.
This is such an interesting description that we cannot but make it known to our readers. Let’s see:
“As a general rule a priest would officiate. He would undress completely, and then put on an ordinary chasuble.
On the altar there lay a naked woman, usually the petitioner.
Two naked women served as acolytes; at times adolescents were used who would necessarily be naked.
Those who attended the practice would be clothed or naked according to the whim of the moment.
The priest would carry out all the exercises of the ritual, and those present accompanied this representation with whatever obscene gestures.
The atmosphere became more and more charged; the ambience became fluidic to the highest degree. Everything contributed to it, by the way: the silence, the darkness and the withdrawl [recogimiento ].
The fluid was attractive, that is to say, it put the assistants in contact with the elementals.
If, during this ceremony, the woman lying upon the altar concentrated her attention on a desire, it was not unusual for it to produce an absolutely real transmission, a transmission which converted the one who was the object of it, into a real obsession.
The goal was achieved. That day or during the following days the phenomenon occurred and was attributed to the generosity of Satan.
However, this fluidic environment always had a disadvantage: to exacerbate the nerves, and to produce in some member of the assembly a hysterical state which sometimes became collective.
At any given moment it was not strange to see women out of their minds, tearing their clothing, and men abandoning themselves to wild gestures.
Likewise, two or three women would very soon fall to the floor seized by violent convulsions.
They were simply mediums who entered into a trance. It was said that they were possessed, and everyone was satisfied.”
Here ends the account of Huysmans as transcribed by Doctor Adoum.
By this account we can see how rituals and sexual forces have been abused with terribly evil acts.
It is clear that during one of these rituals, the state of extreme nervous excitement, being absolutely sexual and passionate, violently provokes the generation of a kind of mental force saturated with creative energy.
The result of such a ritual is a magical phenomenon.
Every ritual is related with blood and seminal energy [sex].
Ritual is a double-edged sword. It defends and gives life to the pure and virtuous. It wounds and destroys the tenebrous and impure.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 12 of The Perfect Matrimony by Samael Aun Weor
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