Understanding Esoteric Masonry
The Kundalini and the Degrees of Occult Masonry
Let’s remember what we studied in the previous class:
This Sacred Fire rises along a fine thread that serves as a conductor within the canal of the medulla.
The ascension of the Kundalini is regulated by the Fires of the Heart.
In occultism, the spinal vertebrae are called: “Canyons or Pyramids”. Each Canyon has its occult name and its powers.The Spinal Column has 33 Canyons and 33 Divine Atoms. The ascent of the Kundalini is carried out “Canyon by Canyon”, “Degree by Degree”.
Each Canyon costs terrible tests in the Physical plane and in the Astral plane. This is the path of unutterable bitterness and martyrdom.
The nervous branches, which communicate the Chakras with the medulla, part from the fine cord of the medulla.
The Kundalini sets fire to all the Lotus Flowers or Chakras of our organism as it rises “Canyon by Canyon”.
Through the 33 Canyons, we pass through the Chambers of the Great Masonic Lodge of the Astral Plane.
The External Chambers are the Minor Mysteries, and the Internal Chambers are the Major Mysteries.
The disciple should learn the Masonic salutes from their own Intimus: they should be learned from the “Internal Master”.
The thickness of the Kundalini will depend on the amount of stored Sexual Energy. The color of the Kundalini depends on the psychological idiosyncrasy of the disciple.
The Kundalini rises in accordance with the practice of Sexual Magic and in accordance with our process of Sanctification, for as we said, the ascension depends upon the Merits of the Heart.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 8 ‘Scorpio’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
The Steps of the Work to Christify Ourselves
Christification is achieved in parts, body by body.
[1] The first thing which becomes Christified is the Soul-Consciousness, which we extract from the Physical Body (through its Kundalini) in order to enrich the Soul-Spirit or Buddhic Body. A Christified and Stigmatized Buddhic Body inevitably fuses with the Intimus (or Inner Being).
[2] Then follows the Christification and Stigmatization of the Etheric Body. This is achieved through the process of the progression, evolution and ascension of the Kundalini of the “Etheric Body”.
Each body has its “Cerebro-Spinal” Nervous System, its Medulla and its Kundalini. Each body is a complete organism. There are then, Seven Bodies, Seven Medullae and Seven Kundalinis
After difficult efforts and terrible & painful ordeals, we have achieved the total ascension of the golden Kundalini of the Etheric Body, then the Sun of the Father shines through the Rain of the Night, and the Star of Five Points shines upon the head of the Sage indicating that one has been given a passing mark in all the painful ordeals.
The date of the Second Initiation of Major Mysteries of the Sage is then set, and one enters happy and victorious into the Temple in order to receive the Second Initiation of Major Mysteries. This Initiation confers upon them the power to travel in the Etheric Body throughout all the Cosmic Planes.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 11 ‘Aquarius’ of Zodiacal Course
Esoteric Attributes of the Etheric Body and the Christification of the Astral Body
All the wisdom of John the Baptist is enclosed within the Etheric body…
This symbolic decapitation of John the Baptist belongs to the first canyon (or Cervical vertebra) of the head, located in the nape of the neck.
When the fire’s second degree of power, or Kundalini of the etheric body (because each of the seven bodies has its Kundalini), arrives there, then the Initiate passes through the symbolic decapitation of John the Baptist.
This changes one’s earthly mind into an etheric and celestial mind, it leaves Salome (humanity) its unclean head in order to dance with her before King Herodias (the world), and the Initiate assumes a new mind, a celestial and divine mind.
How great this is!… It is a pity that humanity does not understand these things!…
The Kundalini of the Etheric Body opens all the faculties of the Etheric Body. The psychic extract of the Etheric Body is absorbed by the Intimus, little by little.[3] Then follows the Christification and Stigmatization of the Solar Astral Body.
The Kundalini of the Solar Astral Body is the color of “lightening” and awakens under the guidance of a specialist. It opens the Chakras of the Solar Astral Body for us.
Therefore, the full and total development of the Chakras of the Solar Astral Body is only obtained with the Third Kundalini, which is the Kundalini of the Solar Astral Body.
The ascension of the Kundalini of the Solar Astral Body through the fine cord of the Sushumna canal (belonging to the Astral Medulla) is a very arduous and difficult task, because in order to conquer each “Canyon” of the Astral, one has to withstand and overcome the most terrible and indescribable temptations.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 2 ‘February 26th, 1952’ of Secret Notes of a Guru
and from Ch. 11 ‘Aquarius’ of Zodiacal Course
The Christification of the Astral Body
Why did Christ say that he could destroy the temple of God, and rebuild it in three days?
Why were the two witnesses of Revelations resurrected after three and a half days, and why was Christ resurrected after three days from among the dead?
Our solar astral body is our “Crestos”, and when the fire’s third degree of power (or Kundalini of the astral body) has reached the Pineal gland, then the solar astral body becomes a resplendent sun, and all the chakras shine with indescribable radiance.
The solar astral body then becomes the Image and likeness of the divine Rabbi of Galilee; It remains Christified and stigmatized; acquiring the ancient powers that the human being had in Eden (resurrected).
This is the third Initiation of major mysteries, and for this reason Christ and the two witnesses of Revelations resurrected from among the dead on the third day.
And as for the temple, this is very interesting: certainly the Initiate raises a temple in the astral plane in order for the Intimus to officiate.
And that temple is finished on the third day, that is to say when the Initiate has already received the third Initiation of major mysteries.
We destroyed that temple in the past and now we have to build it again, with the fire’s third degree of power.This is the significance of why Christ said that He could destroy the temple of God, and rebuild it again in three days.
When our Crestos resurrects, with the third Initiation of major mysteries, then we become omniscient and omnipotent, and all the luminous powers of the solar astral body enter into full activity.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 2 ‘February 26th, 1952’ of Secret Notes of a Guru
The Christification of the Mental and Causal Bodies, and Beyond
[4] Later comes the Christification of the Mind, which converts us into an Arahat. This task is achieved through the Solar Mental Body’s Kundalini, which is the Fourth Kundalini.
[5] The Fifth Serpent belongs to the Solar Causal Body or Superior Manas, from where we extract the Human-Soul in order to fuse it with the Internal Master, and so we synthesize the Septenary into the triad of “Atman-Buddhi-Manas”.
[6 & 7] The Two Superior Serpents belong to the Buddhic Body and to the “Atmic” Body, and they confer upon us the supreme Happiness and Wisdom of Nirvana.
[8 & 9] The Eighth and Ninth initiations of Major Mysteries are practically Macrocosmic.
The important part, therefore, resides in the “Christification” of the Seven Bodies, and the entire secret lies in the virile member and in the “Vulva”.
The Fire of the Holy-Spirit rises from the Seminal Substance, which converts us into Gods, but the fire of the Holy Spirit has seven degrees of power, which are the Fire’s Seven Degrees of Power.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 11 ‘Aquarius’ of Zodiacal Course
Authentic Initiation and the Fire’s 7 Degrees of Power
All the symbolic narrations of the spiritualist books, when they talk to us about “Initiation”, are totally allegorical, because never ever has anyone, before me, removed the veil of the Fire’s Seven Degrees of Power.
Until not too long ago, the majority of spiritualists believed that upon awakening the Kundalini, the latter instantly rose to the head and that the person was automatically united with their Intimus or Internal God, instantly, and converted into a Mahatma.
How comfortable! How comfortably did all these theosophists, rosicrucians and spiritualists, etc. imagine high initiation. It has been my responsibility to remove the Veil of Christification, and that is why I speak clearly, so that you may understand.
The ascension of each of the Seven Kundalinis is slow and difficult. Each Canyon or Vertebra represents determined Occult Powers and that is why the conquest of each Canyon costs terrible ordeals.
There are Seven Serpents and Seven terrible Portals. And only the terror of Love and Law reigns throughout those Seven Portals.
Not only is it necessary to kill Desire but also the very knowledge of Desire. The entire secret of Power resides in Sex.
The Sexual Force is only “one”, “unique” and of an absolutely Universal character, whose principal deposit resides in the “Absolute”.
At the beginning of the Manhanvantara [the Cosmic Day], this Force expressed itself through the Fire’s Seven Degrees of Power, and those Seven Degrees reside in our Seven Bodies; and they are our Seven Kundalinis, which we have to successively raise one after the other, through the Seven Portals.
That is why the Buddha said: “Listen to me properly, for in each human Buddha there are Seven Buddhas!”
These are the Seven Psychic Extracts from the Seven Bodies and the Seven Snakes.
The sexual organs of all the living species, are only the instruments of that Unique and Universal Sexual Force. The key to all Empires and the key to all Powers is in Sexual Magic
We must raise our Metallic Snake or better said, our Seven Snakes upon the Staff, just as Moses did in the wilderness and thus we will convert ourselves into terrible Powers of the “Blissful Nirvana”.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 11 ‘Aquarius’ of Zodiacal Course
Initiation, the Power of the Word or Verb and the Rooster
Back some years ago, so many documents, certificates, and requirements were not necessary in order to conduct business.
A man gave “his word” and the word of that man was his document.
Today, things have changed; man has already lost the notion of the responsibility of the word, and even in judicial offices only the ink and the paper are acceptable.
In ancient times, it was prohibited for the “Initiates” to publicly speak about ancient cataclysms, because of the fear of bringing them into existence again.
The “Initiates” knew well that the word has an intimate relation with the four elements of nature, and therefore to speak about a cataclysm is like evoking it and bringing it into existence again; this is why it was prohibited for the “Initiates” to speak outside the temple about ancient catastrophes.
Every word crystallizes by means of the Tattvas; thus, this is how the present humanity has created its present disastrous and terrible life, by means of the power of the word.
This is why it was impossible for the “rooster” to be absent from the passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. This animal symbolizes the “verb”…
In high esoteric Masonry, the laryngeal chakra is represented by the occult degree of the “rooster”.
The rooster of the passion sings when the Kundalini arrives at the “canyon” or vertebra related to the Thyroid gland.
All the power of the verb resides in the sexual force of the rooster.
The five vowels of nature (I. E. O. U. A.) live resonating in all of nature.The vowel “I” makes the Pituitary and Pineal glands vibrate, and confers upon us the power of clairvoyance.
The vowel “E” makes the Thyroid gland vibrate, and confers upon us the power of the occult ear.
The vowel “O” makes the center of the heart vibrate, and confers upon us “INTUITION”.
The vowel “U” wakes up the solar plexus, and confers upon us the power of “telepathy”.
The vowel “A” wakes up the pulmonary chakras, and confers upon us the power of remembering past existences.
One hour of daily vocalization opens all of these hidden powers to us.
They must be vocalized as follows:
-Paraphrase from Ch. 14 ‘March 19, 1952’ of Secret Notes of a Guru
The Creative Verb and the Golden Language
Mary Magdalene became filled with terror when she heard the whistle of the Fohat and heard the word “Tibo”, “Tibo”, “Tibo”, that sentenced the Christ to the tragedy of Golgotha.
“Mary” was at the foot of a wall when she listened (with her spiritual ears) to the terrible sentence.
And this is because a sacred language exists in eternity which all the Masters of humanity speak: that is the golden language, which the Gods and the angels speak. This is the creative verb.
“Talitha cumi” said the Christ when he performed a work of resurrection.
“Talitha cumi” is a Mantram in order to resurrect the dead.
Huiracocha said: “Whosoever knows, the word gives power to; no one has pronounced it, no one will pronounce it, except the one who has it incarnated”.
That is to say, only by the one who has already Self-realized themselves in depth.
Let us see some words from the great verb of light:
AIBU (Word of greeting).
AEODON (Affliction).
SHU SHA SHU (Indecent, Immodest, etc.)
PITRES. (Canyons or vertebrae of the dorsal spine).
VENARLO. (Venerate it).
PRESEM (Superior).
REIDISTISTINA (Reinstitute).
EQUIDENCIAS (Harm).The Christ taught a great mantram in order to cure the sick: “Ephphatha” (be opened) to open the ears of the deaf and [those who] stammer. (Mark 7:32-37)
All of these great words of the light are a sublime language.
Let us see some other words of the great golden language:
These three words are pronounced by the prophets in deep meditation, in order to prophesy, and thereafter they contemplate the future in ecstasy:
JA: The staff, or the sacred cane of our spinal column
PA: Argentine milky tree; it symbolizes the redeeming blood.
BRAHAME: “Adam-Eve”. Masculine-feminine, the cause of every existing thing.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 14 ‘March 19, 1952’ of Secret Notes of a Guru
The Verb of Gold and the Rooster
The verb of the light is an infinite verb, and the Gods use it in order to create.
The ultimate roots of all the languages are found in that great universal cosmic grammar, that the men of Arcadia once spoke.
Those were the times in which the rivers flowed with milk and honey; that was the time of the “Titans”…
“In the beginning was the verb, and the verb was with God, and the verb was God.
The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
In him was the life, and the life was the light of men.
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehendeth it not.” (John 1: 1-5)When Hadit (our igneous serpent) arrives at the larynx and we receive the degree of the “rooster”, then we utter the verb of gold, and we create like the Gods, with the power of the word.
This is why it says in our Ritual:
“Be thou, oh Hadit, my secret,
the gnostic mystery of my being,
the central point of my connection, my heart itself,
and bloom on my fertile lips, made verb!”When the Kundalini reaches the level of our throat, it blooms on our fertile lips, made verb.
The angels can create anything with thought and materialize it through the word.
Sexual magic is the path in order to utter the verb of gold.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 14 ‘March 19, 1952’ of Secret Notes of a Guru
Another Practice to Work with the Divine Mother
1. Lay down on your bed, facing up and with your body relaxed.
2. Achieve the state of slumber by meditating upon the Sacred Serpent that dwells in the Coccygeal Chakra.
3. Then pray with all of your heart, meditating on the following prayer from the Sacred Ritual:
“Be Thou, Oh HADIT, my secret, the gnostic mystery of my being, the central point of my connection, my heart itself, and bloom on my fertile lips, made verb. Up above, in the infinite heavens, in the profound height of the unknown, the incessant glow of light is the naked beauty of Nut [pronounced “Noot”]; She reclines, she bends in delectable ecstasy, in order to receive the secret kiss of Hadit.
The winged sphere and the blue of the Sky are mine.”
O.A.O. KAKOF NA. KHONSAThese Mantrams have the power of transmuting our sexual energy into light and fire within the Alchemical laboratory of the human body:
This prayer with its Mantrams can be utilized in Sexual Magic; This prayer with its Mantrams is an omnipotent key in order to meditate upon our Divine Mother.
The bachelors and bachelorettes can also transmute and sublimate their sexual energies and carry them to the heart with this prayer and these Mantrams. It is urgent to sublimate the sexual energy to the heart.
You must know that in the Heart Temple the creative energies are mixed with the forces of the Christ and they are elevated to the superior worlds. The Interior Christ lives in the Heart Temple. The Cross of Initiation is received in the Heart Temple.
And this Mantric prayer is also a formula of Priestly power that the Magician utilizes in his practices of Internal Meditation in order to arrive at the feet of his Divine Mother. If the Meditation is perfect, your adorable Mother will hear your call and she will come to you; then you can converse with her about ineffable things of Paradise.
She is Devi Kundalini. She is the Popess of the Tarot.The Divine Mother always listens to her devotees. In the sacred land of the Vedas, the Illuminated Ramakrishna was one of her greatest devotees.
Do you want to reach the heights of Nirvikalpa-Samadhi? Do you need to develop Anubaya (Perception of your Inner God in meditation)? Do you want the Jinn Science? Remember that you have an Adorable Mother.
-From Ch.2 of Esoteric Course of Kabalah
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