The Religion of Osiris in Ancient Egypt
After studying the religion of Mithras, we must now look at another religion that confirms for us that all religions have one and the same origin and that, fundamentally, all of them are based on THE MYSTERY OF SEX.
Osiris was born in the middle of the chaos and, when he was born, a voice was heard that said, “The Governor of all Earth has been Born”. From the same bosom or UTERUS Isis (queen of the Light), and Typhon (king of the darkness) were also born. Here we have, then the fundamental TRINITY.
The Egyptian Book of the Dead says: “Know the day when you will cease to be (to exist).” Know your sacrifice.
“Have power over your own life and to reclaim it [recobrarla ]. Your pledge is voluntary, but he himself wanted it.” (Isaiah LIII, 7).
God is within suffering. Osiris is the smile of those who cry; Osiris is in the martyr or victim who sacrifices or immolates themselves. He is in the grain that dies, in the cob that gets wasted; he is in the Nile that decreases in the last quarter of the moon, he is found in all suffering, but above all: in human suffering.
Osiris was man and God at the same time; really Divine, and really human. “He humiliated himself under the appearance of a slave”.
Of whom do we speak ? Of Osiris? No, Osiris is nothing more than the shadow of an Invisible Body. But this similarity between body and shadow is the most impenetrable Mystery of Egypt.
In the confines of the sandy desert of Libya, in the depths of the great semi-circular plane of Abydos (in Egypt), within a narrow, rocky gorge, named Peher (known as Ulel-Hakab), there where the Sun sets, the sarcophagus of Osiris was found in the tombs of the greatest kings of Ancient Egypt.
The French sage Emilio Clemente Amelineau, who undertook the excavations in Abydos between 1897-1898, saw in the inscriptions of these tombs an irrefutable testimony, so much so that he believed he had really found the coffin of the Osiris-Man, a historical figure and third Pharaoh of the First Dynasty.
All of Ancient Egypt rests upon the belief that the Osiris-Man or a Divine-Human lived, suffered and died on Earth.
The only preserved carving refers to an inscription of the mysteries of Osiris celebrated in the Sanctuary of Abydos, “The Passion of Osiris” was represented in a drama, just as the passion of the Lord was represented in the “Mysteries” of the Middle Ages.
– Paraphrase from Ch. 5 (THE RELIGION OF OSIRIS) in
From Sex to Divinity [Del Sexo a la Divinidad]
by Dr. Jorge Adoum (Mago Jefa)
The Egyptian Fable of Osiris and the Ancient Mysteries
In the silence… a sudden cry [grito ] resonated, the great lamentation of Isis over the dead Osiris.
All of Egypt turned its back on Osiris, who dies and looks towards the God who resurrects, not wanting to see the suffering, even knowing that suffering and death are divine.
Thousands of years later, an old Egyptian fable was found. It had been written by Plutarch, a Greek priest of Apollo in Delphi, during the 1st and 2nd Centuries of the Common Era. In this treaty on Isis and Osiris, Plutarch says:
“In other times, the gods lived on Earth with men, and the great God Ra, who lived in Heliopolis (the city of the Sun), governed Egypt.
Thus, the Earth was still not separated from the Heavens, and men were like gods.
But they perverted themselves, and denied the Only God by saying, “look at him as he becomes old and ill. His bones are like silver, his flesh is like gold and his hair is like lapis lazuli; his limbs shake and saliva pours from his mouth.”
Men thus mocked God. And God became angered and ordered Hathor (the Goddess of Love) to exterminate the human race. Hathor fulfilled this command, but not completely.
God, moved by his compassion for man, flooded the Earth at night with an intoxicating drink, and when, in the morning, the Goddess entered into that sea, she saw her face reflected in it and she rejoiced at her beauty. She tasted the liquor, became drunk from it and stopped destroying the human race.
“But the ancient union of Heaven and Earth was broken [deshecha ].”
And God said, “My heart is tired. I do not want to live with men and I do not want to annihilate them completely.”
So God left the Earth, ascended into the Heavens and separated the Earth from the Heavens. And they are today as they will be until the end of times.
And this is how the first world ended and the second one began.”
When God ascended to the Heavens, he abandoned men, who, while eating one another like wild animals, would have exterminated themselves if it weren’t for Osiris.Osiris was born as a simple mortal and, having become the king of Egypt, separated men from their bestial existence. He taught them to cultivate grains, he gave them laws and instituted the worship of the gods.
He then traveled the world, proclaiming his reign and subduing all peoples, not with the sword but with Love, with song, music and dance.
When he returned to Egypt, his brother Typhon-Set, along with 72 other conspirators, had decided his fate.
Having secretly measured Osiris’s body exactly and, based on that, Typhon-Set built a magnificently ornate coffin and invited his brother for a feast.
During the Agape , the servants brought in the coffin.
All of the guests were enchanted as Typhon graciously promised to give it as a gift to whosoever’s height would fit into the coffin’s measurements.
The seventy-two accomplices stretched themselves out, one after the other, in the chest, which was not, however, made to the measure of any of them.
Finally, it is Osiris himself who stretches himself out in it.
Then they all rush upon the chest, close it, fasten the lid with nails, solder it with molten lead, carry it to the Nile and throw it into the water.
The coffin glided through the mouth of the Tanais River (gently flowing into the sea).
Isis, wife of Osiris, searched for a long time for the body of her husband, wandering all over the Earth.
Finally she finds it, and (crying and screaming) she falls upon it, throwing her face against the dead body, kissing it and wetting it with her tears.
She then set out again in search of her son Horus, also lost, and hid the casket containing the body of her husband among the papyri of the Nile.
But Typhon, while hunting in the night of the New Moon, notices a coffin under the moon rays and recognizes it. He removes the body, dismembers it into fourteen parts and scatters them into the four winds.
Isis learns about this and resumes her search. She collects, one by one, all of his dismembered body’s remains, she puts them together and resurrects him.
“These are the symbols that lead us to the knowledge of God”, concluded Plutarch, but he himself was unable to decipher them.
The body is the coffin, the chest, the container, of the soul and has been buried in this world.
Thus Osiris fell into the chest of Typhon-Set, into the receptacle of the body, the body-receptacle. Osiris died and was reborn voluntarily: “Know that day in which you will cease to be.”
Birth is a fall, a descent; resurrection is an arising or a raising up. Osiris falls in order to raise himself up and to lift up those who have fallen. He dies to be reborn as himself and to resurrect others…
– Paraphrase from Ch. 5 (THE RELIGION OF OSIRIS) in
From Sex to Divinity [Del Sexo a la Divinidad]
by Dr. Jorge Adoum (Mago Jefa)
 by EA Wallis Budge_sm.jpg)
Sacred Individuality and the Law of Reincarnation
Dear friends, it is urgent for all of us to try to comprehend in an integral manner the Great Laws of the Universe. Since we are gathered here, let’s study the “Law of Reincarnation”… I hope that all of you get a lot out of these talks.
Certainly the word “Reincarnation” is very demanding; let’s remember the ten reincarnations of Vishnu, the Cosmic Christ.
Krishna, the great Hindu Avatar (who was born about one thousand years before Jesus the Christ) never said that all Intellectual Animals who inhabit the face of the Earth would get reincarnated. He affirmed in an emphatic manner that only Buddhas, great Gods, the Devas and the Divine Kings, etc., etc., reincarnate.
Going deeper into the details in our study of the Law of Reincarnation, we can say with full clarity that Reincarnation is not possible for those who do not possess Sacred Individuality.
Unquestionably, only Sacred Individuals reincarnate, and for this reason, in secret Tibet, human reincarnations were always celebrated with great religious festivals.
In the name of truth I want to affirm, clearly and in plain language, the crude reality that the Reincarnation or reincorporation of Souls is only possible when one possesses the “Golden Embryo” or the “Golden Flower”.
Analyzing this matter very carefully, let’s understand that this Embryo must be created deliberately, on the basis of conscious work and voluntary suffering.
In the mere retrospective field, we discover the origin of all those infra-human Elements in which the Psychic Material or Materia Prima is bottled up, through which it is possible to elaborate the Golden Flower or Golden Embryo.
We already know that in a remote past, humanity developed in its organism the Abominable Kundartiguador Organ (the Satanic Tail).
When humanity lost that organ, there remained in the five Cylinders of the Organic Machine (mind, emotion, movement, instinct and sex) the evil consequences of the mentioned organ.
Indubitably, these dreadful results constituted a sort of second subjective and inhuman nature that all Rational Animals carry within.
It is unquestionable that inside this double nature, the Essence (the Materia Prima with which we must elaborate the Golden Embryo) remained bottled up [enfrascada ]. Thus, it is vital to dissolve the Subjective and Infrahuman Aggregates if we seriously want to elaborate the Golden Flower.
– Paraphrase from Ch. 21 (THE LAW OF REINCARNARION) in
Yes, there is Devil, Hell, Karma
by Samael Aun Weor
To Liberate the Essence
In other times, when the dreadful results of the Abominable Kundartiguador Organ were not so specifically developed, it was possible to appeal to an intimate factor that originates the impulses of Faith, Hope and Love, in order to motivate the force or forces which could disintegrate those incipient Subjective Elements.
Unfortunately, such a basic factor of the cited impulses went through diverse degenerative processes, due to the exorbitant development of the evil consequences of the Abominable Kundartiguador Organ.
It is certainly painful that this originating factor of intimate impulses related to Faith, Hope and Love has been radically degenerated.
It is for that reason that we must now appeal to the only factor that has not been lost yet. I want to refer in an emphatic manner to the Essence, the Psychic Material that certainly is the foundation, the basis of all our psychic organization.
To liberate this Essence is urgent, undelayable, and unpostponable, if we seriously want to elaborate the Golden Flower or the Golden Embryo.
Unfortunately this Materia Prima , this Psychic Material does not participate in the everyday activities of our wrongly called ‘vigil’ state of consciousness.
– Paraphrase from Ch. 21 (THE LAW OF REINCARNARION) in
Yes, there is Devil, Hell, Karma
by Samael Aun Weor
Vigilance and Sacrifice
A real attitude of vigilance leads us in the direction of a more objective life, so as to liberate the Essence.
It is difficult to accept the idea of having both an objective life and, at the same time, a personal life— that is, to be subjective, to let oneself live a personal life.
It is even more difficult to accept that, in a sense, we have to pay with our personal life.
Of course, we cannot be otherwise than personal — subjective, with our own body, our likes and dislikes, our personal feelings. This subjective life will always remain. Yet I must know it, I must experience it.
My subjective life is what I am, it is me. At the same time, there is something in me that enables me to be objective in relation to it.
If I am also to open to what is higher, then my subjective life must be put in its place, sometimes given more, sometimes less.
I cannot have new strength on top of all my weakness.
I can never come to quietude if I do not sacrifice my agitation and my tensions.
I cannot have a free attention if I do not sacrifice what keeps it enslaved.
Everything I wish has to be paid for. If I wish to have a new state, I must sacrifice the old.
We never get more than we give up. What we receive is proportional to what we sacrifice.
– Paraphrase from Ch. 12 (TO LIVE THE TEACHING, Section 136 ‘A look from Above’)
in The Reality of Being
by Jeanne de Salzmann
The Deep Significance of what we Comprehend
It is a pity that this factor (the Essence), upon which all the psychic processes are established, is found bottled up within the Subconscious Zones. Therefore, to make that factor come out from the subjective state in order to manifest itself in a Self-Conscious and Objective manner inside our activities of daily life, is vital, urgent, and necessary.
It is, then, the Ego (with all its Psychic Aggregates, that anti-human double nature, that infrahuman appendix) within which the Consciousness is bottled up.
If we want to possess a Sacred Individuality, then we must appeal to the “Scalpel of Self-Criticism” in order to make the dissection of all those false values that make up our Psyche and constitute the ‘Myself’.
A lot has been said about Creative Comprehension; nonetheless, it is indispensable to know all the Psychological Defects that we possess in an integral manner.
It is not everything to comprehend a defect intellectually; it is indisputable and irrefutable that every psychological defect is processed in 49 Subconscious, Infraconscious and even Unconscious Levels.
Comprehension in this or that level is not sufficient; there is an urgent need to understand our defects profoundly; it is necessary to perforate them if we really want to exterminate and annihilate them.
Nonetheless, Creative Comprehension, even when it is urgent and pressing, is not everything.
We, the Gnostics, go much further: We want to capture, to apprehend the “Deep Significance” of what we have already comprehended integrally.
– Paraphrase from Ch. 21 (THE LAW OF REINCARNARION) in
Yes, there is Devil, Hell, Karma
by Samael Aun Weor
Liberating the Essence and Sacred Individuality
It is not possible to originate those intimate impulses (which will provoke radical changes in our Psyche), if we have not captured the deep significance of this or that Psychological Defect.
Obviously, we become properly prepared for this or that intimate change, when we have comprehended this or that error of our Psyche. Afterwards there comes the elimination and then we appeal to forces of a superior type.
Someone, for example, could have comprehended the defect of anger, and even been able to capture its deep significance, and yet still possess it.
To eliminate is different, because the mind can provoke diverse modes of action: it can label defects, pass them from one department of understanding to another, but it cannot fundamentally alter them.
We need to appeal to a power which is superior to the mind if we want to extirpate defects. Fortunately, such a power exists. We refer to the Serpentine Fire, to that Sacred Fire that normally develops in the body of an ascetic.
If that Igneous Power could, in the past, divide the Divine Hermaphrodites into opposite sexes, then it can also extirpate those Inhuman Elements from our Psyche which constitute a sinister, terrible and perverse double nature in us.
We already said in our book “THE MYSTERY OF THE GOLDEN BLOSSOM” that with the first percentage of liberated Essence, the “Seminal Pearl” is formed.
We affirmed in that book that while the different Subjective Elements of the same person get reduced to cosmic dust, the Seminal Pearl is developed and converts itself into the Golden Embryo, into the Golden Flower; this is the Mystery of the Golden Blossom.
We have explained the modus operandi sufficiently, both in these lectures and in our past books. There we said that we must learn to direct the Serpentine Fire or the Ray of Kundalini against such and such an Inhuman Aggregate, in order to pulverize them, with the purpose of liberating the Essence…
We explained that it is precisely in the Flaming Forge of Vulcan, where we have the opportunity to work with the lance of Achilles. Only with the Sacred Spear (which is the marvelous emblem of Transcendental Sexual Electricity) can we disintegrate defects of a psychological type.
Whosoever has the Golden Embryo, whosoever has fabricated it through deliberate works and conscious mortifications, has the right to reincarnate.
It is evident that the Golden Flower confers Sacred Individuality upon us. Clearly, the Golden Embryo establishes in us a complete equilibrium between what is Spiritual and what is Material.
Those who still don’t have the Embryo, return, come back, reincorporate into new organisms, but they don’t reincarnate. Distinguish then between Reincarnation and Return. Few are those who reincarnate, millions are those who return.
– Paraphrase from Ch. 21 (THE LAW OF REINCARNARION) in
Yes, there is Devil, Hell, Karma
by Samael Aun Weor

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