The Divine Mother, the Second Birth and the Sacred Work with Mystical Death
The Ninth Sphere and the Sacred Fire of our Divine Mother Kundalini
The Sacred Fire of the Kundalini opens the seven Churches in a successive order, as it slowly ascends along the spinal canal.
The Igneous Serpent of our magical powers ascends very slowly according to the merits of the heart.
When the Solar and Lunar Forces of the Sexual Energy make contact in the Tribeni, near the coccyx at the base of the spinal column, they have the power of awakening the Sacred Serpent in order for it to ascend along the spinal canal.
The Sacred Fire, ascending along the Spinal Column, has the form of a serpent and has seven degrees of power. It is urgent to work with the Fire’s Seven Degrees of power.
Sex, in itself, is the Ninth Sphere. The descent to the Ninth Sphere was, in the ancient mysteries, the maximum test of the Supreme Dignity of the Hierophant. Buddha, Jesus the Great Kabir, Hermes, Zoroaster, Mohammed, Dante, etc., etc., etc. had to go through that maximum test.
Many are the pseudo-esoteric, and pseudo-occultist students who, upon reading occultist or pseudo-occultist literature, would like to immediately enter the land of Jinn marvels, into the bliss of continuous Ecstasy, etc.
Those students do not want to understand that in order to be able to ascend one must first descend. It is necessary to first descend into the Ninth Sphere; it is only in this manner that we can ascend.
The Magistery of Fire is very long and terrible; if the student commits the mistake of spilling the Cup of Hermes, then they lose their preceding work, and the igneous serpent of our magical powers goes down.
All the esoteric schools mention Five Initiations of Major Mysteries. Those Initiations are very intimately related with the Magistery of Fire.
The Sacred Fire has the power of fecundating the Sacred Prakriti of the Initiate. We have already said it before and we repeat it again, that the Prakriti is the symbolic Sacred five-legged Cow.
When the Prakriti is made fecund within the Initiate, then the Solar Bodies are gestated within her womb by the work and grace of the Third Logos.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 8 ‘Scorpio’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
The Protoplasmatic Lunar Bodies, Evolution and Nature
The Solar Race, the Twice-Born, have Solar Bodies. Run-of-the-mill people, humanity in general, is a lunar race and only has lunar bodies of a lunar type.
Pseudo-Esoteric and Pseudo-Occultist schools mention the Theosophical Septenary, the Internal Bodies, but they ignore that those vehicles are really Protoplasmic, Lunar Bodies.
Within those protoplasmic, lunar bodies of Intellectual Animals are contained the Laws of Evolution and Involution.
The Lunar Protoplasmic Bodies are certainly the common property of all the beasts of nature. Those Lunar Bodies are derived from a remote mineral past and they return to the mineral past because everything returns to its original point of departure.
The Protoplasmic Lunar Bodies evolve up to a certain point which is perfectly defined by nature and then begin their involutive return to the original point of departure.
[1st] The Virginal Sparks, the Monadic Waves caused the emergence (in the mineral past) of the Protoplasmic Bodies with which the Mineral Elementals (the gnomes or pygmies) garbed themselves.
[2nd] The entrance of the Mineral Elementals into the Vegetable Evolution produced a change in the Protoplasmic Bodies.
[3rd] The entrance of the Vegetable elementals into the Animal Evolution of irrationality provoked, as is natural, new changes in the Protoplasmic, Lunar Bodies.
[4th] Protoplasms are always subject to many changes and the entrance of the Animal Elementals into wombs of the Intellectual Animal species (mistakenly called Human Beings), gave these lunar bodies the aspect that they now have.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 8 ‘Scorpio’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
Nature, the Solar Bodies and the Hydrogen SI-12
Nature needs the Intellectual Animal mistakenly called a Human Being, just as they are, in the state in which they now live.
The entire evolution of Protoplasm has the creation of these intellectual machines as the objective.
Intellectual machines have the power of picking up the cosmic energies from infinite space in order to unconsciously transform them and then automatically transmit them to the interior layers of the earth.
All of humanity in its entirety is an organ of nature, an indispensable organ for the planetary organism of the earth.
When any cell of said vital organ, in other words, when any subject is too perverse or fully fulfills its time (of 108 lives) without having produced fruit, then it ceases to be born so as to precipitate its involution in the Infernal Worlds.
If someone wants to escape from that tragic law of Protoplasmic Involution, then they should create for themselves and through tremendous super-efforts, the Solar bodies.
In all the elements of nature, in every chemical substance, in every fruit, exists its corresponding type of Hydrogen and the Hydrogen of Sex is SI-12.The Fire, the Fohat fecundates the Womb of the Sacred five-legged Cow, but it is only with the Sexual Hydrogen SI-12 that the Solar Bodies are formed, are crystallized.
Within the seven notes of the musical scale all the biological and physiological processes are carried out whose final result is that marvelous elixir called Semen or Seminal Energy (both men and women have this ‘Seed’ substance).
The process is initiated with the note DO from the moment in which the food enters the mouth and continues with the notes RE-MI-FA-SOL-LA, and when the musical SI resounds, then the extraordinary elixir called Semen or Seminal Energy is already prepared.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 8 ‘Scorpio’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
The Solar Bodies and the Divine Mother
The Five Initiations of Major Mysteries only have as their objective: the fabrication of the Solar Bodies.
In Gnosticism and Esotericism, one understands the Second Birth as the fabrication of the Solar Bodies and the Incarnation of the Being.The Solar Bodies gestate within the womb of the Prakriti.
The BEING is conceived by the work and grace of the Third Logos, within the Womb of the Prakriti.
She is a Virgin before childbirth, during childbirth and after childbirth. Every Master of the White lodge is the child of an Immaculate Virgin. Whosoever attains the Second Birth comes out of the Ninth Sphere (Sex).
By working very intensely in the Ninth Sphere without allowing oneself to fall, one can carry out the work of fabricating the Solar Bodies in ten or twenty years more or less.
The Lunar Race mortally hates this science of the Sacred Cow and, instead of accepting it, it prefers to find escape routes and justifications with flashy and hypocritical phrases.
The exercise of Scorpio is the MAITHUNA and the latter is not only practiced during Scorpio but all the time, in a continuous manner, until achieving the Second Birth.
However, we should warn that one should never practice two consecutive times in the same night. It is only permitted to practice once daily.
It is also urgent to know that one should never force one’s spouse to practice the MAITHUNA when he or she is sick, or when the woman is menstruating, or in the state of pregnancy, because that is a crime.
The woman who has given birth to a child can only practice the MAITHUNA after forty days from childbirth.”
-Paraphrase from Ch. 8 ‘Scorpio’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
Sanctity, the Path and the Lunar Bodies
…True Practical Occultism and its terrible magical powers, demand the most frightening sanctity, without which it is impossible to face the dangers of Alchemy and Magic.
To speak of sanctity in these times is something very difficult because the world is full of stupidly sanctimonious persons who presume themselves to be saints.
The Great Master of strength/force [“de la fuerza” ] named Moria told us the following (while conversing with us in Oriental Tibet) :
To unite oneself with the Intimus [Atman, the Being] is very difficult; out of two who attempt to unite themselves with the Intimus, merely one achieves it, because as the poet Guillermo Valencia said, “Among the rhythms of the verse, crime is also hidden”.
Crime garbs itself as a Saint, Martyr, Apostle.
Millions of persons who are aficionados of occultist literature presume themselves to be Saintly; they do not eat meat, or smoke, or drink, but at home, they fight with their spouse, they beat their children, fornicate, commit adultery, they do not pay their debts, they promise and do not fulfill, etc., etc., etc.
In the physical world, many persons have reached absolute chastity, but when these persons are subjected to the test in the internal worlds, they then end up being frighteningly fornicating.
Many are the devotees of the path who in the physical world would never drink a cup of wine, but in the internal worlds, they are lost drunkards when they were subjected to the test.
Many are the devotees of the path who in the physical world are humble sheep, but subjected to the test in the internal worlds, they result in being true tigers.
Many are the devotees of the path who do not covet money, but covet psychic powers.
There are many devotees of the path, in the world, whose humility astonishes others; they can calmly sleep on the ground, at the door of a rich person’s home, and are even content with the crumbs that fall from the master’s table, but they are proud of possessing many virtues or boast of their humility.
Many people have aspired to sanctity when they found out that authentic cases of true saints do exist.
Many are those who envy the holiness of others and, due to this, they also want to be saints.
Many individuals do not work in the dissolution of the Lunar Ego because of pure mental laziness.
Innumerable aspirants to the Light eat three banquets daily; they are terribly gluttonous.
Many do not murmur with their lips, but they murmur with their mind and yet, they believe that they never murmur.
Rare are the aspirants who know how to obey the FATHER who is in secret.
Wanting to tell the truth, almost all students of occultism, lie; they have a deceitful tongue. They affirm what they have not experienced and that is to lie.
Nowadays, it is very common to bear false witness and many students of occultism do so without knowing that they commit a crime.
The sign of Sagittarius invites us to reflect on all of this.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 10 ‘Sagittarius’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
The Second Birth, the Two Paths and the Hanasmussen
Sagittarius is symbolized by a man who holds an arrow in his hand, half-horse, half-man.
The horse represents the Animal Ego, the Pluralized “I” garbed with its Lunar Bodies.
The “I” is not something Individual; the “I” does not have Individuality. The “I” is Plural. The Lunar Ego is constituted by a sum of small “I’s”. Each psychological defect is personified by a small “I”.
The entirety of all of our defects is represented by the Pluralized “I”. The most serious problem that everyone who attains the Second Birth has to solve is that of the Dissolution of the Lunar Ego.
The newly born Master is garbed with their Solar Bodies, but their Ego is garbed with the Lunar Bodies. Two paths open before the newly born Master, that of the right and that of the left.
On the path of the right tread those Masters who work in the Dissolution of the Lunar Ego. On the path of the left tread those who do not concern themselves with the dissolution of the Lunar Ego.
The Masters who do not dissolve the Lunar Ego become Hanasmuss. A Hanasmuss is a subject with a Double Center of Gravity. This is a Master (garbed with their Solar Bodies) and the Lunar Ego (garbed with its Lunar vehicles), which constitutes a double personality: a Hanasmuss.
The Hanasmuss is one half Angel, and one half beast, like the centaur of Sagittarius. The Hanasmuss has two inner personalities, one of an Angel, and another of a Demon. The Hanasmuss is an abortion of the Cosmic Mother, a Failure.
If the Gnostic student dissolves the Lunar Ego before the Second Birth, then they are completely cured, they solve their problem ahead of time, and they secure their success.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 10 ‘Sagittarius’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
The Dissolution of the Ego, the Lunar Bodies and the Divine Mother
The dissolution of the Lunar Ego is fundamental in the Great Work.
Those who attain the Second Birth feel the necessity of eliminating the Lunar Bodies, but this is not possible without first having dissolved the Lunar Ego.
The twice-Born become stagnant in their inner progress when they lack Love.
Everyone who forgets their Divine Mother becomes stagnant in their progress. A lack of Love exists when we commit the error of forgetting our Divine Mother.
It is impossible to eliminate all those small “I” that constitute the Lunar Ego without the help of the Divine Mother.
Comprehending any defect is fundamental, indispensable, when one wants to eliminate the small “I” that personifies it, but the work of elimination in ITSELF, is impossible without the help of the Sacred five-legged Cow.
The Divine Mother eliminates broken bottles. Each small “I” is a bottle within which a fraction of the Essence is engrossed or bottled up.
This signifies that the Essence, the Buddhata, the Fraction of the Human Soul (that every intellectual animal has), has become thousands of fractions, which are bottled up.
For example: ANGER, is represented by hundreds or thousands of “I’s” each is a bottle within which the ESSENCE is bottled up; to each bottle corresponds a fraction of the ESSENCE. All those bottles of ANGER, all those “I’s”, live in each of the forty-nine departments or regions of the subconscious.The comprehension of ANGER in any Subconscious department means to break a bottle; then, the corresponding fraction of the ESSENCE liberates itself. When this happens, the Divine Mother intervenes by eliminating the broken bottle, the cadaver of a small shattered “I”.
Each cadaver no longer contains that Fraction of the Soul that it previously imprisoned. This cadaver disintegrates little by little in the infernal worlds. It is necessary to know that the Divine Mother only intervenes in this case, when the bottle is destroyed, when the ESSENCE enclosed in it has been liberated.
If the Divine Mother were to eliminate the bottle with the little genie inside, then the poor little genie (in other words, the Fraction of the Soul) would also have to enter into the Infernal worlds.
When all the bottles have been broken, then the ESSENCE (in its totality) has been liberated and the Divine Mother dedicates herself to the elimination of cadavers.
The Comprehension of Anger in twenty or thirty subconscious regions, does not mean that one has comprehended it in all the forty-nine departments. The Comprehension of Anger in department three or four, means the breaking or shattering of a bottle in the corresponding department. Nonetheless, many “I’s” of Anger, many bottles, can continue in all the other subconscious departments.Each defect processes itself in each of the forty-nine regions of the subconscious and has many roots.
Anger, Covetousness, Lust, Envy, Pride, Laziness, Gluttony, have thousands of bottles, thousands of small “I’s” within which the Essence is bottled up.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 10 ‘Sagittarius’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
The Union of the Essence with the Being and Initiatic Resurrection
When the Pluralized “I” is killed and eliminated, then the Essence unites with the Being, with the Intimus, and the Lunar Bodies are eliminated during a mystical trance, which lasts three days.
After the Three Days, the Master, garbed with their Solar Bodies, returns, comes back to their Physical Body. This is the Initiatic Resurrection.
Every Resurrected Master has Solar Bodies, but does not have Lunar Bodies.
The Resurrected Masters have powers over Fire, Air, Water and the Earth. They can transmute physical lead into physical gold.
The Resurrected Masters govern Life and Death, they can conserve the physical body during millions of years, they know the quadrature of the circle and the secret of perpetual movement, they have the universal medicine and speak the very pure language of the Divine Tongue which, like a golden river, flows delightfully beneath the thick jungle of the Sun.
Whosoever is dying from moment to moment is subjected to thousands of esoteric tests in each of the forty-nine subconscious departments of Yaldabaoth [the Mind].
After coming out victorious from a few departments or regions of the SUBCONSCIOUS, many Initiates fail in some other departments in certain tests related with a certain Psychological defect.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 10 ‘Sagittarius’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
The Divine Mother, Comprehension and Elimination
The Divine Mother always helps us to Comprehend when we call upon her, when we call upon the flame of the Serpent.
The Divine Mother prays for us to the White Lodge and eliminates, one by one, those “I’s” that have already died.
The Divine Mother, the Sacred five-legged Cow, is Mother-Space, the Mother of the Spiritual Monad who takes refuge in the eternal Nothing-All of the Ineffable Father, in the Absolute Silence and the Absolute Darkness.
If it is for something that we have our Particular Maternal Ray, our Individual Divine Mother, it is precisely because she, in herself, is the Mother of the Inner-Being, hidden within the Monad, one with the Monad.
If Artemis Loquia or Neiter was Luna in the heavens for the Greeks, then the chaste Diana on Earth was the Divine Mother presiding over the birth and life of the child. For the Egyptians it was Hekate in the Inferno, the Goddess of Death, that reigned over spells and sacred Magic.
Hekate-Diana-Luna is the Triune Divine Mother, while at the same time One, in the fashion of the Hindu Trimurti: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
The Divine Mother is Isis, the Ceres of the Mysteries of Eleusis, the Celestial Venus; she, who in the beginning of the world originated the attraction of the sexes and propagated human generations with eternal fecundity.
She is Proserpine, of the nocturnal barks, the one who in her triple appearance, Celestial, Terrestrial and Infernal, oppresses the terrible demons of the Avernus, keeping the doors of the subterranean prisons closed and triumphantly traveling the Sacred Forests.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 10 ‘Sagittarius’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
The Divine Mother, the Kundartiguator Organ and its Consequences
Due to a certain mistake of a few Sacred Individuals in archaic times, the poor intellectual animal received the abominable Kundartiguador or Kundabuffer Organ. Such an organ is the Tail of Satan, the sexual fire heading downwards, towards the Atomic Infernos of the Lunar Ego.
When the intellectual animal lost the Kundartiguador Organ, the evil consequences remained within each subject; these evil consequences are constituted by the Pluralized “I”, the Lunar Ego.
On the basis of In-depth Comprehension and profound Inner Meditation, we can and should eliminate from ourselves, with the help of the Divine Mother, the evil consequences of the abominable Kundartiguador Organ.
In other times, the human being did not want to live in this world, they had realized their tragic situation… Certain Sacred Individuals gave the human race the abominable Kundartiguador Organ in order for it to become excited by the beauties of this world.The result was that the human being became excited with the world…
But, when those Sacred Individuals removed the Kundartiguador Organ from humanity, the evil consequences remained in each person.
With the help of the Divine Mother, we can eliminate the evil consequences of the abominable Kundartiguador Organ.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 10 ‘Sagittarius’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
The Kundartiguator Organ and its Consequences in the Human Machine
In times which become lost in the profound night of all ages, the poor INTELLECTUAL ANIMAL comprehended their sad situation of being a little machine which is necessary for nature’s economy and, instead, wished to die.
The intervention of certain SACRED INDIVIDUALS, who committed the error of giving this unfortunate human swarm the abominable KUNDARTIGUADOR ORGAN, was then necessary.
When the INTELLECTUAL ANIMALS forgot their sad situation of being a little MACHINE and became enamored with the beauties of this world, then the ABOMINABLE KUNDARTIGUADOR ORGAN was eliminated.
But, disgracefully, the evil consequences of said organ was something which could not be forgotten and they remained deposited in the five cylinders of the machine.
[1] The first cylinder is that of the INTELLECT and is located in the BRAIN;
[2] the second is that of the EMOTIONS and resides in the SOLAR PLEXUS, at the level of the navel;
[3] the third is that of MOVEMENT and resides in the SUPERIOR part OF THE SPINAL COLUMN;
[4] the fourth is that of the INSTINCTS, and is located in the INFERIOR part OF THE SPINAL COLUMN;
[5] the fifth is that of SEX and resides in the SEXUAL organs.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 11 ‘Aquarius’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
The Kundartiguator Organ and the Egos
The evil consequences of the ABOMINABLE KUNDARTIGUADOR ORGAN are represented by thousands and millions of small “I’s” of an animal-like and perverse nature.
In the INTELLECTUAL ANIMAL, there is neither a single command center, nor a permanent “I” or EGO.
Each IDEA, each sentiment, each sensation, each desire, each “I desire this”, “I desire such and such a thing”, “I Love”, “I do not love”, is a different “I”.
All these small and quarrelsome “I’s” argue among themselves, they fight for supremacy, they are not connected among themselves, nor coordinated in any way whatsoever.
Each of these small “I’s” depends on the changes of the circumstances of life and on the changes of impressions.
Each small “I” has its own ideas, its own criteria; true INDIVIDUALITY does not exist in the poor INTELLECTUAL ANIMAL. Each concept, action, idea, depends on the “I” which dominates the situation in those moments.
When an “I” becomes enthusiastic with GNOSIS, it swears eternal loyalty to our GNOSTIC MOVEMENT; this enthusiasm lasts until another “I” (which is against these studies) takes over power. We then see with astonishment that the subject leaves and even becomes our enemy.
The “I” which, today swears ETERNAL LOVE to a woman, is later displaced by another “I” which has nothing to do with the promise and then the woman suffers deception.
Such an “I” automatically follows another “I” and some appear to always be accompanied by others, but there is no order or system among all of those “I’s”.
Each of those “I’s” believes itself to be the whole at a given moment, but it is really nothing but the worst part of our functions, even when it has the impression of being the totality, the reality, the whole person.
The interesting thing is that we give credit to the “I” of a moment, even when that “I” is displaced by another “I” moments later.
The LUNAR EGO is a sum of “I’s” that should be eliminated in a radical manner.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 11 ‘Aquarius’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
The Human Machine and the Ego
It is necessary to know that each of the five cylinders of the machine possesses its own characteristics that we should never confuse.
Differences in velocity exist among the five centers of the machine.
People lavishly praise thinking, but in truth, the INTELLECTUAL CENTER is the slowest.
Afterwards, operating much faster, comes the INSTINCTIVE and MOVEMENT or MOTOR CENTERS, which have more or less the same velocity.
The fastest is the SEXUAL CENTER and is followed, in order of speed, by the EMOTIONAL CENTER.
There is an enormous difference in speed between each of the five CENTERS of the machine.
By studying ourselves, by observing ourselves, we will see at a simple glance that MOVEMENT is faster than thought and that emotion is faster than any movement and thought.
The MOTOR and INSTINCTIVE centers are Thirty Thousand times faster than the INTELLECTUAL CENTER.
The EMOTIONAL CENTER, when it works at the velocity that is its own, is Thirty Thousand times faster than the MOTOR and INSTINCTIVE centers.
The different CENTERS each have their own completely different TIME.
The velocity of the centers explains a great number of well known phenomena which run-of-the-mill ordinary science cannot explain; it is enough to remember the astonishing speed of certain psychological, physiological and mental processes.
Every CENTER is divided into two parts: positive and negative; this division is particularly clear for the INTELLECTUAL CENTER and the INSTINCTIVE CENTER.
The entire work of the INTELLECTUAL CENTER is divided into two parts: AFFIRMATION and NEGATION, YES and NO, THESIS and ANTITHESIS.
The same struggle between pleasant and unpleasant exists in the INSTINCTIVE CENTER; pleasant sensations, unpleasant sensations and all of those sensations are related with the five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.
The struggle between MOVEMENT and REST (or REPOSE) exists in the MOVEMENT or MOTOR CENTER.
Pleasant and unpleasant emotions exist in the EMOTIONAL CENTER: happiness, sympathy, affection, self-confidence, etc. are positive.
Unpleasant EMOTIONS such as boredom, jealousies, envy, anger, irritability, fear, are totally negative.
In the SEXUAL CENTER, attraction and repulsion, chastity and lust, exist in eternal conflict.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 11 ‘Aquarius’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
Sacrificing Suffering and Awakening Consciousness
The INTELLECTUAL ANIMALS sacrifice their pleasures if necessary, but they are incapable of sacrificing their own sufferings.
Whosoever wants to DISSOLVE THE PLURALIZED “I”, should sacrifice their own sufferings.
Jealousies produce suffering; if we annihilate jealousy, then the suffering dies, and pain is sacrificed.
Anger produces pain; if we put an end to anger, then we sacrifice the pain, we destroy it.
It is necessary to SELF-OBSERVE OURSELVES from moment to moment; the pluralized “I” works in each of the FIVE CENTERS OF THE MACHINE.
Sometimes it is an “I” of the EMOTIONAL CENTER which is the one that reacts angrily, or is jealous, or envious; sometimes the prejudices and false statements of the Intellectual Center violently attack with all their fury; other times, the erroneous perverse habits lead us to failure, etc.
Each CENTER has FORTY-NINE SUBCONSCIOUS regions and in each of those regions live millions of “I’s” that we need to DISCOVER through in-depth MEDITATION.
When we SELF-DISCOVER OURSELVES, when we become CONSCIOUS of the activities of the “I” in the five centers of the machine and in the forty-nine subconscious regions, then WE AWAKEN CONSCIOUSNESS.
To become conscious of the entire PROCESS of the “I” in the five cylinders of the machine, is to make the SUBCONSCIOUSNESS into CONSCIOUSNESS.
It is impossible to eliminate the different “I’s” if we have not previously COMPREHENDED them CONSCIOUSLY in the forty-nine SUBCONSCIOUS regions.
We can work with PROSERPINE, the QUEEN of the INFERNOS eliminating “I’s”, with the condition of first comprehending the defect that we want to extirpate.PROSERPINE only eliminates the “I’s” which personify the defects that we have comprehended in an INTEGRAL manner.
It is impossible to reach ATMAN-VIDYA [the Real Wisdom of the Being] without first having KNOWN ourselves.
“NOSCE TE IPSUM”; MAN KNOW YOURSELF and you shall know the universe and the GODS.
To know the activity of the five cylinders of the machine in all the forty-nine passageways or subconscious regions of JALDABAOTH, means to Know Oneself, to make the subconscious conscious, to self-discover ourselves.
Whosoever wants to ascend should first descend.
Whosoever wants ATMAN-VIDYA [the Real Wisdom of the Being] should first descend into their own atomic infernos.
The error of many students of Occultism is to want to first ascend without first having descended.
In interrelations with people, our defects spontaneously appear, and if we are Alert, then we discover what Center they proceed from. Then, by means of Meditation, we will discover them in each and everyone of the forty-nine Subconscious regions.
It is only by means of the “I” dying in a total manner that we attain the Atma Vidya, Absolute Enlightenment.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 11 ‘Aquarius’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
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