The Divine Mother, the Primordial Substance and its Differentiations
The Primordial Substance, the Prakriti and the Divine Mother
MAHAMVANTARA and PRALAYA are two very important SANSKRIT terms with which GNOSTIC students should familiarize themselves.
During the GREAT DAY, the universe exists. When the GREAT NIGHT arrives, the universe ceases to exist, it dissolves into the bosom of the PRAKRITI.
The immeasurable infinite space is full of SOLAR SYSTEMS, which have their MAHAMVANTARAS and their PRALAYAS (their Cosmic Days and their Cosmic Nights). While some are in their MAHAMVANTARA, others are in their PRALAYA.
Millions and billions of UNIVERSES are born and die within the bosom of the PRAKRITI. Every COSMOS is born from the PRAKRITI and is dissolved in the PRAKRITI.
During the GREAT PRALAYA, the PRAKRITI is UNITOTAL, INTEGRAL.In the Manifestation, in the MAHAMVANTARA, the PRAKRITI differentiates into THREE COSMIC ASPECTS.
The three aspects of the PRAKRITI during the MANIFESTATION are:
Second, that of NATURE;
Third, that of the HUMAN BEING.The DIVINE MOTHER in infinite space;
the DIVINE MOTHER in Nature;
GNOSTIC students should comprehend very well these three aspects of the PRAKRITI, since this is fundamental in the ESOTERIC work.
GNOSTIC students should not find it strange if we affirm to them that the particular PRAKRITI of each person even has its individual name. This means that we also have a DIVINE MOTHER in each one of us. To comprehend this is FUNDAMENTAL for the ESOTERIC WORK.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 6 ‘VIRGO’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
The Primordial Substance and the Birth of the Cosmos
The Prakriti is the Great Alaya of the Universe, the COSMIC MOTHER, Maha-Kundalini, etc. It is the Eternal Feminine Principle.
The PRAKRITI is the DIVINE MOTHER, the PRIMORDIAL SUBSTANCE of nature.There exist various substances in the Universe, different elements and sub-elements, but all of these are really just different manifestations of a SINGLE SUBSTANCE.
Every COSMOS is born from the PRAKRITI and is dissolved in the PRAKRITI.Every world is a ball of fire that becomes ignited and extinguished in the bosom of the PRAKRITI.
Everything is born from the PRAKRITI, everything returns to the PRAKRITI. She is the GREAT MOTHER.
“The GREAT PRAKRITI is MY womb; I place the germ (or seed) in it and from it, oh Bharata!, all beings are born.”
“Oh Kountreya, the PRAKRITI is the true womb of anything that is born from any of the different wombs, and I am the PATERNAL seed-giver.”
“SATTVA, RAYAS and TAMAS these three Gunas (aspects or qualities), born of the PRAKRITI, Oh mighty-armed one, bind fast the embodied to the body.”
Of these, SATTVA (which from its stainlessness, is luminous and good) binds by attachment to happiness and by attachment to knowledge, oh, impeccable one.
Know thou, oh, Kountreya, that RAYAS is of the nature of passion, the source of DESIRE and of attachment; this GUNA binds fast the embodied being to action.
But know thou, oh, Bharata, that TAMAS is born of ignorance, deluding all embodied beings; it binds fast the embodied being, by heedlessness, laziness and sleep” (SLEEPING CONSCIOUSNESS, DREAMING CONSCIOUSNESS).
During the GREAT PRALAYA, these THREE GUNAS are in perfect equilibrium on the GREAT SCALES of JUSTICE; and then when an imbalance of the three GUNAS is produced, then the dawning of the MAHAMVANTARA (the Cosmic Day) is initiated and the UNIVERSE is born from within the bosom of the PRAKRITI.
And what are the THREE GUNAS: Sattva, Rayas and Tamas? They are the Three fundamental Qualities of the PRAKRITI.SATTVA is Harmony, Beauty, and authentic Happiness.
RAYAS is animal Passion, Action.
TAMAS is Inertia.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 6 ‘VIRGO’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
and from Lecture #104 (‘The Three Gunas of Cosmic Matter’)
in El Quinto Evagelio by Samael Aun Weor
available in the Appendix of The Gnostic and Esoteric Mysteries
of Freemasonry, Lucifer and the Great Work
The Imbalancing of the Three Gunas and the Dawning of Creation
Before the Dawning of the Maha-Manvantara began, it is clear that Sattva, Rayas and Tamas (the Three Gunas), were in perfect equilibrium, there was no decompensation; then the Maha-Pralaya, the Cosmic Night reigned.
In the bossom of the Eternal Common Cosmic Father, during the Maha-Pralaya, the Elohim are merely Divine Atoms, submerged within That which does not have a name.
THE ALTERATION OF THE THREE GUNAS (Sattva, Rayas and Tamas), occurs because those Primordial, Divine Atoms, or simply Virginal Sparks, yearn to be something, or someone.
Then (as a result) the Three Gunas become imbalanced in the great plate of the Cosmic Scales, and then (as a result) Karma enters into activity:
The First Logos initiates Electrical Movement, the ELECTRICAL WHIRLWIND, and the atoms of the past Universe (which slept within their SPECIES’ CENTERS before), wake up for a new activity.
Thus this is how the Dawning of the Maha-Manvantara always begins.
But, obviously, the Causal Logos would not enter into activity (initiating the Electrical Whirlwind, the Electrical Hurricane within the Chaotic Waters of Life), if the imbalance of the Three Gunas had not previously taken place.
The very fact that the Three Gunas are imbalanced in the Cosmic Scales indicates the IMPERFECTION OF the PRIMORDIAL, Divine ATOMS (or Virginal Monads) which are at rest within the bosom of the Eternal Common Cosmic Father.
If these Primordial Monads did not yearn to be something, or someone, then the imbalance of the Three Gunas would not be feasible.
In order for the Three Gunas to become imbalanced, there must exist an inherent cause, an unknown, profound motivating principle.
The causa-causorum is found within the same Virginal Atoms or Sparks that rest within the bosom of the Eternal Common Cosmic Father.
They must have had some form of imperfection (incomprehensible from a merely intellectual analysis), that naturally became that innate cause, which in its turn, caused the Monads, that were submerged within the bosom of the Eternal Common Cosmic Father, to yearn to be something, or someone.
If those Monads enjoyed absolute Perfection, then they would not want to be something or someone, and then the imbalance of the Three Gunas would not be feasible either.
Obviously, within the bosom of the Eternal Common Cosmic Father, Happiness reigns.
When a Virginal Spark (anyone that it may be) submerges itself within this joy, if it does not want life, we could say, of an egoistical type, if it does not want to be something different from the Father, then, within itself it will find different levels, or better we could say, Super-Levels of Happiness…
-Paraphrase from Ch. 6 ‘VIRGO’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
and from Lecture #104 (‘The Three Gunas of Cosmic Matter’)
in El Quinto Evagelio by Samael Aun Weor
available in the Appendix of The Gnostic and Esoteric Mysteries
of Freemasonry, Lucifer and the Great Work
The Creation of the Universe and the Second Birth
When one wants to be something different from the Being, when one desires to exist, even as a Cosmocreator, obviously then one falls, in fact, into the world of 3 Laws.
It is interesting to understand the desire of the Monads to be something or somebody.
The first things that are imbalanced, naturally, are the Gunas. If the Gunas were not imbalanced, then the Causa-Causorum , the Causal Logos of the First Instant, the Law of Karma itself, would not enter into activity.
But when there is an imbalance of the Gunas, and at the moment that such an imbalance begins, THE LAW OF KARMA ENTERS INTO ACTIVITY AND THE MANIFESTATION OF THE UNIVERSE HAPPENS.
Therefore, the Gunas come to be the Causa-Causorum of all Logoic activity, because the Causal Logos would not enter into activity, if the Gunas were not imbalanced.
The fact of the Gunas being imbalanced, exposes an imperfection: The imperfection of the Monads (that rest within the bosom of That which does not have a name), those Monads that desire to be something, or someone.
When they feel and they think thus, obviously an imbalance is produced. That imbalance originates the very manifestation of those Monads, and for that reason the manifested Universe comes into being, beginning the Maha-Manvantara.
Distinguish between the Maha-Manvantara, which means “COSMIC DAY” and the Maha-Pralaya, which means “COSMIC NIGHT”.
The birth of the Cosmos is one thing…
The SECOND BIRTH is something else.
The THIRD LOGOS, the SACRED FIRE, should first fecundate the sacred belly of the DIVINE MOTHER, then the SECOND BIRTH follows.
She (the PRAKRITI) is always a VIRGIN: before childbirth, during childbirth and after childbirth.
The Blessed GODDESS MOTHER OF THE WORLD is that which is called LOVE.She is Isis, who’s veil no mortal has ever lifted; in the flame of the SERPENT, we adore her.
The DEVOTEE of the VIRGIN MOTHER can ask; the Sacred Scriptures say, “Ask and you shall receive , knock and it shall be opened.”
Worlds are gestated in the WOMB, the GREAT BELLY, of the DIVINE MOTHER. VIRGO governs the BELLY.
Every MASTER of the WHITE LODGE has their particular Divine Mother, their PRAKRITI. Every MASTER is the child of an immaculate virgin.If we study comparative Religion, then we will discover immaculate conceptions everywhere; JESUS is conceived by work and grace of the HOLY SPIRIT, the MOTHER of JESUS was an IMMACULATE VIRGIN.
-Paraphrase from Lecture #104 (‘The Three Gunas of Cosmic Matter’)
in El Quinto Evagelio by Samael Aun Weor
available in the Appendix of The Gnostic and Esoteric Mysteries
of Freemasonry, Lucifer and the Great Work
The Divine Mother, the Second Birth and the Three Gunas
The DIVINE MOTHER is ISIS, TONANTZIN, KALI or PARVATI, the wife of SHIVA, the THIRD LOGOS and her most powerful symbol is the SACRED COW.
The snake should ascend along the spinal column of the SACRED COW, the snake should fecundate the womb of the DIVINE MOTHER; it is only in this manner that the immaculate conception and the SECOND BIRTH will arrive.
The KUNDALINI, in itself, is a SOLAR fire that is enclosed inside a MAGNETIC center located in the coccygeal bone, at the base of the spinal column.
When the sacred fire awakens, then it ascends through the spinal canal along the spinal column, opening the seven centers of the spinal column and fecundating the PRAKRITI.
The FIRE of the KUNDALINI has seven degrees of power and it is necessary to ascend this septenary ladder of FIRE in order to achieve the second birth.
When the PRAKRITI is fecundated with the flaming fire, it then has formidable powers in order to help us.
To be BORN again is equivalent to ENTERING the KINGDOM.
It is very rare to find a twice-born. Rare is the one who is BORN a SECOND TIME.
Whosoever wants to be BORN again, whosoever wants to achieve FINAL LIBERATION, should eliminate the THREE GUNAS of the PRAKRITI from their nature.
The one who does not eliminate the SATTVA GUNA, becomes lost in the labyrinth of THEORIES and abandons the ESOTERIC WORK.
The one who does not eliminate RAYAS, fortifies the LUNAR EGO by means of ANGER, COVETOUSNESS, and LUST. We should not forget that RAYAS is the very ROOT of animal desire and of the most violent passions.
RAYAS is the ROOT of all concupiscence (sensual longing). The latter, in itself, is the origin of every desire. The one who wants to eliminate DESIRE, should first eliminate the RAYAS GUNA.
The one who does not eliminate TAMAS, will always have the CONSCIOUSNESS asleep; they will be lazy, they will abandon the ESOTERIC WORK due to slackness, inertia, laziness, lack of willpower, tepidity, lack of spiritual enthusiasm; they will be a victim of the foolish illusions of this world and they will succumb to ignorance.
It has been said that after death, the people of SATTVIC temperament go on vacation to the paradises or molecular and electronic KINGDOMS where they enjoy infinite bliss before RETURNING to a new womb.
INITIATES know very well, by direct experience, that the people of RAYASIC temperament REEMBODY or RETURN to this world in an IMMEDIATE manner or remain at the threshold awaiting the opportunity to enter a new womb, but without having the bliss of some vacations in the different KINGDOMS of happiness.
Every ILLUMINATED PERSON knows with total CERTAINTY that after death, persons of a TAMASIC temperament join the INFERNAL WORLDS situated by DANTE (in his DIVINE COMEDY) beneath the crust of the earth within the entrails of the subterranean world.It is URGENT to eliminate the three GUNAS from our interior nature, if we truly want to accomplish the ESOTERIC WORK successfully.
“When the seer beholds no agent other than the GUNAS, and knows THE ONE who is higher than the GUNAS, then he attains my BEING.”
-Paraphrase from Ch. 6 ‘VIRGO’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
The Necessity to Eliminate the 3 Gunas
Many would like a technique in order to eliminate the three GUNAS but we affirm that it is only by DISSOLVING the LUNAR EGO that one can successfully eliminate the three GUNAS.
The one who remains indifferent and is not perturbed by the GUNAS, who has realized that it is only the GUNAS that function and remain firm, without vacillating, is the one who has already DISSOLVED the LUNAR EGO.
The one who feels equally in pleasure or in pain, who dwells in their own BEING, who gives equal value to a piece of clay, to a small pebble or to a gold nugget, who remains impartial before the pleasant and the unpleasant, before censure and praise, in honor or dishonor, before the friend or enemy; and who has renounced every EGOTISTICAL and earthly enterprise, is the one who has already eliminated the THREE GUNAS and DISSOLVED the LUNAR EGO.
The one who no longer has concupiscence, who extinguished the fire of LUST in all the forty-nine SUBCONSCIOUS departments of the mind, has eliminated the THREE GUNAS and dissolved the LUNAR EGO.
“The earth, water, fire, air, space, mind, intellect and the EGO, are the eight categories into which my PRAKRITI is divided.”
This is how it is written; these are the words of the blessed one.
“When the GREAT COSMIC DAY dawns, all beings manifest, proceeding from the UNMANIFESTED PRAKRITI; and at sunset, they disappear into the same UNMANIFESTED [PRAKRITI].”
It is necessary to first enter the UNMANIFESTED [PRAKRITI] before submerging ourselves within the BOSOM of the UNMANIFESTED ABSOLUTE.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 6 ‘VIRGO’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
The 3 Gunas and their Manifestations
The Divine MOTHER is very close to her child; she is within the very INTIMUS of each one of us and it is from her, precisely from her, that we should ask for help in the difficult moments of existence
There exist three types of foods: SATTVIC, RAJASIC and TAMASIC.
SATTVIC foods are constituted of flowers, grains, fruits and that which is called LOVE.
RAJASIC foods are strong, passionate, excessively hot, too salty, exaggeratedly sweet, etc.
TAMASIC foods are in reality constituted by blood and red meat; they do not have LOVE, they are bought and sold or are offered with vanity, pride and haughtiness.
Eat what is necessary in order to live, neither too little, nor in excess, drink pure water, bless foods.
Regarding the Three Gunas, they are clearly spoken of in the book of Lord Krishna, the famous “Bhagavad Gita”:“Oh, Krishna!, are the Sattvic, Rayasic or Tamasic Gunas …from which the religions and forms of worship are made, without obeying the Mandates?
The Blessed Lord said: “…they are triple: Sattvic, Rayasic and Tamasic.
One hears what I will say to you on this: …the human being is the product of their Saya , they reflect their own Shada .
SATTVIC MEN (that is to say, those in whom the Guna Sattva predominates), adore the Devas, that is to say, they render cult to the Devas (Celestial Beings, because the Devas are the same as the Angels or Divine Beings).
The RAYASIC PEOPLE render cult (to whom?) to the Yakshas or Rakshasas (Beings with Supernatural Powers), and the TAMASIC PEOPLE, render cult to the Spirits and the Elements”…”
Therefore one should not forget that there are people who are completely Sattvic, they render cult to the Devas (to the Divine Angels, to the Indescribable Beings, to the Elohim).
Whosoever of those in whom the Guna Rayas predominates (those who are full of Passion or Action), render cult, it says, to the Beings with Supernatural Powers; and the Tamasic People (those in whom the Guna of Inertia naturally predominates), render cult to the Spirits and the Elements of Nature.
“The men who practice severe austerities ” –says the “Bhagavad Gita”– “which are not recommended in the Scriptures, only for ostentation and egoism, those men become attached and concupiscent, lacking sanity, torturing all the organs of the body and myself as well, who dwells within the body.
Know them: They are of demonic intentions !”…
It is well worth the pain to comment on this, is it not?
These types of people are demons who torture themselves, they are demons who take the Ascetic life, they are demons who practice HATHA-YOGA, and in the Infernal Worlds there are multitudes of them, and they always think that they are doing very well…
“Also the Foods, forms of Worship, Charities and Austerities are triple.
Hear from me what their distinctions are: For the SATTVIC (that is to say, for the individuals in whom the Guna Sattva predominates), they like the foods that increase their vitality, energy, strength, health, happiness and appetite, and that are flavorful, foods that are oily, substantial, pleasant” (vegetables, fruits of all types, etc.).
“The foods preferred by the RAYASIC (that is to say, by the people in whom the Guna Rayas predominates, which is that of Passion), are the bitter, acidic, salty, very hot, spicy, dry and burning ones, and they are those that produce weight gain, suffering and disease…”
It is worth the pain to reflect on this, is it not?
It is worth the pain for us to think for ourselves about how (in the Rayasic foods) there are “the very bitter –put a lot of attention in this–, the acidic, salty, very hot, spicy (those with a base of chili and such), dry and burning ones, those that produce weight gain, suffering and disease…”
On the contrary you see (in order for us to reflect well), how different the Sattvic foods are: “All that are oily, substantial and pleasant”: The vegetables, the fruits, all that…
“As far as foods preferred by the TAMASIC (that is to say, by those people in whom the Guna Tamas predominates) are the tasteless ones, almost decomposed, bad smelling, leftovers from the previous day, cold food and impure foods…”
It is in this way that the people in whom the Guna Tamas predominates, or the Tamasic People, they like “tasteless foods –you see what they are saying!–, the decomposed, bad-smelling foods, leftovers from the previous day –excess or reheated–, cold food and the impure foods…”
Those are foods, properly, of Tamasic People. Let us not forget this here, this commentary, it is worth the pain that we reflect and that we choose our foods accordingly… In this way, yes, it is worth the pain to observe what people eat, is it not?
Let us choose the one which is much better, the Sattvic Foods: The fruits, the vegetables, all that…
-Paraphrase from Ch. 6 ‘VIRGO’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
and from Lecture #104 (‘The Three Gunas of Cosmic Matter’)
in El Quinto Evagelio by Samael Aun Weor
available in the Appendix of The Gnostic and Esoteric Mysteries
of Freemasonry, Lucifer and the Great Work
The 3 Gunas and the 3 Traitors
It is written with coals of ardent fire in the marvelous book of all splendors, who the three traitors are that assassinate HIRAM or it would be better for us to say HIRAM-OSIRIS, the intimate God of every human being who comes to this world.
We must search with infinite yearning within ourselves for these three assassins of the secret Master, so that finally, on a given day (neither the day nor the hour is important), we will exclaim with all of the strength of our soul: “The King is dead, hail to the King!”
It is ostensible that the first treacherous traitor is certainly the loathsome demon of desire. The second infidel is the horrifying demon of the mind, and clearly the third traitor is the vile demon of ill-will.
JUDAS is the first, who sells the Christ secretly for thirty pieces of silver.
PILATE is the second, who always washes his hands and declares himself innocent, never recognizing his own guilt.
CAIAPHAS is the third; who never does the will of the Father; he hated the Lord and still remains hating him.
The origin of these three evil ones is certainly extremely tenebrous… They come from the frightful perversion of the three GUNAS.
SATTVA is the GUNA of universal harmony.
RAYAS is the GUNA of emotion.
TAMAS is the GUNA of inertia.Any illuminated Hierophant who studies the AKASHIC records of Nature can clearly verify for themselves, the transcendental fact of the absolute equilibrium of the three GUNAS of mystery during the profound night of the great Pralaya (or cosmic repose).
When these three GUNAS become imbalanced in the cosmic scales then this initiates the dawning of a new cosmic day.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 39 ‘THE THREE TRAITORS’ of Parsifal Unveiled by Samael Aun Weor
available in the Appendix of The Gnostic and Esoteric Mysteries
of Freemasonry, Lucifer and the Great Work
Krishna Comments on the 3 Gunas
KRISHNA that illustrious man who fulfilled a gigantic mission in the sacred land of the Vedas, emphatically refers himself to the three GUNAS of ancient wisdom, saying:
“If the incarnated being departs when SATTVA predominates, then, it will go to the sphere of the devotees that adore the most high .”
“If at the moment of death RAYAS predominates, a person is born who is the person that is addicted to action; and if TAMAS predominates, they will be born among the beings that do not reason.”
“Those with SATTVIC temperaments will go up (to the superior spheres of the Universe).
“Those with RAYASIC temperaments remain in the middle (reborn in the human body in an immediate or mediated form without having the luxury of a vacation in the ineffable regions).
“And those with TAMASIC temperaments will go down (submerged within the interior of the earth, they enter into the submerged mineral kingdom in order to involuntarily return, in time, descending through the animal, vegetable and mineral steps.”
Afterwards they take other paths in order to reach the light of the sun and then re-initiate a new ascension of an evolutionary type that recommences in the hard rock or mineral kingdom).”
-Paraphrase from Ch. 39 ‘THE THREE TRAITORS’ of Parsifal Unveiled by Samael Aun Weor
available in the Appendix of The Gnostic and Esoteric Mysteries
of Freemasonry, Lucifer and the Great Work
Buddha Comments on the 3 Gunas
And the illustrious Lord once again took up the word in order to say the following:
“When knowledge shines through all the paths, then one can consider that SATTVA predominates.”
“When covetousness, activity, the concept of new undertakings, restlessness, and desire prevail, then Oh Bharata!, RAYAS predominates.
“And when TAMAS predominates, Oh Kounteya!, mental obscurity, inertia, inadvertency and hallucinations prevail.”
“Transcending the three GUNAS, which cause this body, the incarnated being is liberated from birth, from death, from old age and from suffering, and becomes immortal.”
KUNDALINI YOGA teaches, in a brilliant way, that the BHUJANJINI or serpentine power is found coiled three and a half times within the Coccigeal Chakra.
The three turns or coils of the serpentine power represent the three GUNAS of the PRAKRITI: SATTVA, RAYAS and TAMAS.
It is an axiom of occult wisdom that the remaining half turn represents VIKRITIS, the modification of the PRAKRITI, the eternal feminine.
The gospel of Lord BUDDHA says:
“The three daughter of MARA (the three perverse GUNAS), tempted the BODHISATTVA, but he paid no attention to them, and when MARA saw that he could kindle no desire in the victorious heart of SRAMANA, he ordered all the malignant spirits (obedient to their commands) to attack and overcome the great MUNI.”
“But the Blessed One contemplated them as one would watch the harmless games of children and the burning hatred of the evil spirits was without success.
The flames of the inferno became wholesome breezes of perfume and the furious rays of the evil spirits were changed into lotus blossoms.”
“After this MARA (THE DRAGON OF DARKNESS) saw this, and his army fled.
Meanwhile, a rain of heavenly flowers fell, and the voices of good spirits were heard.”
“Behold the great MUNI! His spirit is unmoved by hatred .
The legions of evil (Those red devils who constitute the famous psychological “I”) did not intimidate him.
He is pure and wise; he is full of love and compassion.”
“As the rays of the sun drown the darkness of the world, so he who perseveres in his search will find the truth and the truth will illuminate him.”
The former verses were some from among the sacred gospel of our Lord BUDDHA.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 39 ‘THE THREE TRAITORS’ of Parsifal Unveiled by Samael Aun Weor
available in the Appendix of The Gnostic and Esoteric Mysteries
of Freemasonry, Lucifer and the Great Work
The Truth
Many centuries afterwards, the Divine Rabbi of Galilee exclaims with all the strength of his soul:
“And ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free.” (John: 8:32)
“God is Spirit” -states the Christian Gospel- “and those that worship him, must worship him in Spirit and in Truth.” (John: 4:24)
“When, however, the Spirit of Truth, has come, He will guide you through all the truths; for he shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear, that he shall speak: and he will show you things to come.” (John: 16:13)
It is written with characters of ardent fire that only by dying in ourselves, can we incarnate the Spirit of Truth.
Those who know the word of power never pronounce it, in fact no one has ever pronounced it, except the one who has INCARNATED it.
SIDDHARTHA, the BUDDHA, is the one who accomplishes what he promises to himself, as does PARSIFAL of the WAGNERIAN Drama, who courageously grasps the lance of EROS, in order to annihilate first the Demons of SET (THE EGO) and then the three Furies who dwell in the terrible abysses of Acheron.
Gautama was certainly a Magician of Tantric Initiation; he practiced the SAHAJA MAITHUNA intensely and skillfully handled the lance with singular mastery.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 39 ‘THE THREE TRAITORS’ of Parsifal Unveiled by Samael Aun Weor
available in the Appendix of The Gnostic and Esoteric Mysteries
of Freemasonry, Lucifer and the Great Work
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