Initiatic Symbolism Found in the Religions of the Ancients
The Religions of the Ancients and the Symbols of the Universal Father & Mother
The Phallic or Sexual Religion is the purest and most elevated of all religions.
The ancients, seeing the corruption of the human sentiment in regards to the adoration of sex, took care of “veiling” the truth through symbolism in the Symbolic Religions.
Before all else, we must know that religion is made for man, and not man for religion.
Let us remember that primitive peoples adored the Sun when the adoration of sex degenerated. Thus, we see that in ancient Persia they baptized the Solar Cult with the name of “Mithraism”.
Mithras signifies “Sun”, according to the language of its adepts. Mithras (the Sun) comes out every morning in order to drive away the darkness, traveling in his chariot through the firmament.
When appearing each day, it gives new life to its creation.
The Moon was adored, as well, because it traveled through the superior spheres, dragged by white bulls.
The Bull was, for the Persians, the animal of reproduction and of agriculture.
Just as the Sun was the giver of life, the Moon was the Goddess who presided over the growth of plants and over the generation of all living creatures.
To the Ancients, the Sun was the Father and the Moon was the Mother.
These two luminaries, who fecundated the Earth, were adored by the people, while the Initiate Priests practiced only the religion of sex, which is Fire-Light.
The Priests reserved the unveiling of their original doctrine exclusively for the Initiates, while the multitudes were content with the superficial and yet brilliant symbolism.
– Paraphrase from Ch. 4 (THE RELIGION OF MITHRAS) in
From Sex to Divinity [Del Sexo a la Divinidad]
by Dr. Jorge Adoum (Mago Jefa)
The Universal Masculine and Feminine
Arcanum № 2 is The Priestess, Occult Science.
In the domain of the Spirit, the One is the Father who is in Secret, and the Two is the Divine Mother who is the unfolding of the Father.
…The № 1 is THE FATHER WHO IS IN SECRET, it is the ETERNAL MASCULINE PRINCIPLE, and it is (in itself) Brahma, who has no form. He is impersonal, ineffable, although we may symbolize him with the Sun.
The № 2, THE DIVINE MOTHER, is the Eternal Feminine Principle which is symbolized by the Moon.
BRAHMA has no form but is, in himself, the governor of the Universe, he is ISHVARA, the Eternal Masculine Principle, the Universal Principle of Life.
There are two serpents: The Tempting Serpent of Eden, who is the same as the Goddess Kali of the abominable Kundartiguador Organ and the Bronze Serpent who healed the Israelites in the desert or the KUNDALINI SERPENT.
They are the Feminine Principles of the Universe; the Virgin and the Harlot; the Divine Mother or White Moon and the Black Moon referring to Astaroth, (Kali in her Tenebrous aspect).Arcanum № 2 is that of the PRIESTESS, in occultism it is said to be the Dual manifestation of the Unity.
The Unity unfolds giving origin to the Receptive and Productive Femininity in all of Nature.
– From Ch. 2 of Tarot & Kabalah
The Religions of the Ancients were Dual
We must clarify, once and for all, that the priests gave the people the worship of the adoration of the Sun and its planets because humanity began to pervert the religion of sex.
At the same time, they taught that this adoration had to be to the spirit of the planets, and not to their bodies.
According to astrological theories, the planets were endowed with qualities and virtues.
Each one of the planetary bodies presided over a day of the week, and each was associated with a degree of Initiation; their number of Initiatic degrees was 7, the most sacred number for them.
They taught that when the soul arrived on Earth, it had to receive from these planets their qualities and passions.
As immortal Gods, they were enthroned in Mount Olympus:
1. Helios,
2. Selene,
3. Ares,
4. Hermes,
5. Zeus,
6. Aphrodite and
7. Chronos.The Sun was the God of all Gods and his name was Mithras.
Along with the seven planetary Gods (the Seven angels before the Throne), other divinities also received tribute: the twelve Zodiac Signs (the twelve faculties of the Spirit, like the twelve disciples of Christ).
These signs of the Zodiac exerted their influence over all beings.
Each was an object of particular veneration during the month over which it presided.
According to the Mithraic religion, each was governed by one God and, therefore, each month was denominated by its own name.
Now, it is not difficult to comprehend why modern religions have a saint for each day of the year.
– Paraphrase from Ch. 4 (THE RELIGION OF MITHRAS) in
From Sex to Divinity [Del Sexo a la Divinidad]
by Dr. Jorge Adoum (Mago Jefa)
Mithras in the Religions of the Ancients
Mithras was, for the magi, the God of Light: the Ineffable Father or Ineffable Light, the God of Fire and of Light, who manifested through sex and the sexual organs [el sexo del hombre ].
Nonetheless, for the uninitiated, Mithras was the Sun that transmitted its light through air, since they believed it inhabited the intermediate zone between Heaven and Earth.
Mithras was the Mediator between God (who reigned in Heaven), and men (who struggled and suffered on Earth).
This gave rise to, in the first place, the necessity for man to have a mediator between God and himself.
For the Persians, Mithras was identical to Jesus for the Christians. Mithras and Jesus are the personification of the Divine Flame.
The Initiate, instead of following a person or a prophet, goes directly to the source of Light: that Light of which the Initiate is but a spark.
The idea that the human being has something of God within depends, in each case, on one’s own character, education and social status.
As the intellect becomes more refined, the human being conceives of the Supreme Being in the most elevated and spiritual form; for this reason, the Greek philosophers knew the Mystery of Mithras more so than even the Persians themselves.
The Greeks saw that the Sun poured its light upon the Earth and that it was the image of the Invisible Being, who no one could see. (“The Father who no one has seen”, said Jesus thousands of years later).
Mithras had his trinity, represented between two young figures: one with torch held high, and the other with an inverted torch. These two youthful figures were the double incarnation of his person. The two, called Dadophori , formed a Triad with the God.This Sun-God Mithras walked triumphantly over the zenith and, at night, sunk towards the horizon and died there.
This was Mithras. The Triplicity or the Trinity in one single God. And thus always, behind all those external forms, were the Mysteries with its Priests, who taught the adepts how to search and find, in themselves, the Fire-Light, as the source of the Mysteries of life itself.
The sparks are symbols of the Fire-Light of the Supreme Being in the human being, which were given to the Neophyte before receiving the revelation of the inner doctrine that leads to initiation.
– Paraphrase from Ch. 4 (THE RELIGION OF MITHRAS) in
From Sex to Divinity [Del Sexo a la Divinidad]
by Dr. Jorge Adoum (Mago Jefa)
The Divine Mother, the Sacred Cow and the Verb
and the CALF is the KABIR, the LOGOS.FATHER, MOTHER and SON; this is the HINDU TRIMURTI.
The FATHER is WISDOM, the MOTHER is LOVE, the SON is the LOGOS (the VERB).
There are seven orders of worlds, seven cosmos that were created with the power of the Verb, with music, with sound.…Music, the VERB, placed by the LOGOS in seven musical octaves, sustains the Universe firm on its march.
…In other times, when human beings were not yet so mechanized with this false civilization, cowboys led the cattle to the stable singing in a delightful and natural manner.
The BULL, the COW, the calf become touched by music; they correspond to the zodiacal sign of Taurus, the constellation of the verb, of music.In the GREAT VEDIC ALLEGORY, the land that is persecuted by Prithu flees, transforming itself into a COW and taking refuge in BRAHMA.
But this BRAHMA is the first person of the Hindu TRIMURTI…
The five-legged ASTRAL COW … represents the DIVINE MOTHER, RHEA, CYBELE, totally developed in the TRUE HUMAN BEING, in the SELF-REALIZED MASTER.GAUTAMA the BUDDHA or GOTAMA, literally means the conductor of the COW.
Every HERDER , every conductor of the COW can use the JAIN fire of the COW in order to enter the JINNS lands, palaces, temples and cities.
With the power of the DIVINE MOTHER, we can visit AGARTHI, the JINN cities of the subterranean world.
– Paraphrase from Ch. 2 (Taurus) of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
Occult Science, Occult Masonry, the Divine Mother and the Duality of Arcanum Two
Each one of us has their own Father and Mother who are very sacred.
In the Father and in the Mother Kundalini we see the two columns Jakin and Boaz ; it is they, which support the Temple.
The hebrew letter BETH [ ב ] expresses the dualism of the two columns of the Temple; Jakin is the right-hand column, which is White, the Man, the Masculine Principle; and Boaz, the left-hand column, is Black, the Woman, the Feminine Principle.
Between the two columns “J.” and “B.” is the Great Arcanum, and it is precisely this which many Masonic brethren do not understand.
The Cubic Stone in its rough, raw or brute state is located between the two columns, and is converted into the Cubic Stone of Yesod once it is worked; this is none other than Sex, the Sephiroth Yesod, one must know the Arcanum, the Maithuna, which is represented by the chisel of Intelligence and the mallet of Willpower.
In ancient times, within the Temples, there was a PRIEST and a PRIESTESS.In Primordial Masonry there was a Master and a Mistress [or Female master].
Count Cagliostro tried to establish EGYPTIAN MASONRY in England, but he had many enemies and established two thrones.
…EGYPTIAN MASONRY was grandiose…
…The Number “2” is vital, in the Temples of the Mysteries “2” Altars are never missing.
One can not enter into the Temple without passing by the Two Columns…
What would there be of the Great Life if the Number “2” did not exist?
The ineffable words of the Goddess Neith have been carved in letters of gold upon the resplendent walls of the Temple of Wisdom:“I AM SHE WHO HAS BEEN, IS, AND WILL BE,
AND NO MORTAL HAS LIFTED MY VEIL.”The veil symbolizes that the secrets of Mother Nature are hidden to the profane, and that it is only the Initiate, after incessant purifications and meditations who can draw it back.
You must be valiant and raise the Veil of Isis; our Gnostic motto is THELEMA (Willpower).”
– From Ch. 2 & 24 of Tarot & Kabalah
The Divine Mother, the Sacred Cow and the Verb
…BRAHMA is the first person of the Hindu TRIMURTI. VACH, the VACA [Spanish: COW] is the second and the VIRAH, the DIVINE VARON [Spanish: MALE], the calf, the KABIR, the LOGOS, is the third person.
the CALF is the KABIR, the LOGOS.…TAURUS invites us to REFLECTION. Let us remember that MERCURY stole the SUN’s COWS. TAURUS governs the CREATIVE LARYNX.
It is urgent for the KUNDALINI to flourish on our fertile lips made VERB; it is only in this manner that we can use the JAIN fire in order to enter the KINGDOM of the JINNS.
…The MYSTICAL GREATNESS of the MITHRAIC BULL (which has not been comprehended by the superficial people of this TENEBROUS era of the twentieth century), later degenerated into the worship of the GOLDEN CALF.
The SACRED COW symbolizes ISIS, the DIVINE MOTHER and her CALF or HEIFER represents MERCURY, the MESSANGER of the GODS, the KABIR, the LOGOS.”
– Paraphrase from Ch. 2 (Taurus) of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
The Sacred Cow, the Mechanical Laws of Nature and the Path
…we spoke about the SACRED COW and its deep significance; it is very interesting that every BRAHMIN in INDIA, when praying the ROSARY, counts 108 beads of it.
There are HINDUS who do not consider their sacred duties fulfilled, if they do not walk 108 times around the PRINCIPAL COW, with the ROSARY in hand, and if they do not fill a cup with water and place it for a moment on the COW’s tail, and drink it as the most sacred and delicious Divine liquor.
It is URGENT to remember that BUDDHA’s necklace has 108 beads.
All of this invites us to reflect on the 108 LIVES which are assigned to the HUMAN BEING.
It is clear that whosoever does not take advantage of those 108 LIVES enters into the INVOLUTION of the INFERNAL WORLDS.
…The LUNAR EGO returns and, in accordance with the LAW of RECURRENCE, in each life it repeats the same actions, and the same dramas of preceding lives.
The SPIRAL LINE is the line of life and each life is either repeated in more elevated, EVOLUTIVE SPIRALS, or in lower, INVOLUTIVE SPIRALS.
Each life is a repetition of the past one, plus its good or bad, pleasant or unpleasant, consequences.
In a resolved and definitive manner, many persons descend from life to life on the involutive spiral, until finally entering the INFERNAL WORLDS.
Whosoever wants to attain in-depth SELF-REALIZATION, should liberate themselves from the vicious circle of the EVOLUTIVE and INVOLUTIVE LAWS of nature.
Whosoever, in TRUTH, wants to come out of the STATE of INTELLECTUAL ANIMAL, whosoever very sincerely wants to convert themselves into a TRUE HUMAN BEING, should liberate themselves from the MECHANICAL LAWS of nature.
Everyone who wants to become a TWICE BORN, everyone who wants INTIMATE SELF-REALIZATION, should get onto the path of the REVOLUTION OF THE CONSCIOUSNESS; this is the path of the RAZOR’S EDGE.
This path is full of dangers within and without.
– Paraphrase from Ch. 7 (Libra) of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
The Path and Karma (Cause & Effect) and Negotiations with the Law
The LAW OF NATURAL SELECTION exists in everything created; not all students who enroll in school graduate as professionals.
JESUS CHRIST never said that the LAW of EVOLUTION would lead all human beings to the final goal.
Some PSEUDO-ESOTERICISTS and PSEUDO-OCCULTISTS say that one reaches GOD through many paths. This is really a SOPHISM with which they always want to justify their own errors.
The GREAT HIEROPHANT JESUS the CHRIST only pointed out a single door and a single path:
“Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto LIFE,
and few there be that find it.” [Matthew 7:14]The GATE and the PATH are sealed by a great STONE; happy is the one who can roll away that STONE…
We need to become conscious of our own KARMA and that is only possible by means of the STATE OF ALERT NOVELTY.
Every EFFECT of life, every event, has its cause in a previous life, but we need to become conscious of that.
Every moment of HAPPINESS or PAIN should be continued in MEDITATION with a STILL mind and in PROFOUND SILENCE. The RESULT comes to be the experience of the same event in a previous life.
We then become CONSCIOUS of the CAUSE of the act, whether it be pleasant or unpleasant.
Whosoever awakens CONSCIOUSNESS, can travel in their INTERNAL BODIES outside the PHYSICAL BODY, with FULL CONSCIOUS WILLPOWER and study their own book of destiny.In the TEMPLE OF ANUBIS and his FORTY-TWO JUDGES, the INITIATE can study their own book.
ANUBIS is the supreme ruler of KARMA. The Temple of ANUBIS is found in the Molecular World, called the Astral World by many people.
INITIATES can negotiate directly with ANUBIS. We can cancel every Karmic debt with GOOD DEEDS, but we have to negotiate with ANUBIS.
The LAW OF KARMA, the LAW of the COSMIC SCALE is not a blind LAW; one can also ask for CREDIT from the LORDS OF KARMA, but every CREDIT must be paid with good deeds and if not paid, then the LAW collects with pain.”
– Paraphrase from Ch. 7 (Libra) of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
The Second Birth and the Sacred Cow
The Great Hierophant Jesus Christ told Nicodemus,
“Verily, verily, I say unto thee,
except a man be born again,
he cannot see the KINGDOM OF GOD.”It is necessary to be born of water and the spirit in order to be able to enter the KINGDOM of Esotericism, the Magis Regnum .
It is urgent to be BORN again in order to have the full right to enter the KINGDOM.
It is urgent to become Twice-Born.
This matter of the Second Birth was not understood by Nicodemus and neither has it been understood by all Biblical sects.
It is necessary to have studied comparative religion and have the Key of the Arcanum A.Z.F. if we truly want to comprehend the words of Jesus to Nicodemus.
…Hindu Brahmins symbolize the second birth sexually. In their LITURGY, a large GOLDEN COW is constructed and the candidate to the SECOND BIRTH has to pass through the hollow body of the COW three times, by dragging himself, exiting through the VULVA and thus remains consecrated as a true BRAHMAN-DWIPA, or Twice-BORN, once of his MOTHER and another of the COW.
It is in this manner that the Brahmins symbolically explain the Second Birth taught by Jesus to Nicodemus.
We have already said … that the Cow represents the Divine Mother, but the interesting thing is that the Brahmins call themselves Twice-Born and their second birth is sexual, born of the Cow and exited from within her womb through the vulva.
This matter is very thorny and the Lunar Race mortally hates it; they prefer to kill the Cow and then insult everyone who talks about the Mysteries of Sex & the Arcanum A.Z.F.
The BRAHMINS are not TWICE BORN, but symbolically they are.
Nor is the MASTER MASON truly a MASTER, but symbolically he is.
The interesting thing is to reach the SECOND BIRTH and the problem is one hundred percent sexual.
– Paraphrase from Ch. 8 (Scorpio) of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
Peter’s Doctrine and the Work with the Sacred Stone
Whosoever wants to enter that land of the FOURTH DIMENSION, in those Jinns valleys, mountains and temples, in that Kingdom of the Twice-Born, must work with the Brute Stone, chisel it, give it shape, as we would say in Masonic language.
We need to respectfully lift that Marvelous Stone which separates us from the Land of the One Thousand and One Nights, from the land of marvels where the Twice-Born live happily.
It is impossible to roll the Stone, to lift it, if we have not first given it a cubic shape with the chisel and the hammer.
Peter, the disciple of Jesus Christ, is the Aladdin, the marvelous interpreter, authorized to lift the Stone that closes the Sanctuary of the Great Mysteries.
Peter’s original name is PATAR with its three CONSONANTS: P. T. R., which are radical.P. comes to remind us of the FATHER who is in secrecy, of the FATHERS of the GODS, our FATHERS or PHITARAS.
T. the Tau, the DIVINE HERMAPHRODITE, the man and woman sexually united during the act.
R. this letter is vital in the INRI; it is the sacred and terribly divine fire, the Egyptian RA.PETER, PATAR , the ILLUMINATOR, is the MASTER of SEXUAL MAGIC, the generous MASTER who always awaits us at the entrance of the terrible PATH.
The RELIGIOUS COW, the famous CRETAN MINOTAUR, is the first thing that we find in the mystical subterranean tunnel which leads to the LAND of the TWICE-BORN.
…Without PETER’s DOCTRINE, the SECOND BIRTH is impossible.We GNOSTICS study the DOCTRINE OF PETER.
– Paraphrase from Ch. 8 (Scorpio) of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
The Mithraic Legend and the Summary of Initiation
Every religion has a legend which serves as a veil to the naked truth and that could shock the ignorant, the fool, and the fanatic.
The legend of the Mithraic Religion is the following: the Heavens were conceived as a solid vault/dome. The Light illuminated from these Heavens.
Thus the magi formed the following mythology:
Mithras (Light materialized) was born from a rock at the bank of the river, under the shadow of a sacred tree.
Some mountain shepherds were witnesses to the miracle of his entry into the world. They saw him coming out of the rock, wearing a Phrygian cap on his head, armed with a dagger and carrying a spark that illuminated the darkness.
The shepherds offered to the Divine Infant the first fruits of their harvest and of their flock.
The young hero, however, was naked and exposed to the cold wind. He hid behind the fig tree, ate of its fruit and made clothes with its leaves, and then he went out to confront all the powers of the world.
Mithras encountered the bull (the first living creature created by Ormuz) and grabbed it by its horns, and somehow managed to mount it; the animal furiously galloped in order to cause him to fall, but he did not give in, even though he suffered by being dragged and lifted by the bull’s horns, until finally, exhausted by his feat, the bull surrendered to Mithras.
Then, the Conquistador grabbed the bull by its back and led it through a dangerous path back to the grotto where he lived.
This legend was to the people like the dogma of faith in that everyone considered it as a truth, while the Magi Priests saw in it the arduous journey of the human being on Earth.
The bull is the sexual organs of the human being, or the human’s creative nature which, along with human passion, is not easily dominated.
When the adolescents reach maturity, they are assaulted by the tempting power: sexual desire.
If one wants to be Mithras (a God), then one should never cease fighting/struggling and certainly one must persist/endure until one dominates passion and directs one’s forces into the proper channels.
The Path is filled with obstacles and one must overcome them. (This is the basic story of Initiation).
– Paraphrase from Ch. 4 (THE RELIGION OF MITHRAS) in
From Sex to Divinity [Del Sexo a la Divinidad]
by Dr. Jorge Adoum (Mago Jefa)
A Review of some Symbols related with Initiation
Let’s look at the different versions of Arcanum 15 and see if we notice something…

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Slightly modified, originally had an inverted pentagram on the forehead of the “devil”. |
“When we work with the Arcanum A.Z.F., we steal the Fire from the Devil, in this way we become Gods, in this way the FIVE-POINTED STAR shines.
The horns of the figure [of Typhon-Baphomet] end in 6 POINTS. Arcanum 6 is Sex, indicating to us that in Sex is either the liberation of the human being through chastity or the enslavement of the human being through passion.
There exists a difference with Arcanum № 1, in this Arcanum the right hand is elevated and the left points towards the earth.
The Mystery of Baphomet is Sexual Alchemy, based on comprehension and the transmutation of the Creative Energies.”
-From Ch.15 of The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of the
Tarot and Kabalah by Samael Aun Weor
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