The Canyons or Pyramids, Ordeals or Tests, and Initiation.
The Kundalini and the Spinal Column
…the esoteric sense of Chapter 11 of Revelations:
“And there was given me a staff/cane [caña ] like unto a rod/staff [vara ], and it was said unto me: Arise and measure the temple of God, and the altar and those who worship therein” (Revelations 11:1).
How wise is this verse when I think that this temple of God, or better said the temple of “my God”, is being built within one’s own interior worlds, as the fire of the Kundalini goes up through the center of the staff/cane similar to a rod/staff (the spinal column).
The temple of the Intimus really needs to be measured with a staff/cane.In the Internal worlds, it is marvelous to see how one raises in one’s temple as the sacred fire ascends canyon by canyon, along that staff/cane of our spinal column.
The dome of the temple is completed when the fire reaches the Pineal gland, the Diamond eye, or center of polyvoyance, wherein lies the splendorous lotus of the thousand petals that shines like the halo upon the heads of all the Christified ones.
Those “two witnesses” also seems very interesting. These “two witnesses” are the nervous cords called by the Hindus: “Ida” and “Pingala”.
These two cords are related to the “ganglia”, and through them the solar and lunar atoms of our seminal system ascend.
“These are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks that stand before the God of the earth”.
“And if any man would hurt them, fire cometh out of their mouths, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man would hurt them, he must be dead.”
“They have power to close heaven, that it not rain in the days of their prophecy, and have power over the waters in order to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plague as often as they will” (Revelations 11:4-6).
When we realize that the sacred fire awakens with the contact of the solar and lunar atoms of our “two witnesses” (the two ganglionic cords), and that the flaming sword is our own Kundalini, then we understand the significance of these verses.
Indeed, the sword has power against the atoms of the secret enemy and against the powers of evil.
When the prophet receives their sword of righteousness then they acquire power over all of nature.
In Eden all human beings had awakened the Kundalini, and nature obeyed them, but when man gave himself up to lust then his two “witnesses” went through a mystical death and man lost the sword, and was cast out of Eden.
The verses 7, 8, 9, 10 of the same chapter 11 of Revelations are dedicated to singing that knowledge.
“And when they have finished their testimony, the beast that cometh up out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.”
“And their bodies shall be cast into the squares of the great city which is spiritually called Sodom and Gomorrah, where our Lord also was crucified” (Revelation 11:28).
Sodom is fornication through which our Christ, the “Astral” is crucified, and the great city is “Babylon the great”, the corrupt civilization in which we live.
However, our “two witnesses” will be resurrected and man will be transformed into an angel, and will acquire his ancient powers once again.
“And after three and a half days the spirit of life sent from God, entered into them and they rose up on their feet, and great fear came upon those who saw them” (Revelation 11:11).
The three and a half days correspond to the fire’s third degree of power, and to the third Initiation of major mysteries.
Upon reaching the third great Initiation, the astral or Crestos mediator acquires all its lost powers. (Resurected on the third day from among the dead).
“And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and the ark of his testament was seen in his temple, and there was lightning and voices and thunder and earthquakes and great hail” (Revelation 11:19).
These are my meditations today, and I think: How foolish men are!: if they knew what they lost when they went to fornicate, instead of laughing, they would cry.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 1 ‘February 25th, 1952’ of Secret Notes of a Guru
The Chambers or Canyons of the Initiate
Last night I was investigating the thirty-three subterranean chambers of the ancient Egypt of the Pharaohs.
Those thirty-three subterranean chambers were like thirty-three chapels that were joined to each other by means of thirty-three gates.
The archaeometric order of these chambers was an exact representation of our spinal column.
In ancient Egypt, the “Initiate” passed from one chamber into another chamber, according to the raising of their sacred fire of the Kundalini “canyon” by “canyon”, that is to say, vertebra by vertebra.
Indubitably, each one of the thirty-three canyons corresponds to each one of those chambers.
Therefore, in each chamber the Initiate was greeted with a great festival.
The ascent of the Kundalini through each canyon is slow, meticulous, and difficult.
Each “canyon” has its special ordeals and its special conditions of Sanctity.
Nevertheless, one can accelerate the ascent of the Kundalini, but this costs much suffering, more bitterness, and penances.
Those ancient mysteries of old Egypt and those thirty-three chambers must be searched for within ourselves, in the internal worlds.
Now, the ancient mysteries of Egypt are in the internal worlds, thus, according to how the sacred fire is ascending through our dorsal spine, we are greeted in each one of those thirty-three sacred chambers.
The three “canyons” of our head are the canyons that cost so many tears… there, it is necessary to pass through unspeakable bitterness that must be endured in the living flesh: Necessities, jails, enemies, misery, etc. It is terrible…Each one of those “canyons”, “vertebrae”, or “pyramids” must be paid for by means of unspeakable “ordeals”.
But, at any cost “the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the brave one takes it by force.” [Matthew 11:12].
The most powerful Mantrams that are known in order to awaken the KUNDALINI are the following: KANDIL, BANDIL, RRRRRR.
It is necessary to raise the voice in the first syllable of each word, and to lower it in the second syllable of each word, in a chanting manner; and vocalize the letter R as if trying to imitate the sound of the rattles of the rattlesnake, in an acute form [or higher pitch], or like the sound of a motor in motion, but (again) in an acute form or higher pitch.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 12 ‘March 17th, 1952’ of Secret Notes of a Guru
The Present and the Future Humanity
…brethren of Aquarius, listen to me well: the people from the 20th century were barbarians, and therefore they entered into the abyss.
You will eventually enjoy peace, when all of them are locked up in the abyss, but, at long last, they will be released from the abyss, thus, they will come back again; then the Earth will be filled anew with horrible darkness.
So, take advantage of the two thousand years of light.
Realize yourself profoundly, and be prepared to confront the coming darkness of Capricorn.
There is no doubt that this world-wide scenario, where the great battle between the powers of light and the powers of darkness is taking place, will have to be changed by a new “scenario”.
“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.” (Revelation 21:1)
A clear geological change of the terrestrial crust is precisely being spoken of here.
I have been thoroughly investigating the North and South poles of the Earth and I see that these two poles are becoming completely ethereal.
The great explorers of Antarctica affirm that such a continent is a world of Images.
Those images float in the polar atmosphere; therefore, the poles of the Earth are becoming ethereal.
In the future, the poles will become the equatorial axis of the Earth, due to the movement of the Earth known as “precession of the equinoxes”, or that is retrogradation; the Earth’s axis is deviating little by little, and in the future, Antarctica will be inhabited by a divine humanity.
Likewise, a continent where a divine humanity will live in the future will be discovered in the North pole.
Today, the polar continents are uninhabitable, they are surrounded by water, snow, and ice; this is why Revelation states the following:
“And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.” (Revelation 22:1)
By clairvoyantly observing the continent of Antarctica, we see (in the future) a divine humanity living in great happiness.
“And I, John, saw the Holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from heaven, from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.”
“And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.”
“And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” (Revelation 21:2-4)
In the future “Antarctica” only the true “Initiates”, the authentic disciples of Our Lord the CHRIST, will be able to live.
The rest, by their whim, that is to say, the gross humanity, will inevitably go to the abyss.
This is why Revelations warns us as follows:
“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8)
The second death is horrible…
The personalities who are divorced from their “Intimus” are delivered into the fire of their own passions, they are disintegrated little by little in the “Avitchi”.
The “Avitchi” is a submerged state of consciousness, whose material center of cosmic gravitation is the black Moon, named “Lilith” by the astrologers.
The Avitchi is a submerged plane of consciousness. It is the lake burning with passionate fire. The Avitchi is a submerged world, “the Abyss”.
It is painful to state this, but the truth is that human evolution has failed, and humanity, almost in all its totality, is falling into the horrible abyss.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 12 ‘March 17th, 1952’ of Secret Notes of a Guru
The Path of Initiation, Jail, and the Future Ages of Capricorn & Sagittarius
There is no doubt that in Capricorn many of the souls who will experience the sufferings of the “abyss” will resolve, in the end, to follow the teachings of the CHRIST.
Nevertheless, Woe to those souls who, in the beginning of “Sagittarius”, won’t repent for their sins, because they will return to the abyss for the end of time; in the abyss they will be tormented until the end of time.
Therefore, the new scenario for human evolution will be in Antarctica, and a continent of the North pole that has not yet been discovered.
Little by little the present continents will be sunk to the bottom of the oceans; thus, the forthcoming future of humanity is in the poles.
This is because when the present poles become the equatorial axis of the Earth, then the aforementioned polar continents will already be totally ethereal, thus it will be that such a future Earth will be ethereal.
At the moment, the poles of the Earth are in the scenario of a powerful alchemical “transmutation”.
Air, water, earth, and ice are (at this moment) being transmuted into ethereal-material substances; something, we might say, like physical-ethereal, or ethereal-physical matter.
Therefore, the future Jerusalem will be the ethereal Earth of tomorrow.
How tough is the path of Initiation!
How terrible it is!, nevertheless, all of this bitterness is well worth it, because the tougher these sufferings are, the greater the celebrations are in the Temples and the “festivals of the Gods”.
The pain of the “just” also have a “limit”, and the limit of this “pain” is found in the great festivals of the soul.
I am full of immense joy because I have taken the fiery torch from Baphomet.Who can stop me now in this luminous and triumphant march?
Here, in this jail, I have heard several prisoners, filled with desperation, insanely protesting with anger.
Yet, I do not protest nor am I desperate, nor am I frightened, because my consciousness is illuminated by the “Intimus”, and in the depth of my being only “that One” shines who is entirely just.
Rather, I have taken maximum advantage of these painful circumstances of my life, in order to take the light away from the darkness, and thus, to be more elevated within the luminous scale of the Hierarchies of the Light.
Thus, I cannot protest against the wonderful adversities of life that await me; instead, I consider that it is necessary to take maximum advantage of these wonderful circumstances, in order to attain great realizations.
So, these bitter circumstances are magnificent opportunities that must be taken advantage of.
The Master never fears, but he does not neglect either; one has the right to defend oneself, but there is no right to cause harm to anyone; therefore, I am defending myself like a lawyer, but I am not accusing anyone, not even my executioners; rather, I affectionately held the hand of the one who threw me into this jail.
This is how one has to proceed, without hatred towards anyone; it is necessary to love our worst enemies, and to kiss the whip of the executioner.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 12 ‘March 17th, 1952’ of Secret Notes of a Guru
The Virgin Mother “Isis”
“Come to us all those who thirst and we shall give thee the Eternal Water of life to drink”
“Come to us all ye weary pilgrims of life and we shall heal thy wounds”.
Children of the earth! Listen to thy instructors, the Children of the Fire!
In this delightful garden of Virgo and Scorpio, the Seven Serpents of Fire are awaiting in order to initiate thee into their Major Mysteries.
“Ask and it shall be given unto thee, knock and it shall be opened”.
Look! My Child! Here is the Seal of the Heart.
To those who visit our “White Island” we shall give thee three glasses to drink, three delicious Arcana.
[1] One is as green as the emerald. It is the Sexual Force of the Virgin-Mother, “Isis”, Nature.
[2] The other is as blue as the sky. It is the Sexual Force of the Kingdom of the Spirit.
[3] And the other is like the dew of the leaves in the night. It is the Sexual Force of the Absolute, the Ineffable…Only to those who have thirst, shall we give these three Arcana of Eden, so that they may awaken their Seven Sacred Serpents.
Those who drink from our three glasses will never thirst again; and rivers of pure water will flow from their bellies.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 6 ‘Virgo’ of Zodiacal Course
The Staff of the Patriarchs and the Fire of the Kundalini
The Spinal Medulla is the staff of Brahma, Aaron’s Rod, the Staff of the Patriarchs, the Rod of Moses, the Scepter of the Divine Kings, and the Bamboo Cane of 7 Knots of the Yogis in India.
The secret in order to awaken the Kundalini is in the miracle that Christ did at the Wedding of Canaan.
“The transmutation of water into wine” is realized in nuptials during the trance of Sexual Magic, with refrained effort: Water (Seminal Energy) will be transmuted into the Alchemical Wine of light.
When the Solar and Lunar Atoms of our Seminal Energy make contact in the Center of the Coccyx, then the Snake begins to move, producing a great pain in the coccyx. It breaks the membranous pocket and enters the spinal medulla through an orifice which remains closed in common people.
The vapors that rise from the transmuted Seminal Energy open that orifice, which is the door of the Sushumna Canal.
This canal advances along the Spinal Medulla to the end of the cervical vertebrae; thereby the Igneous Serpent or Liquid Fire of the Kundalini rises.
This Sacred Fire rises along a fine thread that serves as a conductor within the canal of the medulla.
The ascension of the Kundalini is regulated by the Fires of the Heart.
In occultism, the spinal vertebrae are called: “Canyons or Pyramids”. Each Canyon has its occult name and its powers.The Spinal Column has 33 Canyons and 33 Divine Atoms. The ascent of the Kundalini is carried out “Canyon by Canyon”, “Degree by Degree”.
Each Canyon costs terrible tests in the Physical plane and in the Astral plane. This is the path of unutterable bitterness and martyrdom.
The nervous branches, which connect the Chakras with the medulla, depart from the fine cord of the medulla.
The Kundalini sets fire to all the Lotus Flowers or Chakras of our organism as it rises “Canyon by Canyon”.
Through the 33 Canyons, we pass through the Chambers of the Great Masonic Lodge of the Astral Plane.
The External Chambers are the Minor Mysteries, and the Internal Chambers are the Major Mysteries.
The disciple should learn the Masonic salutes from their own Intimus: they should be learned from the “Internal Master”.
The thickness of the Kundalini will depend on the amount of stored Sexual Energy. The color of the Kundalini depends on the psychological idiosyncrasy of the disciple.
The Kundalini rises in accordance with the practice of Sexual Magic and in accordance with our process of Sanctification, for as we said, the ascension depends upon the Merits of the Heart.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 8 ‘Scorpio’ of Zodical Course
A Simple Rule
We have to sum up our Defects and dedicate 2 months to each Defect in successive order, until we put an end to all the defects.
This simple rule is the key to making the Kundalini rise, because then the disciple comes out triumphant in all the astral and physical Tests, and wins the Canyons quickly one after the other.
A single Ejaculation or Sexual Discharge (Orgasm) is enough for a fuse to be burnt, that is to say, for the nervous cord through which the Kundalini ascends, to fail; then the fire falls one or two canyons according to the magnitude of the fault, and, consequently, one loses the acquired powers.
Our Lord the Christ told me: “The disciple should not let themselves fall, because one has to struggle very much in order to recover what has been lost”.
Throughout the Initiations of Minor Mysteries, the disciple has to pass through the entire tragedy of Golgotha.
At last the disciple will climb the Golgotha of High Initiation, where they will be fused with their Intimus and convert themselves into a Master of the White Lodge.
High Initiation is the fusion of two principles: Atman-Buddhi, or the Five Principal Initiations of Major Mysteries.
With the 1st we achieve the fusion of Atma-Buddhi and, with the 5th, we add Manas to this fusion, and so the Septenary is reduced to a Ternary : “Atma-Buddhi-Manas”.
There are a total of 9 initiations of Major Mysteries.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 8 ‘Scorpio’ of Zodical Course
The Inner-Being and the Seven Serpents
Atman is the Being, the Intimus, our Internal Angel; and Buddhi is our Spiritual-Soul.
When the Intimus and the Spiritual-Soul fuse, then a new Master of humanity is born, and when the “Manas” (or the Human Soul) is added to this fusion, then a new blessed one is born.
Redemption begins outside the Inferior “I”, and ends outside the Interior “I”.
Remember that the Ancient Sages considered Virgo and Scorpio to be “esoterically” a single sign. Virgo (the sign of the Celestial Virgin) and Scorpio (the sign of the Sexual Forces) together are really that marvelous Eden that the Bible talks to us about. In this delightful garden of Virgo & Scorpio, the Seven Serpents of Fire are awaiting in order to initiate us into their Major Mysteries.

We spoke of the 7 Serpents of Eden in the lesson of Virgo. We have 7 Bodies and 7 Serpents of Fire. Each of the 7 Bodies has its Kundalini, its Snake:
1. The 1st Serpent opens the 7 Churches situated in the Buddhic Body. A Stigmatized and Christified Buddhic Body [Geburah] inevitably fuses with the Intimus or Inner Being [Chesed].
From the Physical Body [Malkuth], through the Kundalini, we extract the “Soul-Consciousness” which (absorbed in the Buddhi) becomes fused with the Intimus or Inner Being.2. The 2nd Serpent belongs to the Etheric Body [Yesod] and takes us to the 2nd Initiation of Major Mysteries, which confers upon us the power to travel in the Etheric Body or Soma-Puchicon which Max Heindel talks to us about.
From the Etheric Body, we extract through the golden Kundalini of this body, the Sapient-Soul.3. The 3rd Serpent corresponds to the Astral Body [Hod], and totally opens for us all the “Chakras”, Wheels or Discs of the Astral Body, and corresponds to the 3rd of Major Mysteries.
From the Astral through the snow-white colored Kundalini of that vehicle, we extract the sentient Soul.4. The 4th Serpent corresponds to the Mental Body [Netzach], and permits us to Christify the Mind. The Christ-Mind takes us to the 4th Initiation of Major Mysteries, and confers the degree of “Arhat” upon us.
From the Mental Body through its respective Kundalini, we extract a psychic summary of the Mental body.
5. The 5th Serpent belongs to the Causal Body [Tiphereth], from which we extract the Human Soul or “Manas” [Tiphereth] in order to fuse it with Atman-Buddhi [Chesed-Geburah]. This is the 5th Initiation and confers the degree of “Aseka” upon us.
From the Causal, or Body of Willpower, we extract a psychic compress or Human Soul.6. The 6th Serpent belongs to Buddhi [Geburah]. This 6th Portal is like a cup of transparent and white alabaster within which the Fire of the Intimus or Inner Being [Chesed] burns. You are that cup now burning with the Fire of your 6th Serpent.
7. The 7th Serpent belongs to the very Body of the Intimus or Inner Being [Chesed]. This Serpent (along with the 6th) take us to the ineffable bliss of Nirvana. The 7th Initiation confers upon us the degree of “Mahachoan”. The Mahachoan is converted into a Guardian of the Akashic Archives and a Director of the works of the Great White Lodge.
These are the Fire’s 7 Degrees of Power. Only the terror of Love and Law reign throughout these 7 Portals.
The construction of the spinal system and the medulla is analogous in each of the 7 Bodies. Each of the 7 Bodies is a complete organism; all the 7 Medullas interpenetrate each other without becoming confused.
The 8th and 9th Initiations take us to Ineffable Regions… The Pratyeka Buddhas have the 8th initiation, and the 9th belongs to the degree of the King of the World. There are a total of 9 initiations of Major Mysteries.
Upon becoming torrential, the waters of the Hoang-Ho intone the “Gong” (that is to say, the note “Fa” of Nature), which makes our Kundalini vibrate, in the sacred river of life.
Buddha, the redeemer of Mars, now radiates Buddhic Force from that planet, with which Scorpio enters our seminal system and puts into motion the incentive of Christification in us.
Buddhic Atoms inundate our seminal canals. The Buddhic Atoms fill our Internal Vehicles and saturate the very internal structures with the Strength/Force of Mars.
Buddha has become a warrior, now he radiates his powerful “Buddhic-Martian” Energy from Mars.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 8 ‘Scorpio’ of Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology
Occultism and its Duality (Light and Darkness)
It is necessary to study, analyze, and reflect profoundly on the esoteric content of Arcanum 18.
Arcanum № 18 is LIGHT AND SHADOW, WHITE MAGIC AND BLACK MAGIC, this is found represented by the Black Dog and the White Dog (sometimes also represented as Wolves), as well as the Black Pyramid and the White Pyramid.
By adding kabalistically Arcanum 18 we find that 1 + 8 = 9, the Ninth Sphere, sex. We have already said that within our PLANETARY ORGANISM there are 9 interior strata; these are the 9 Vaults of Occult Masonry, the Ninth corresponds to the nucleus of the planetary organism, and there is the sepulcher of Hiram Abiff or CHIRAM OSIRIS who is the Intimate Christ of every one, of each person who comes to this world.
It is erroneous to consider or believe that the Christ is only JESHUA BEN PANDIRA; which is the name of Jesus the Christ who is, undeniably, the living incarnation of the Verb, the Logos. All of us need to resurrect that INTIMATE CHRIST and to achieve this it is obvious that we must descend to the Ninth Sphere, Sex. Due to this it is said that Hiram Abiff is in the Ninth Circle, in the Ninth Vault.
We are all children of sex, and for this reason in the Divine Comedy we see the condemned in the Ninth Sphere with water up to their generative organs and weeping with tears which congeal in their eyes, this is because it is a valley of tears and afflictions. That the waters reach their generative organs is due to the fact that they are spermatic Waters; we are all born and die weeping.
If we add 9 + 9 = 18. The number “9” is contained TWICE in Arcanum 18, between them there is a balance; one nine is the Positive Aspect and the other nine is the Negative Aspect, but (in itself) the 18 is negative, disastrous; it is the Secret Enemies of the Arcanum of Twilight.
In the work in the Ninth Sphere one has to struggle a lot because one has to learn to sublimate the Sexual Energy; this is the key or solution to all empires.
In Arcanum 18 the Ninth Sphere is repeated twice. We already know that:
the number 1 [ א ] is positive,
and that the number 2 [ ב ] is Negative.
In the same manner if we repeat the Ninth Sphere twice, then we will have Sex in its two aspects; Positive and Negative.
Now you will understand why Arcanum 18 is Light and Darkness, White Magic and Black Magic.
In Arcanum 18 we find the Secret Enemies of Initiation.
-From Ch.18 of The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of the Tarot and Kabalah by Samael Aun Weor
The Enemies of the Initiatic Path
The secret enemies of Initiation are found in Arcanum 18. You must know, Beloved Disciples, that the Kundalini rises very slowly through the Medullar canal, the ascension of the Kundalini, from vertebra to vertebra, is performed very slowly according to the merits of the heart. Each vertebra represents certain virtues.
The ascension to a certain vertebra is never acquired without having achieved the conditions of SANCTITY that are required for such a vertebra which we long for.
Those who believe that once the Kundalini is awakened, it instantaneously rises to the head in order to leave us totally illuminated, are really ignorant people.
In Arcanum 18 we have to endure bloody battles against the tenebrous ones.
“THE VALIANT HAVE TAKEN IT”. (see Matthew 11:12)In the Internal Worlds, the tenebrous ones of Arcanum 18 violently assault the student. The Devotee must endure terrible battles against the Tenebrous.
The conquest of each Vertebra in the Dorsal Spine signifies ‘fights to the death’ against the ADEPTS OF THE SHADOW. Fortunately, those who work with the Kundalini receive the FLAMING SWORD and they defend themselves with it.
Sometimes the Student, too weary, yet still holding the Sword in their hands, achieves the entrance into the Temple. Terrible are the efforts that the tenebrous ones exert in order to take the student from the PATH OF THE RAZOR’S EDGE.
This Path is full of dangers from within and from without. Many are those who begin, yet few are those who finish. The great majority of aspirants are deviated by the Black Path. In Arcanum 18, there are very subtle dangers that the Student ignores.
The Tenebrous gather in their Temples in order to count the number of vertebrae conquered by the Student. Each Vertebra symbolizes a cup for them. On the altar they place the same number of cups as the number of Vertebrae the Student has conquered. They judge the Neophyte on this basis and consider the Gnostic Student to be a thief.
The tenebrous ones’ thoughts may be formulated as follows:
“YOU ARE A THIEF.”The tenebrous never believe themselves to be bad. They believe themselves to be wells of SANCTITY. Therefore, when they attack the Student they do it with good faith. They believe that the Student is a Thief of Powers. That is all.
Indeed, the Abyss is filled with sincerely mistaken people, and these are people with very good intentions.
-From Ch.18 of Esoteric Course of Kabalah
The Mystery of Arcanm 18 and the Potions of the Tenebrous
Number 9 is Positive and Negative at the same time; this is the Mystery of Arcanum 18.
In this terrible Arcanum we find all the potions and Witchcraft of Thessalia. The books of Grimoires are full of tenebrous recipes very appropriate for Arcanum 18; erotic magical ceremonies, rites in order to be loved, dangerous potions, etc., etc., etc.; all this is Arcanum 18.
We must warn students that the most dangerous potion which the tenebrous use to take the student from the Path of the Razor’s Edge is that of the Intellect. This is done in order to invite us to ejaculate the Seminal Liquor (and the Orgasm); or to lead us astray by making us consider schools, theories, sects, etc., etc.
We must not forget that those who are misled adore the great Beast and say:
“There is nothing greater than the Beast. Who could be superior to the Beast?” (see Revelations 13:1-17). “HERE IS WISDOM. Let him who hath understanding count the Number of the beast: for it is the Number of a man; and his number is Six-hundred threescore and six.” (Rev. 13:18).
Bluntly we warn our disciples that out of two million people living in this World, only a small handful of souls (which we could count on our fingers) will be worthy of THE ANGELIC STATE! The rest, THE GREAT MAJORITY, are a lost harvest who will sink into the abyss forever.To be an Angel is very difficult. Neither Time nor THE MECHANICAL EVOLUTION OF NATURE can ever convert a human being into an Angel. This is a Sexual problem.
-From Ch.18 of The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of the Tarot and Kabalah
and from Ch.18 of Esoteric Course of Kabalah
Esoteric Degrees and the Spinal Column
The Ninth Sphere is repeated twice in Arcanum 18, this leaves us with a lot to think about; the first nine is positive, and the second nine is negative; thus Arcanum 18 shows the fatal or negative aspect of the Ninth Sphere. This aspect is in the Spheres of Lilith and Nahemah.
It is obvious that the Infernal Worlds are infrasexual, it is evident that infrasexuality reigns supreme amongst humanity; some being in the Sphere of Lilith and others in that of Nahemah.
When one intends to work in the Ninth Sphere one is immediately attacked by the Red Demons; they work to deviate us from the path of the Razor’s Edge. It is clear that within the Magisterium of Fire there exist many dangers, both within and without.
When the KUNDALINI OR IGNEOUS Serpent ascends via the Spinal Column the advance is slow; it is realized very slowly, vertebra by vertebra.
Each vertebra represents determined Virtues corresponding to an esoteric Degree. One never achieves the ascent in a particular vertebra without having first fulfilled the conditions of Sanctity required for that vertebra.
The 33 vertebras correspond to the 33 Degrees of Occult Magic, the 33 Degrees of the Master Mason, and to the 33 years of Jesus. For each vertebra there is a corresponding ordeal, and the ascension is realized “in accordance with the merits of the heart”.
Those who believe that the Kundalini, once awakened, rises instantaneously to the head so that we remain totally illuminated are really ignorant people. The Sacred Fire has 7 Degrees of Power; these must be developed in order to be able to Self-Realize.
In this present reincarnation when I was struggling for the Fire’s Fourth Degree of Power, and had still not dissolved the Ego, I saw on the screen of a cinema the image of an erotic couple; that night in the world of the mind I was submitted to a test in which the couple upon the screen repeated the same scene, the aforementioned scene was reproduced by my Mind and seemed to have life, movement, then I exited from the test.
When I left the World of the Mind and passed to the Astral world: I was harshly recriminated, and I was warned that if I returned to those places (the cinemas) I would lose the Sword; that it would be better if I were to study my past lives in the Akashic Records.
THE ATMOSPHERE IN THE CINEMAS IS TENEBROUS; THERE ARE MILLIONS OF LARVAE CREATED BY THE MINDS OF THOSE WHO GO THERE, and then later come the nocturnal pollutions. This is Arcanum “18”, it is Darkness.
The Divine Comedy speaks of the dog Cerberus, which is Sex (the Sexual Force) and which must be taken from Tartarus to the “Sun”.
This is the Ascension of the Sexual Forces in us, which one must cause to rise and use to eliminate the “I”.
This is fundamental for the Intimate Self-Realization of the Being.This is the struggle between Light and Darkness depicted in Arcanum 18.
WHOSOEVER DEFEATS SATAN IN SEX, DEFEATS HIM IN ALL ASPECTS. To liberate the Dog Cerberus means to liberate the Sexual Energy, to use it in a transcendental way.
The eyes are the windows of the Soul. The Man who allows himself to catch the eye of all the women will have to resign himself to living within the Abyss. The Woman who allows herself to catch the eye of all the men will have to resign herself to living within the Abyss.
There are women who work witchcraft on men and men who work witchcraft on women. Those victims should defend themselves incessantly with the conjurations of the Four and the Seven. We can defend ourselves from witchcraft by invoking our ELEMENTAL INTERCESSOR, whom we call upon with all our heart upon going to sleep.
-From Ch.40 of The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of the Tarot and Kabalah by Samael Aun Weor
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