The Four Elements of Nature and the Four Letters of the Tetragrammaton
The Occult Science and the Columns of the Temple
Arcanum № 2 is The Priestess, Occult Science.
In the domain of the Spirit, the One is the Father who is in Secret, and the Two is the Divine Mother (who is the unfolding of the Father).
The Sacred Book of the Mayas, the Popol Vuh , states that God created man first from clay and later from wood (the Atlantean race), but that they forgot their “Fathers and Mothers”, they forgot “The Heart of Heaven”, then came the great flood and everything perished, they took refuge in caves in order to protect themselves and those collapsed (this is a reference to the submersion of Atlantis).
Each one of us has their own Father and Mother who are very sacred.
In the Father and in Mother Kundalini we see the two columns Jakin and Boaz; it is they who support the Temple.
Between the two columns “J.” and “B.” is the Great Arcanum, and it is precisely this which many Masonic brothers do not understand.
The Cubic Stone in its rough, raw or brute state is located between the two columns, and is converted into the Cubic Stone of Yesod once it is worked.
This is none other than Sex, the Sephiroth Yesod; one must know the Arcanum, the Maithuna, which is represented by the chisel of Intelligence and the mallet of Willpower.
…The № 1 is THE FATHER WHO IS IN SECRET, it is the ETERNAL MASCULINE PRINCIPLE, and it is (in itself) Brahma, who has no form. He is impersonal, ineffable, although we may symbolize him with the Sun.
The № 2, THE DIVINE MOTHER, is the Eternal Feminine Principle which is symbolized by the Moon.
BRAHMA has no form but is, in himself, the governor of the Universe, he is ISHVARA, the Eternal Masculine Principle, the Universal Principle of Life.
– From Ch. 2 & 24 of Tarot & Kabalah
The Veil of Isis and the Secrets of Nature
Arcanum № 2 is that of the PRIESTESS, in occultism it is said to be the Dual manifestation of the Unity. The Unity unfolds giving origin to the Receptive and Productive Femininity in all of Nature.
It is obvious that within the human organism there is this № 2 (the Imagination), and this is related with № 1, (the Willpower).
One must distinguish between INTENTIONAL IMAGINATION and MECHANICAL IMAGINATION, it is obvious that Mechanical Imagination is the same as Fantasy. The key of power rests in uniting Willpower and Imagination in VIBRANT HARMONY.
The ineffable words of the Goddess Neith have been carved in letters of gold upon the resplendent walls of the Temple of Wisdom:
AND NO MORTAL HAS LIFTED MY VEIL.”The veil symbolizes that the secrets of Mother Nature are hidden to the profane, and that it is only the Initiate, after incessant purifications and meditations who can draw it back.
You must be valiant and raise the Veil of Isis; our Gnostic motto is THELEMA (Willpower).
In the human being, the Cosmic Mother assumes the form of a Serpent. There are two serpents: The Tempting Serpent of Eden, who is the same as the Goddess Kali of the abominable Kundartiguador Organ and the Bronze Serpent who healed the Israelites in the desert or the KUNDALINI SERPENT.
They are the Feminine Principles of the Universe; the Virgin and the Prostitute; the Divine Mother or White Moon and the Black Moon referring to Astaroth (Kali in her Tenebrious aspect).
– From Ch. 2 of Tarot & Kabalah
The Father, the Mother and the Tetragrammaton
The MASCULINE AND FEMININE Principles conjoin in the Holy and Mysterious Tetragrammaton, an esoteric name which must not be spoken in vain and which has a relationship with the letters of the name of the Eternal in Hebrew: HEH VAU HEH YOD [ יהוה ] (Hebrew symbols which are read in reverse).
These four letters have within them immense PRIESTLY power.
They must be pronounced like the howling of a cyclone in the mountains, or imitating the wind. They are spoken softly when one wants TO HEAL ONE WHO IS ILL, or to invoke a Deity, they also serve for meditation.
Within these four letters are represented the Two Principles: Masculine and Feminine of the Macrocosmos and the Microcosmos.
The Staff/Rod [Vara ], Masculine Principle, and the Cup/Goblet [Copa ], Feminine Principle.
In these four letters is the Principle of the Eternal which must not be pronounced in vain.
– From Ch. 24 of Tarot & Kabalah
Eliphas Levi and the Tetragrammaton
…we are in the heart of the high Kabbalah; and the masonic sign of the cross, which is the key of all the synthetic signs of magic, and that appears here to us explained and applied to the dogma of the universal analogy of the letters of the divine quaternary [ יהוה ]: but this must be clarified.
The name that the Hebrews gave to God, was (they said) incommunicable: it was the expression of the absolute.
The great priest alone knew the true sense and had the true pronunciation, and it was said among the people that this four-lettered name [ יהוה ] was the key of heaven and of hell, the great arcanum of magic and the principle of miracles.
Now this name, which is indeed the cornerstone of the universal temple (this name which was pronounced “Io Evohé” in the debaucherous initiations of Bacchus), is the absolute negation of religious super-naturalism and gives humanity (as principle and as type) to the divine idea, having analogy as its rule and progress as its objective.In fact it is composed of Yod [ י ] which, in traditional or kabalistic hieroglyphics, represents the phallus, the Heh [ ה ] representing the cteis, and the Vau [ ו ] equivalent to the lingam which has its figure in a very naive manner in hebrew prior to the Babylonian captivity.
These are the three original and first letters of the divine name containing the complete idea of the trinity of all religions, then the Heh [ ה ] is repeated in order to complete the quaternary, in such a way that the first hieroglyphic meaning of the word is this:
Nature results from the first active principle, from the first passive principle and from their harmonic union.
As can be seen, the divine personification certainly relates to the first letter yod י (also related to the tribe of Judah). The kabbalists often also write the divine tetragrammaton with three yods י and a kametz ָ , arranged as a cross within a circle and one can already glimpse here into the explanation of the kabbalistic sign of the cross which ends the dogmatic prayer of the christian initiator (the Pater Noster, the Lord’s Prayer).
It is in the mystery of generation that the ancients sought for the revelation of the creative principle. They had found: rigor and active force/strength (yod י ); softness and passive gentleness (heh ה ); harmony, pleasure and fertility through the analogical union of two opposites (vau ו ). Then by observing in nature the universal reign of contrasts (day & night, spring & winter, good & evil), they defined God or the supreme ideal, by the power of good subjugating evil in an eternal agreement with a supreme reason that keeps universal equilibrium.
Also the name of Jehovah יהוה first spelled and pronounced “Yod heh vau heh”, signifies the four cardinal points with their zodiacal oppositions. By pronouncing it “Jotchavah” or “Yod-heva”, it signifies the father of life and the progenitor of the mother. Pronounced “Iahuvehu”, it signifies the essence of the future or “he who will be what he is and who will be because he is”.
So the Kabbalists (following Hermes’ universal dogma of analogies) take the name of Jehovah יהוה as the prototype of all that is and all that can be, tracing it thus [see the figure below] and they enclose this philosophical cross within a circle.
-paraphrase from The Kabalistic and Occult Philosophy of Eliphas Levi – Volume 2
Arcanum 4, the Tetragrammaton and the Elements of Nature
Science is contained within the whole Cosmos; it exists even when the Sciences do not exist.
Arcanum 4 of the Tarot is the Holy and Mysterious TETRAGRAMMATON. The Sacred name of the Eternal has 4 letters: YOD, HEH, VAU, HEH [ יהוה ].
[ י ] YOD = MAN – MAN
[ ה ] HEH = UTERUS – WATERThey are the 4 words which lead us to the Ninth Sphere, to Sex, to the Forge of the Cyclops, to the famous FIERY FORGE OF VULCAN, in order to raise the Sacred Serpent of our Magical Powers and carry it to the heart, thus receiving the Sacred Cross of Initiation in the Temple of the Divine Mother.
The number 4 also represents the 4 Physical Elements and the 4 Elements of the Alchemy.
AIR = AZOGUE [or AZOTH]The old Alchemists said that the Sulphur had to fecundate the Mercury of the Secret Philosophy in order for the Salt to regenerate; that is, that the Fire must fecundate the Water so that the human being may regenerate, and Self-Realize themselves.
We also find in this Arcanum the secret of the Sphinx, and we are reminded of the Four Sacred Animals of Sexual Alchemy:
THE BULL: THE EARTH – THE HIND LEGS – TENACITY.These are the representative values of the Sphinx, the Four Elements of Solar Alchemy. WE NEED THE TENACITY OF THE BULL AND THE WINGS OF THE SPIRIT. The Sphinx speaks to us of the Great Work which is realized with the Four Elements.
Man is still not king of Nature, but he is called to be so after the order of Melchizedek. The disciple must be tested in the 4 Elements, in order to examine him he is submitted to ordeals in the 49 Regions of Thought. These ordeals are for all men and women. It can assist one to have pure thoughts, but this is not all, Meditation is necessary.
All the students of Kabbalah must familiarize themselves with all of the Elemental Creatures:
EARTH: GNOMESThese Elementals are utilized in order to work in the transmutation of lead into Gold upon the CENTRAL MOUNTAIN RANGE (Spinal Column).
In the words YOD-HEH-VAU-HEH [ יהוה ], we find the mystery of the Tetragrammaton (the Holy 4), the Four Words, the Four Elements; deeper still, we find our Being, the MOST COMPLETE DIVINITY.
– From Ch. 26 of Tarot & Kabalah
Magical Equilibrum and the Elements of Nature
Now let us study magical equilibrium, in Arcanum two of the Tarot.
The physical body is organized with the elements.
The INTIMUS emanated from the interior Star that has always smiled upon us. And he is positively polarized. And the physical body is the negative shadow of the Intimus.
Spirit and matter live in eternal battle. When the spirit defeats matter, then it is a Master.
Maya (illusion) could not exist without duality. Force and matter are two modalities of the same thing: Energy. Matter is determinating energy and a determinator of new undulations.
Evolution is a process of the complication of the energy whose result is the Macro-Cosmos and the Micro-Cosmos.
The universe is Maya (illusion). The Universe exists because of Karma and it is a mass of floating shadows.
When the Spirit (the Intimus) liberates itself from Maya, it returns to the AIN SOPH of the KABBALAH.
In final synthesis each Being is just a super divine atom from the abstract absolute space. This atom is the Ain Soph. The ineffable gods from the AIN SOPH are beyond our comprehension.
The human mind is for the gods of the Ain Soph as the activities of the mineral kingdom are for us.
Within the Ain Soph only the unity of life reigns. This is supreme happiness. The universe is duality, Maya Pain. We need to liberate ourselves from the Binary and to return into the unity of life. It is urgent to go beyond the painful manifestations of Maya.
There exists a Science with which we can tear the veil of Maya and return to the Ain Soph. That science is ALCHEMY.
Man and woman must equilibrate their forces; they must become Alchemists, so that they can return to the Ain Soph.
-From Ch.2 of Esoteric Course of Kabalah
The Cross, Arcanum 4 and Initiation
The Cross of Initiation is received in the Heart Temple.
The Magnetic Center of the Father is found between the eyebrows.
The Sanctuary of the Mother is found within the Heart Temple.
The Four Points of the Cross symbolize the Fire, the Air, the Water and the Earth. Spirit, Matter, Movement and Repose.
Remember, beloved disciple, that the four elements of Alchemy are: the Salt, the Mercury, the Sulfur and the Azoe or Azoth.
The Salt is the Matter or Material.
The Mercury is the Ens Seminis .
The Azoe is the Mysterious Ray of Kundalini. This is also the AZOTH.
The Sulfur must fecundate the Mercury of Secret Philosophy in order for the Salt to become regenerated. Only in this way this can we write the book of AZOTH.If you want Initiation, write it upon a Rod/Staff [Vara ]. The key of our Liberation is found in the Lingam-Yoni.
The Cross has four points: The Cross of Initiation is Phallic: The insertion of the vertical phallus into the FORMAL CTEIS forms a cross.
This is the Cross of Initiation that we must place upon our shoulders.
The four sacred animals of Alchemy are:
The Lion that hides the enigma of the Fire;
The Human Being who represent the Mercury of Secret Philosophy;
The Eagle that corresponds to the Air;
The Bull that symbolizes the Earth.The Sphinx of Egypt and that of Ezekiel has the sacred symbolism of the four creatures of Alchemy.
The water contained in the lakes, rivers and oceans when heated by the fire of the Sun are transformed into clouds that ascend up to the sky, and after a period of digestion are converted into lightning and thunder.
This same process is repeated in the Sexual Laboratory of the Alchemist. Our Motto is Thelema : which is Willpower.
-From Ch.3 of Esoteric Course of Kabalah
Alchemy, God and the Verb
You have forgotten your Divine Mother Kundalini. You need to worship the Divine and blessed Mother goddess of the World. You have been ungrateful to your Cosmic Mother. She is the Virgin of all religious cults. She is Isis, Mary, Cibeles, Adonia, Insoberta, etc.
The stone of grace is surrounded by nine delicious mountains. This stone is Sex. If you all want to return to the bosom of your divine Mother, you need to work with the PHILOSOPHER’S STONE: SEX.
The Mayans stated that in the first heaven God, the Verb, had held his stone, had held his serpent, and had held his substance. Only with the ARCANUM A.Z.F. can the Verb become flesh in order to grasp again its stone, its serpent and its substance. Then we will return to the Ain Soph; we will return into the unity of life.
You are the children of the Widow, your Divine Mother is now a Widow, but when she rises through the medullar channel, she marries the Eternal Beloved.
Arcanum 2 is your Divine Mother, the Popess of the Tarot. She is crowned with a Tiara. The head of the Divine Mother is surrounded by a veil.
You must be courageous and lift the Veil of Isis. Our Gnostic motto is Thelema (Willpower).
The Mother carries her son (the Verb) in her arms. And she is seated between the two columns that symbolize the man and the woman.
Worship the Virgin of the Sea, brethren of mine.
-From Ch.2 of Esoteric Course of Kabalah
Let us Pray and Converse with our Divine Mother
Study within the Sacred Book of your Divine Mother.
“Ask and it shall be given to you.”
“Knock and it shall be opened unto you.” [Matthew 7:7]Your Divine Mother can confer upon you the Occult powers you long for.
Pray to your Divine Mother; practice your esoteric exercises; you can ask your adorable Mother for Clairvoyance, Telepathy, Clairaudience, the faculties for astral projection, etc. You can be sure that your Divine Mother will listen to your petitions.
You must meditate profoundly everyday upon your Divine Mother, praying, supplicating “You need to be devoured by the Serpent.”
One (1) is Man, two (2) is Woman; man is one column; Woman is the other.
The two columns must not be too close nor too distant; there must be enough space so that the Light can pass between them.
It is necessary to transmute the Lead of the Personality into the pure Gold of the Spirit: This is Alchemy. The moon must be transformed into the sun. The moon is the Soul; the Sun is the Internal Christ. We need to be Christified.
No human Being can return to the Father without having been devoured by the Serpent. No one can be devoured by the Serpent without having worked in the Flaming Forge of Vulcan (Sex). The Key of Christification is the Arcanum A.Z.F.
The Mantram for the Great Arcanum is I.A.O. – I (Ignis), Fire; A (Aqua) Water; O (Origo), Principle, Spirit.
Mars descends into the Flaming Forge of Vulcan in order to retemper his sword and to conquer the heart of Venus; Hercules descends in order to clean the stables of Augias with the sacred Fire and Perseus descends in order to cut off Medusa’s head.
Remember, beloved disciples, that our Divine Mother is Nut* and that her word is (56) Fifty and Six.
[*Pronounced “Noo-t”]
This number is kabalistically decomposed as follows: 5 plus 6 equals 11 [5 + 6 = 11] … 1 plus 1 is equal to 2 [1 + 1 = 2].
One is the Father; Two is her, Nut, the Divine Mother Kundalini.
-From Ch.2 of Esoteric Course of Kabalah
Practice to Invoke the Divine Mother
Man is Arcanum one of the Tarot. Woman is Arcanum two of the same. The Christified Soul is the result of the sexual union of both. (The secret is the Arcanum A.Z.F.).
Woman is the Mother of the Verb. Christ is always the child of Immaculate Conceptions. It is impossible to be born without a Mother.
When the Initiate is ready to Incarnate the Verb, a woman appears in the Superior Worlds as if pregnant, suffering labor pains in delivery.
Jesus on the Cross, said to his Mother: “Woman behold your son”, (addressing John).
Then he said to the disciple: “Behold your Mother”. And from that hour the disciple took to her.
[see John 19:26-27]The word John [Spanish: ‘Juan’] can be rearranged as follows: I.E.O.U.A.N., the Verb (the Dragon of Wisdom).
Really she is the Mother of the Verb. And Woman officiates upon the altar of the Blessed Goddess Mother of the World. Now, brethren, know that the Venerable Priestess of your Divine Mother Kundalini is your spouse.
Pray and Meditate as follows:
“Oh Isis! Mother of the Cosmos,
Root of Love, Trunk, Bud, Leaf, Flower and Seed of all that exists.
We conjure Thee, naturalizing force,
we call upon the Queen of Space and of the Night, and kissing her loving eyes, drinking the dew from her lips, breathing the sweet aroma of her body,
exclaiming: ‘Oh Thou, Nut! Eternal Seity of heaven, who art the primordial Soul,
who art what was and what shall be, whose veil no mortal has lifted,
when Thou art beneath the irradiating stars of the nocturnal and profound sky of the desert,
with purity of heart and in the flame of the serpent, we call upon Thee’”Pray and meditate intensely. The Divine Mother teaches her children.
This Prayer must be performed while combining meditation with drowsiness. Then Illumination emerges as in visions of dreams. Thus the Divine Mother approaches the devotee in order to instruct them in the great mysteries.
-From Ch.3 of Esoteric Course of Kabalah
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