The Esoteric Antithesis
There are two Lodges that mutually fight each other: the White and the Black. Light and Darkness!
Where the Light shines the most clearly and intensely, thick darkness also coincides.
The double of every Angel of Light is a Demon of Darkness!
Thus, the double of every Temple of Light is, in the same way, a Temple of Darkness.
It is said that Gautama Buddha, the Great Initiate, had a brother and rival named Devadatta whom, according to the Buddhists, is the King of the Infernos. Every person has a “human double” incarnated in him or her. That double is exactly alike in physiognomy, attitudes, manners, in certain capacities, etc.
With this we are not referring to the Esoteric Double or the Astral Double. We are talking about another different type of “personality”: a Twin Soul, an Antithesis, the “Double”. That Double possesses the same Physical features of the person and is exactly an ANTITHESIS.
In the same manner, the White Lodge also has an Antithesis: the Black Lodge. And the Black Magicians of the latter struggle to deviate the human being from the path.
Then, it is necessary, urgent, that we defend ourselves from the attacks of those Tenebrous ones, and to urgently learn how to do so.
DIVERSE FORMS OF ATTACK BY THE TENEBROUS ONESThe Tenebrous ones have, in their evil, infinite resources in order to attack the human being in different ways:
1. During dreams.
2. When one is in the vigil state.
3. With works of Black Magic.
4. With psychic obsessions.
5. With enmities/hostilities
6. With organic illnesses.
7. By means of vice.
8. Through certain aspects of Culture.
9. By means of false Prophets.
10. With the intervention of ‘Inferior Elementaries’.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 10 of Logos, Mantram, Theurgy by Samael Aun Weor
Attacks in the 1st and 2nd States of Consciousness
[1] Those who tread the Path are usually attacked by the Tenebrous ones when they go to sleep.
Temples of Black Magic exist in the Internal Worlds and, of course, their tenebrous members send certain very beautiful and seductive Black Sorceresses or Sorcerers, to wherever the student is, with the only purpose of making them fall sexually.
They know that if the student spills the Seminal Liquid, the Kundalini descends and the weak and unwary student loses their power.
MANTRIC SONGTherefore, it is necessary for the student to learn how to defend him or herself from those nocturnal attacks.
To that effect, the Angel Aroch revealed a Mantric Song to us, for personal defense against the Tenebrous ones.
That song is sung before going to sleep:
Belilin… Belilin… Belilin…
Amphora of Salvation.
I would like to be next You;
Materialism has no strength next to me.
Belilin… Belilin… Belilin…These Mantrams should be sung putting in all our love and sentiment in this manner.
Thus, we defend ourselves from the Tenebrous ones.
Remember that in the dawn of life, the Fathers of the Gods taught the Cosmic Laws to the Constructors of the Universe, singing delightfully.
We must sing these Mantrams with our entire Soul. We must sing them with deep feeling.
In this way we defend ourselves from the Tenebrous ones.
When the human being becomes accustomed to the daily practice of Sexual Magic, then it is impossible for the Tenebrous ones to discharge his valuable Seminal reserve; not merely that, but also, nocturnal emissions end, if there were any.
[2] Black Magicians usually wickedly employ many persons of the opposite sex in order to sexually attack their neighbor in the Vigil State. This constitutes “Temptation”.
Well, in an urgent case where something similar arises, the aforementioned Mantram (“Belilin”) also serves to erect an efficient defense against those perverse temptations.
The man who lets himself be caught by the eyes of all women (and vice versa) will have to resign themselves to living in the abyss.There are women who perform witchcraft on men (and vice versa). These victims should defend themselves incessantly with the Conjurations of the Four and of the Seven.
To achieve INITIATION we have to steal fire from the devil. To achieve INITIATION it is up to us to wage great battles against the Black Lodge.
We can defend ourselves from witchcraft, invoking our own Elemental Intercessor. The Elemental Intercessor knows about herbs, he knows about illumination, he knows about stars, because he is an expert in the Elemental Magic of Nature. He is called upon wholeheartedly when going to bed.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 10 of Logos, Mantram, Theurgy
and from Ch.18 of Manual of Practical Magic by Samael Aun Weor
Bewitchments and their Treatment
[3a] Black Magicians usually employ Black Magic (wickedly and with perseverance) in order to harm their victims.
Then, certain patients with mysterious illnesses frequently attend Doctors’ Offices, saying that they are “bewitched”. And, usually, doctors prescribe bromides and all kinds of medicines for nerves. However, the sick ingest their dose and continue from bad to worse!
One of the most hateful methods and one of the most common used by Black Magicians to harm their victims is that of dolls.
Of course, we abstain from explaining how those dolls are “used” as is done by Tenebrous ones, so as not to provide weapons to certain irresponsible and inhumane subjects.
SYMPTOMS AND THEURGIC THERAPYThe person attacked by means of dolls is easily recognized: he feels a great anguish, intense palpitations of the heart, depression of one’s spirits, piercing pains in the brain, and externally on the temples, pains in the heart, as well as on some regions of the body.
In such cases, healing sessions are organized to cure these “bewitched” patients.
To that effect, the patient will sit on a chair, before a table over which a white tablecloth will be spread.
On the table, will be placed a Christ [a crucifix], a glass of water and a lit candle.
The Thaumaturgist (healer), will also sit in front of the patient
The concerned persons, if any, such as friends or relatives of the patient, will also sit around the table, under the condition of possessing a sincere faith of great strength.
Next, when everything is properly conditioned and set, the Grand Masters of Light will be invoked by saying the following in a loud voice:
“Powers of the kingdom, be ye under my left foot and in my right hand!
Glory and Eternity, take me by the two shoulders, and direct me in the paths of victory!
Mercy and Justice, be ye the equilibrium and splendor of my life!
Intelligence and Wisdom, crown me!
Spirits of Malchuth, lead me betwixt the two pillars upon which rests the whole edifice of the Temple!
Angels of Netsach and Hod, establish me upon the cubic stone of Jesod!
Oh Gedulael! Oh Geburael! Oh Tiphereth! Binael, be my love! Ruach Hochmael, be thou my light! Be that which thou art and thou shalt be! Oh Ketheriel!
Ischim, assist me in the name of Shaddai!
Cherubim, be my strength in the name of Adonai!
Beni-Elohim, be my brethren in the name of the Son, the Christ, and by the virtues of Sabaoth!
Elohim, do battle for me in the name of Te-tra-gra-ma-ton!
Malachim, protect me in the name of Yod-Heh-Vau-Heh!
Seraphim, cleanse my love in the name of Eloah!
Hasmalim, enlighten me with the splendors of Elohim and Shekinah!
Aralim, act!
Ophanim, revolve and shine!
Ha-Jot-Ha-Kadosh, cry, speak, roar, bellow!
Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh!
Shaddai, Adonai, Jot-Chavah, EIEAZEREIE!
Hallelu-Jah, Hallelu-Jah, Hallelu-Jah.
AMEN. AMEN. AMEN.”After having recited with fervor, with intense faith, this invocation, we will beg the Great Masters of Light to heal the patient.
Next, the Theurgist will recite (with all their spiritual strength of a profound faith, and sure of their power) the following Conjuration:
“In the name of Michael, may Jehovah command thee and drive thee hence, Chavajoth!
In the name of Gabriel, may Adonai command thee, and drive thee hence, Bael!
In the name of Raphael, begone before Elial, Samgabiel!
By Samael Zebaoth, and in the name of Elohim Gibor, get thee hence, Andramelech!
By Zachariel et Sachel-Meleck, be obedient unto Elvah, Sanagabril!
By the divine and human name of Shaddai, and by the sign of the Pentagram which I hold
in my right hand, in the name of the angel Anael, by the power of Adam and Eve, who are
Jotchavah, begone Lilith! Let us rest in peace, Nahemah!
By the holy Elohim and by the names of the genii Cashiel, Sehaltiel, Aphiel and Zarahiel, at the command of Orifiel, depart from us Moloch! We deny thee our children to devour!
FIERY DESTRUCTION OF MALIGNANT FLUIDS AND LARVAEBesides, it is convenient to have beside the victim a brazier with well lit red-hot coals.
In this way, the Theurgist will perform fast and vigorous magnetic passes, with his right hand, over those sick organs, and will then cast those harmful and deleterious fluids, that have been unfastened from the victim, into the burning charcoals.
Moreover, it is indispensable to place salt and alcohol in a plate.
But, the salt should be previously prepared with the following exorcism:
In isto sale sit sapientia, et ab omni corruptione servet mentes nostros et corpora nostra, per Chokmael et in virtute Ruach-Chokmael, recedant ab isto fantasmata hylae ut sit sal coelestis, sal terrae et terris salis, ut nutrietur bos triturans et addat spei nostrae cornua auri volantis.
Next, fire is applied on the alcohol so that it burns with the salt. It is in that precise instant that the invocation of Solomon will be prayed.
Once the ceremony is ended, the patient will drink the water on the table, because the sacred medicines are already in that water.
Saint Thomas used to say that Sage and Rue should be used against spells, both as a drink as well as burnt as an aromatic substances.
The procedure we have revealed and taught here to heal the sick who have been harmed by bewitchments with dolls, can be employed successfully to combat all kinds of evil spells.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 10 of Logos, Mantram, Theurgy by Samael Aun Weor
Evil Use of Elementals
[3b] We must warn the student that sorcerers often make their victims ill, not only with “dolls” but also with the “elementals” of some animals. That is why witches or sorcerers possess millions of methods and influences to impiously cause all kinds of harm to their victims.
We met a Black Magician of this type who used to send vampires or bats to the homes of his hated victims with the purpose of causing them fatal harm.
In this manner, this tenebrous man had become wealthy with his “works” of Black Magic, manipulating with malignant ability, his armies of repugnant Bats. He fed these little animals with plantain oils. But, whenever they refused to obey him, he punished them by denying them any type of food.
We keep silent about the procedures of that sorcerer, because we do not teach Black Magic.
“TO SURPRISE AND TRAP SORCERESSES”Naturally, not only sorcerers exist, but sorceresses as well.
These women possess secrets, that we have revealed herein, to submerge their Physical Body within the Fourth Dimension: in this way they sink into the Tenebrous Regions to transport themselves to remote distances and cause unheard-of damages to people.
But, it is easy to trap them: Scissors opened in the form of a Cross are placed on the floor, and one scatters black mustard in the victim’s room.
The witches or sorceresses then fall!
OBJECTIVE TESTIMONYWe knew the case of a lady who did not believe in witches. She was in the same mental situation in which numerous people, who have acquired factors of official culture and become intellectuals, place themselves.
Well, the aforementioned woman visited one, her cousin, who lived in a certain city.
At sunset, the two women saw a black bird, which seemed to be a crow or a turkey buzzard. That bird perched on a tree in the courtyard of the house. From there, it laughed at the two women, while at the same time, it imitated the words that the two women were saying in their conversation.
During the night, the cousin, who comprehended what it was about, placed some scissors in the form of a Cross in the room, and scattered black mustard seed.
The result was marvelous: that strange bird that had not left the tree in the courtyard, entered the room of the house and, after fluttering incessantly, fell on the scissors!
Next, before the cousin’s surprised eyes, it inevitably transformed itself into a woman.
That woman was totally naked. The cousin, angry and inflexible, with a whip in her hand horribly lashed the witch and threw her our naked on the street.
Later some neighbors, feeling sorry for the witch, gave her some clothes to cover her flesh. This case is perfectly historical.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 10 of Logos, Mantram, Theurgy by Samael Aun Weor
The Evil Eye and the Magic Circle of Protection
It seems incredible: there are persons who have a terrible hypnotic force. When they look at a child, sometimes the child inevitably dies.
Symptoms: Great black circles under the eyes; fever in the head; vomiting and diarrhea.
In these cases the Theurgist will make magnetic passes over the whole body of the child, especially on the head and on the face.
In this manner, they will strongly imagine that they are taking out the harmful fluids and then they will immediately hurl them into the embers of well lit charcoal. These passes will be carried out, simultaneously reciting the Conjuration of the Seven of the Wise King Solomon.
In general, thousands of children die in cities due to this illness. When the doctors extend the death certificate they affirm that the young ones died of an intestinal infection. There would be many children who could be saved in cities if their parents utilized formulas to take care of them, without the parents worrying about the free criticism.
The “evil eye” is prevented by adorning the children with small gold rings placed on their little fingers or making them use bracelets of legitimate coral.
The jet stone [azabaches ] can also be used.
Azabaches is ‘jet’ (as in ‘jet-black’) a form of compact, glistening coal often used in jewelry. It is also known as ‘jet stone’, ‘jet mineral’, ‘black amber’ as well as azabaches .
In works of High Magic a magic circle must be traced which will have to be sealed with the Seal of Solomon.
Medallions and rings of the Seal of Solomon can be made with the 7 metals. The Seal of Solomon should be utilized in all works of invocation, and in practices with the Elementals.
The Magical Circle serves as defense from the attacks of the Tenebrous ones.
This Circle should not be completely closed since it will be interrupted in its trajectory by the Seal of Solomon.
This Seal is integrated by the Two Antagonistic Ternaries: the Ternary of Light and the Ternary of Darkness.
The first is the Internal Christ of every Human Being: the Shining Dragon of Wisdom: Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
The second is the Black Dragon of the Three Heads: the “Psychological I”.
And this “Psychological I” is made up of the Three Traitors who assassinated Hiram Abiff, and this Master was, at the same time, the Superior Ternary of the Human Being, one’s Internal God.
The Black Dragon is triune: he controls the Lunar Astral, Mental and Causal bodies.
This is the Medusa whose head is full of poisonous serpents.
Now: every person should decapitate this Medusa with the Flaming Sword of Perseus.
In this manner, then, the disciple who wants to defend themselves against the action of Black Magic should accustom themselves to mentally forming the Circle. This can be done before going to sleep or each time that it is needed.
THE MAGIC CIRCLEWhen you trace the Magic Circle around yourself (whether it is with your sword or only with your Willpower and Imagination united in Vibrant harmony, or with both at the same time), you must pronounce the following Mantrams: “HELION, MELION, TETRAGRAMMATON”
The Magician defends themselves against attacks with the Magic Circle and the Esoteric Pentagram.
-Paraphrase Ch. 10 of Logos, Mantram, Theurgy ,
from Ch.28 of The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of the Tarot and Kabalah
and from the section ‘Magic Circle’ in Occult Medicine and Practical Magic
Psychic Obsessions
[4] Black Magicians also know how to obsess their victims with fixed ideas.
In this same manner, in the Gospel, numerous cases of obsessed ones are written about.
In general, the Mediums of Spiritualism are obsessed by “larvae” that teem in the lower regions of the Astral World and also by demons.
All those cases are cured reciting in front of the ill person the following:
“Caput mortum, imperet tibi dominus per vivum et devotum serpentem!
Cherub, imperet tibi Dominus per Adam Jot Chavah !
Aquila errans, imperet tibi Dominus per alas tauri!
Serpens, imperet tibi Dominus Tetragrammaton, per Angelum et Leonem!
Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Anael!
Fluat udor per Spiritum Elohim
Manet in terra per Adam Jot-Chavah!
Fiat firmamentum per Iahuvehu-Sabaoth!
Fiat judicium per ignem in virtute Michael!
Angel of the blind eyes, obey, or pass away with this holy water!
Work Winged Bull, or revert to the earth, unless thou wilt that I should pierce thee with this sword!
Chained Eagle, obey my sign, or fly before this breathing!
Writhing serpent, crawl at my feet, or be tortured by the sacred fire and give way before the perfumes that I burn in it!
Water, return to water!
Fire, burn!
Air, circulate!
Earth, revert to earth! By virtue of the Pentagram, which is the Morning Star, and by the Name of the Tetragram, which is written in the center of the Cross of Light!
AMEN. AMEN. AMEN.”RITUAL: The Conjuration of the Seven of King Solomon can also be said.
One can also burn, in front of the sick person, Sage and Rue which shall be burnt on the red-hot coals.
The effect will operate the way it has already been explained in the preceding Chapter.
The Pentagon of Solomon will be drawn on the threshold of the door.
The superior angle of the Star of Five Points will be directed towards the inside; the two opposing angles towards the outside. It is painted with charcoal, on the ground.
Afterwards the Tenebrous Ones will be ordered “In the name of the Christ, by the Power of the Christ, by the Majesty of the Christ, to abandon the body of the victim.”
-Paraphrase from Ch. 11 of Logos, Mantram, Theurgy by Samael Aun Weor
Enmities or Hostilities
[5] The Black Magicians create enmities for persons. Enemies attack people because they have been induced by the Black Lodge.
And if the disciple does not know how to moderate themselves or restrain themselves or overcome themselves, then they fail and distance themselves from the Path.
The enemy is controlled and one dissolves enmities with the following Key:
The disciple will lie down on their bed. Relax all the muscles of the body. Fall asleep trying to concentrate oneself on the heart of the enemy. Imagine this heart like a Tabernacle that stores infinite love. Mentally deposit in this heart the picture of the disciple themselves.
A picture filled with love! Then, imagine looking between the eyebrows of that enemy.
Deposit between the two eyebrows, inside the mind of that enemy, the picture, but filled with intense love.
In this exercise, it is necessary that the disciple feel a true love for that enemy that hates the disciple.
Understand that one does not try to feign love: it is indispensable to be able to feel love for that individual who hates us, that is to say: for the enemy.
If, in spite of all of this, this enemy insists on causing harm, then we should work with the Maguey [Agave Americana ].
THE ELEMENTAL OF THE MAGUEYThe student will transport themselves to the outskirts of the city or the town where they live. They will search for a Maguey in the countryside.
With a small stick they will draw a circle on the ground, from right to left, around the Maguey. The dimensions of the circle will be of about eight spans of the hand around the plant.
The Maguey will be blessed. And one will beg the “Elemental” of this plant to transport itself to wherever the enemy is found whose action one is trying to counteract and to disintegrate their evil thoughts.
Then with a knife one cuts a piece of the leaf of the Maguey. This portion will be taken in both hands. And with a compelling will, one orders supreme obedience from the “Elemental” of the Maguey. And it will be ordered to immediately transport itself beside the enemy and to stay beside them disintegrating their evil thoughts.
At the same time Mantrams will be pronounced in the moments of practicing this whole Ritual, which are:
One gives each letter a bell-like resonance.
The result will be surprising.
In this manner the mentioned Elemental will disintegrate the enemy’s evil intentioned thoughts and sentiments of hate, and then they will become a friend. But the fundamental principle in these exercises is to profoundly and wholeheartedly love.
The disciple can also defend themselves from enemies, in pressing and grave cases, with these other Mantrams:KLIM KRISHNAYA, GOVINDAYA, GOPIJANA, VALLABHAYA, SWAHA.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 11 of Logos, Mantram, Theurgy by Samael Aun Weor
Vices and Bad Habits
[7a] The Tenebrous Ones often take advantage of the human being’s tendency towards vices, in order to separate them from the Path and to cause them enormous damage: through the use of liquors, drugs and the practice of fornication, etc. Every disciple or master of the White Lodge will abstain from all of this.
Regarding liquor, some Gnostics who are allowed to sip or taste up to three small drinks or three small glasses of beer. If they drink four, they violate the Law.
[7b] In the Theatres the images and deeds of Black Magic abound, since it is held under their influence. For example, the spectator contemplates a pornographic scene or hears words of a double or malicious sense.
Those tenebrous elements of insane diversion hurt the retina and the ear and even pierce the mind.
Then, the Psychological “I” of each person intervenes, creating a LIVING Effigy [or ‘Mental Effigy’] in the Mental Plane which is absolutely the same as the one that captivated the spectator.
This effigy is endowed with CONSCIOUSNESS and is converted into a true “MENTAL DEMON” with whom the spectator fornicates (more than a few times), during the hours of sleep, thereby producing, as is natural, nocturnal pollutions or wet dreams.
The Cinemas are worse because there are more of them and because of the very noxious popularity that the producers of films have impressed upon them.
The disciples should not go to Movie Theatre. Theatres and Cinemas, today, are unfortunately centers that have been converted (by their audacity towards perversion) into true and unmistakable Temples of Black Magic with their underhanded or declared practices of Black Magic, which are noxious to the mental plane of persons.
[7c] What is worse and certain, as well as desolating, are the conclusions or considerations which can be drawn in relation to Nightclubs [los Centros Nocturnos ] that have caused so much moral evil to the youth of today.
The disciples should know how to defend themselves from these filthy temptations.
[7d] There are women who accumulate, even without knowing it, a great amount of Luciferic force. Many times those women are not so lovely; but they are at the service of Lucifer.
Then the naive disciple feels irresistibly tempted by them; and they struggle but finally, fall in an atmosphere and into a fatal action of temptation. Then they fail on the Path!
These women, with their Luciferic force, truly hypnotize and attract the weak.
There is, by the way, a Sacred Key in order to defend oneself from these terrible temptations: the Lord’s Prayer, prayed with fervor and meditated upon without haste and with a great force of willpower.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 11 of Logos, Mantram, Theurgy by Samael Aun Weor
Negative Action of Culture, False Prophets, Elementaries and Larvaes
[8] The Tenebrous ones are terribly intellectual. We have known Black Magicians brilliant with talent, shining in intellectuality.
Those Tenebrous ones utilize the intellect of the esoteric student as an instrument to separate them from the real Path of the Light.
The Luciferic ones, while being extraordinarily intellectual, are perversely fornicating.
Many aspects of the official culture of the militant culture reveal the intervention or influence of the Tenebrous intellectualizers.
The esoteric student will defend themselves from all these unwholesome and deviated intellectualisms, by listening to the voice of their own heart, like an explorer of the Paths of the Light, like an aspirant of the Superior Worlds, and by listening to the voice of their own sentiments and of their own inner Divinity; their Internal God.
[9] Every false Prophet is fornicating.In this manner, every Prophet who advises the ejaculation of the Seminal Liquor [or Orgasm] is a false Prophet and they are taking orders from the Black Lodge and the Tenebrous ones
“By their fruits, ye shall know them.” [see Matthew 7:16-20]
[10] “Elementaries” often cause harm to persons, who become their victims.There exist various types of “elementaries:” the Caballis , the Phantassmatas , the Incubi , the Succubi , the Dragons, the Basilisc , the Aspis , and the Leos . (We recommend “The Elementals ” by Franz Hartman).
Incubi are engendered by women who spill their Seminal Liquor. Succubi are engendered by males who ejaculate their Seminal Liquor.
The Incubi are masculine; the Succubi are feminine. These “elementaries” incite their progenitors to repeat the act that gave them life. And they live at the expense of the Vital Body of their progenitors: then they weaken them physically.
The Incubi and Succubi are disintegrated with asafoetida. One hurls asafoetida into the red-hot coals. With this perfuming, one cleans the atmosphere of larvae, which are disintegrated.
It is also advisable to put sulphur in the shoes. The etheric vapors that rise from sulphur disintegrate these dangerous larvae.
The Phantasmatas wander at night and introduce themselves into the beds of the fornicators in order to fecundate the spilled semen from which emerge countless larvae of all types.
Sulphur and asafoetida finish off all these larvae. The Larva called ‘Dragon’ invades the bedrooms of prostitutes a lot. It is formed with the Seminal Liquor: disintegrated with sulphur and asafoetida.
The “elementaries” make the disciples fall into the abyss of temptation. That is why every disciple should use sulphur and asafoetida.
Black Magicians utilize all those Larvae in order to deviate and harm the disciples.
When burnt as a perfume, the berries of the Juniper tree cleanse the astral body of all types of larvae.
-Paraphrase from Ch. 11 of Logos, Mantram, Theurgy
and Ch. 1 of Igneous Rose by Samael Aun Weor
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